Commented all functions in the main javascript include file

jonsowman 2011-01-14 23:50:07 +00:00
rodzic 20e5ddb350
commit 91f21399d2
1 zmienionych plików z 29 dodań i 144 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -69,15 +69,19 @@ function displayOld() {
// A prediction has just been requested, so initialise the progress bar
// and fade in the prediction progress window
function predSub() {
appendDebug(null, 1); // clear debug window
appendDebug("Sending data to server...");
// initialise progress bar
// Initialise progress bar
$("#prediction_progress").progressbar({ value: 0 });
$("#prediction_status").html("Sending data to server...");
// Make an AJAX request to the server and get the scenario information
// for a given UUID, then populate the launch card with it
function populateFormByUUID(pred_uuid) {
$.get("ajax.php", { "action":"getModelByUUID", "uuid":pred_uuid }, function(data) {
if ( !data.valid ) {
@ -112,11 +116,14 @@ function populateFormByUUID(pred_uuid) {
}, 'json');
// Add information to the hashstring of the current window
function addHashLink(link) {
var ln = "#!/" + link;
window.location = ln;
// Clear the Launch Site dropdown and repopulate it with the information from
// sites.json, as well as an "Other" option to open the saved locations window
function populateLaunchSite() {
$("#site > option").remove();
$.getJSON("sites.json", function(sites) {
@ -129,6 +136,9 @@ function populateLaunchSite() {
return true;
// The onchange handler for the launch locations dropdown menu, which opens
// the saved locations window if "Other" was chosen; sets the launch card
// lat/lon and plots the new launch location otherwise
function changeLaunchSite() {
var selectedName = $("#site").val();
if ( selectedName == "Other" ) {
@ -150,6 +160,8 @@ function changeLaunchSite() {
// Populate and enable the download CSV, KML and Pan To links, and write the
// time the prediction was run and the model used to the Scenario Info window
function writePredictionInfo(current_uuid, run_time, gfs_timestamp) {
// populate the download links
$("#dlcsv").attr("href", "preds/"+current_uuid+"/flight_path.csv");
@ -162,6 +174,8 @@ function writePredictionInfo(current_uuid, run_time, gfs_timestamp) {
// Hide the launch card and scenario information windows, then fade out the
// map before setting an interval to poll for prediction progress
function handlePred(pred_uuid) {
$("#prediction_status").html("Searching for wind data...");
$("#input_form").hide("slide", { direction: "down" }, 500);
@ -173,6 +187,7 @@ function handlePred(pred_uuid) {
+ pred_uuid + "')", stdPeriod);
// Get the CSV for a UUID and then pass it to the parseCSV() function
function getCSV(pred_uuid) {
$.get("ajax.php", { "action":"getCSV", "uuid":pred_uuid }, function(data) {
if(data != null) {
@ -192,6 +207,10 @@ function getCSV(pred_uuid) {
}, 'json');
// Called at set inervals to examine the progress.json file on the server for
// a UUID to check for progress, and update the progress window
// Also handles high latency connections by increasing the timeout before
// the AJAX request completes and decreasing polling interval
function getJSONProgress(pred_uuid) {
@ -226,6 +245,9 @@ function getJSONProgress(pred_uuid) {
// The contents of progress.json are given to this function to process
// If the prediction has completed, reset the GUI and display the new
// prediction; otherwise update the progress window
function processProgress(progress) {
if ( progress['error'] ) {
@ -272,6 +294,11 @@ function processProgress(progress) {
return true;
// Once a flight path has been returned from the server, this function takes
// an array where each elemt is a line of that file
// Constructs the path, plots the launch/land/burst markers, writes the
// prediction information to the scenario information window and then plots
// the delta square
function parseCSV(lines) {
if( lines.length <= 0 ) {
appendDebug("The server returned an empty CSV file");
@ -405,6 +432,7 @@ function parseCSV(lines) {
return true;
// Return the size of a given associative array
function getAssocSize(arr) {
var i = 0;
for ( j in arr ) {
@ -413,149 +441,6 @@ function getAssocSize(arr) {
return i;
function setupEventHandlers() {
// Attach form submit event handler to Run Prediction button
url: 'ajax.php?action=submitForm',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
if ( data.valid == "false" ) {
// If something went wrong, write the error messages to
// the debug window
appendDebug("The server rejected the submitted form data:");
// And throw an error window to alert the user of what happened
throwError("The server rejected the submitted form data: \n"
+ data.error);
} else if ( data.valid == "true" ) {
appendDebug("The server accepted the form data");
// Update the global current_uuid variable
current_uuid = data.uuid;
appendDebug("The server gave us uuid:<br>" + current_uuid);
appendDebug("Starting to poll for progress JSON");
} else {
appendDebug("data.valid was not a recognised state: "
+ data.valid);
// Location saving to cookies event handlers
$("#req_sub_btn").click(function() {
$("#cookieLocations").click(function() {
appendDebug("User requested locally saved launch sites");
if ( constructCookieLocationsTable("cusf_predictor") ) {
$("#req_open").click(function() {
var lat = $("#lat").val();
var lon = $("#lon").val();
appendDebug("Trying to reverse geo-code the launch point");
rvGeocode(lat, lon, "req_name");
$("#req_close").click(function() {
$("#locations_close").click(function() {
// Activate the "Set with Map" link
$("#setWithClick").click(function() {
// Activate the "use burst calc" links
$("#burst-calc-show").click(function() {
$("#burst-calc-use").click(function() {
// Write the ascent rate and burst altitude to the launch card
$("#burst-calc-close").click(function() {
// Close the burst calc without doing anything
$("#burst-calc-advanced-show").click(function() {
// Show the burst calculator constants
$("#burst-calc-advanced-hide").click(function() {
// Show the burst calculator constants
// Launch card parameter onchange event handlers
$("#lat").change(function() {
$("#lon").change(function() {
$("#delta_lat").change(function() {
$("#delta_lon").change(function() {
$("#site").change(function() {
// Controls in the Scenario Information window
$("#showHideDebug").click(function() {
toggleWindow("scenario_template", "showHideDebug", "Show Debug", "Hide Debug");
$("#showHideDebug_status").click(function() {
toggleWindow("scenario_template", "showHideDebug", "Show Debug", "Hide Debug");
$("#showHideForm").click(function() {
toggleWindow("input_form", "showHideForm", "Show Launch Card",
"Hide Launch Card");
$("#closeErrorWindow").click(function() {
$("#about_window_show").click(function() {
buttons: {
Close: function() {
// Tipsylink tooltip class activation
$(".tipsyLink").tipsy({fade: true});
// Add the onmove event handler to the map canvas
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'mousemove', function(event) {
function POSIXtoHM(timestamp, format) {
// using JS port of PHP's date()
var ts = new Date();