## Contribution Guidelines - Recently quality of MOOCs has diminished, therefore only MOOCs with comprehensive lecture material which cover a subject/topic in ample detail will be added. For example, MOOC on Computer Networks or Machine Learning with 4-5 hours may not be able to cover all topics in sufficient detail and thus should be avoided. - One philosophy used in this list while integrating MOOCs is that link should directly point to videos for viewing/downloading than registration and waiting for the next session. If videos are directly accessible through the platform/youtube or any other source, please use the direct source. This is list of video courses, not a list of MOOCs. - Courses within a section are roughly sorted in terms of level i.e. undergraduate courses followed by upper level undergraduate, followed by graduate courses. As courses are from multiple Universities, sorting is not perfect and only an approximation. For example, while adding a new undergraduate course on Algorithms, please feel free to add it along with other Algorithms courses than after graduate courses.