Update NOTES.md

Developer-Y 2023-11-12 11:52:29 +05:30 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 15e57b4e4f
commit 55054e4c21
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 zmienionych plików z 1 dodań i 1 usunięć

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@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
- [Stanford Program Sheets](https://cs.stanford.edu/degrees/ug/ProgramSheets.shtml)
- [Stanford Course and Requirement Overview](https://cs.stanford.edu/degrees/ug/Requirements.shtml)
- [UMN Computer Science Course Prerequisite Chart](https://onestop.umn.edu/registration/register-classes/course-prerequisites)
- Disclaimer: The links have been taken from public domain websites like Open courseware sites, class-central, YouTube channels for Universities, University pages, Google, itunes U, blog posts, and similar sites like awesome-courses, etc. If you are University Professor for any course listed below and would like Your course to be removed from the list, please raise an issue with course details.
- Disclaimer: The links have been taken from public domain websites like Open courseware sites, class-central, YouTube channels for Universities, University pages, Google, itunes U, blog posts, and similar sites like awesome-courses, etc. If you are University Professor for any course listed in this repository and You would like your course to be removed from the list, please raise a pull request with comment stating its your content and you would like it to be removed.