kopia lustrzana https://github.com/corrscope/corrscope
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from functools import wraps
from itertools import chain
from typing import Callable, Tuple, TypeVar, Iterator
import numpy as np
def ceildiv(n, d):
return -(-n // d)
def coalesce(*args):
if len(args) == 0:
raise TypeError('coalesce expected 1 argument, got 0')
for arg in args:
if arg is not None:
return arg
return args[-1]
T = TypeVar('T')
# Adapted from https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/2269#issuecomment-14436725
def find(a: 'np.ndarray[T]', predicate: 'Callable[[np.ndarray[T]], np.ndarray[bool]]',
chunk_size=1024) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[int], T]]:
Find the indices of array elements that match the predicate.
a : array_like
Input data, must be 1D.
predicate : function
A function which operates on sections of the given array, returning
element-wise True or False for each data value.
chunk_size : integer
The length of the chunks to use when searching for matching indices.
For high probability predicates, a smaller number will make this
function quicker, similarly choose a larger number for low
index_generator : generator
A generator of (indices, data value) tuples which make the predicate
See Also
where, nonzero
This function is best used for finding the first, or first few, data values
which match the predicate.
>>> a = np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi, 200))
>>> result = find(a, lambda arr: arr > 0.9)
>>> next(result)
((71, ), 0.900479032457)
>>> np.where(a > 0.9)[0][0]
if a.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError('The array must be 1D, not {}.'.format(a.ndim))
i0 = 0
chunk_inds = chain(range(chunk_size, a.size, chunk_size), [None])
for i1 in chunk_inds:
chunk = a[i0:i1]
for idx in predicate(chunk).nonzero()[0]:
yield (idx + i0, ), chunk[idx]
i0 = i1
# Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/9458386
def curry(x, argc=None):
if argc is None:
argc = x.__code__.co_argcount
def p(*a):
if len(a) == argc:
return x(*a)
def q(*b):
return x(*(a + b))
return curry(q, argc - len(a))
return p