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import attr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pytest_mock
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
# Pycharm assumes anything called "fixture" is pytest.fixture.
from pytest_cases import fixture
from corrscope import triggers
from corrscope.triggers import (
from corrscope.wave import Wave
parametrize = pytest.mark.parametrize
triggers.SHOW_TRIGGER = False
def trigger_template(**kwargs) -> CorrelationTriggerConfig:
cfg = CorrelationTriggerConfig(edge_strength=2, responsiveness=1)
return attr.evolve(cfg, **kwargs)
# Ideally I'd test mean_responsiveness as well, but that makes the test suite too slow.
# Perhaps I could change 1-3 parameters at a time, rather than the cross product of all
# parameters (
@parametrize("sign_strength", [0, 1])
@parametrize("buffer_strength", [0, 1])
@parametrize("reset_below", [0, 1])
@parametrize("pitch_tracking", [None, SpectrumConfig()])
def trigger_cfg(
sign_strength, buffer_strength, reset_below, pitch_tracking
) -> CorrelationTriggerConfig:
return trigger_template(
FPS = 60
is_odd = parametrize("is_odd", [False, True])
# CorrelationTrigger overall tests
@parametrize("post_trigger", [None, ZeroCrossingTriggerConfig()])
def test_trigger(trigger_cfg, is_odd: bool, post_trigger):
"""Ensures that trigger can locate
the first positive sample of a -+ step exactly,
without off-by-1 errors.
See CorrelationTrigger and Wave.get_around() docstrings.
wave = Wave("tests/step2400.wav")
trigger_cfg = attr.evolve(trigger_cfg, post_trigger=post_trigger)
iters = 5
plot = False
x0 = 2400
x = x0 - 50
trigger: CorrelationTrigger = trigger_cfg(
wave, 400 + int(is_odd), stride=1, fps=FPS
if plot:
BIG = 0.95
SMALL = 0.05
fig, axes = plt.subplots(
iters, gridspec_kw=dict(top=BIG, right=BIG, bottom=SMALL, left=SMALL)
) # type: Figure, Axes
axes = range(iters)
for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
if i:
offset = trigger.get_trigger(x, PerFrameCache()).result
assert offset == x0, offset
if plot:
ax.plot(trigger._corr_buffer, label=str(i))
if plot:
def test_mean_subtraction(trigger_cfg, mocker: "pytest_mock.MockFixture"):
Ensure that trigger subtracts mean properly in all configurations.
- Due to a regression, mean was not subtracted when sign_strength = 0.
This caused get_period() to malfunction.
wave = Wave("tests/step2400.wav")
get_period = mocker.spy(triggers, "get_period")
trigger = trigger_cfg(wave, tsamp=100, stride=1, fps=FPS)
cache = PerFrameCache()
trigger.get_trigger(2600, cache) # step2400.wav
(data, *args), kwargs = get_period.call_args
assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray)
assert abs(np.mean(data)) < 0.01
@parametrize("post_trigger", [None, ZeroCrossingTriggerConfig()])
def test_post_stride(post_trigger):
Test that stride is respected when post_trigger is disabled,
and ignored when post_trigger is enabled.
cfg = trigger_template(post_trigger=post_trigger, post_radius=10)
wave = Wave("tests/sine440.wav")
iters = 5
x0 = 24000
stride = 4
def trigger(pos):
# We have to generate a new trigger object each time, because
# CorrelationTrigger.get_trigger() never goes backwards, which violates the
# stride quantization we're testing for in the "if not cfg.post_trigger" branch.
trigger = cfg(wave, tsamp=150 // stride, stride=stride, fps=FPS)
cache = PerFrameCache()
return trigger.get_trigger(pos, cache).result
init_offset = trigger(x0)
for i in range(1, iters):
offset = trigger(x0 + i)
if not cfg.post_trigger:
assert (offset - init_offset) % stride == i % stride, f"iteration {i}"
assert offset == pytest.approx(x0, abs=9), f"iteration {i}"
assert offset == pytest.approx(init_offset, abs=1), f"iteration {i}"
assert offset == pytest.approx(x0, abs=1), f"iteration {i}"
@parametrize("post_trigger", [None, ZeroCrossingTriggerConfig()])
@parametrize("double_negate", [False, True])
def test_trigger_direction(post_trigger, double_negate):
Right now, MainTrigger is responsible for negating wave.amplification
if edge_direction == -1.
And triggers should not actually access edge_direction.
index = 2400
wave = Wave("tests/step2400.wav")
if double_negate:
wave.amplification = -1
cfg = trigger_template(post_trigger=post_trigger, edge_direction=-1)
cfg = trigger_template(post_trigger=post_trigger)
trigger = cfg(wave, 100, 1, FPS)
cfg.edge_direction = None
assert trigger._wave.amplification == 1
cache = PerFrameCache()
for dx in [-10, 10, 0]:
assert trigger.get_trigger(index + dx, cache).result == index
def test_trigger_out_of_bounds(trigger_cfg):
"""Ensure out-of-bounds triggering with stride does not crash.
(why does stride matter? IDK.)"""
wave = Wave("tests/sine440.wav")
# period = 48000 / 440 = 109.(09)*
stride = 4
trigger = trigger_cfg(wave, tsamp=100, stride=stride, fps=FPS)
# real window_samp = window_samp*stride
# period = 109
trigger.get_trigger(0, PerFrameCache())
trigger.get_trigger(-1000, PerFrameCache())
trigger.get_trigger(50000, PerFrameCache())
def test_when_does_trigger_recalc_window():
cfg = trigger_template(recalc_semitones=1.0)
wave = Wave("tests/sine440.wav")
trigger: CorrelationTrigger = cfg(wave, tsamp=1000, stride=1, fps=FPS)
for x in [0, 1, 1000]:
assert trigger._is_window_invalid(x), x
trigger._prev_period = 100
for x in [0, 99, 101]:
assert not trigger._is_window_invalid(x), x
for x in [80, 120]:
assert trigger._is_window_invalid(x), x
trigger._prev_period = 0
x = 0
assert not trigger._is_window_invalid(x), x
for x in [1, 100]:
assert trigger._is_window_invalid(x), x
# Test post triggering by itself
def test_post_trigger_radius():
Ensure ZeroCrossingTrigger has no off-by-1 errors when locating edges,
and slides at a fixed rate if no edge is found.
wave = Wave("tests/step2400.wav")
center = 2400
radius = 5
cfg = ZeroCrossingTriggerConfig()
post = cfg(wave, radius, 1, FPS)
cache = PerFrameCache(smoothed_mean=0)
for offset in range(-radius, radius + 1):
assert post.get_trigger(center + offset, cache) == center, offset
for offset in [radius + 1, radius + 2, 100]:
assert post.get_trigger(center - offset, cache) == center - offset + radius
assert post.get_trigger(center + offset, cache) == center + offset - radius
# Test pitch-tracking (spectrum)
def test_correlate_offset():
Catches bug where writing N instead of Ncorr
prevented function from returning positive numbers.
Right now, correlate_spectrum() is identical to correlate_data().
approx = lambda x: x
# Ensure autocorrelation on random data returns peak at 0.
N = 100
spectrum = np.random.random(N)
assert correlate_spectrum(spectrum, spectrum, 12).peak == approx(0)
# Ensure cross-correlation of time-shifted impulses works.
# Assume wave where y=[i==99].
wave = np.eye(N)[::-1]
# Taking a slice beginning at index i will produce an impulse at 99-i.
left = wave[30]
right = wave[40]
# We need to slide `left` to the right by 10 samples, and vice versa.
for radius in [None, 12]:
assert correlate_spectrum(
data=left, prev_buffer=right, radius=radius
).peak == approx(10)
assert correlate_spectrum(
data=right, prev_buffer=left, radius=radius
).peak == approx(-10)
# Test the ability to load legacy TriggerConfig
def test_load_trigger_config():
from corrscope.config import yaml
# Ensure no exceptions
trigger_strength: 3
responsiveness: 0.2
falloff_width: 2
# TODO test_period get_period()