kopia lustrzana https://github.com/corrscope/corrscope
144 wiersze
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144 wiersze
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import shlex
from os.path import abspath
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
import click
import pytest
from click.testing import CliRunner
import corrscope.channel
from corrscope import cli
from corrscope.cli import YAML_NAME
from corrscope.config import yaml
from corrscope.outputs import FFmpegOutputConfig
from corrscope.corrscope import Config, CorrScope, Arguments
from corrscope.util import pushd
import pytest_mock
def call_main(argv):
return CliRunner().invoke(cli.main, argv, catch_exceptions=False, standalone_mode=False)
# corrscope configuration sinks
def yaml_sink(mocker: 'pytest_mock.MockFixture', command: str):
""" Mocks yaml.dump() and returns call args. Does not test dumping to string. """
dump = mocker.patch.object(yaml, 'dump')
argv = shlex.split(command) + ['-w']
(cfg, stream), kwargs = dump.call_args
assert isinstance(cfg, Config)
return (cfg, stream)
def player_sink(mocker: 'pytest_mock.MockFixture', command: str):
CorrScope = mocker.patch.object(cli, 'CorrScope')
argv = shlex.split(command) + ['-p']
args, kwargs = CorrScope.call_args
cfg = args[0]
assert isinstance(cfg, Config)
return (cfg,)
@pytest.fixture(params=[yaml_sink, player_sink])
def any_sink(request) -> Callable[['pytest_mock.MockFixture', str], tuple]:
sink = request.param
return sink
# corrscope configuration sources
def test_no_files(any_sink, mocker):
with pytest.raises(click.ClickException):
any_sink(mocker, '')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('wav_dir', '. tests'.split())
def test_file_dirs(any_sink, mocker, wav_dir):
""" Ensure loading files from `dir` places `dir/*.wav` in config. """
wavs = Path(wav_dir).glob('*.wav')
wavs = sorted(str(x) for x in wavs)
cfg = any_sink(mocker, wav_dir)[0]
assert isinstance(cfg, Config)
assert [chan.wav_path for chan in cfg.channels] == wavs
def q(path: Path) -> str:
return shlex.quote(str(path))
def test_write_dir(mocker):
""" Loading `--audio another/dir` should write YAML to current dir.
Writing YAML to audio dir: causes relative paths (relative to pwd) to break. """
audio_path = Path('tests/sine440.wav')
arg_str = f'tests -a {q(audio_path)}'
cfg, outpath = yaml_sink(mocker, arg_str) # type: Config, Path
assert isinstance(outpath, Path)
# Ensure YAML config written to current dir.
assert outpath.parent == Path()
assert outpath.name == str(outpath)
assert str(outpath) == audio_path.with_suffix(YAML_NAME).name
# Ensure config paths are valid.
assert outpath.parent / cfg.master_audio == audio_path
def test_load_yaml_another_dir(mocker, Popen):
""" YAML file located in `another/dir` should resolve `master_audio`, `channels[].
wav_path`, and video `path` from `another/dir`. """
subdir = 'tests'
wav = 'sine440.wav'
mp4 = 'sine440.mp4'
with pushd(subdir):
arg_str = f'{wav} -a {wav}'
cfg, outpath = yaml_sink(mocker, arg_str) # type: Config, Path
cfg.begin_time = 100 # To skip all actual rendering
# Log execution of CorrScope().play()
Wave = mocker.spy(corrscope.channel, 'Wave')
# Issue: this test does not use cli.main() to compute output path.
# Possible solution: Call cli.main() via Click runner.
output = FFmpegOutputConfig(cli.get_path(cfg.master_audio, cli.VIDEO_NAME))
corr = CorrScope(cfg, Arguments(subdir, [output]))
# Compute absolute paths
wav_abs = abspath(f'{subdir}/{wav}')
mp4_abs = abspath(f'{subdir}/{mp4}')
# Test `wave_path`
args, kwargs = Wave.call_args
cfg, wave_path = args
assert wave_path == wav_abs
# Test output `master_audio` and video `path`
args, kwargs = Popen.call_args
argv = args[0]
assert argv[-1] == mp4_abs
assert f'-i {wav_abs}' in ' '.join(argv)
# TODO integration test without --audio