Update README.md

sh123 2023-04-24 20:40:45 +03:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 2ed8a4074d
commit 77c307ca3c
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README.md vendored
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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ What you can do with this app:
- Use application as APRS digirepeater
- Use application as APRS-IS RX/TX iGate to forward packets to/from APRS-IS (Internet)
- Use application as APRS-IS internet tracker to send/receive APRS data over Internet
- Send and receive text packets in lora-aprs format over KISS
- Integrate with hardware/software
- Use it with your KISS Bluetooth/BLE/USB/TCPIP hardware modem, such as LoRa/FSK/AFSK/etc, control its parameters by using "set hardware" KISS command
- Use it with KISS software modem using TCPIP, such as Direwolf