import * as fs from 'node:fs' import * as os from 'node:os' import * as path from 'node:path' import * as url from 'node:url' import delay from 'delay' import { TimeoutError } from 'p-timeout' import type { Browser, Page, Protocol, PuppeteerLaunchOptions } from 'puppeteer' import puppeteer from 'puppeteer-extra' import RecaptchaPlugin from 'puppeteer-extra-plugin-recaptcha' import StealthPlugin from 'puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth' import random from 'random' import * as types from './types' puppeteer.use(StealthPlugin()) let hasRecaptchaPlugin = false let hasNopechaExtension = false const __dirname = url.fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url)) /** * Represents everything that's required to pass into `ChatGPTAPI` in order * to authenticate with the unofficial ChatGPT API. */ export type OpenAIAuth = { userAgent: string clearanceToken: string sessionToken: string cookies?: Record } /** * Bypasses OpenAI's use of Cloudflare to get the cookies required to use * ChatGPT. Uses Puppeteer with a stealth plugin under the hood. * * If you pass `email` and `password`, then it will log into the account and * include a `sessionToken` in the response. * * If you don't pass `email` and `password`, then it will just return a valid * `clearanceToken`. * * This can be useful because `clearanceToken` expires after ~2 hours, whereas * `sessionToken` generally lasts much longer. We recommend renewing your * `clearanceToken` every hour or so and creating a new instance of `ChatGPTAPI` * with your updated credentials. */ export async function getOpenAIAuth({ email, password, browser, page, timeoutMs = 2 * 60 * 1000, isGoogleLogin = false, captchaToken = process.env.CAPTCHA_TOKEN, nopechaKey = process.env.NOPECHA_KEY, executablePath, proxyServer = process.env.PROXY_SERVER, }: { email?: string password?: string browser?: Browser page?: Page timeoutMs?: number isGoogleLogin?: boolean captchaToken?: string nopechaKey?: string executablePath?: string, proxyServer?: string }): Promise { const origBrowser = browser const origPage = page try { if (!browser) { browser = await getBrowser({ captchaToken, nopechaKey, executablePath, proxyServer }) } const userAgent = await browser.userAgent() if (!page) { page = (await browser.pages())[0] || (await browser.newPage()) page.setDefaultTimeout(timeoutMs) } await page.goto('', { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' }) // NOTE: this is where you may encounter a CAPTCHA await checkForChatGPTAtCapacity(page, { timeoutMs }) if (hasRecaptchaPlugin) { const captchas = await page.findRecaptchas() if (captchas?.filtered?.length) { console.log('solving captchas using 2captcha...') const res = await page.solveRecaptchas() console.log('captcha result', res) } } // once we get to this point, the Cloudflare cookies should be available // login as well (optional) if (email && password) { await waitForConditionOrAtCapacity(page, () => page.waitForSelector('#__next .btn-primary', { timeout: timeoutMs }) ) await delay(500) // click login button and wait for navigation to finish await Promise.all([ page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle2', timeout: timeoutMs }),'#__next .btn-primary') ]) await checkForChatGPTAtCapacity(page, { timeoutMs }) let submitP: () => Promise if (isGoogleLogin) { await'button[data-provider="google"]') await page.waitForSelector('input[type="email"]') await page.type('input[type="email"]', email, { delay: 10 }) await Promise.all([ page.waitForNavigation(), await'Enter') ]) await page.waitForSelector('input[type="password"]', { visible: true }) await page.type('input[type="password"]', password, { delay: 10 }) submitP = () =>'Enter') } else { await page.waitForSelector('#username') await page.type('#username', email, { delay: 20 }) await delay(100) // NOTE: this is where you may encounter a CAPTCHA if (hasNopechaExtension) { await waitForRecaptcha(page, { timeoutMs }) } else if (hasRecaptchaPlugin) { console.log('solving captchas using 2captcha...') const res = await page.solveRecaptchas() if (res.captchas?.length) { console.log('captchas result', res) } else { console.log('no captchas found') } } await delay(1200) const frame = page.mainFrame() const submit = await page.waitForSelector('button[type="submit"]', { timeout: timeoutMs }) frame.focus('button[type="submit"]') await submit.focus() await await page.waitForSelector('#password', { timeout: timeoutMs }) await page.type('#password', password, { delay: 10 }) submitP = () =>'button[type="submit"]') } await Promise.all([ waitForConditionOrAtCapacity(page, () => page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle2', timeout: timeoutMs }) ), submitP() ]) } else { await delay(2000) await checkForChatGPTAtCapacity(page, { timeoutMs }) } const pageCookies = await page.cookies() const cookies = pageCookies.reduce( (map, cookie) => ({, []: cookie }), {} ) const authInfo: OpenAIAuth = { userAgent, clearanceToken: cookies['cf_clearance']?.value, sessionToken: cookies['__Secure-next-auth.session-token']?.value, cookies } return authInfo } catch (err) { throw err } finally { if (origBrowser) { if (page && page !== origPage) { await page.close() } } else if (browser) { await browser.close() } page = null browser = null } } /** * Launches a non-puppeteer instance of Chrome. Note that in my testing, I wasn't * able to use the built-in `puppeteer` version of Chromium because Cloudflare * recognizes it and blocks access. */ export async function getBrowser( opts: PuppeteerLaunchOptions & { captchaToken?: string nopechaKey?: string proxyServer?: string } = {} ) { const { captchaToken = process.env.CAPTCHA_TOKEN, nopechaKey = process.env.NOPECHA_KEY, executablePath = defaultChromeExecutablePath(), proxyServer = process.env.PROXY_SERVER, ...launchOptions } = opts if (captchaToken && !hasRecaptchaPlugin) { hasRecaptchaPlugin = true // console.log('use captcha', captchaToken) puppeteer.use( RecaptchaPlugin({ provider: { id: '2captcha', token: captchaToken }, visualFeedback: true // colorize reCAPTCHAs (violet = detected, green = solved) }) ) } const puppeteerArgs = [ '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', '--disable-infobars', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled', '--ignore-certificate-errors', '--no-first-run', '--no-service-autorun', '--password-store=basic', '--system-developer-mode', // the following flags all try to reduce memory // '--single-process', '--mute-audio', '--disable-default-apps', '--no-zygote', '--disable-accelerated-2d-canvas', '--disable-web-security', '--disable-gpu' // '--js-flags="--max-old-space-size=1024"' ] if (nopechaKey) { const nopechaPath = path.join( __dirname, '..', 'third-party', 'nopecha-chrome-extension' ) puppeteerArgs.push(`--disable-extensions-except=${nopechaPath}`) puppeteerArgs.push(`--load-extension=${nopechaPath}`) hasNopechaExtension = true } if (proxyServer) { puppeteerArgs.push(`--proxy-server=${proxyServer}`) } const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false, // args: puppeteerArgs, ignoreDefaultArgs: [ '--disable-extensions', '--enable-automation', '--disable-component-extensions-with-background-pages' ], ignoreHTTPSErrors: true, executablePath, ...launchOptions }) if (process.env.PROXY_VALIDATE_IP) { const page = (await browser.pages())[0] || (await browser.newPage()) // send a fetch request to using page.evaluate() and verify the IP matches let ip; try { ({ ip } = await page.evaluate(() => { return fetch('', { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' } }).then((res) => res.json()) })); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Proxy IP validation failed: ${err.message}`) } if (ip !== process.env.PROXY_VALIDATE_IP) { throw new Error(`Proxy IP mismatch: ${ip} !== ${process.env.PROXY_VALIDATE_IP}`) } } // TOdO: this is a really hackity hack way of setting the API key... if (hasNopechaExtension) { const page = (await browser.pages())[0] || (await browser.newPage()) await page.goto(`${nopechaKey}`) await delay(1000) try { const page3 = await browser.newPage() await page.close() // find the nopecha extension ID const targets = browser.targets() const extensionIds = ( await Promise.all( (target) => { if (target.type() !== 'service_worker') { return } // const titleL = title?.toLowerCase() // if (titleL?.includes('nopecha')) const url = new URL(target.url()) return url.hostname }) ) ).filter(Boolean) const extensionId = extensionIds[0] if (extensionId) { const extensionUrl = `chrome-extension://${extensionId}/popup.html` await page3.goto(extensionUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' }) await delay(500) const editKey = await page3.waitForSelector('#edit_key .clickable') await const settingsInput = await page3.waitForSelector('input.settings_text') // console.log('value1', await settingsInput.evaluate((el) => el.value)) await settingsInput.evaluate((el) => { el.value = '' }) await settingsInput.type(nopechaKey) // console.log('value2', await settingsInput.evaluate((el) => el.value)) await settingsInput.evaluate((el, value) => { el.value = value }, nopechaKey) // console.log('value3', await settingsInput.evaluate((el) => el.value)) await'Enter') await delay(500) await await delay(2000) console.log('initialized nopecha extension with key', nopechaKey) } else { console.error( "error initializing nopecha extension; couldn't determine extension ID" ) } } catch (err) { console.error('error initializing nopecha extension', err) } } return browser } /** * Gets the default path to chrome's executable for the current platform. */ export const defaultChromeExecutablePath = (): string => { if (process.env.PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH) { return process.env.PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH } switch (os.platform()) { case 'win32': return 'C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe' case 'darwin': return '/Applications/Google Chrome' default: { /** * Since two (2) separate chrome releases exist on linux, we first do a * check to ensure we're executing the right one. */ const chromeExists = fs.existsSync('/usr/bin/google-chrome') return chromeExists ? '/usr/bin/google-chrome' : '/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable' } } } async function checkForChatGPTAtCapacity( page: Page, opts: { timeoutMs?: number pollingIntervalMs?: number retries?: number } = {} ) { const { timeoutMs = 2 * 60 * 1000, // 2 minutes pollingIntervalMs = 3000, retries = 10 } = opts // console.log('checkForChatGPTAtCapacity', page.url()) let isAtCapacity = false let numTries = 0 do { try { await solveSimpleCaptchas(page) const res = await page.$x("//div[contains(., 'ChatGPT is at capacity')]") isAtCapacity = !!res?.length if (isAtCapacity) { if (++numTries >= retries) { break } // try refreshing the page if chatgpt is at capacity await page.reload({ waitUntil: 'networkidle2', timeout: timeoutMs }) await delay(pollingIntervalMs) } } catch (err) { // ignore errors likely due to navigation ++numTries break } } while (isAtCapacity) if (isAtCapacity) { const error = new types.ChatGPTError('ChatGPT is at capacity') error.statusCode = 503 throw error } } async function waitForConditionOrAtCapacity( page: Page, condition: () => Promise, opts: { pollingIntervalMs?: number } = {} ) { const { pollingIntervalMs = 500 } = opts return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let resolved = false async function waitForCapacityText() { if (resolved) { return } try { await checkForChatGPTAtCapacity(page) if (!resolved) { setTimeout(waitForCapacityText, pollingIntervalMs) } } catch (err) { if (!resolved) { resolved = true return reject(err) } } } condition() .then(() => { if (!resolved) { resolved = true resolve() } }) .catch((err) => { if (!resolved) { resolved = true reject(err) } }) setTimeout(waitForCapacityText, pollingIntervalMs) }) } async function solveSimpleCaptchas(page: Page) { try { const verifyYouAreHuman = await page.$('text=Verify you are human') if (verifyYouAreHuman) { await delay(2000) await{ delay:, 25) }) await delay(1000) } const cloudflareButton = await page.$('.hcaptcha-box') if (cloudflareButton) { await delay(2000) await{ delay:, 25) }) await delay(1000) } } catch (err) { // ignore errors } } async function waitForRecaptcha( page: Page, opts: { pollingIntervalMs?: number timeoutMs?: number } = {} ) { await solveSimpleCaptchas(page) if (!hasNopechaExtension) { return } const { pollingIntervalMs = 100, timeoutMs } = opts const captcha = await page.$('textarea#g-recaptcha-response') const startTime = if (captcha) { console.log('waiting to solve recaptcha...') do { const value = (await captcha.evaluate((el) => el.value))?.trim() if (value?.length) { // recaptcha has been solved! break } if (timeoutMs) { const now = if (now - startTime >= timeoutMs) { throw new TimeoutError('Timed out waiting to solve Recaptcha') } } await delay(pollingIntervalMs) } while (true) } }