import { createParser } from 'eventsource-parser' import * as types from './types' import { fetch as globalFetch } from './fetch' import { streamAsyncIterable } from './stream-async-iterable' export async function fetchSSE( url: string, options: Parameters[1] & { onMessage: (data: string) => void onError?: (error: any) => void }, fetch: types.FetchFn = globalFetch ) { const { onMessage, onError, ...fetchOptions } = options const res = await fetch(url, fetchOptions) if (!res.ok) { let reason: string try { reason = await res.text() } catch (err) { reason = res.statusText } const msg = `ChatGPT error ${res.status}: ${reason}` const error = new types.ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: res }) error.statusCode = res.status error.statusText = res.statusText throw error } const parser = createParser((event) => { if (event.type === 'event') { onMessage( } }) // handle special response errors const feed = (chunk: string) => { let response = null try { response = JSON.parse(chunk) } catch { // ignore } if (response?.detail?.type === 'invalid_request_error') { const msg = `ChatGPT error ${response.detail.message}: ${response.detail.code} (${response.detail.type})` const error = new types.ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: response }) error.statusCode = response.detail.code error.statusText = response.detail.message if (onError) { onError(error) } else { console.error(error) } // don't feed to the event parser return } parser.feed(chunk) } if (!res.body.getReader) { // Vercel polyfills `fetch` with `node-fetch`, which doesn't conform to // web standards, so this is a workaround... const body: NodeJS.ReadableStream = res.body as any if (!body.on || ! { throw new types.ChatGPTError('unsupported "fetch" implementation') } body.on('readable', () => { let chunk: string | Buffer while (null !== (chunk = { feed(chunk.toString()) } }) } else { for await (const chunk of streamAsyncIterable(res.body)) { const str = new TextDecoder().decode(chunk) feed(str) } } }