kopia lustrzana https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-api
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import defaultKy, { type KyInstance } from 'ky'
import pThrottle from 'p-throttle'
import { z } from 'zod'
import type { DeepNullable } from '../types.js'
import { assert, getEnv, throttleKy } from '../utils.js'
import { aiFunction, AIFunctionsProvider } from '../fns.js'
import { assert, getEnv, pruneUndefined, throttleKy } from '../utils.js'
export namespace predictleads {
export const throttle = pThrottle({
@ -11,6 +13,9 @@ export namespace predictleads {
strict: true
export const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 100
export const MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 1000
export type Meta = DeepNullable<{
count: number
message?: string | null
@ -182,13 +187,284 @@ export namespace predictleads {
export type JobOpeningByIdResponse = Omit<JobOpeningResponse, 'meta'>
export const EventCategorySchema = z.union([
'Company hired new executive or senior personnel. (leadership)'
'Company promoted existing executive or senior personnel. (leadership)'
.describe('Executive or senior personnel left the company. (leadership)'),
'Executive or senior personnel retires from the company. (leadership)'
.describe('Company acquired other company. (acquisition)'),
.describe('Company merges with other company. (acquisition)'),
'Company sells assets (like properties or warehouses) to other company. (acquisition)'
'Company opens new offices in another town, state, country or continent. (expansion)'
.describe('Company expands existing offices. (expansion)'),
'Company opens new or expands existing facilities like warehouses, data centers, manufacturing plants etc. (expansion)'
'Company opens new service location like hotels, restaurants, bars, hospitals etc. (expansion)'
.describe('Company offers new job vacancies. (expansion)'),
.describe('Company launches new offering. (new_offering)'),
.describe('Company integrates with other company. (new_offering)'),
.describe('Company begins development of a new offering. (new_offering)'),
'Company receives investment like venture funding, loan, grant etc. (investment)'
.describe('Company invests into other company. (investment)'),
'Company invests into assets like property, trucks, facilities etc. (investment)'
'Company issues shares to the public for the first time. (investment)'
.describe('Company closes existing offices. (cost_cutting)'),
.describe('Company lays off employees. (cost_cutting)'),
.describe('Company partners with other company. (partnership)'),
'Company or person at the company receives an award. (recognition)'
'Company or person at the company receives recognition. (recognition)'
.describe('Company signs new client. (contract)'),
'Company files suit against other company. (corporate_challenges)'
.describe('Company has vulnerability problems. (corporate_challenges)'),
.describe('New or existing competitor was identified. (relational)')
export type EventCategory = z.infer<typeof EventCategorySchema>
export const CompanyParamsSchema = z.object({
domain: z.string().min(3).describe('domain of the company')
export type CompanyParams = z.infer<typeof CompanyParamsSchema>
export const CompanyEventsParamsSchema = z.object({
domain: z.string().min(3).describe('domain of the company'),
categories: z.array(EventCategorySchema).optional(),
found_at_from: z
.describe('Signals found from specified date (ISO 8601).'),
found_at_until: z
.describe('Signals found until specified date (ISO 8601).'),
page: z.number().int().positive().default(1).optional(),
limit: z
with_news_article_bodies: z
.describe('Whether or not to include the body contents of news articles.')
export type CompanyEventsParams = z.infer<typeof CompanyEventsParamsSchema>
export const CompanyFinancingEventsParamsSchema = z.object({
domain: z.string().min(3).describe('domain of the company')
export type CompanyFinancingEventsParams = z.infer<
typeof CompanyFinancingEventsParamsSchema
export const CompanyJobOpeningsParamsSchema = z.object({
domain: z.string().min(3).describe('domain of the company'),
categories: z.array(EventCategorySchema).optional(),
found_at_from: z
.describe('Signals found from specified date (ISO 8601).'),
found_at_until: z
.describe('Signals found until specified date (ISO 8601).'),
limit: z
with_job_descriptions: z
.describe('Whether or not to include the full descriptions of the jobs.'),
with_description_only: z
.describe('If set, only returns job openings with descriptions.'),
with_location_only: z
.describe('If set, only returns job openings with locations.'),
active_only: z
'If set, only returns job openings that are not closed, have `last_seen_at` more recent than 5 days and were found in the last year.'
not_closed: z
'Similar to `active_only`, but without considering `last_seen_at` timestamp.'
export type CompanyJobOpeningsParams = z.infer<
typeof CompanyJobOpeningsParamsSchema
export const CompanyTechnologiesParamsSchema = z.object({
domain: z.string().min(3).describe('domain of the company'),
categories: z.array(EventCategorySchema).optional(),
limit: z
export type CompanyTechnologiesParams = z.infer<
typeof CompanyTechnologiesParamsSchema
export const CompanyConnectionsParamsSchema = z.object({
domain: z.string().min(3).describe('domain of the company'),
categories: z.array(EventCategorySchema).optional(),
limit: z
export type CompanyConnectionsParams = z.infer<
typeof CompanyConnectionsParamsSchema
export const CompanyWebsiteEvolutionParamsSchema = z.object({
domain: z.string().min(3).describe('domain of the company'),
limit: z
export type CompanyWebsiteEvolutionParams = z.infer<
typeof CompanyWebsiteEvolutionParamsSchema
export const CompanyGitHubReposParamsSchema = z.object({
domain: z.string().min(3).describe('domain of the company'),
limit: z
export type CompanyGitHubReposParams = z.infer<
typeof CompanyGitHubReposParamsSchema
export const CompanyProductsParamsSchema = z.object({
domain: z.string().min(3).describe('domain of the company'),
sources: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
limit: z
export type CompanyProductsParams = z.infer<
typeof CompanyProductsParamsSchema
export class PredictLeadsClient {
export class PredictLeadsClient extends AIFunctionsProvider {
readonly ky: KyInstance
readonly apiKey: string
readonly apiToken: string
readonly _maxPageSize = 100
apiKey = getEnv('PREDICT_LEADS_API_KEY'),
@ -204,8 +480,15 @@ export class PredictLeadsClient {
throttle?: boolean
ky?: KyInstance
} = {}) {
assert(apiKey, 'PredictLeadsClient missing required "apiKey"')
assert(apiToken, 'PredictLeadsClient missing required "apiToken"')
'PredictLeadsClient missing required "apiKey" (defaults to "PREDICT_LEADS_API_KEY")'
'PredictLeadsClient missing required "apiToken" (defaults to "PREDICT_LEADS_API_TOKEN")'
this.apiKey = apiKey
this.apiToken = apiToken
@ -213,264 +496,303 @@ export class PredictLeadsClient {
const throttledKy = throttle ? throttleKy(ky, predictleads.throttle) : ky
this.ky = throttledKy.extend({
prefixUrl: 'https://predictleads.com/api',
timeout: timeoutMs,
headers: {
'X-Api-Key': apiKey,
'X-Api-Token': apiToken
'x-api-key': apiKey,
'x-api-token': apiToken
name: 'get_company',
'Returns basic information about a company given its `domain` like location, name, stock ticker, description, etc.',
inputSchema: predictleads.CompanyParamsSchema
async company(domainOrOpts: string | predictleads.CompanyParams) {
const opts =
typeof domainOrOpts === 'string' ? { domain: domainOrOpts } : domainOrOpts
const { domain } = opts
assert(domain, 'Missing required company "domain"')
return this.ky.get(`v2/companies/${domain}`).json<predictleads.Response>()
name: 'get_company_events',
'Returns a list of events from news for a given company. Events are found in press releases, industry news, blogs, social media, and other online sources.',
inputSchema: predictleads.CompanyEventsParamsSchema
async getCompanyEvents(
domainOrOpts: string | predictleads.CompanyEventsParams
) {
const opts =
typeof domainOrOpts === 'string' ? { domain: domainOrOpts } : domainOrOpts
const {
page = 1,
limit = predictleads.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
} = opts
assert(domain, 'Missing required company "domain"')
return this.ky
.get(`v2/companies/${domain}/events`, {
searchParams: pruneUndefined({
limit: String(limit),
categories: categories?.join(','),
async getEventById(id: string) {
return this.ky.get(`v2/events/${id}`).json<predictleads.Response>()
name: 'get_company_financing_events',
'Returns a list of financing events for a given company. Financing events include fundraising announcements and quarterly earning reports for public companies. They are sourced from press releases, industry news, blogs, social media, and other online sources.',
inputSchema: predictleads.CompanyFinancingEventsParamsSchema
async getCompanyFinancingEvents(
domainOrOpts: string | predictleads.CompanyFinancingEventsParams
) {
const opts =
typeof domainOrOpts === 'string' ? { domain: domainOrOpts } : domainOrOpts
const { domain } = opts
assert(domain, 'Missing required company "domain"')
return this.ky
name: 'get_company_job_openings',
'Returns a list of job openings for a given company. Job openings are found on companies’ career sites and job boards.',
inputSchema: predictleads.CompanyJobOpeningsParamsSchema
async getCompanyJobOpenings(
domainOrOpts: string | predictleads.CompanyJobOpeningsParams
) {
const opts =
typeof domainOrOpts === 'string' ? { domain: domainOrOpts } : domainOrOpts
const {
limit = predictleads.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
} = opts
assert(domain, 'Missing required company "domain"')
return this.ky
.get(`v2/companies/${domain}/job_openings`, {
searchParams: pruneUndefined({
limit: String(limit),
categories: categories?.join(','),
async getJobOpeningById(id: string) {
return this.ky
name: 'get_company_technologies',
description: 'Returns a list of technology providers for a given company.',
inputSchema: predictleads.CompanyTechnologiesParamsSchema
async getCompanyTechnologies(
domainOrOpts: string | predictleads.CompanyTechnologiesParams
) {
const opts =
typeof domainOrOpts === 'string' ? { domain: domainOrOpts } : domainOrOpts
const {
limit = predictleads.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
} = opts
assert(domain, 'Missing required company "domain"')
return this.ky
.get(`v2/companies/${domain}/technologies`, {
searchParams: pruneUndefined({
limit: String(limit),
categories: categories?.join(','),
name: 'get_company_connections',
'Returns a list of categorized business connections. Business connections can be found via backlinks or logos on /our-customers, /case-studies, /portfolio, /clients etc. pages. Business connections enable you to eg. calculate network health of a company, to build systems when new high value connections are made… Connections can be of many types: partner, vendor, investor, parent…',
inputSchema: predictleads.CompanyConnectionsParamsSchema
async getCompanyConnections(
domainOrOpts: string | predictleads.CompanyConnectionsParams
) {
const opts =
typeof domainOrOpts === 'string' ? { domain: domainOrOpts } : domainOrOpts
const {
limit = predictleads.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
} = opts
assert(domain, 'Missing required company "domain"')
return this.ky
.get(`v2/companies/${domain}/connections`, {
searchParams: pruneUndefined({
limit: String(limit),
categories: categories?.join(','),
name: 'get_company_website_evolution',
'Returns insights into how a website has changed over time. E.g., when pages like “Blog”, “Privacy policy”, “Pricing”, “Product”, “API Docs”, “Team”, “Support pages” etc were added. This can serve as a proxy to how quickly a website is growing, to determine the growth stage they are at and also to help segment websites.',
inputSchema: predictleads.CompanyWebsiteEvolutionParamsSchema
async getCompanyWebsiteEvolution(
domainOrOpts: string | predictleads.CompanyWebsiteEvolutionParams
) {
const opts =
typeof domainOrOpts === 'string' ? { domain: domainOrOpts } : domainOrOpts
const { domain, limit = predictleads.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, ...params } = opts
assert(domain, 'Missing required company "domain"')
return this.ky
.get(`v2/companies/${domain}/website_evolution`, {
searchParams: pruneUndefined({ limit: String(limit), ...params })
name: 'get_company_github_repos',
'Returns insights into how frequently a company is contributing to its public GitHub repositories.',
inputSchema: predictleads.CompanyGitHubReposParamsSchema
async getCompanyGitHubRepositories(
domainOrOpts: string | predictleads.CompanyGitHubReposParams
) {
const opts =
typeof domainOrOpts === 'string' ? { domain: domainOrOpts } : domainOrOpts
const { domain, limit = predictleads.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, ...params } = opts
assert(domain, 'Missing required company "domain"')
return this.ky
.get(`v2/companies/${domain}/github_repositories`, {
searchParams: pruneUndefined({ limit: String(limit), ...params })
name: 'get_company_products',
'Returns what kind of products / solutions / features a company is offering.',
inputSchema: predictleads.CompanyProductsParamsSchema
async getCompanyProducts(
domainOrOpts: string | predictleads.CompanyProductsParams
) {
const opts =
typeof domainOrOpts === 'string' ? { domain: domainOrOpts } : domainOrOpts
const {
limit = predictleads.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
} = opts
assert(domain, 'Missing required company "domain"')
return this.ky
.get(`v2/companies/${domain}/products`, {
searchParams: pruneUndefined({
limit: String(limit),
sources: sources?.join(','),
async discoverStartupJobsHN(params?: {
post_datetime_from?: string
post_datetime_until?: string
min_score?: string
limit?: string
}) {
return this.ky
.get(`v2/discover/startup_platform/jobs_hn`, {
searchParams: params
async discoverStartupShowHN(params?: {
post_datetime_from?: string
post_datetime_until?: string
min_score?: string
limit?: string
}) {
return this.ky
.get(`v2/discover/startup_platform/show_hn`, {
searchParams: params
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stateful endpoints which should generally not be used as AI functions.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
async followCompany(domain: string, customCompanyIdentifier?: string) {
return this.ky
? {
json: { customCompanyIdentifier }
: undefined
.post(`v2/companies/${domain}/follow`, {
json: pruneUndefined({ customCompanyIdentifier })
async getFollowingCompanies(limit: number = this._maxPageSize) {
async getFollowingCompanies(limit: number = predictleads.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) {
return this.ky
.get(`https://predictleads.com/api/v2/followings`, {
searchParams: { limit }
.get(`v2/followings`, {
searchParams: { limit: String(limit) }
async unfollowCompany(domain: string, customCompanyIdentifier?: string) {
return this.ky
? {
json: { customCompanyIdentifier }
: undefined
.post(`v2/companies/${domain}/unfollow`, {
json: pruneUndefined({ customCompanyIdentifier })
async events(
domain: string,
params: {
categories?: string
found_at_from?: string
found_at_until?: string
page?: number
limit?: string
with_news_article_bodies?: boolean
} = {}
) {
return this.ky
.get(`https://predictleads.com/api/v2/companies/${domain}/events`, {
searchParams: { page: 1, ...params }
async eventById(id: string) {
return this.ky
async financingEvents(domain: string) {
return this.ky
async jobOpenings(
domain: string,
params: {
categories?: string
with_job_descriptions?: boolean
active_only?: boolean
not_closed?: boolean
limit?: string
} = {}
) {
return this.ky
.get(`https://predictleads.com/api/v2/companies/${domain}/job_openings`, {
searchParams: params
async jobOpeningById(id: string) {
return this.ky
async technologies(
domain: string,
params: {
categories: string
limit?: string
) {
return this.ky
.get(`https://predictleads.com/api/v2/companies/${domain}/technologies`, {
searchParams: params
async connections(
domain: string,
params?: {
categories: string
limit?: string
) {
return this.ky
.get(`https://predictleads.com/api/v2/companies/${domain}/connections`, {
searchParams: params
async websiteEvolution(
domain: string,
{ limit = 100 }: { limit?: number } = {}
) {
return this.ky
searchParams: { limit }
async githubRepositories(
domain: string,
{ limit = 100 }: { limit?: number } = {}
) {
return this.ky
searchParams: { limit }
async products(
domain: string,
params?: {
sources: string
limit?: number
) {
return this.ky
.get(`https://predictleads.com/api/v2/companies/${domain}/products`, {
searchParams: params
async company(domain: string) {
return this.ky
async discoverStartupJobs(params?: {
post_datetime_from?: string
post_datetime_until?: string
min_score?: string
limit?: string
}) {
return this.ky
searchParams: params
async discoverStartupShow(params?: {
post_datetime_from?: string
post_datetime_until?: string
min_score?: string
limit?: string
}) {
return this.ky
searchParams: params
TODO this returns 500 error, even using the curl example from docs.
Also for this reason I couldn't test the other segments endpoints
curl -X POST "https://predictleads.com/api/v2/segments"
-d '{"technologies":"Salesforce", "job_categories":"sales"}'
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H 'X-Api-Key: <key>' \
-H 'X-Api-Token: <token>'
async createSegment(params: {
webhook_url?: string
locations?: string
headquarters_locations?: string
job_categories?: string
technologies?: string
found_at_from?: string
found_at_until?: string
active?: string
limit?: string
}) {
return this.ky
.post(`https://predictleads.com/api/v2/segments`, {
json: params
async updateSegment(params: {
id: string
webhook_url: string
active: string
}) {
return this.ky
json: params
async showSegment(id: string) {
return this.ky
async showAllSegment(limit = 100) {
return this.ky
.get(`https://predictleads.com/api/v2/segments`, {
searchParams: { limit }
@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ import type { AIFunctionsProvider } from './fns.js'
export type { KyInstance } from 'ky'
export type { ThrottledFunction } from 'p-throttle'
export type DeepNullable<T> = T | null
export type Nullable<T> = T | null
export type DeepNullable<T> = T extends object
? { [K in keyof T]: DeepNullable<T[K]> }
: Nullable<T>
export type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>
Reference in New Issue