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2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
import pTimeout from 'p-timeout'
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
import * as types from './types'
import { fetch as globalFetch } from './fetch'
import { fetchSSE } from './fetch-sse'
import { isValidUUIDv4 } from './utils'
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
export class ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI {
protected _accessToken: string
protected _apiReverseProxyUrl: string
protected _debug: boolean
protected _model: string
protected _headers: Record<string, string>
protected _fetch: types.FetchFn
* @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.
constructor(opts: {
accessToken: string
/** @defaultValue `` **/
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
apiReverseProxyUrl?: string
/** @defaultValue `text-davinci-002-render-sha` **/
model?: string
/** @defaultValue `false` **/
debug?: boolean
/** @defaultValue `undefined` **/
headers?: Record<string, string>
fetch?: types.FetchFn
}) {
const {
apiReverseProxyUrl = '',
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
model = 'text-davinci-002-render-sha',
debug = false,
fetch = globalFetch
} = opts
this._accessToken = accessToken
this._apiReverseProxyUrl = apiReverseProxyUrl
this._debug = !!debug
this._model = model
this._fetch = fetch
this._headers = headers
if (!this._accessToken) {
throw new Error('ChatGPT invalid accessToken')
if (!this._fetch) {
throw new Error('Invalid environment; fetch is not defined')
if (typeof this._fetch !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Invalid "fetch" is not a function')
get accessToken(): string {
return this._accessToken
set accessToken(value: string) {
this._accessToken = value
* Sends a message to ChatGPT, waits for the response to resolve, and returns
* the response.
* If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.
* If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.
* If you want to receive the full response, including message and conversation IDs,
* you can use `opts.onConversationResponse` or use the `ChatGPTAPI.getConversation`
* helper.
* Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI completions API. You can override the `promptPrefix` and `promptSuffix` in `opts` to customize the prompt.
* @param message - The prompt message to send
* @param opts.conversationId - Optional ID of a conversation to continue (defaults to a random UUID)
* @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)
* @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)
* @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)
* @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated
* @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](
* @returns The response from ChatGPT
async sendMessage(
text: string,
opts: types.SendMessageBrowserOptions = {}
): Promise<types.ChatMessage> {
if (!!opts.conversationId !== !!opts.parentMessageId) {
throw new Error(
'ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI.sendMessage: conversationId and parentMessageId must both be set or both be undefined'
if (opts.conversationId && !isValidUUIDv4(opts.conversationId)) {
throw new Error(
'ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI.sendMessage: conversationId is not a valid v4 UUID'
if (opts.parentMessageId && !isValidUUIDv4(opts.parentMessageId)) {
throw new Error(
'ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI.sendMessage: parentMessageId is not a valid v4 UUID'
if (opts.messageId && !isValidUUIDv4(opts.messageId)) {
throw new Error(
'ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI.sendMessage: messageId is not a valid v4 UUID'
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
const {
parentMessageId = uuidv4(),
messageId = uuidv4(),
action = 'next',
} = opts
let { abortSignal } = opts
let abortController: AbortController = null
if (timeoutMs && !abortSignal) {
abortController = new AbortController()
abortSignal = abortController.signal
const body: types.ConversationJSONBody = {
messages: [
id: messageId,
role: 'user',
content: {
content_type: 'text',
parts: [text]
model: this._model,
parent_message_id: parentMessageId
if (conversationId) {
body.conversation_id = conversationId
const result: types.ChatMessage = {
role: 'assistant',
id: uuidv4(),
parentMessageId: messageId,
text: ''
const responseP = new Promise<types.ChatMessage>((resolve, reject) => {
const url = this._apiReverseProxyUrl
const headers = {
Authorization: `Bearer ${this._accessToken}`,
Accept: 'text/event-stream',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
if (this._debug) {
console.log('POST', url, { body, headers })
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(body),
signal: abortSignal,
onMessage: (data: string) => {
if (data === '[DONE]') {
return resolve(result)
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
try {
const convoResponseEvent: types.ConversationResponseEvent =
if (convoResponseEvent.conversation_id) {
result.conversationId = convoResponseEvent.conversation_id
if (convoResponseEvent.message?.id) { =
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
const message = convoResponseEvent.message
// console.log('event', JSON.stringify(convoResponseEvent, null, 2))
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
if (message) {
let text = message?.content?.parts?.[0]
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
if (text) {
result.text = text
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
if (onProgress) {
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} catch (err) {
2023-05-02 02:54:46 +00:00
if (this._debug) {
console.warn('chatgpt unexpected JSON error', err)
// reject(err)
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onError: (err) => {
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
).catch((err) => {
2023-02-19 07:56:19 +00:00
const errMessageL = err.toString().toLowerCase()
if (
result.text &&
(errMessageL === 'error: typeerror: terminated' ||
errMessageL === 'typeerror: terminated')
) {
// OpenAI sometimes forcefully terminates the socket from their end before
// the HTTP request has resolved cleanly. In my testing, these cases tend to
// happen when OpenAI has already send the last `response`, so we can ignore
// the `fetch` error in this case.
return resolve(result)
} else {
return reject(err)
if (timeoutMs) {
if (abortController) {
// This will be called when a timeout occurs in order for us to forcibly
// ensure that the underlying HTTP request is aborted.
;(responseP as any).cancel = () => {
return pTimeout(responseP, {
milliseconds: timeoutMs,
message: 'ChatGPT timed out waiting for response'
} else {
return responseP