from django_kepi import ATSIGN_CONTEXT from django_kepi.models import create from django_kepi.find import find from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404 import django.views from django.http import HttpResponse, JsonResponse, Http404 from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.conf import settings from django_kepi.models import Thing, ThingField, Following from import Iterable import logging import urllib.parse import json import re from collections import defaultdict logger = logging.getLogger(name='django_kepi') PAGE_LENGTH = 50 PAGE_FIELD = 'page' class KepiView(django.views.View): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.http_method_names.append('activity') def activity(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns this view in a form suitable for ActivityPub. It may return: - a dict, suitable for turning into JSON - an iterable, such as a list or QuerySet; this will be turned into an OrderedCollection. Every member will be passed through _modify_list_item before rendering. - anything with a property called "activity_form"; this value should be either an iterable or a dict, as above. This method is usually called by a KepiView's get() handler. By default, its args and kwargs will be passed in unchanged. It's also used to retrieve the ActivityPub form within the rest of the program, rather than as a response to a particular HTTP request. In that case, "request" will not be a real HttpRequest. (XXX so, what *will* it be?) Override this method in your subclass. In KepiView it's abstract. """ raise NotImplementedError("implement activity() in a subclass: %s" % ( self.__class__, )) def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a rendered HttpResult for a GET request. By default, KepiViews call self.activity() to get the data to render. """ result = self.activity(request, *args, **kwargs) if result is None: raise Http404() logger.debug('About to render object: %s', result) while True: if isinstance(result, dict): return self._render(result) if isinstance(result, Iterable): return self._collection_get(request, result) try: result = result.activity_form logger.debug(' -- it has an activity_form, %s; recurring', result) except AttributeError: logger.warn("I don't know how to render objects like %s.", result) raise ValueError("I don't know how to render objects like %s." % (result,)) def _render(self, data): result = JsonResponse( data=data, json_dumps_params={ 'sort_keys': True, 'indent': 2, } ) result['Content-Type'] = 'application/activity+json' return result def _collection_get(self, request, items): # XXX assert that items.ordered our_url = request.build_absolute_uri() index_url = self._make_query_page(request, None) if PAGE_FIELD in request.GET: page_number = int(request.GET[PAGE_FIELD]) start = (page_number-1) * PAGE_LENGTH listed_items = items[start: start+PAGE_LENGTH] result = { "@context": ATSIGN_CONTEXT, "type" : "OrderedCollectionPage", "id" : our_url, "totalItems" : items.count(), "orderedItems" : [self._modify_list_item(x) for x in listed_items], "partOf": index_url, } if page_number > 1: result["prev"] = self._make_query_page(request, page_number-1) if start+PAGE_LENGTH < items.count(): result["next"] = self._make_query_page(request, page_number+1) else: # Index page. result = { "@context": ATSIGN_CONTEXT, "type": "OrderedCollection", "id": index_url, "totalItems" : items.count(), } if items.exists(): result["first"] = "{}?page=1".format(our_url,) return self._render(result) def _make_query_page( self, request, page_number, ): fields = dict(request.GET) if page_number is None: if PAGE_FIELD in fields: del fields[PAGE_FIELD] else: fields[PAGE_FIELD] = page_number encoded = urllib.parse.urlencode(fields) if encoded!='': encoded = '?'+encoded return '{}://{}{}{}'.format( request.scheme, request.get_host(), request.path, encoded, ) def _modify_list_item(self, obj): return str(obj) class ThingView(KepiView): def activity(self, request, *args, **kwargs): try: if 'id' in kwargs: logger.debug('Looking up Thing by id==%s', kwargs['id']) activity_object = Thing.objects.get( number=kwargs['id'], ) elif 'name' in kwargs: logger.debug('Looking up Thing by name==%s', kwargs['name']) activity_object = Thing.objects.get( f_name=kwargs['name'], ) else: raise ValueError("Need an id or a name") except Thing.DoesNotExist:' -- unknown: %s', kwargs) return None except django.core.exceptions.ValidationError:' -- invalid: %s', kwargs) return None result = activity_object logger.debug(' -- found object: %s', result) return result class FollowingView(KepiView): def activity(self, request, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug('Finding following of %s:', kwargs['name']) person = Thing.objects.get( f_type='Person', f_name = kwargs['name'], ) logging.debug('Finding followers of %s: %s', kwargs['name'], person) return Following.objects.filter(follower=person.url, pending=False) def _modify_list_item(self, obj): return obj.following class FollowersView(KepiView): def activity(self, request, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug('Finding followers of %s:', kwargs['name']) person = Thing.objects.get( f_type='Person', f_name=kwargs['name'], ) logging.debug('Finding followers of %s: %s', kwargs['name'], person) return Following.objects.filter(following=person.url, pending=False) def _modify_list_item(self, obj): return obj.follower class AllUsersView(KepiView): def activity(self, request, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug('Finding all users.') return Thing.objects.filter(f_type='Person') def _modify_list_item(self, obj): return obj.activity_form ######################################## class InboxView(django.views.View): def post(self, request, name=None, *args, **kwargs): # username is None for the shared inbox. headers = defaultdict(lambda: '', [(f[5:],v) for f,v in request.META.items() if f.startswith("HTTP_")]) capture = IncomingMessage( date = headers['DATE'], host = headers[''], path = request.path, signature = headers['SIGNATURE'], body = str(request.body, encoding='UTF-8'), ) logger.debug('%s: received %s at %s', capture, str(request.body, encoding='UTF-8'), request.path, ) return HttpResponse( status = 200, reason = 'Thank you', content = '', content_type = 'text/plain', ) # We need to support GET (as a collection) # but we don't yet.