# utils.py # # Part of kepi. # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Marnanel Thurman. # Licensed under the GNU Public License v2. import logging logger = logging.getLogger(name='kepi') VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 'A' VISIBILITY_UNLISTED = 'U' VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = 'X' VISIBILITY_DIRECT = 'D' VISIBILITY_CHOICES = [ (VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, 'public'), (VISIBILITY_UNLISTED, 'unlisted'), (VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, 'private'), (VISIBILITY_DIRECT, 'direct'), ] VISIBILITY_HELP_TEXT = "Public (A): visible to anyone.\n"+\ "Unlisted (U): visible to anyone, but "+\ "doesn't appear in timelines.\n"+\ "Private (X): only visible to followers.\n"+\ "Direct (D): visible to nobody except tagged people.\n"+\ "\n"+\ "Additionally, a person tagged in a status can\n"+\ "always view that status." def find_local_view(url, which_views = None): """ If the URL refers to a view on the current server, returns a django.utils.ResolverMatch for that view, with keywords according to the URL. If the URL is malformed, or doesn't refer to the current server, or doesn't refer to a view on the current server, returns None. Optionally, you can specify a list of strings in which_views. If a result is found, and the name of the view function is a member of that list, it will be returned in the ordinary way. Otherwise, this function will return None. """ from urllib.parse import urlparse from django.conf import settings from django.urls import resolve from django.urls.exceptions import Resolver404 parsed_url = urlparse(url) if parsed_url.hostname not in settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS: # not an address on this server return None try: result = resolve(parsed_url.path) except Resolver404: result = None if result is not None and which_views is not None: name = result.func.__name__ if name=='_view_for_mimetype_inner': # Special case if this is view_for_mimetype. # The actual views behind VFM can be accessed # by passing None as a parameter. have_views = set([ x[2].__name__ for x in result.func(None) ]) logger.debug("Checking whether the views %s match %s", have_views, which_views) if not have_views.intersection(set(which_views)): logger.debug(" -- no") result = None else: # it's an ordinary view function, so the answer # is much easier logger.debug("Checking whether the view %s matches %s", name, which_views) if name not in which_views: logger.debug(" -- no") result = None return result