`include "spi_if.v" `include "sys_ctrl.v" `include "io_ctrl.v" `include "smi_ctrl.v" `include "lvds_rx.v" `include "lvds_tx.v" `include "complex_fifo.v" module top ( input i_glob_clock, input i_rst_b, // RF FRONT-END PATH output o_rx_h_tx_l, output o_rx_h_tx_l_b, output o_tr_vc1, output o_tr_vc1_b, output o_tr_vc2, output o_shdn_rx_lna, output o_shdn_tx_lna, // MODEM (LVDS & CLOCK) output o_iq_tx_p, output o_iq_tx_n, output o_iq_tx_clk_p, output o_iq_tx_clk_n, input i_iq_rx_09_p, // Paired with i_iq_rx_09_n - only the 'B' pins need to be specified input i_iq_rx_24_n, // Paired with i_iq_rx_24_p - only the 'B' pins need to be specified input i_iq_rx_clk_p, // Paired with i_iq_rx_clk_n - only the 'B' pins need to be specified // Note: The icestorm (specifically nextpnr) fails to build if both diff pins are constrained // in the constrain file and the interface herein. Thus we need to take them out so that // it will "understand" we actually want an LVDS pair inputs. In addition, the pair is // defined only by the "B" pins in BANK3 and not the "A" pins (which is counter-logical) // MIXER output o_mixer_fm, output o_mixer_en, // DIGITAL I/F input [3:0] i_config, input i_button, inout [7:0] io_pmod, output o_led0, output o_led1, // SMI Addressing description // ========================== // In CaribouLite, the SMI addresses are connected as follows: // // RPI PIN | FPGA TOP-LEVEL SIGNAL // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GPIO2_SA3 | i_smi_a3 - RX09 / RX24 channel select // GPIO3_SA2 | i_smi_a2 - Tx SMI (0) / Rx SMI (1) select // GPIO4_SA1 | i_rst_b - used as a sys async reset (GBIN1) // GPIO5_SA0 | Not connected to FPGA (MixerRst) // // In order to perform SMI data bus direction selection (highZ / PushPull) // signal a[0] was chosen, while the '0' level (default) denotes RPI => FPGA // direction, and the DATA bus is highZ (recessive mode). // The signal i_smi_a2 selects Tx(0) or Rx(1) direction // The signal i_smi_a3 selects the RX source (900 MHZ or 2.4GHz) // // Description | a2 (SA2) | a3 (SA3) | // -------------|---------------|------------| // | 0 | 0 | // TX | RPI => FPGA |------------| // | Data HighZ | 1 | // -------------|---------------|------------| // RX09 | 1 | 0 | // -------------| FPGA => RPI |------------| // RX24 | Data PushPull | 1 | // -------------|---------------|------------| input i_smi_a2, input i_smi_a3, input i_smi_soe_se, input i_smi_swe_srw, inout [7:0] io_smi_data, output o_smi_write_req, output o_smi_read_req, // SPI input i_mosi, input i_sck, input i_ss, output o_miso ); //========================================================================= // INNER SIGNALS //========================================================================= reg r_counter; wire w_clock_spi; wire w_clock_sys; wire [4:0] w_ioc; wire [7:0] w_rx_data; reg [7:0] r_tx_data; wire [3:0] w_cs; wire w_fetch; wire w_load; wire [7:0] w_tx_data_sys; wire [7:0] w_tx_data_io; wire [7:0] w_tx_data_smi; wire w_rx_sync_type_09; wire w_rx_sync_type_24; wire w_tx_sync_type_09; wire w_tx_sync_type_24; wire w_rx_sync_09; wire w_rx_sync_24; wire w_tx_sync_09; wire w_tx_sync_24; wire w_rx_sync_input_09; wire w_rx_sync_input_24; wire w_tx_sync_input_09; wire w_tx_sync_input_24; assign w_rx_sync_input_09 = (w_rx_sync_type_09) ? io_pmod[7] : w_rx_sync_09; assign w_rx_sync_input_24 = (w_rx_sync_type_24) ? io_pmod[6] : w_rx_sync_24; assign w_tx_sync_input_09 = (w_tx_sync_type_09) ? io_pmod[5] : w_tx_sync_09; assign w_tx_sync_input_24 = (w_tx_sync_type_24) ? io_pmod[4] : w_tx_sync_24; //========================================================================= // INSTANCES //========================================================================= spi_if spi_if_ins ( .i_rst_b(i_rst_b), .i_sys_clk(w_clock_sys), .o_ioc(w_ioc), .o_data_in(w_rx_data), .i_data_out(r_tx_data), .o_cs(w_cs), .o_fetch_cmd(w_fetch), .o_load_cmd(w_load), // SPI Interface .i_spi_sck (i_sck), .o_spi_miso(int_miso), .i_spi_mosi(i_mosi), .i_spi_cs_b(i_ss) ); wire int_miso; assign o_miso = (i_ss) ? 1'bZ : int_miso; // SYSTEM CTRL sys_ctrl sys_ctrl_ins ( .i_rst_b(i_rst_b), .i_sys_clk(w_clock_sys), .i_ioc(w_ioc), .i_data_in(w_rx_data), .o_data_out(w_tx_data_sys), .i_cs(w_cs[0]), .i_fetch_cmd(w_fetch), .i_load_cmd(w_load), .o_debug_fifo_push(), .o_debug_fifo_pull(), .o_debug_smi_test(), .o_debug_loopback_tx(w_debug_lb_tx), .o_tx_sample_gap(tx_sample_gap), .o_rx_sync_type09(w_rx_sync_type_09), .o_rx_sync_type24(w_rx_sync_type_24), .o_tx_sync_type09(w_tx_sync_type_09), .o_tx_sync_type24(w_tx_sync_type_24), .o_rx_sync_09(w_rx_sync_09), .o_rx_sync_24(w_rx_sync_24), .o_tx_sync_09(w_tx_sync_09), .o_tx_sync_24(w_tx_sync_24) ); wire w_debug_fifo_push; wire w_debug_fifo_pull; wire w_debug_smi_test; wire w_debug_lb_tx; wire [3:0] tx_sample_gap; // IO CTRL io_ctrl io_ctrl_ins ( .i_rst_b(i_rst_b), .i_sys_clk(w_clock_sys), .i_ioc(w_ioc), .i_data_in(w_rx_data), .o_data_out(w_tx_data_io), .i_cs(w_cs[1]), .i_fetch_cmd(w_fetch), .i_load_cmd(w_load), // Digital interfaces .i_button(i_button), .i_config(i_config), .o_led0 (o_led0), .o_led1 (o_led1), .o_pmod (/*io_pmod[3:0]*/), // Analog interfaces .o_mixer_fm(/*o_mixer_fm*/), .o_rx_h_tx_l(o_rx_h_tx_l), .o_rx_h_tx_l_b(o_rx_h_tx_l_b), .o_tr_vc1(o_tr_vc1), .o_tr_vc1_b(o_tr_vc1_b), .o_tr_vc2(o_tr_vc2), .o_shdn_tx_lna(o_shdn_tx_lna), .o_shdn_rx_lna(o_shdn_rx_lna), .o_mixer_en(/*o_mixer_en*/) ); assign io_pmod[0] = ~lvds_clock_buf; assign io_pmod[1] = w_lvds_tx_d0; assign io_pmod[2] = w_lvds_tx_d1; assign io_pmod[3] = i_smi_swe_srw; //========================================================================= // CONBINATORIAL ASSIGNMENTS //========================================================================= assign w_clock_sys = r_counter; //========================================================================= // CLOCK AND DATA-FLOW //========================================================================= always @(posedge i_glob_clock) begin if (i_rst_b == 1'b0) begin r_counter <= 1'b0; end else begin r_counter <= !r_counter; case (w_cs) 4'b0001: r_tx_data <= w_tx_data_sys; 4'b0010: r_tx_data <= w_tx_data_io; 4'b0100: r_tx_data <= w_tx_data_smi; 4'b1000: r_tx_data <= 8'b10100101; // 0xA5: reserved 4'b0000: r_tx_data <= 8'b00000000; // no module selected endcase end end //========================================================================= // I/O (SB_IO, SB_GB) DIFFERENTIAL LINES //========================================================================= //--------------------------------------------- // LVDS CLOCK //--------------------------------------------- // Differential clock signal (DDR) wire lvds_clock; // The direct clock input wire lvds_clock_buf; // The clock input after global buffer (improved fanout) SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE (6'b000001), // Input only, direct mode .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVDS_INPUT") ) // LVDS input iq_rx_clk ( .PACKAGE_PIN(i_iq_rx_clk_p), // Physical connection to 'i_iq_rx_clk_p' .D_IN_0(lvds_clock) ); // Wire out to 'lvds_clock' assign lvds_clock_buf = lvds_clock; //--------------------------------------------- // LVDS RX - I/Q Data //--------------------------------------------- // Differential 2.4GHz I/Q DDR signal SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE (6'b000000), // Input only, DDR mode (sample on both pos edge and // negedge of the input clock) .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVDS_INPUT"), // LVDS standard .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0) ) // The signal is not negated iq_rx_24 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(i_iq_rx_24_n), // Attention: this is the 'n' input, thus the actual values // will need to be negated (PCB layout constraint) .INPUT_CLK(lvds_clock_buf), // The I/O sampling clock with DDR .D_IN_0(w_lvds_rx_24_d0), // the 0 deg data output .D_IN_1(w_lvds_rx_24_d1) ); // the 180 deg data output // Differential 0.9GHz I/Q DDR signal SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE (6'b000000), // Input only, DDR mode (sample on both pos edge and // negedge of the input clock) .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVDS_INPUT"), // LVDS standard .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0) ) // The signal is negated in hardware iq_rx_09 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(i_iq_rx_09_p), .INPUT_CLK(lvds_clock_buf), // The I/O sampling clock with DDR .D_IN_0(w_lvds_rx_09_d0), // the 0 deg data output .D_IN_1(w_lvds_rx_09_d1) ); // the 180 deg data output //---------------------------------------------- // LVDS TX - I/Q Data //---------------------------------------------- // Non-inverting, P-side of pair SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE (6'b010000), // {PIN_OUTPUT_DDR, PIN_OUTPUT_REGISTER } .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVCMOS"), ) iq_tx_p ( .PACKAGE_PIN(o_iq_tx_p), .OUTPUT_CLK(~lvds_clock_buf), .D_OUT_0(~w_lvds_tx_d0), .D_OUT_1(~w_lvds_tx_d1) ); // Inverting, N-side of pair SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE (6'b010000), // {PIN_OUTPUT_DDR, PIN_OUTPUT_REGISTER } .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVCMOS"), ) iq_tx_n ( .PACKAGE_PIN(o_iq_tx_n), .OUTPUT_CLK(~lvds_clock_buf), .D_OUT_0(w_lvds_tx_d0), .D_OUT_1(w_lvds_tx_d1) ); // Non-inverting, P-side clock SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b011001), .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVCMOS") ) iq_tx_clk_p ( .PACKAGE_PIN(o_iq_tx_clk_p), .D_OUT_0(lvds_clock_buf), ); // Inverting, N-side clock SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b011001), .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVCMOS") ) iq_tx_clk_n ( .PACKAGE_PIN(o_iq_tx_clk_n), .D_OUT_0(~lvds_clock_buf), ); // Logic on a clock signal is very bad - try to use a dedicated // SB_IO //assign o_iq_tx_clk_p = lvds_clock_buf; //assign o_iq_tx_clk_n = ~lvds_clock_buf; //========================================================================= // LVDS RX SIGNAL FROM MODEM //========================================================================= wire w_lvds_rx_09_d0; // 0 degree wire w_lvds_rx_09_d1; // 180 degree wire w_lvds_rx_24_d0; // 0 degree wire w_lvds_rx_24_d1; // 180 degree // RX FIFO Internals wire w_rx_09_fifo_write_clk; wire w_rx_09_fifo_push; wire [31:0] w_rx_09_fifo_data; wire w_rx_24_fifo_write_clk; wire w_rx_24_fifo_push; wire [31:0] w_rx_24_fifo_data; lvds_rx lvds_rx_09_inst ( .i_rst_b (i_rst_b), .i_ddr_clk(lvds_clock_buf), .i_ddr_data({w_lvds_rx_09_d0, w_lvds_rx_09_d1}), .i_fifo_full(w_rx_fifo_full), .o_fifo_write_clk(w_rx_09_fifo_write_clk), .o_fifo_push(w_rx_09_fifo_push), .o_fifo_data (w_rx_09_fifo_data), .i_sync_input (w_rx_sync_input_09), .o_debug_state() ); lvds_rx lvds_rx_24_inst ( .i_rst_b (i_rst_b), .i_ddr_clk(lvds_clock_buf), .i_ddr_data({!w_lvds_rx_24_d0, !w_lvds_rx_24_d1}), .i_fifo_full(w_rx_fifo_full), .o_fifo_write_clk(w_rx_24_fifo_write_clk), .o_fifo_push(w_rx_24_fifo_push), .o_fifo_data (w_rx_24_fifo_data), .i_sync_input (w_rx_sync_input_24), .o_debug_state() ); wire w_rx_fifo_write_clk = lvds_clock_buf; //(channel == 1'b0) ? w_rx_09_fifo_write_clk : w_rx_24_fifo_write_clk; wire w_rx_fifo_push = (channel == 1'b0) ? w_rx_09_fifo_push : w_rx_24_fifo_push; wire [31:0] w_rx_fifo_data = (channel == 1'b0) ? w_rx_09_fifo_data : w_rx_24_fifo_data; wire w_rx_fifo_pull; wire [31:0] w_rx_fifo_pulled_data; wire w_rx_fifo_full; wire w_rx_fifo_empty; complex_fifo #( .ADDR_WIDTH(10), // 1024 samples .DATA_WIDTH(16), // 2x16 for I and Q ) rx_fifo ( .wr_rst_b_i(i_rst_b), .wr_clk_i(w_rx_fifo_write_clk), .wr_en_i(w_rx_fifo_push), .wr_data_i(w_rx_fifo_data), .rd_rst_b_i(i_rst_b), .rd_clk_i(w_clock_sys), .rd_en_i(w_rx_fifo_pull), .rd_data_o(w_rx_fifo_pulled_data), .full_o(w_rx_fifo_full), .empty_o(w_rx_fifo_empty), .debug_pull(1'b0/*w_debug_fifo_pull*/), .debug_push(1'b0/*w_debug_fifo_push*/) ); //========================================================================= // LVDS TX SIGNAL TO MODEM //========================================================================= wire w_lvds_tx_d0; // 0 degree wire w_lvds_tx_d1; // 180 degree lvds_tx lvds_tx_inst ( .i_rst_b(i_rst_b), .i_ddr_clk(~lvds_clock_buf), .o_ddr_data({w_lvds_tx_d0, w_lvds_tx_d1}), .i_fifo_empty(w_tx_fifo_empty), .o_fifo_read_clk(w_tx_fifo_read_clk), .o_fifo_pull(w_tx_fifo_pull), .i_fifo_data(w_tx_fifo_pulled_data), .i_sample_gap(tx_sample_gap), .i_tx_state(~w_smi_data_direction), .i_sync_input(w_tx_sync_input_09), .i_debug_lb(w_debug_lb_tx), .o_tx_state_bit(), .o_sync_state_bit(), ); wire w_tx_fifo_full; wire w_tx_fifo_empty; wire w_tx_fifo_read_clk; wire w_tx_fifo_push; wire w_tx_fifo_clock; wire [31:0] w_tx_fifo_data; wire w_tx_fifo_pull; wire [31:0] w_tx_fifo_pulled_data; complex_fifo #( .ADDR_WIDTH(10), // 1024 samples .DATA_WIDTH(16), // 2x16 for I and Q ) tx_fifo ( // smi clock is writing .wr_rst_b_i(i_rst_b), .wr_clk_i(w_tx_fifo_clock), .wr_en_i(w_tx_fifo_push), .wr_data_i(w_tx_fifo_data), // lvds clock is pulling (reading) .rd_rst_b_i(i_rst_b), .rd_clk_i(w_tx_fifo_read_clk), .rd_en_i(w_tx_fifo_pull), .rd_data_o(w_tx_fifo_pulled_data), .full_o(w_tx_fifo_full), .empty_o(w_tx_fifo_empty), .debug_pull(1'b0), .debug_push(1'b0) ); wire channel; wire w_smi_data_direction; //assign channel = i_smi_a3; //assign w_smi_data_direction = i_smi_a2; smi_ctrl smi_ctrl_ins ( .i_rst_b(i_rst_b), .i_sys_clk(w_clock_sys), .i_ioc(w_ioc), .i_data_in(w_rx_data), .o_data_out(w_tx_data_smi), .i_cs(w_cs[2]), .i_fetch_cmd(w_fetch), .i_load_cmd(w_load), // FIFO RX .o_rx_fifo_pull(w_rx_fifo_pull), .i_rx_fifo_pulled_data(w_rx_fifo_pulled_data), .i_rx_fifo_empty(w_rx_fifo_empty), // FIFO TX .o_tx_fifo_push(w_tx_fifo_push), .o_tx_fifo_pushed_data(w_tx_fifo_data), .i_tx_fifo_full(w_tx_fifo_full), .o_tx_fifo_clock(w_tx_fifo_clock), .i_smi_soe_se(i_smi_soe_se), .i_smi_swe_srw(i_smi_swe_srw), .o_smi_data_out(w_smi_data_output), .i_smi_data_in(w_smi_data_input), .o_smi_read_req(w_smi_read_req), .o_smi_write_req(w_smi_write_req), .o_channel(channel), .o_dir (w_smi_data_direction), .i_smi_test(1'b0/*w_debug_smi_test*/), .o_cond_tx(), .o_address_error() ); wire [7:0] w_smi_data_output; wire [7:0] w_smi_data_input; wire w_smi_read_req; wire w_smi_write_req; // the "Writing" flag indicates that the data[7:0] direction (inout) // from the FPGA's SMI module should be "output". This happens when the // SMI is in the READ mode - data flows from the FPGA to the RPI (RX mode) // The address has the MSB '1' when in RX mode. otherwise (when IDLE or TX) // the data is high-z, which is the more "recessive" mode SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b1010_01), .PULLUP (1'b0) ) smi_io0 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(io_smi_data[0]), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(w_smi_data_direction), .D_OUT_0(w_smi_data_output[0]), .D_IN_0(w_smi_data_input[0]) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b1010_01), .PULLUP (1'b0) ) smi_io1 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(io_smi_data[1]), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(w_smi_data_direction), .D_OUT_0(w_smi_data_output[1]), .D_IN_0(w_smi_data_input[1]) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b1010_01), .PULLUP (1'b0) ) smi_io2 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(io_smi_data[2]), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(w_smi_data_direction), .D_OUT_0(w_smi_data_output[2]), .D_IN_0(w_smi_data_input[2]) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b1010_01), .PULLUP (1'b0) ) smi_io3 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(io_smi_data[3]), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(w_smi_data_direction), .D_OUT_0(w_smi_data_output[3]), .D_IN_0(w_smi_data_input[3]) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b1010_01), .PULLUP (1'b0) ) smi_io4 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(io_smi_data[4]), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(w_smi_data_direction), .D_OUT_0(w_smi_data_output[4]), .D_IN_0(w_smi_data_input[4]) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b1010_01), .PULLUP (1'b0) ) smi_io5 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(io_smi_data[5]), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(w_smi_data_direction), .D_OUT_0(w_smi_data_output[5]), .D_IN_0(w_smi_data_input[5]) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b1010_01), .PULLUP (1'b0) ) smi_io6 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(io_smi_data[6]), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(w_smi_data_direction), .D_OUT_0(w_smi_data_output[6]), .D_IN_0(w_smi_data_input[6]) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b1010_01), .PULLUP (1'b0) ) smi_io7 ( .PACKAGE_PIN(io_smi_data[7]), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(w_smi_data_direction), .D_OUT_0(w_smi_data_output[7]), .D_IN_0(w_smi_data_input[7]) ); assign o_smi_read_req = (w_smi_data_direction) ? w_smi_read_req : w_smi_write_req; assign o_smi_write_req = 1'bZ; //assign o_led0 = w_smi_data_direction; //assign o_led1 = channel; endmodule // top