#! /bin/bash ROOT_DIR=`pwd` RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[1;32m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color ERROR="0" BUILD_DIR="build" BLOB_CREATOR_DIR="../software/utils/" USERSPACE_SMI_DIR="../software/libcariboulite/src/caribou_smi/kernel" [ $(id -u) = 0 ] && printf "${RED}Please do not run this script as root${NC}\n" && exit 100 ## FUNCTIONS install() { local mtu_mult=${1:-6} local dir_offs=${2:-2} local ch_offs=${3:-3} printf "${GREEN}Installation started...${NC}\n" printf "\n[ 1 ] ${GREEN}Updating kernel headers and needed software${NC}\n" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install raspberrypi-kernel-headers module-assistant pkg-config libncurses5-dev cmake git printf "\n[ 2 ] ${GREEN}Compiling module${NC}\n" if [ -d "$BUILD_DIR" ]; then echo "Subdirectory '$BUILD_DIR' exists. Deleting its contents..." rm -rf "$BUILD_DIR"/* else echo "Subdirectory '$BUILD_DIR' does not exist. Creating it..." mkdir "$BUILD_DIR" fi # enter build dir and build the ko file cd "${ROOT_DIR}/$BUILD_DIR" cmake ../ make cd ${ROOT_DIR} # copy the outputs to internal software ${BLOB_CREATOR_DIR}generate_bin_blob ${ROOT_DIR}/$BUILD_DIR/smi_stream_dev.ko smi_stream_dev ${USERSPACE_SMI_DIR}/smi_stream_dev_gen.h cp ${ROOT_DIR}/bcm2835_smi.h ${USERSPACE_SMI_DIR} cp ${ROOT_DIR}/smi_stream_dev.h ${USERSPACE_SMI_DIR} # find the location to install output_dir=$(find "/lib/modules" -type f -name "bcm2835_smi_dev*" -exec dirname {} \;) # Check if the output is empty if [ -z "$output_dir" ]; then printf "${RED}Error: module 'bcm2835_smi_dev' couldn't be found.${NC}\n" # suspicious - why doen't it exist? check of the base module bcm2835_smi exists exit 100 fi if [[ ! $output_dir == *`uname -r`* ]]; then printf "${CYAN}Warning: Not installing to currently operating kernel version.${NC}\n" fi printf "\n[ 3 ] ${GREEN}Installing into '${output_dir}'${NC}\n" xz -z ${ROOT_DIR}/$BUILD_DIR/smi_stream_dev.ko -c > ${ROOT_DIR}/$BUILD_DIR/smi_stream_dev.ko.xz for dir in $output_dir; do sudo cp ${ROOT_DIR}/$BUILD_DIR/smi_stream_dev.ko.xz $dir/ done printf "\n[ 4 ] ${GREEN}Updating 'depmod'${NC}\n" sudo depmod -a printf "\n[ 5 ] ${GREEN}Blacklisting original bcm2835_smi_dev module${NC}\n" echo "# blacklist the broadcom default smi module to replace with smi_stream_dev" | sudo tee "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bcm_smi.conf" > /dev/null echo "blacklist bcm2835_smi_dev" | sudo tee -a "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bcm_smi.conf" > /dev/null printf "\n[ 6 ] ${GREEN}Adding systemd configuration${NC}\n" echo "# load SMI stream driver on startup" | sudo tee "/etc/modules-load.d/smi_stream_mod.conf" > /dev/null echo "smi_stream_dev" | sudo tee -a "/etc/modules-load.d/smi_stream_mod.conf" > /dev/null printf "\n[ 7 ] ${GREEN}Adding modprobe configuration ${mtu_mult}, ${dir_offs}, ${ch_offs}${NC}\n" echo "# SMI STREAM DEV specific options" | sudo tee "/etc/modprobe.d/smi_stream_mod_cariboulite.conf" > /dev/null echo "options smi_stream_dev fifo_mtu_multiplier=${mtu_mult} addr_dir_offset=${dir_offs} addr_ch_offset=${ch_offs}" | sudo tee -a "/etc/modprobe.d/smi_stream_mod_cariboulite.conf" > /dev/null printf "\n[ 8 ] ${GREEN}Adding UDEV rules${NC}\n" cd ${ROOT_DIR}/udev sudo ./install.sh install cd ${ROOT_DIR} printf "${GREEN}Installation completed.${NC}\n" } uninstall() { printf "${GREEN}Uninstalling started...${NC}\n" # find the location of the older installed module output_dir=$(find "/lib/modules" -type f -name "smi_stream_dev*" -exec dirname {} \;) if [ -z "$output_dir" ]; then printf "${CYAN}Warning: module 'smi_stream_dev' is not installed in the system${NC}\n" sudo depmod -a exit 0 fi printf "\n[ 1 ] ${GREEN}Uninstalling from '${output_dir}'${NC}\n" sudo rm ${output_dir}/smi_stream_dev.ko.xz printf "\n[ 2 ] ${GREEN}Updating 'depmod'${NC}\n" sudo depmod -a printf "\n[ 3 ] ${GREEN}Removing the blacklist on the legacy smi device${NC}\n" if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bcm_smi.conf" ]; then sudo rm "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bcm_smi.conf" fi printf "\n[ 4 ] ${GREEN}Removing device driver loading on start${NC}\n" if [ -f "/etc/modules-load.d/smi_stream_mod.conf" ]; then sudo rm "/etc/modules-load.d/smi_stream_mod.conf" fi printf "\n[ 5 ] ${GREEN}Removing modprobe parameters${NC}\n" if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.d/smi_stream_mod_cariboulite.conf" ]; then sudo rm "/etc/modprobe.d/smi_stream_mod_cariboulite.conf" fi printf "\n[ 6 ] ${GREEN}Removing UDEV rules${NC}\n" sudo udev/install.sh uninstall printf "${GREEN}Uninstallation completed.${NC}\n" } ## FLOW printf "${GREEN}CaribouLite Device Driver Install / Uninstall${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}=============================================${NC}\n\n" if [ "$1" == "install" ]; then install "$2" "$3" "$4" exit 0 elif [ "$1" == "uninstall" ]; then uninstall exit 0 else printf "${CYAN}Usage: $0 [install|uninstall] ${NC}\n" exit 1 fi ## Say that restart is needed! print "${GREEN}Now the RPI needs to be restarted...${NC}\n"