#! /bin/bash ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Variables ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ROOT_DIR=`pwd` SOAPY_UTILS_EXE=SoapySDRUtil RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[1;32m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color ERROR="0" [ $(id -u) = 0 ] && echo "Please do not run this script as root" && exit 100 ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## update the git repo on develop_R1 branch to include sub-modules ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- printf "\n[ 1 ] ${GREEN}CaribouLite Git Repo${NC}\n" git pull git submodule init git submodule update ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## kernel module dev dependencies ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- printf "\n[ 2 ] ${GREEN}Updating system and installing dependencies...${NC}\n" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install raspberrypi-kernel-headers # raspbian sudo apt-get -y install linux-headers-raspi # ubuntu sudo apt-get -y install module-assistant pkg-config libncurses5-dev cmake git libzmq3-dev sudo apt-get -y install swig avahi-daemon libavahi-client-dev python3-distutils libpython3-dev # In ubuntu we need to grant access to gpiomem if grep -iq "NAME=\"Ubuntu\"" /etc/os-release; then sudo apt-get install rpi.gpio-common echo "Adding user `whoami` to dialout, root groups" if [[ "`groups ``whoami`" == *`whoami`* ]]; then echo "` User already in the group`" else sudo usermod -aG dialout, root "${USER}" fi fi sudo depmod -a ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## clone SoapySDR dependencies ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- printf "\n[ 3 ] ${GREEN}Checking Soapy SDR installation ($SOAPY_UTILS_EXE)...${NC}\n" SOAPY_UTIL_PATH=`which $SOAPY_UTILS_EXE` if test -f "${SOAPY_UTIL_PATH}"; then printf "${CYAN}Found SoapySDRUtil at ${SOAPY_UTIL_PATH}${NC}\n" else mkdir -p $ROOT_DIR/installations printf "${RED}Did not find SoapySDRUtil${NC}. Do you want to clone and install? [Y/n]: " read -s -n1 REPLY="${REPLY}Y <- default" if [ "$REPLY" == "${REPLY#[Yy]}" ]; then printf "N\n" else printf "Y\n" printf "==> ${GREEN}Cloning SoapySDR, and compiling...${NC}\n" cd $ROOT_DIR/installations rm -rf SoapySDR git clone https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDR.git # Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library cd SoapySDR mkdir -p build && cd build cmake ../ make && sudo make install sudo ldconfig printf "==> ${GREEN}Cloning SoapyRemote, and compiling...${NC}\n" cd $ROOT_DIR/installations rm -rf SoapyRemote git clone https://github.com/pothosware/SoapyRemote.git # Soapy Server -- Use any Soapy SDR remotely cd SoapyRemote mkdir -p build && cd build cmake ../ make && sudo make install sudo ldconfig fi printf "\n[ 4 ] ${GREEN}Checking the installed Soapy utilities...${NC}\n" SOAPY_UTIL_PATH=`which $SOAPY_UTILS_EXE` if test -f "${SOAPY_UTIL_PATH}"; then printf "${CYAN}Found SoapySDRUtil at ${SOAPY_UTIL_PATH}${NC}\n" else printf "\n${RED}Failed installing Soapy. Exiting...${NC}\n\n" exit 1 fi fi ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Main Software ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- printf "\n[ 5 ] ${GREEN}Compiling main source...${NC}\n" printf "${CYAN}1. External Tools...${NC}\n" cd $ROOT_DIR/software/utils mkdir -p build && cd build cmake ../ make mv $ROOT_DIR/software/utils/build/generate_bin_blob $ROOT_DIR/software/utils/generate_bin_blob printf "${CYAN}2. libIIR ${NC}\n" cd $ROOT_DIR/software/libcariboulite/src/iir/ mkdir -p build && cd build cmake ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig printf "${CYAN}3. SMI kernel module & udev...${NC}\n" cd $ROOT_DIR/driver kernel_memory=$(grep "MemAvailable:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') kernel_memory_mb=$((kernel_memory / 1024)) printf "${CYAN} Detected memory ${kernel_memory_mb} MB...${NC}\n" if (( kernel_memory_mb > 512 )); then printf "${CYAN} Installing with Fifo size multiplier of 6xMTU...${NC}\n" ./install.sh install 6 2 3 else printf "${CYAN} Installing with Fifo size multiplier of 2xMTU...${NC}\n" ./install.sh install 2 2 3 fi cd .. printf "${CYAN}4. Main software...${NC}\n" cd $ROOT_DIR mkdir -p build && cd build cmake $ROOT_DIR/software/libcariboulite/ make sudo make install ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Configuration File - RPI /boot/config.txt ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIG_TXT_PATH="/boot/config.txt" if grep -iq "NAME=\"Ubuntu\"" /etc/os-release; then CONFIG_TXT_PATH="/boot/firmware/config.txt" fi printf "\n[ 6 ] ${GREEN}Environmental Settings...${NC}\n" printf "${GREEN}1. SPI configuration... " DtparamSPI=`grep "dtparam=spi" "${CONFIG_TXT_PATH}" | xargs | cut -d\= -f1` if [ "$DtparamSPI" = "dtparam" ]; then printf "${RED}Warning${NC}\n" printf "${RED}RespberryPi configuration file at ${CONFIG_TXT_PATH} contains SPI configuration${NC}\n" printf "${RED}Please disable SPI by commenting out the line as follows: '#dtparam=spi=on'${NC}\n" ERROR="1" else printf "${CYAN}OK :)${NC}\n" fi printf "${GREEN}2. ARM I2C Configuration... " DtparamSPI=`grep "dtparam=i2c_arm" "${CONFIG_TXT_PATH}" | xargs | cut -d\= -f1` if [ "$DtparamSPI" = "dtparam" ]; then printf "${RED}Warning${NC}\n" printf "${RED}RespberryPi configuration file at ${CONFIG_TXT_PATH} contains ARM-I2C configuration${NC}\n" printf "${RED}Please disable ARM-I2C by commenting out the line as follows: '#dtparam=i2c_arm=on'${NC}\n" ERROR="1" else printf "${CYAN}OK :)${NC}\n" fi printf "${GREEN}3. I2C-VC Configuration... " DtparamSPI=`grep "dtparam=i2c_vc" "${CONFIG_TXT_PATH}" | xargs | cut -d\= -f1` if [ "$DtparamSPI" = "dtparam" ]; then printf "${CYAN}OK :)${NC}\n" else printf "${RED}Warning${NC}\n" printf "${RED}To communicate with CaribouLite EEPROM, the i2c_vc device needs to be enabled${NC}\n" printf "${RED}Please add the following to the ${CONFIG_TXT_PATH} file: 'dtparam=i2c_vc=on'${NC}\n" ERROR="1" fi printf "${GREEN}4. SPI1-3CS Configuration... " DtparamSPI=`grep "dtoverlay=spi1-3cs" "${CONFIG_TXT_PATH}" | xargs | cut -d\= -f1` if [ "$DtparamSPI" = "dtoverlay" ]; then printf "${CYAN}OK :)${NC}\n" else printf "${RED}Warning${NC}\n" printf "${RED}To communicate with CaribouLite Modem, FPGA, etc, SPI1 (AUX) with 3CS needs to be to be enabled${NC}\n" printf "${RED}Please add the following to the ${CONFIG_TXT_PATH} file: 'dtoverlay=spi1-3cs'${NC}\n" ERROR="1" fi if [ "$ERROR" = "1" ]; then printf "\n[ 7 ] ${RED}Installation errors occured.${NC}\n\n\n" else printf "\n[ 7 ] ${GREEN}All went well. Please reboot the system to finalize installation...${NC}\n\n\n" fi