module smi_ctrl ( input i_rst_b, input i_sys_clk, // FPGA Clock input i_fast_clk, input [4:0] i_ioc, input [7:0] i_data_in, output reg [7:0] o_data_out, input i_cs, input i_fetch_cmd, input i_load_cmd, // FIFO INTERFACE output o_rx_fifo_pull, input [31:0] i_rx_fifo_pulled_data, input i_rx_fifo_empty, output o_tx_fifo_push, output reg [31:0] o_tx_fifo_pushed_data, input i_tx_fifo_full, output o_tx_fifo_clock, // SMI INTERFACE input i_smi_soe_se, input i_smi_swe_srw, output reg [7:0] o_smi_data_out, input [7:0] i_smi_data_in, output o_smi_read_req, output o_smi_write_req, input i_smi_test, output o_channel, // TX CONDITIONAL output reg o_cond_tx, // Errors output reg o_address_error); // --------------------------------- // MODULE SPECIFIC IOC LIST // --------------------------------- localparam ioc_module_version = 5'b00000, // read only ioc_fifo_status = 5'b00001, // read-only ioc_channel_select = 5'b00010; // --------------------------------- // MODULE SPECIFIC PARAMS // --------------------------------- localparam module_version = 8'b00000001; // --------------------------------------- // MODULE CONTROL // --------------------------------------- assign o_channel = r_channel; always @(posedge i_sys_clk or negedge i_rst_b) begin if (i_rst_b == 1'b0) begin o_address_error <= 1'b0; end else begin if (i_cs == 1'b1) begin //============================================= // READ OPERATIONS //============================================= if (i_fetch_cmd == 1'b1) begin case (i_ioc) //---------------------------------------------- ioc_module_version: o_data_out <= module_version; // Module Version //---------------------------------------------- ioc_fifo_status: begin o_data_out[0] <= i_rx_fifo_empty; o_data_out[1] <= i_tx_fifo_full; o_data_out[2] <= r_channel; o_data_out[3] <= i_smi_test; o_data_out[7:4] <= 4'b0000; end endcase end //============================================= // WRITE OPERATIONS //============================================= else if (i_load_cmd == 1'b1) begin case (i_ioc) //---------------------------------------------- ioc_channel_select: begin r_channel <= i_data_in[0]; end endcase end end end end // --------------------------------------- // RX SIDE // --------------------------------------- reg [4:0] int_cnt_rx; reg [7:0] r_smi_test_count; reg r_fifo_pull; reg r_fifo_pull_1; wire w_fifo_pull_trigger; reg r_channel; reg [31:0] r_fifo_pulled_data; wire soe_and_reset; assign soe_and_reset = i_rst_b & i_smi_soe_se; assign o_smi_read_req = (!i_rx_fifo_empty) || i_smi_test; assign o_rx_fifo_pull = !r_fifo_pull_1 && r_fifo_pull && !i_rx_fifo_empty; always @(negedge soe_and_reset) begin if (i_rst_b == 1'b0) begin int_cnt_rx <= 5'd0; r_smi_test_count <= 8'h56; r_fifo_pulled_data <= 32'h00000000; end else begin // trigger the fifo pulling on the second byte w_fifo_pull_trigger <= (int_cnt_rx == 5'd8) && !i_smi_test; if ( i_smi_test ) begin if (r_smi_test_count == 0) begin r_smi_test_count <= 8'h56; end else begin o_smi_data_out <= r_smi_test_count; r_smi_test_count <= {((r_smi_test_count[2] ^ r_smi_test_count[3]) & 1'b1), r_smi_test_count[7:1]}; end end else begin int_cnt_rx <= int_cnt_rx + 8; o_smi_data_out <= r_fifo_pulled_data[int_cnt_rx+7:int_cnt_rx]; // update the internal register as soon as we reach the fourth byte if (int_cnt_rx == 5'd24) begin r_fifo_pulled_data <= i_rx_fifo_pulled_data; end end end end always @(posedge i_sys_clk) begin if (i_rst_b == 1'b0) begin r_fifo_pull <= 1'b0; r_fifo_pull_1 <= 1'b0; end else begin r_fifo_pull <= w_fifo_pull_trigger; r_fifo_pull_1 <= r_fifo_pull; end end // ----------------------------------------- // TX SIDE // ----------------------------------------- localparam tx_state_first = 2'b00, tx_state_second = 2'b01, tx_state_third = 2'b10, tx_state_fourth = 2'b11; reg [4:0] int_cnt_tx; reg [31:0] r_fifo_pushed_data; reg [1:0] tx_reg_state; reg modem_tx_ctrl; reg cond_tx_ctrl; reg r_fifo_push; reg r_fifo_push_1; wire w_fifo_push_trigger; assign o_smi_write_req = !i_tx_fifo_full; assign o_tx_fifo_push = !r_fifo_push_1 && r_fifo_push && !i_tx_fifo_full; assign swe_and_reset = i_rst_b & i_smi_swe_srw; assign o_tx_fifo_clock = i_sys_clk; always @(negedge swe_and_reset) begin if (i_rst_b == 1'b0) begin tx_reg_state <= tx_state_first; w_fifo_push_trigger <= 1'b0; r_fifo_pushed_data <= 32'h00000000; modem_tx_ctrl <= 1'b0; cond_tx_ctrl <= 1'b0; //cnt <= 0; end else begin case (tx_reg_state) //---------------------------------------------- tx_state_first: begin if (i_smi_data_in[7] == 1'b1) begin r_fifo_pushed_data[31:30] <= 2'b10; modem_tx_ctrl <= i_smi_data_in[6]; cond_tx_ctrl <= i_smi_data_in[5]; r_fifo_pushed_data[29:25] <= i_smi_data_in[4:0]; tx_reg_state <= tx_state_second; w_fifo_push_trigger <= 1'b0; end else begin // if from some reason we are in the first byte stage and we got // a byte without '1' on its MSB, that means that we are not synced // so push a "sync" word into the modem. cond_tx_ctrl <= 1'b0; modem_tx_ctrl <= 1'b0; o_tx_fifo_pushed_data <= 32'h00000000; w_fifo_push_trigger <= 1'b1; end end //---------------------------------------------- tx_state_second: begin if (i_smi_data_in[7] == 1'b0) begin r_fifo_pushed_data[24:18] <= i_smi_data_in[6:0]; tx_reg_state <= tx_state_third; end else begin tx_reg_state <= tx_state_first; end w_fifo_push_trigger <= 1'b0; end //---------------------------------------------- tx_state_third: begin if (i_smi_data_in[7] == 1'b0) begin r_fifo_pushed_data[17] <= i_smi_data_in[6]; r_fifo_pushed_data[16] <= modem_tx_ctrl; r_fifo_pushed_data[15:14] <= 2'b01; r_fifo_pushed_data[13:8] <= i_smi_data_in[5:0]; tx_reg_state <= tx_state_fourth; end else begin tx_reg_state <= tx_state_first; end w_fifo_push_trigger <= 1'b0; end //---------------------------------------------- tx_state_fourth: begin if (i_smi_data_in[7] == 1'b0) begin o_tx_fifo_pushed_data <= {r_fifo_pushed_data[31:8], i_smi_data_in[6:0], 1'b0}; //o_tx_fifo_pushed_data <= {2'b10, cnt, 1'b1, 2'b01, 13'h3F, 1'b0}; //o_tx_fifo_pushed_data <= {cnt, cnt, 6'b111111}; //cnt <= cnt + 1024; w_fifo_push_trigger <= 1'b1; o_cond_tx <= cond_tx_ctrl; end else begin o_tx_fifo_pushed_data <= 32'h00000000; w_fifo_push_trigger <= 1'b0; end tx_reg_state <= tx_state_first; end endcase end end always @(posedge i_sys_clk) begin if (i_rst_b == 1'b0) begin r_fifo_push <= 1'b0; r_fifo_push_1 <= 1'b0; end else begin r_fifo_push <= w_fifo_push_trigger; r_fifo_push_1 <= r_fifo_push; end end endmodule // smi_ctrl