
1133 wiersze
44 KiB

define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = ["Plugin", "debugger", "util", "c9"];
main.provides = ["chromedebugger"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var util = imports.util;
var debug = imports["debugger"];
var c9 = imports.c9;
var async = require("async");
var Frame = debug.Frame;
var Source = debug.Source;
var Breakpoint = debug.Breakpoint;
var Variable = debug.Variable;
var Scope = debug.Scope;
var DevtoolsProtocol = require("./DevtoolsProtocol");
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var stripPrefix = c9.toInternalPath((options.basePath || "").replace(/[\/\\]$/, ""));
var breakOnExceptions = false;
var breakOnUncaughtExceptions = false;
var NODE_PREFIX = "(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { ";
var NODE_POSTFIX = "\n});";
var RE_NODE_PREFIX = new RegExp("^" + util.escapeRegExp(NODE_PREFIX));
var RE_NODE_POSTFIX = new RegExp(util.escapeRegExp(NODE_POSTFIX) + "$");
var TYPE = "chrome";
var attached = false;
var v8dbg, state, activeFrame, sources, socket, pathMap;
var hasChildren = {
"regexp": 32,
"error": 16,
"object": 8,
"function": 4
/***** Helper Functions *****/
* Syncs the debug state to the client
function sync(breakpoints, reconnect, callback) {
if (!v8dbg)
return console.error("Sync called without v8dbg");
getSources(function(err, sources) {
if (err) return callback(err);
updateBreakpoints(breakpoints, reconnect, function(err, breakpoints) {
if (err) return callback(err);
handleDebugBreak(breakpoints, reconnect, null, function(canAttach) {
attached = canAttach;
emit("attach", { breakpoints: breakpoints });
function(isResumed) {
function updateBreakpoints(breakpoints, reconnect, callback) {
function find(bp) {
for (var i = 0, l = breakpoints.length; i < l; i++) {
if (breakpoints[i].equals(bp))
return breakpoints[i];
var list = breakpoints.slice(0);
if (list.length == 0) {
// node v9.5 segfaults when there are no breakpoints
path: "_c9_node_segfault_workaround_",
line: 100,
enabled: true,
listBreakpoints(function handleBps(err, remoteBreakpoints) {
if (err) return callback(err);
var found = [];
var notfound = [];
remoteBreakpoints.forEach(function(rbp) {
var bp;
if ((bp = find(rbp))) {
if (rbp.enabled == bp.enabled)
async.each(list, function(bp, next) {
if (found.indexOf(bp) == -1)
setBreakpoint(bp, next);
}, done);
function done() {
notfound.forEach(function(bp) {
bp.serverOnly = true;
list.sort(function(a, b) {
if (!a.id && !b.id) return 0;
if (!a.id && b.id) return 1;
if (a.id && !b.id) return -1;
return a.id - b.id;
callback(null, list);
* Detects a break on a frame or a known breakpoint, otherwise resumes
function handleDebugBreak(breakpoints, reconnect, frame, attach, callback) {
if (!v8dbg) {
console.error("No debugger is set");
return callback();
reconnect = true;
function wait() {
// Check if there is a real breakpoint here, so we don't resume
function resumeIfNeeded(callback) {
if (!activeFrame) {
return v8dbg.$waitForBreak = function(frame) {
activeFrame = frame;
v8dbg.$waitForBreak = null;
resumeIfNeeded(function() {
return true;
var onBreakpoint = breakpoints.some(function(bp) {
return bp.enabled && activeFrame.path === bp.path && bp.line == activeFrame.line;
if (!onBreakpoint) {
} else {
onBreak({frame: activeFrame});
// Resume the process
if (reconnect) {
else {
// onChangeFrame(null);
resumeIfNeeded(callback.bind(this, true));
* Removes the path prefix from a string
function strip(str) {
if (!str) return "";
str = c9.toInternalPath(str);
str = applyPathMap(str, "toInternal");
return str && str.lastIndexOf(stripPrefix, 0) === 0
? util.normalizePath(str.slice(stripPrefix.length))
: util.normalizePath(str || "");
* Returns the unique id of a frame
function getFrameId(frame) {
return frame.func.name + ":" + frame.func.inferredName
+ ":" + frame.func.scriptId + ":"
+ (frame.received && frame.received.ref || "")
+ frame.arguments.map(function(a) {return a.value.ref;}).join("-");
//return (frame.func.name || frame.func.inferredName || (frame.line + frame.position));
function formatType(value) {
if (value.description)
return value.description;
switch (value.type) {
case "undefined":
case "null":
return value.type;
case "error":
return value.value || "[Error]";
case "regexp":
return value.text;
case "boolean":
case "number":
return value.value + "";
case "string":
return JSON.stringify(value.value);
case "object":
// text: "#<Student>"
var name = value.className || (value.text
? value.text.replace(/#<(.*)>/, "$1")
: "Object");
return "[" + name + "]";
case "function":
return "function " + value.inferredName + "()";
return value.type;
function isTruthy(variable) {
if ("undefined|null".indexOf(variable.type) > -1)
return false;
if ("false|NaN|\"\"".indexOf(variable.value) > -1)
return false;
return true;
function getPathFromScriptId(scriptId) {
for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
if (sources[i].id == scriptId)
return sources[i].path;
function getScriptIdFromPath(path) {
for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
if (sources[i].path == path)
return sources[i].id;
function getLocalScriptPath(script) {
var scriptName = script.url || ("-anonymous-" + script.scriptId);
scriptName = c9.toExternalPath(scriptName);
scriptName = strip(scriptName);
return scriptName;
function createFrame(frameData, index) {
var options = frameData[index];
var frame = options._frame || new Frame({
istop: index == 0,
index: index,
name: options.functionName || "(anonymous)",
line: options.location.lineNumber,
column: options.location.columnNumber,
id: options.callFrameId,
script: options.location.scriptId,
path: getLocalScriptPath(v8dbg.$scripts[options.location.scriptId]),
sourceId: options.location.scriptId
options._frame = frame;
var vars = [];
frame.variables = frame.variables || vars;
0: Global
1: Local
2: With
3: Closure
4: Catch >,
if (scope.type > 1) {*/
frame.scopes = options.scopeChain.map(function(scope, i) {
return new Scope({
id: scope.object.objectId,
type: scope.type,
frame: frame,
index: i
if (frame.scopes[0])
frame.scopes[0].isOpen = true;
return frame;
function createVariable(options, name, scope, variable) {
var value = options.value || options;
if (!variable) {
if (value.subtype == "null")
value.type = value.subtype;
variable = new Variable({
name: name || options.name,
scope: scope,
value: formatType(value),
type: value.type,
ref: value.objectId,
children: options.children === false
? false : (hasChildren[value.type] ? true : false),
options: options,
return variable;
function createSource(options) {
var path = getLocalScriptPath(options);
// isLiveEdit: false,
// sourceMapURL: "",
// hasSourceURL: false,
// isModule: false,
return new Source({
id: options.scriptId,
name: options.url || "anonymous",
path: path,
text: strip(options.text || "anonymous"),
debug: path.charAt(0) != "/" || path.match(/ \(old\)$/) ? true : false,
lineOffset: options.lineOffset,
customSyntax: "javascript",
threadId: options.executionContextId,
function createBreakpoint(options, serverOnly) {
return new Breakpoint({
id: options.number,
path: getPathFromScriptId(options.script_id),
line: options.line,
column: options.column,
condition: options.condition,
enabled: options.active,
ignoreCount: options.ignoreCount,
serverOnly: serverOnly || false
/***** Event Handler *****/
function onChangeRunning(e) {
if (!v8dbg) {
state = null;
} else {
state = v8dbg.isRunning() ? "running" : "stopped";
if (attached) {
emit("stateChange", { state: state });
if (state != "stopped")
function onBreak(e) {
var frame = e.frame || createFrame(e.callFrames, 0);
if (v8dbg.$waitForBreak && v8dbg.$waitForBreak(frame)) {
onChangeFrame(frame, !attached);
if (attached)
emit("break", { frame: frame });
function onException(e) {
var frame = createFrame(e.callFrames, 0);
var options = e.data;
var m = /^(\w+):(.*)$/m.exec(options.description);
var name = m && m[1] || options.className;
var value = m && m[2] || options.description;
options.name = name;
options.value = {
value: value,
type: "error",
objectId: options.objectId,
options.children = true;
var variable = createVariable(options);
variable.error = true;
emit("exception", {
frame: frame,
exception: variable
function onAfterCompile(e) {
emit("sourcesCompile", { source: createSource(e) });
function onChangeFrame(frame, silent) {
activeFrame = frame;
if (!silent)
emit("frameActivate", { frame: frame });
/***** Methods *****/
function getProxySource(_process) {
return false;
function attach(s, reconnect, callback) {
if (v8dbg)
socket = s;
// socket.connect();
socket.on("back", function(err) {
sync(emit("getBreakpoints"), true, callback);
}, plugin);
socket.on("error", function(err) {
emit("error", err);
}, plugin);
v8dbg = new DevtoolsProtocol(socket);
attached = false;
v8dbg.attach(s, function(err, msg) {
if (err) return callback(err);
// register event listeners
v8dbg.on("changeRunning", onChangeRunning);
v8dbg.on("break", onBreak);
v8dbg.on("exception", onException);
v8dbg.on("afterCompile", onAfterCompile);
if (msg && msg.type == "connect")
reconnect = false;
// This fixes reconnecting. I dont understand why, but without
// this timeout during reconnect the getSources() call never
// returns
setTimeout(function() {
sync(emit("getBreakpoints"), reconnect, callback);
function detach() {
if (v8dbg) {
// on detach remove all event listeners
v8dbg.off("changeRunning", onChangeRunning);
v8dbg.off("break", onBreak);
v8dbg.off("exception", onException);
v8dbg.off("afterCompile", onAfterCompile);
socket = null;
v8dbg = null;
attached = false;
function getSources(callback) {
v8dbg.scripts(function(scriptMap) {
sources = [];
for (var i in scriptMap) {
var script = scriptMap[i];
if ((script.name || "").indexOf("chrome-extension://") === 0)
callback(null, sources);
emit("sources", { sources: sources });
function getSource(source, callback) {
v8dbg.getScriptSource(source.id, function(script) {
if (!script || !script.scriptSource)
return callback(new Error("File not found : " + source.path));
var source = script.scriptSource
.replace(RE_NODE_PREFIX, "")
.replace(RE_NODE_POSTFIX, "");
callback(null, source);
function getFrames(callback, silent) {
v8dbg.backtrace(function(data) {
var frames = data.callFrames.map(function(frameData, index) {
return createFrame(data.callFrames, index);
emit("getFrames", { frames: frames });
callback(null, frames);
function getScope(frame, scope, callback) {
objectId: scope.id,
ownProperties: false,
accessorPropertiesOnly: false,
generatePreview: true
}, function(body, error) {
if (error)
return callback(error);
var variables = (body.result || []).map(function(prop) {
return createVariable(prop);
scope.variables = variables;
callback(null, variables, scope, frame);
function getProperties(variable, callback) {
if (!variable.ref)
return callback(null, []);
objectId: variable.ref,
ownProperties: true,
accessorPropertiesOnly: false,
generatePreview: true
}, function(body, error) {
if (error)
return callback(error);
var properties = (body.result || []).map(function(prop) {
return createVariable(prop);
variable.properties = properties;
callback(null, properties);
function stepInto(callback) {
function stepOver(callback) {
function stepOut(callback) {
function resume(callback) {
function suspend(callback) {
v8dbg.suspend(function() {
callback && callback();
function setScriptSource(script, newSource, previewOnly, callback) {
newSource = NODE_PREFIX + newSource.replace(/^#!.*/, "") + NODE_POSTFIX;
v8dbg.changelive(script.id, newSource, previewOnly, function(data, error) {
var errorMessage = "Debugger could not update source of saved file."
if (error)
return callback(new Error(errorMessage));
if (data && data.exceptionDetails)
return callback(new Error(errorMessage + " " + data.exceptionDetails.text));
emit("setScriptSource", data);
callback(null, data);
function restartFrame(frame, callback) {
v8dbg.restartframe(frame.id, function(result, error) {
function evaluate(expression, frame, global, disableBreak, callback) {
v8dbg.evaluate(expression, frame, global, disableBreak, function(data) {
var value = data.result;
var error = data.error;
var name = expression.trim();
if (error) {
var err = new Error(error.message);
err.name = name;
err.stack = error.stack;
return callback(err);
var variable = createVariable({
name: name,
value: value,
callback(null, variable);
function setBreakpoint(bp, callback) {
var sm = bp.sourcemap || {};
var path = sm.source || bp.path;
var line = sm.line || bp.line;
var column = sm.column || bp.column;
if (!path) {
// TODO find out why this happens
callback && callback(new Error("Ignoring breakpoint with invalid path."));
return false;
path = applyPathMap(path, "toExternal");
if (path[0] == "/")
path = stripPrefix + path;
else if (path[0] == "~")
path = c9.home + path.substr(1);
path = c9.toExternalPath(path);
v8dbg.setbreakpoint(path, line, column, bp.enabled, bp.condition, function(info) {
if (!info)
return callback && callback(new Error());
bp.id = info.breakpointId;
if (info.locations) {
var loc = info.locations[0];
bp.actual = loc && {
line: loc.lineNumber,
column: loc.columnNumber,
scriptId: loc.scriptId,
emit("breakpointUpdate", { breakpoint: bp });
callback && callback(null, bp, info);
return true;
function changeBreakpoint(bp, callback) {
setBreakpoint(bp, callback);
function clearBreakpoint(bp, callback) {
v8dbg.clearbreakpoint(bp.id, callback);
function listBreakpoints(callback) {
v8dbg.listbreakpoints(function(data) {
if (!data) return callback(new Error("Not Connected"));
breakOnExceptions = data.breakOnExceptions;
breakOnUncaughtExceptions = data.breakOnUncaughtExceptions;
callback(null, data.breakpoints.map(function(bp) {
return createBreakpoint(bp);
function setVariable(variable, value, frame, callback) {
v8dbg.setvariablevalue(variable, value, frame, callback);
function serializeVariable(variable, callback) {
return callback(variable.value);
function setBreakBehavior(type, enabled, callback) {
breakOnExceptions = enabled ? type == "all" : false;
breakOnUncaughtExceptions = enabled ? type == "uncaught" : false;
v8dbg.setexceptionbreak(enabled ? type : "none", callback);
function setPathMap(v) {
if (!Array.isArray(v)) v = null;
pathMap = v && v.map(function(x) {
if (!x.toInternal || !x.toExternal) return;
var map = {
toInternal: {},
toExternal: {}
if (typeof x.toInternal.regex == "string")
map.toInternal.regex = new RegExp(x.toInternal.regex, "g");
map.toInternal.replacement = x.toInternal.replacement;
if (typeof x.toExternal.regex == "string")
map.toExternal.regex = new RegExp(x.toExternal.regex, "g");
map.toExternal.replacement = x.toExternal.replacement;
return map;
function applyPathMap(path, dir) {
if (!pathMap)
return path;
pathMap.forEach(function(record) {
var mapping = record[dir];
path = path.replace(mapping.regex, mapping.replacement);
return path;
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
plugin.on("unload", function() {
breakOnExceptions = null;
breakOnUncaughtExceptions = null;
attached = false;
v8dbg = null;
state = null;
activeFrame = null;
sources = null;
socket = null;
pathMap = null;
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Debugger implementation for Cloud9. When you are implementing a
* custom debugger, implement this API. If you are looking for the
* debugger interface of Cloud9, check out the {@link debugger}.
* This interface is defined to be as stateless as possible. By
* implementing these methods and events you'll be able to hook your
* debugger seamlessly into the Cloud9 debugger UI.
* See also {@link debugger#registerDebugger}.
* @class debugger.implementation
* Specifies the features that this debugger implementation supports
* @property {Object} features
* @property {Boolean} features.scripts Able to download code (disable the scripts button)
* @property {Boolean} features.conditionalBreakpoints Able to have conditional breakpoints (disable menu item)
* @property {Boolean} features.liveUpdate Able to update code live (don't do anything when saving)
* @property {Boolean} features.updateWatchedVariables Able to edit variables in watches (don't show editor)
* @property {Boolean} features.updateScopeVariables Able to edit variables in variables panel (don't show editor)
* @property {Boolean} features.setBreakBehavior Able to configure break behavior (disable break behavior button)
* @property {Boolean} features.executeCode Able to execute code (disable REPL)
features: {
scripts: true,
conditionalBreakpoints: true,
liveUpdate: true,
updateWatchedVariables: true,
updateScopeVariables: true,
setBreakBehavior: true,
executeCode: true
* The type of the debugger implementation. This is the identifier
* with which the runner selects the debugger implementation.
* @property {String} type
* @readonly
type: TYPE,
* @property {null|"running"|"stopped"} state The state of the debugger process
* <table>
* <tr><td>Value</td><td> Description</td></tr>
* <tr><td>null</td><td> process doesn't exist</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"stopped"</td><td> paused on breakpoint</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"running"</td><td> process is running</td></tr>
* </table>
* @readonly
get state() { return state; },
get attached() { return attached; },
* Whether the debugger will break when it encounters any exception.
* This includes exceptions in try/catch blocks.
* @property {Boolean} breakOnExceptions
* @readonly
get breakOnExceptions() { return breakOnExceptions; },
* Whether the debugger will break when it encounters an uncaught
* exception.
* @property {Boolean} breakOnUncaughtExceptions
* @readonly
get breakOnUncaughtExceptions() { return breakOnUncaughtExceptions; },
_events: [
* Fires when the debugger is attached.
* @event attach
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint[]} e.breakpoints A list of breakpoints that is set in the running process
* Fires when the debugger is detached.
* @event detach
* Fires when execution is suspended (paused)
* @event suspend
* Fires when the source of a file is updated
* @event setScriptSource
* @param {Object} e
* Fires when the socket experiences an error
* @event error
* Fires when the current list of breakpoints is needed
* @event getBreakpoints
* Fires when a breakpoint is updated. This can happen when it
* is set at a location which is not an expression. Certain
* debuggers (such as v8) will move the breakpoint location to
* the first expression that's next in source order.
* @event breakpointUpdate
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} e.breakpoint
* Fires when the debugger hits a breakpoint.
* @event break
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame} e.frame The frame where the debugger has breaked at.
* @param {debugger.Frame[]} [e.frames] The callstack frames.
* Fires when the {@link #state} property changes
* @event stateChange
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame} e.state The new value of the state property.
* Fires when the debugger hits an exception.
* @event exception
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame} e.frame The frame where the debugger has breaked at.
* @param {Error} e.exception The exception that the debugger breaked at.
* Fires when a frame becomes active. This happens when the debugger
* hits a breakpoint, or when it starts running again.
* @event frameActivate
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame/null} e.frame The current frame or null if there is no active frame.
* Fires when the result of the {@link #method-getFrames} call comes in.
* @event getFrames
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame[]} e.frames The frames that were retrieved.
* Fires when the result of the {@link #getSources} call comes in.
* @event sources
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Source[]} e.sources The sources that were retrieved.
* Fires when a source file is (re-)compiled. In your event
* handler, make sure you check against the sources you already
* have collected to see if you need to update or add your source.
* @event sourcesCompile
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Source} e.file the source file that is compiled.
* Attaches the debugger to the started process.
* @param {Object} runner A runner as specified by {@link run#run}.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint[]} breakpoints The set of breakpoints that should be set from the start
attach: attach,
* Detaches the debugger from the started process.
detach: detach,
* Loads all the active sources from the process
* @param {Function} callback Called when the sources are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {debugger.Source[]} callback.sources A list of the active sources.
* @fires sources
getSources: getSources,
* Retrieves the contents of a source file
* @param {debugger.Source} source The source to retrieve the contents for
* @param {Function} callback Called when the contents is retrieved
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {String} callback.contents The contents of the source file
getSource: getSource,
* Retrieves the current stack of frames (aka "the call stack")
* from the debugger.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the frame are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {debugger.Frame[]} callback.frames A list of frames, where index 0 is the frame where the debugger has breaked in.
* @fires getFrames
getFrames: getFrames,
* Retrieves the variables from a scope.
* @param {debugger.Frame} frame The frame to which the scope is related.
* @param {debugger.Scope} scope The scope from which to load the variables.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the variables are loaded
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {debugger.Variable[]} callback.variables A list of variables defined in the `scope`.
* @param {debugger.Scope} callback.scope The scope to which these variables belong
* @param {debugger.Frame} callback.frame The frame related to the scope.
getScope: getScope,
* Retrieves and sets the properties of a variable.
* @param {debugger.Variable} variable The variable for which to retrieve the properties.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the properties are loaded
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {debugger.Variable[]} callback.properties A list of properties of the variable.
* @param {debugger.Variable} callback.variable The variable to which the properties belong.
getProperties: getProperties,
* Step into the next statement.
stepInto: stepInto,
* Step over the next statement.
stepOver: stepOver,
* Step out of the current statement.
stepOut: stepOut,
* Continues execution of a process after it has hit a breakpoint.
resume: resume,
* Pauses the execution of a process at the next statement.
suspend: suspend,
* Evaluates an expression in a frame or in global space.
* @param {String} expression The expression.
* @param {debugger.Frame} frame The stack frame which serves as the contenxt of the expression.
* @param {Boolean} global Specifies whether to execute the expression in global space.
* @param {Boolean} disableBreak Specifies whether to disabled breaking when executing this expression.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Variable} callback.variable The result of the expression.
evaluate: evaluate,
* Change a live running source to the latest code state
* @param {debugger.Source} source The source file to update.
* @param {String} value The new contents of the source file.
* @param {Boolean} previewOnly
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
setScriptSource: setScriptSource,
* Adds a breakpoint to a line in a source file.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} breakpoint The breakpoint to add.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} callback.breakpoint The added breakpoint
* @param {Object} callback.data Additional debugger specific information.
setBreakpoint: setBreakpoint,
* Updates properties of a breakpoint
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} breakpoint The breakpoint to update.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} callback.breakpoint The updated breakpoint
changeBreakpoint: changeBreakpoint,
* Removes a breakpoint from a line in a source file.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} breakpoint The breakpoint to remove.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} callback.breakpoint The removed breakpoint
clearBreakpoint: clearBreakpoint,
* Retrieves a list of all the breakpoints that are set in the
* debugger.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the breakpoints are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint[]} callback.breakpoints A list of breakpoints
listBreakpoints: listBreakpoints,
* Sets the value of a variable.
* @param {debugger.Variable} variable The variable to set the value of.
* @param {debugger.Variable[]} parents The parent variables (i.e. the objects of which the variable is the property).
* @param {Mixed} value The new value of the variable.
* @param {debugger.Frame} frame The frame to which the variable belongs.
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Function} callback Called when the breakpoints are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {Object} callback.data Additional debugger specific information.
setVariable: setVariable,
* Starts a frame (usually a function) from the first expression in that frame.
* @param {debugger.Frame} frame The frame to restart.
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Function} callback Called when the frame is restarted.
restartFrame: restartFrame,
* Retrieve the value of a variable
* @param {debugger.Variable} variable The variable for which to retrieve the value
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Function} callback Called when the value is retrieved
* @param {String} callback.value The value of the variable
serializeVariable: serializeVariable,
* Defines how the debugger deals with exceptions.
* @param {"all"/"uncaught"} type Specifies which errors to break on.
* @param {Boolean} enabled Specifies whether to enable breaking on exceptions.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the setting is changed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
setBreakBehavior: setBreakBehavior,
* Returns the source of the proxy
getProxySource: getProxySource,
* @ignore
* Experimental method for meteor runner
setPathMap: setPathMap
return plugin;