
869 wiersze
36 KiB

define(function(require, module, exports) {
main.consumes = [
"Plugin", "ui", "Tab", "settings", "menus", "editors", "anims", "apf",
main.provides = ["Pane"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var ui = imports.ui;
var settings = imports.settings;
var menus = imports.menus;
var layout = imports.layout;
var editors = imports.editors;
var anims = imports.anims;
var apf = imports.apf;
function Pane(options) {
var amlPane, queue, cancelEditorCreate, isFixedHeight;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var name = options.name;
var visible = true;
var meta;
function load(){
var btnPlus, btnMenu, closing = 0;
meta = {};
amlPane = new ui.tab({
skin: options && options.skin || "editor_tab",
skinset: options && options.skinset || "default",
style: "height : 100%",
width: options && options.width,
height: options && options.height,
activepage: options.preventAutoActivate ? -1 : 0, // Prevent first pane from becoming active
minwidth: 60,
minheight: 60,
buttons: "close,scale,order",
anims: settings.getBool("user/general/@animateui") ? "add|remove|sync" : "",
onbeforeswitch: function(e) {
var tab = e.nextPage.cloud9tab;
var lastTab = e.previousPage && e.previousPage.cloud9tab;
// Small hack to prevent hover transition during tab switch
if (e.previousPage) {
var html = e.previousPage.$button;
ui.setStyleClass(html, "notrans")
ui.setStyleClass(html, "", ["notrans"])
}, 200);
// Emit event
emit("beforeSwitch", {
tab: tab,
lastTab: lastTab,
pane: plugin
onafterswitch: function(e) {
var tab = e.nextPage.cloud9tab;
var lastTab = e.previousPage && e.previousPage.cloud9tab;
// Get editor and create it if it's not in the current pane
createEditor(tab.editorType, function(err, editor) {
// Resize editor
tab.editor && tab.editor.resize({ type: "switch" });
// Call switch event
emit("afterSwitch", {
tab: tab,
lastTab: lastTab,
pane: plugin
onclose: function(e) {
var amlTab = e.page;
if (amlTab.$amlDestroyed) return;
var tab = amlTab.cloud9tab;
var event = { tab: tab, htmlEvent: e.htmlEvent };
event.last = amlPane.getPages().length == ++closing;
if (emit("beforeClose", event) === false
|| tab.beforeClose(event) === false) {
return false;
tab.meta.$closing = true;
emit("afterClose", event);
if (tab.aml.$amlDestroyed) {
else {
tab.aml.on("afterclose", function(){
overactivetab: true,
childNodes: [
btnPlus = new ui.button({
id: "btnPlus",
"class" : "plus_tab_button",
skin: "c9-simple-btn",
btnMenu = new apf.button({
skin: "c9-simple-btn",
"class" : "tabmenubtn",
onmouseover: function(){
settings.on("user/general/@animateui", function(value) {
apf.isTrue(value) ? "add|remove|sync" : "");
}, plugin);
amlPane.cloud9pane = plugin;
amlPane.btnMenu = btnMenu;
amlPane.btnPlus = btnPlus;
// Small hack to get buttons inside button area of pane
amlPane.on("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", function(){
amlPane.on("DOMNodeInserted",function(e) {
var amlNode = e.currentTarget;
if (e.$isMoveWithinParent) {
if (amlNode.localName != "page" || e.relatedNode != amlPane
|| amlNode.nodeType != 1)
// Record position in settings
emit("tabOrder", {
tab: amlNode.cloud9tab,
next: (amlNode.nextSibling || 1).cloud9tab
if (e.relatedNode == amlPane && amlNode.localName == "page") {
// See if we are put into a fixed height container
var pNode = amlNode.parentNode;
while (pNode.localName != "bar")
pNode = pNode.parentNode;
isFixedHeight = pNode.height
&& parseInt(pNode.height, 10) == pNode.height;
// Make sure the plus button is on the end
/***** Methods *****/
function createEditor(type, callback) {
var tab = amlPane.getPage("editor::" + type);
if (cancelEditorCreate)
if (!tab) {
cancelEditorCreate = editors.createEditor(type, function(err, editor) {
callback(null, editor);
cancelEditorCreate = null;
callback(null, tab.editor);
function getTab(id) {
var tab = amlPane.getPage(id);
return tab && tab.cloud9tab;
function getTabs(){
return amlPane.getPages().map(function(tab) {
return tab.cloud9tab;
function getEditors(){
return (amlPane.childNodes || [])
.filter(function(p){ return p.localName == "page" && p.$ext })
.map(function(e){ return e.editor });
function focus(){
function hasFocus(){
return ui.isChildOf(apf.document.activeElement, amlPane, 1);
function vsplit(far, v, split) {
return hsplit(far, true, split);
function hsplit(far, vertically, split, ignore) {
if (!split || !split.parentNode) split = amlPane;
queue = []; // Used for resizing later
var opt = {
splitter: true,
padding: 1
var psize = split.parentNode.$vbox ? "height" : "width";
opt[psize] = split[psize];
var splitbox = new ui[vertically ? "vsplitbox" : "hsplitbox"](opt);
var parent = split.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(splitbox, split);
parent.register && parent.register(splitbox);
split.setAttribute(psize, "");
var ratio = balance(splitbox, vertically, 1, ignore);
var state = {};
var size = vertically ? "height" : "width";
state[size] = (ratio ? (100 * ratio) : 50) + "%";
state.skinset = split.skinset;
state.skin = split.skin;
var newtab = options.createPane(state).aml;
if (far)
splitbox.insertBefore(newtab, split);
split.setAttribute(vertically ? "height" : "width", "");
return newtab.cloud9pane;
// Resize all editors in the queue
function resizeAll(){
queue.forEach(function(node) {
(node.localName == "tab"
? [node]
: node.getElementsByTagNameNS(apf.ns.aml, "tab")
).forEach(function(n) {
var pane = n.cloud9pane;
pane.getEditors().forEach(function(editor) {
editor.resize({ type: "split" });
function balance(splitbox, vertically, diff, ignore) {
var splits = [], type = splitbox.localName, node = splitbox;
var last, ignoreIsTopLevel;
do {
if (!ignoreIsTopLevel)
ignoreIsTopLevel = node.childNodes.indexOf(ignore) > -1;
node = (last = node).parentNode;
} while (node.localName == type);
//Resize all left elements of the before
var total = count(last, type, ignore);
var igd = (ignoreIsTopLevel ? 1 : 0);
var factor = (total + igd) / (total + diff);
if (splits.length == 1)
return 1 / (total + 1);
var child, prop = vertically ? "height" : "width";
var split, children, inverse, value;
for (var i = 1, l = splits.length; i < l; i++) {
split = splits[i];
child = splits[i - 1];
children = split.childNodes.filter(function(x) {
return x.localName != "splitter";
inverse = children[0] == child;
if (children[0][prop] || !children[1]) {
node = children[0];
else {
inverse = !inverse;
node = children[1];
value = parseFloat(node[prop]);
node.setAttribute(prop, inverse
? (value + (100 - value) * (1 - factor)) + "%"
: (value * factor) + "%");
function count(splitbox, type, ignore) {
var total = 0;
(function walk(node) {
var nodes = node.childNodes;
for (var n, i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
if ((n = nodes[i]).localName == "splitter"
|| n == ignore)
if (n.localName == "tab" || n.localName != type)
return total;
var config = {
"left" : [hsplit, false, "hsplitbox"],
"right" : [hsplit, true, "hsplitbox"],
"up" : [vsplit, false, "vsplitbox"],
"down" : [vsplit, true, "vsplitbox"]
function moveTabToSplit(tab, direction, keep) {
var isEmpty = amlPane.getPages().length == 1;
var parent = amlPane.parentNode;
var split = config[direction][0];
var far = config[direction][1];
var kind = config[direction][2];
queue = []; // For resizing later
if (!isEmpty) {
// Split the current pane and attach the tab
tab.attachTo(split(far), null, true);
var next, grandpa = parent, tabs, node = amlPane, force, test;
if (grandpa.localName != kind) {
// Find the right stack to go to
while (grandpa.parentNode.localName != kind
&& grandpa.parentNode.localName != "bar") {
grandpa = (node = grandpa).parentNode;
next = grandpa; //grandpa.localName == "bar" ? grandpa.firstChild : grandpa;
force = true;
if (!next) {
// Find pane to move to
do {
tabs = grandpa.childNodes.filter(function(x) {
return x.localName != "splitter";
if (tabs[far ? 0 : 1] == node) {
next = tabs[far ? 1 : 0];
node = node.parentNode;
grandpa = grandpa.parentNode;
} while (grandpa && grandpa.localName != "bar")
if (next) {
// Moving from horizontal to vertical or vice verse
if (force || next.parentNode.localName != amlPane.parentNode.localName) {
var tosplit = force || next.parentNode.localName == "bar"
? next : next.parentNode;
tab.attachTo(split(far, null, tosplit), null, true);
var bparent = tab.pane.aml.parentNode;
balance(bparent, bparent.localName == "vsplitbox", 0, amlPane);
// Move to next pane
else {
// Find the most first/last pane
if (next.localName != "tab") {
while (next.localName != "tab")
next = next.childNodes[far ? 1 : 2];
far ? (next.getPages()[0] || 1).cloud9tab : null, true);
balance(amlPane.parentNode, split == vsplit, 0, amlPane);
else {
var type = parent.localName;
do {
parent = parent.parentNode;
} while (parent.localName == type);
if (parent.localName == "bar")
tab.attachTo(split(far, null, parent, amlPane), null, true);
/***** Resizing *****/
// Resize when window resizes
function windowResize(){
var tab = getTab();
if (tab && tab.editor)
tab.editor.resize({ type: "window" });
layout.on("resize", windowResize, plugin);
// Resize when resizing using a splitter
function splitterResize(e) {
var parent = e.splitter.parentNode;
// Resize only vertically in realtime (really?)
if (!parent.$vbox && !e.final)
if (ui.isChildOf(parent, amlPane) && getTab()) {
type: "splitter",
final: e.final
apf.addEventListener("splitter.resize", splitterResize);
apf.removeEventListener("splitter.resize", splitterResize);
// Resize when an animation happens
anims.on("animate", function(e) {
var delta, result, size;
if (e.type == "editor") {
delta = e.delta;
result = { delta: delta, vertical: true };
else if (e.type == "splitbox") {
if (e.options.height !== undefined) {
if (ui.isChildOf(e.other, amlPane, true)) {
size = e.which.getHeight();
delta = isFixedHeight ? 0 : size - parseInt(e.options.height, 10);
result = { vertical: true, own: e.other == amlPane };
else if (ui.isChildOf(e.which, amlPane, true)) {
size = e.which.getHeight();
delta = parseInt(e.options.height, 10) - size;
result = { vertical: true, own: e.which == amlPane };
else if (e.options.width !== undefined) {
if (ui.isChildOf(e.other, amlPane, true)) {
size = e.which.getWidth();
delta = size - parseInt(e.options.width, 10);
result = { vertical: false, own: e.other == amlPane };
else if (ui.isChildOf(e.which, amlPane, true)) {
size = e.which.getWidth();
delta = parseInt(e.options.width, 10) - size;
result = { vertical: false, own: e.which == amlPane };
if (result) {
result.current = size;
result.delta = delta;
if (!result)
return; //result = { type: "generic-anim" };
else if (result)
result.type = "anim";
// Grow the area prior to the animation
if (delta > 0) {
var tab = getTab();
if (tab && tab.editor)
// Emit the resize event after the animation is completed to
// hide whatever the result has covered
e.on("finish", function(){
var tab = getTab();
if (tab && tab.editor)
tab.editor.resize({ type: "afteranim" });
}, plugin);
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function(){
plugin.on("beforeUnload", function(){
var idx, next, last;
var parent = amlPane.parentNode;
if (!parent) return;
var nodes = parent.selectNodes("tab|hsplitbox|vsplitbox");
// find the next available tab
if (nodes.length > 1) {
idx = nodes.indexOf(amlPane);
next = last = nodes[idx === 0 ? 1 : 0];
else {
var p = parent.parentNode;
idx = p.childNodes.indexOf(parent);
next = last = nodes[idx === 0 ? 1 : 0];
// element is a splitbox - search for a tab
var op = idx === 0 ? "shift" : "pop";
while (next && next.tagName != "tab") {
next = next.selectNodes("tab|hsplitbox|vsplitbox")[op]();
// move all pages to another pane
getTabs().forEach(function(tab) {
tab.attachTo(next.cloud9pane, null, true);
// destroy aml element
amlPane.destroy(true, true);
// Clean up tree
if (last) {
var place = parent.nextSibling;
var grandpa = parent.parentNode;
if (parent != options.container)
parent.destroy(true, true);
grandpa.insertBefore(last, place);
queue = [grandpa]
var size = grandpa.$vbox ? "height" : "width";
last.setAttribute(size, parent[size]);
size = grandpa.$vbox ? "width" : "height";
last.setAttribute(size, "");
else {
queue = [parent];
if (last && last.parentNode.localName == "bar") {
last.$ext.style.width = "100%";//setAttribute("width", "100%");
last.$ext.style.height = "100%";//.setAttribute("height", "100%");
// This is needed because other panes will need resizing
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Represents a pane containing tabs in Cloud9. Cloud9
* generally has a main area that contain tabs and an area in the
* console. Both areas start of as a single pane. These panes
* can then be split using menu items or drag&drop operations. The
* splits can also be made programmatically using APIs on this class.
* The pane relates to other objects as such:
* * **Pane - Represent a single pane, housing multiple tabs**
* * {@link Tab} - A single tab (button) in a pane
* * {@link Editor} - The editor responsible for displaying the file in the tab
* * {@link Document} - The representation of a file in the tab
* * {@link Session} - The session information of the editor
* * {@link UndoManager} - The object that manages the undo stack for this document
* Panes can live in certain areas of Cloud9. By default these areas are:
* * {@link panes} - The main area where editor panes are displayed
* * {@link console} - The console in the bottom of the screen
* Tabs are managed by the {@link tabManager}. The default way to
* open a new file in an editor uses the tabManager:
* var pane = tabManager.getPanes()[0];
* var newPane = pane.splitv();
* tabManager.open({
* path: "/file.js",
* pane: newPane
* }, function(err, tab) {});
* The APF UI element that is presenting the pane in the UI.
* This property is here for internal reasons only. *Do not
* depend on this property in your plugin.*
* @property {AMLElement} aml
* @private
* @readonly
get aml(){ return amlPane; },
* The DOM element that is presenting the pane in the UI.
* @property {DOMElement} container
* @readonly
get container(){ return amlPane.$int; },
* Retrieves the two elements (one of which is this pane) with
* which this panel forms a split.
* @return Array
* @readonly
get group(){
function getGroup(amlPane) {
var pNode = amlPane.parentNode;
if (pNode.localName.indexOf("splitbox") == -1)
return false;
var result = pNode.childNodes.map(function(aml) {
return aml.cloud9pane;
// result.__defineGetter__("group", function(){
// return getGroup(pNode)
// });
return result;
* The active {@link Tab} of this pane. Note that "active" is
* different from "focus" (See {@link tabManager#focusTab}).
* @property {Tab} activeTab
* @readonly
get activeTab(){ return getTab(); },
* The width of the pane in pixels. It only makes sense to set
* the width of the pane in a splitview situation.
* @property {Number} width
get width(){ return amlPane.width; },
set width(v){ amlPane.setProperty("width", v); },
* The height of the pane in pixels. It only makes sense to set
* the height of the pane in a splitview situation.
* @property {Number} height
get height(){ return amlPane.height; },
set height(v){ amlPane.setProperty("height", v); },
* Specifies whether the panel is currently being shown.
* @property {Boolean} visible
* @readonly
get visible(){ return visible; },
set visible(v){ visible = v; },
* Retrieves the meta object for this panel
* @property {Object} meta
get meta(){ return meta; },
_events: [
* Fires when a tab becomes the active tab of this pane.
* See also {@link tabManager#tabAfterActivate}.
* @event afterSwitch
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that has become active
* @param {Tab} e.lastTab the tab that is no longer active
* Fires prior to a tab becoming the active tab of this pane.
* See also {@link tabManager#tabBeforeActivate}.
* @event beforeSwitch
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that will become active
* @cancellable
* Fires prior to closing a tab in this pane.
* See also {@link tabManager#tabBeforeClose}.
* @event beforeClose
* @cancellable
* Fires after closing a tab in this pane.
* See also {@link tabManager#tabAfterClose}.
* @event afterClose
* @cancellable
* Fires when a tab is moved inside this pane.
* See also {@link tabManager#tabOrder}.
* @event tabOrder
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that has been moved
* @param {Tab} e.next the tab on the right of e.tab.
* Returns an array of all the tabs in this pane.
* var titles = pane.getTabs().map(function(tab) {
* return tab.document.title;
* });
* console.log(titles);
* @returns {Tab[]}
getTabs: getTabs,
* Retrieves a tab by it's path or id. When no argument is
* specified, the active tab is returned.
* See also {@link tabManager#findTab}
* @param {String} id The path or id of the tab to fetch.
* @return {Tab}
getTab: getTab,
* Returns an array of all the editors that have been
* initialized in this pane.
* Editors are initialized when the first tab that requires that
* editor becomes active. This means that you can have 20 tabs
* in one pane with 4 different editors, yet this function only
* returns one entry, because the other tabs have not yet been
* active.
* @return {Editor[]}
getEditors: getEditors,
* Retrieves the editor instance for this pane. If the editor
* of that type has not yet been created for this pane then
* it will be instantiated.
* @param {String} type the {@link Editor#type} of the editor.
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Error} callback.err an error which made have occured.
* @param {Editor} callback.editor the editor requested.
createEditor: createEditor,
* Gives focus to the active tab of this pane (if any).
focus: focus,
* Whether a tab in this pane has the focus.
hasFocus: hasFocus,
* Splits a pane vertically into two tabs occupying the same area.
* @param {Boolean} far When set to true the new pane is
* created in the bottom of the split, otherwise it's created
* as the top pane.
* @return {Pane}
vsplit: vsplit,
* Splits a pane horizontally into two tabs occupying the same area.
* @param {Boolean} far When set to true the new pane is
* created on the right of the split, otherwise it's created
* as the left pane.
* @return {Pane}
hsplit: hsplit,
* Moves a tab to a "split". This is generally achieved by the
* user using keybindings. A tab can travel across the panes and
* is inserted in newly created panes at the intersection
* between panes and to existing panes when moved even further.
* @param {Tab} tab The tab to move
* @param {String} direction Any of these strings: "left",
* "right", "up", "down".
moveTabToSplit: moveTabToSplit
plugin.load(name, "pane");
return plugin;
/***** Register and define API *****/
register(null, {
Pane: Pane