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Czysty Wina Historia

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define(function(require, module, exports) {
main.consumes = [
"Plugin", "proc", "settings", "fs", "c9", "util", "http", "info"
main.provides = ["run"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var settings = imports.settings;
var proc = imports.proc;
var util = imports.util;
var fs = imports.fs;
var c9 = imports.c9;
var info = imports.info;
var basename = require("path").basename;
var dirname = require("path").dirname;
var join = require("path").join;
/***** Initialization *****/
var handle = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var handleEmit = handle.getEmitter();
var CLEANING = -2;
var STOPPING = -1;
var STOPPED = 0;
var STARTING = 1;
var STARTED = 2;
var STATIC = options.staticPrefix;
var installPath = options.installPath || "~/.c9";
var TMUX = options.tmux || installPath + "/bin/tmux";
var BASH = "bash";
var runners = util.cloneObject(options.runners);
var testing = options.testing;
var runnerPath = options.runnerPath || "/.c9/runners";
var base = (options.base || "").replace(/\/?$/, "/");
var workspace = info.getWorkspace();
var processes = [];
var loaded = false;
function load() {
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
// Settings
settings.on("read", function(e) {
// Defaults
settings.setDefaults("project/run", [
["path", runnerPath]
}, handle);
// @todo Could consider adding a watcher to ~/.c9/runners
/***** Methods *****/
function addRunner(name, runner, plugin) {
runners[name] = runner;
plugin.addOther(function() { delete runners[name]; });
function listRunners(callback) {
var _runners = Object.keys(runners || {});
fs.exists(settings.get("project/run/@path"), function(exists) {
if (!exists)
return callback(null, _runners);
fs.readdir(settings.get("project/run/@path"), function(err, files) {
// if (err && err.code == "ENOENT")
// return callback(err);
if (files) {
files.forEach(function(file) {
var name = file.name.match(/(.*)\.run$/);
if (!name) {
if (file.name.match(/\.\w+$/))
return console.warn("Runner ignored, doesn't have .run extension: " + file.name);
name = [0, file.name];
if (_runners.indexOf(name[1]) < 0)
callback(null, _runners);
function detectRunner(options, callback) {
listRunners(function(err, names) {
if (err) return callback(err);
var count = 0;
names.forEach(function(name) {
if (!runners[name]) {
getRunner(name, false, function() {
if (--count === 0)
if (count === 0) done();
function done() {
for (var name in runners) {
var runner = runners[name];
if (runner.python_version
&& runner.python_version !== settings.get("project/python/@version"))
if (matchSelector(runner.selector, options.path))
return callback(null, runner);
var err = new Error("Could not find Runner");
function matchSelector(selector, path) {
if (typeof selector == "string") {
if (selector.indexOf("source.") === 0)
return selector == "source." + fs.getExtension(path);
else {
var re = new RegExp(selector);
var file = basename(path);
return re.test(file);
else if (Array.isArray(selector)) {
return selector.some(function(n) {
return matchSelector(n, path);
else {
return false;
function getRunner(name, refresh, callback) {
if (typeof refresh == "function") {
callback = refresh;
refresh = false;
// Fix legacy runner names
if (name === "Python 2.7")
name = "Python 2";
if (name === "Python 3.4")
name = "Python 3";
// When runner is loaded and we don't require a refresh
if (runners[name] && refresh === false) {
return done(runners[name]);
// Search for <name>.run or <name> and load
var path = settings.get("project/run/@path") + "/" + name + ".run";
fs.exists(path, function test(exists) {
if (!exists) {
if (/\.run$/.test(path)) {
path = settings.get("project/run/@path") + "/" + name;
return fs.exists(path, test);
callback("Runner does not exist");
} else {
fs.readFile(path, "utf8", function(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
var runner = util.safeParseJson(data, callback);
if (!runner) return;
runner.caption = runner.caption || name.replace(/\.run$/, "");
runners[runner.caption] = runner;
function done(runner) {
callback(null, runner);
function restoreProcess(state) {
var process = new Process(state);
handleEmit("create", { process: process });
return process;
function makeAbsolutePath(path) {
if (!path) return path;
if (path.charAt(0) === "~")
return join(c9.home, path.substr(1));
if (!/^([a-zA-Z]:)?\//.test(path))
return join(base, path);
return path;
function run(runner, options, name, callback) {
if (typeof name == "function") {
callback = name;
name = null;
if (!name)
name = "output";
options.relPath = options.path;
options.path = makeAbsolutePath(options.path);
options.path = c9.toExternalPath(options.path, "/");
options.cwd = makeAbsolutePath(options.cwd);
var proc = new Process(name, runner, options, callback);
var event = { process: proc, runner: runner };
proc.on("starting", function() { handleEmit("starting", event); });
proc.on("started", function() { handleEmit("started", event); });
proc.on("stopping", function() { handleEmit("stopping", event); });
proc.on("stopped", function() {
handleEmit("stopped", event);
handleEmit("create", event);
return proc;
function stopAll() {
processes.forEach(function(proc) {
/***** Process Class *****/
function Process(procName, runner, options, callback) {
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var running = STOPPED;
var deferred = options && options.deferred;
var meta = {};
var pid, process, cmd;
if (typeof procName == "object") {
pid = procName.pid;
runner = procName.runner;
running = procName.running;
procName = procName.name;
// Deal with connection issues
c9.on("stateChange", function(e) {
if (e.state & c9.PROCESS) {
if (running == STARTED || running == STARTING)
else if (running == STARTED || running == STARTING) {
}, plugin);
/***** Methods *****/
function run(srunner, options, callback) {
// If we're already running something do nothing
// @todo this check needs to be improved, to check the output buffer
if (running && (!options || !options.force))
return callback(new Error("Already running"));
running = STARTING;
if (srunner == "auto") {
return detectRunner(options, function(err, runner) {
if (err) return callback(err);
options.force = true;
run(runner, options, callback);
// Set the runner property
runner = srunner;
if (deferred)
return setTimeout(callback);
var cmd = "";
// Display a message prior to running the command
if (runner.info)
cmd += "printf '\\033[1m" + runner.info.replace(/%/g, "%%") + "\\033[m\n' ; ";
// Set the PATH variable if needed
if (runner.path)
cmd += "export PATH=" + runner.path + " ; ";
var env = util.extend({}, options.env, runner.env);
for (var name in env) {
// HACK: old configurations used double quoting of environment values;
// let's support such nastiness for now
var value = /^["'].*["']$/.test(env[name])
? env[name]
: env[name].replace(/'/g, "'\\''");
cmd += "export " + name + "='" + value + "'; ";
// Open a pty session with tmux on the output buffer
if (runner.script) {
// Replace variables
cmd = insertVariables(cmd, options);
cmd += typeof runner.script == "string" ? runner.script : runner.script.join("\n");
var matches = cmd.match(/\$[\w\-]+/g) || [];
var seen = { args: true };
cmd = matches.map(function(key) {
if (seen[key])
return "";
seen[key] = 1;
var val = getVariable(key.slice(1), options);
if (val == key)
return "";
return key.slice(1) + "=" + bashQuote([val]) + ";";
}).join("") + "\n" + cmd;
} else {
// @todo add argument escaping
cmd += bashQuote(options.debug && runner["cmd-debug"] || runner.cmd);
// Replace variables
cmd = insertVariables(cmd, options);
var cwd = options.cwd || runner.working_dir
|| options.path && dirname(c9.toInternalPath(options.path)) || "/";
cwd = insertVariables(cwd, options);
// Execute run.sh
proc.tmux(cmd, {
session: procName,
detach: options.detach !== false,
base: installPath.replace(/^~/, c9.home || "~"),
kill: true,
output: true,
cols: 100,
rows: 5,
cwd: cwd,
validatePath: true,
testing: testing
}, function(err, pty, processId) {
if (err)
return callback(err);
// Set process variable for later use
process = pty;
pid = processId;
// Running
running = STARTED;
emit("started", { pty: pty, options: options });
// if not detached
if (options.detach === false) {
// Hook data and exit events
pty.on("data", function(data) { emit("data", data); });
pty.on("exit", function() { emit("detach"); });
// Else if detached
else {
if (pid == -1) {
// The process already exited
callback(null, -1);
else {
callback(null, pid);
function getVariable(name, options) {
var fnme, idx;
var path = options.path;
var args = options.args;
var port;
if (name == "command")
return (options.relPath || "");
if (name == "file")
return (path || "");
if (name == "file_path")
return dirname(path || "");
if (name == "file_name")
return basename(path || "");
if (name == "file_extension") {
if (!path) return "";
fnme = basename(path);
idx = fnme.lastIndexOf(".");
return idx == -1 ? "" : fnme.substr(idx + 1);
if (name === "args")
return bashQuote(args, true);
if (name == "file_base_name") {
if (!path) return "";
fnme = basename(path);
idx = fnme.lastIndexOf(".");
return idx == -1 ? fnme : fnme.substr(0, idx);
if (name == "packages")
return installPath + "/packages";
if (name == "project_path")
return base;
if (name == "project_id")
return workspace.id;
if (name == "project_name")
return workspace.name;
if (name == "project_contents")
return workspace.contents;
if (name == "hostname")
return c9.hostname || "localhost";
if (name == "hostname_path") {
port = (options.local ? ":" + (c9.port || "8080") : "");
return ("https://" + c9.hostname || "http://localhost") + port + "/" + (options.relPath || "");
if (name == "url") {
port = (options.local ? ":" + (c9.port || "8080") : "");
return (c9.hostname
? "https://" + c9.hostname
: "http://localhost") + port;
if (name == "port")
return c9.port || "8080";
if (name == "ip")
return "";
if (name == "home")
return c9.home;
if (name == "python")
return settings.get("project/python/@version");
if (name == "python_path")
return settings.get("project/python/@path");
if (name == "debug")
return options.debug + "";
return "$" + name;
function reverse(str) {
return str.split('').reverse().join('');
function insertVariables(cmd, options) {
// Loop until we get a fixpoint, since our pattern matches the
// two characters next to a variable and would otherwise skip
// over adjacent variables like $ip:$port.
var oldCmd;
do {
oldCmd = cmd;
cmd = cmd.replace(/(^|[^\\])(?:\$([\w_]+)|\$\{([^}]+)\})([^\\]|)/g,
function(m, startChar, name, nameBrackets, endChar) {
if (name || !nameBrackets)
return startChar + getVariable(name, options) + endChar;
else if (startChar) {
// Test for default value
if (nameBrackets.match(/^([\w_]+)\:(.*)$/))
return startChar + (getVariable(RegExp.$1, options) || RegExp.$2) + endChar;
// Test for conditional shell expression value
if (nameBrackets.match(/^([\w_]+)\?`(.*)`$/))
return options[RegExp.$1] ? "`" + RegExp.$2 + "`" : "";
// Test for conditional value
if (nameBrackets.match(/^([\w_]+)\?(.*)$/))
if (options[RegExp.$1])
return startChar + RegExp.$2 + endChar;
else if (startChar.trim().charAt(0).match(/['"]/))
return ""; // remove quotes
return startChar + endChar;
// Test for regular expression
if (nameBrackets.match(/^([\w_]+)\/(.*)$/)) {
return startChar + reverse(nameBrackets)
function (m, replace, find, name) {
var data = getVariable(reverse(name), options);
var re = new RegExp(reverse(find), "g");
return data.replace(re, reverse(replace));
}) + endChar;
// TODO quotes
// Assume just a name
return startChar + getVariable(nameBrackets, options) + endChar;
} while (cmd !== oldCmd);
return cmd;
function cleanup(callback) {
function finish() {
pid = 0;
runner = null;
running = STOPPED;
callback && callback();
return false; // Prevent error when watchfile doesn't exist
if (running == CLEANING || running == STOPPING || running == STOPPED) {
if (running !== 0)
return finish();
return callback && callback();
if (running > 0) {
running = STOPPING;
function stop(callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
if (!running)
return callback();
if (!pid) {
// If there's no PID yet, wait until we get one and then stop
if (running === STARTING) {
// Make sure the process times out
var timer = setTimeout(function() {
cleanup(function() {
callback(new Error("Could not get PID from process. "
+ "The process seemed to not be running anymore."));
}, 2000);
plugin.on("started", function(e) {
if (e.pid > 0)
else {
cleanup(function() {
callback(new Error("Could not get PID from running "
+ "process. Process might still be running in the "
+ "background."));
running = STOPPING;
function killOldProcess(callback) {
// (on Windows, execFile("kill") is handled specially)
if (c9.platform === "win32")
return proc.execFile("kill", { args: [pid]}, done);
var runCfg = runner;
if (runCfg && runCfg.cmdStop) {
return proc.execFile("bash", { args: ["-c", bashQuote(runCfg.cmdStop)]}, done);
proc.killtree(pid, { graceful: true }, function() {
if (runCfg && runCfg.cmdCleanup) {
proc.execFile("bash", { args: ["-c", bashQuote(runCfg.cmdCleanup)]}, done);
else if (meta.debug && runner && runner.debugport) {
var kill = "kill -9 $(lsof -i:" + runner.debugport + " -t);"
+ "if sudo -n true; then sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -i:" + runner.debugport + " -t); fi";
proc.execFile("sh", { args: ["-c", kill]}, done);
else {
function done(err, e) {
// Clean up here to make sure runner is in correct state
if (err && err.code !== "EDISCONNECT")
err = null;
cleanup(function() {
callback(err, e);
var checking;
function checkState(cb) {
if (checking) return checking.push(cb);
checking = [cb];
// Execute run.sh
proc.tmux("", {
session: procName,
fetchpid: true
}, function(err, pty, newPid) {
var callbacks = checking || [];
checking = false;
// Process has exited
if (err || newPid == -1 || !newPid) {
else {
pid = newPid;
if (!running) {
running = STARTED;
emit("started", { pty: pty, options: options });
callbacks.forEach(function(cb) { cb && cb(); });
function getState() {
return {
pid: pid,
name: procName,
running: running >= 0 ? running : 0,
runner: runner
function detach(callback) {
// Kill the pty session
if (process)
process.write(String.fromCharCode(2) + "d");
// proc.execFile(TMUX, {
// args: [ "detach-client", "-t", procName ]
// }, callback);
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Represents a process started with a `runner`.
* See the {@link run#run run plugin} for information on how to
* start a process.
* @class run.Process
* @property {-2} CLEANING Indicates the process run state is
* being cleaned up. To be tested against the `running` property.
* @property {-1} STOPPING Indicates the process is being
* killed. To be tested against the `running` property.
* @property {0} STOPPED Indicates the process is not running.
* To be tested against the `running` property.
* @property {1} STARTING Indicates the process is getting
* started. To be tested against the `running` property.
* @property {2} STARTED Indicates the process is running.
* To be tested against the `running` property.
* @property {Number} running Indicates the state of the process.
get running() { return running; },
* @property {Object} runner The object describing how to run
* the process.
get runner() { return runner; },
* @property {Number} pid The pid of the running process if any
get pid() { return pid; },
* @property {String} name The name of the process.
get name() { return procName; },
* @property {Object} meta
get meta() { return meta; },
* @property {Object} command The command that started this process
get command() { return cmd; },
_events: [
* Fires when the process is going to be killed
* @event stopping
* Fires when the process stopped running
* @event stopped
* Fires when the process is being started
* @event starting
* Fires when the process is started. This event also fires
* during startup if there's a PID file present
* @event started
* Returns the state of this process for use later.
* @return {Object}
getState: getState,
* Validates whether the process is still running
checkState: checkState,
* Detach from the currently running process. This is only
* relevant if options.detach was set to false when starting
* the process.
detach: detach,
* Stop the currently running process.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the process is stopped
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object, if an error
* has occured.
stop: stop,
run: function(callback) {
if (!deferred)
return callback(new Error("Cannot call run() on non-deferred process"));
deferred = false;
options.force = true;
run(runner, options, callback || function() {});
* Fetch variables from a string. See the {@link run#run run method} for more info.
* @param {String} str
insertVariables: function(str) {
return insertVariables(str, options);
if (!pid)
run(runner, options, callback || function() {});
return plugin;
function bashQuote(commandArgs, alsoQuoteArgs) {
if (!commandArgs)
return "";
return commandArgs.map(function(part) {
if (part === "$args" && !alsoQuoteArgs)
return part;
return part.match(/^`.*`$/) // shell expression
? part
: "\"" + part.replace(/'/g, "'\"'") + "\"";
}).join(" ");
/***** Lifecycle *****/
handle.on("load", function() {
handle.on("enable", function() {
handle.on("disable", function() {
handle.on("unload", function() {
loaded = false;
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Runs arbitrary programs and code from within Cloud9 based on a
* runner.
* *NB.: If you just want to run a process in the background you should
* use {@link proc#spawn} or related methods. This runner is architected
* specifically for running (and debugging) processes in Cloud9 that the
* user monitors in an {@link output} pane.*
* Example:
* run.getRunner("node", false, function(err, runner) {
* if (err) throw err.message;
* var process = run.run(runner, {
* path: "/helloworld.js"
* }, function(err, pid) {
* if (err) throw err.message;
* console.log("The PID is ", pid);
* });
* });
* You can also ask for auto-detection of the runner based on the file
* extension:
* var process = run.run("auto", {
* path: "/helloworld.js"
* }, function(err, pid) {
* if (err) throw err.message;
* console.log("The PID is ", pid);
* });
* A runner is a simple struct that describes how to run a
* certain subset of files. For instance a runner describing how to run
* Node.js files looks like this:
* {
* "cmd": [node, "${debug?--debug-brk=15454}", "$file"],
* "debugger": "v8",
* "debugport": 15454,
* "selector": "source.js",
* "info": "Your code is running at $hostname"
* }
* The concept of runners is based on the
* [Sublime Text(tm) Build Systems](http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/sublime-text-3/file_processing/build_systems.html),
* and is compatible with that format. There are a several
* built-in runners, and external plugins can add new runners as well.
* Users can also add runners to their .c9/runners directory in
* the workspace. We recommend users to commit these runners to their
* repository.
* The {@link build Cloud9 Build System} also uses a compatible
* format for the cloud9 builders.
* It is possible to combine builders and runners, therefore it is
* often not needed to describe the build and run step in the same
* definition.
* A process is always started in a [TMUX](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tmux)
* session. TMUX is a PTY multi-plexer which has several advantages;
* multiple clients can connect to the same session and the sessions are
* kept even if no user is connected.
* You can connect an {@link output} pane to the started process to
* see the output of your running process. The name passed to
* {@link run#run} should be the same as the name of the output pane
* you open:
* tabManager.open({
* editorType : "output",
* active : true,
* document : {
* title : "My Process Name",
* output : {
* id : "name_of_process"
* }
* }
* }, function(){});
* Note that by default the process name is "output" and is shown in the
* default output panel (available via the View menu).
* @singleton
* @property {-2} CLEANING Indicates the process run state is
* being cleaned up. To be tested against the `runner` property.
* Indicates the process is being killed. To be tested against
* the `running` property.
* @property {-1} STOPPING
* Indicates the process is not running. To be tested against
* the `running` property.
* @property {0} STOPPED
* Indicates the process is getting started. To be tested against
* the `running` property.
* @property {1} STARTING
* Indicates the process is running. To be tested against
* the `running` property.
* @property {2} STARTED
* @property {run.Process[]} processes List of running processes
get processes() { return processes; },
* @property {Object[]} runners List of available runners
get runners() { return runners; },
_events: [
* Fires when the process is going to be killed
* @event stopping
* @param {Object} e
* @param {run.Process} e.process the process that is stopping
* Fires when the process stopped running
* @event stopped
* @param {Object} e
* @param {run.Process} e.process the process that is stopped
* Fires when the process is being started
* @event starting
* @param {Object} e
* @param {run.Process} e.process the process that is starting
* Fires when the process is started. This event also fires
* during startup if there's a PID file present
* @event started
* @param {Object} e
* @param {run.Process} e.process the process that is stopped
* Fires when the process is created.
* @event create
* @param {Object} e
* @param {run.Process} e.process the process that is created
* Retrieves an array of names of runners available to the system.
* A runner is a JSON file that describes how a certain file can
* be executed. The JSON file format is based on and compatible with
* the sublime build scripts. Besides the build in runners, the
* user can store runners in <installPath>/runners. This list will contain
* both the user's runners as well as the build-in runners.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the runners are retrieved
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occurred.
* @param {String[]} callback.runners A list of names of runners.
listRunners: listRunners,
* Detect the runner that will be used to run a certain file
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} callback
detectRunner: detectRunner,
* Retrieves an individual runner's JSON object based on it's name.
* The names of available runners can be retrieved using `listRunners`.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the runner is retrieved
* @param {Function} callback.err The error object if an error occurred.
* @param {Function} callback.runner A runner object. See {@link #run} for more information.
getRunner: getRunner,
* Adds a new runner to the list of runners
* @param {String} name The name of the runner to add
* @param {Object} runner The runner to add
addRunner: addRunner,
* Stop all running processes
stopAll: stopAll,
* Check whether a selector matches a certain path
* @param {String/Array} selector
* @param {String} path
matchSelector: matchSelector,
* Gets a process based on a pid
* @param {Object} state The state object returned by {@link run.Process.getState}.
* @return {run.Process}
restoreProcess: restoreProcess,
* Starts a process based on a runner and options that are passed.
* The runner can specify how to run a file. The implementation is
* based on sublime's build scripts. I'm copying some of their
* documentation here below for now:
* [Source: http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/reference/build_systems.html]
* Generated commands can contain variables that are replaced just
* prior to running the command. The following list are the supported
* variables:
* <table>
* <tr><td>Variable</td><td> Description</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$file_path"</td><td> The directory of the current file, e. g., C:\Files.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$file"</td><td> The full path to the current file, e. g., C:\Files\Chapter1.txt.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$args"</td><td> Any arguments entered after the file name.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$file_name"</td><td> The name portion of the current file, e. g., Chapter1.txt.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$file_extension"</td><td> The extension portion of the current file, e. g., txt.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$file_base_name"</td><td> The name only portion of the current file, e. g., Document.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$packages"</td><td> The full path to the Packages folder.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$project"</td><td> The full path to the current project file.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$project_path"</td><td> The directory of the current project file.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$project_name"</td><td> The name portion of the current project file.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$project_extension"</td><td> The extension portion of the current project file.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$project_base_name"</td><td> The name only portion of the current project file.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$hostname"</td><td> The hostname of the workspace.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$hostname_path"</td><td> The hostname of the workspace together with the relative path of the project file.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$url"</td><td> The full url to access the workspace.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$port"</td><td> The port assigned to the workspace.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"$ip"</td><td> The ip address to run a process against in the workspace.</td></tr>
* </table>
* The following declarations can be used to add defaults or regexp
* replacements to the these variables:
* ${debug?--debug}
* This will emit --debug if the debug option is set to true
* ${project_name:Default}
* This will emit the name of the current project if there is one, otherwise Default.
* ${file/\.php/\.txt/}
* This will emit the full path of the current file, replacing .php with .txt.
* @param {Object/"auto"} runner Object describing how to run a process.
* Alternatively this can be set to "auto" to auto-detect the runner.
* @param {Array} runner.cmd Array containing the command to run and its desired
* arguments. If you dont specify an absolute path, the
* external program will be searched in your PATH, one of your
* systems environmental variables. The command can contain
* variables.
* @param {RegExp} [runner.line_regex] If file_regex doesnt match on the
* current line, but line_regex exists, and it does match on
* the current line, then walk backwards through the buffer
* until a line matching file regex is found, and use these two
* matches to determine the file and line to go to.
* @param {RegExp} [runner.selector] Used when the automatic selection of the
* runner is set. Cloud9 uses this scope selector to
* find the appropriate build system for the active view.
* @param {String} [runner.working_dir] Directory to change the current
* directory to before running cmd. The original current
* directory is restored afterwards.
* @param {Object} [runner.env] Dictionary of environment variables to be merged
* with the current process before passing them to cmd.
* Use this element, for example, to add or modify environment
* variables without modifying your systems settings.
* @param {Boolean} [runner.shell] If true, cmd will be run through the shell.
* In our implementation all commands run through the shell.
* This cannot be changed.
* @param {Boolean} [runner.debugger] Set this to the type string of
* the debugger that should connect to the process. The built-in
* debuggers are 'v8' and 'gdb'.
* @param {Boolean} [runner.debugport] Set this to the port number
* that the debugger will connect to.
* @param {String} [runner.path] This string will replace the current process
* PATH before calling cmd. The old PATH value will be restored
* after that.
* Use this option to add directories to PATH without having
* to modify your systems settings.
* @param {String} [runner.info] message to be outputted in the output buffer
* prior to running the processes. This message can contain
* variables.
* @param {Array} [runner.variants] currently not supported.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.path the path to the file to execute
* @param {String} options.cwd the current working directory
* @param {Array} options.args arguments to be passed to the program
* @param {Boolean} options.debug whether to start the process in debug mode
* @param {String} [name] the unique name of the output buffer.
* Defaults to "output". There can only be one process running on
* an output buffer at the same time. After a process has ended
* the process object is stale.
* @param {Function} callback called when the process is started
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occurred.
* @returns {run.Process} The process object
run: run
register(null, {
run: handle