
783 wiersze
27 KiB

/*global requirejs*/
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [
"PreferencePanel", "settings", "ui", "util", "Form", "ext", "c9",
"dialog.alert", "dialog.confirm", "layout", "proc", "menus", "commands",
"dialog.error", "dialog.info", "tree.favorites", "fs", "tree", "plugin.debug",
main.provides = ["plugin.manager"];
return main;
- Show Packages to be updated
- Open Plugin Store
- Open Cloud9 in Debug Mode
- List all installed packages
- Filter
- Core packages
- Name
- Version
- Description
- Load Time
- Plugin profile
- Pre-installed
- *
- Custom packages
- *
- Actions:
- Uninstall
- Report Issue
- Open in Cloud9
DataProvider.variableHeightRowMixin.call(this) in datagrid constructor
and set node.height
harutyun [1:11 PM]
or add a custom getItemHeight function like https://github.com/c9/newclient/blob/master/node_modules/ace_tree/demo/demo.js#L63 (edited)
function main(options, imports, register) {
var PreferencePanel = imports.PreferencePanel;
var settings = imports.settings;
var layout = imports.layout;
var ui = imports.ui;
var c9 = imports.c9;
var menus = imports.menus;
var fs = imports.fs;
var commands = imports.commands;
var ext = imports.ext;
var tree = imports.tree;
var proc = imports.proc;
var util = imports.util;
var qs = require("querystring");
var alert = imports["dialog.alert"].show;
var confirm = imports["dialog.confirm"].show;
var showError = imports["dialog.error"].show;
var showInfo = imports["dialog.info"].show;
var favs = imports["tree.favorites"];
var pluginDebug = imports["plugin.debug"];
var experimental = imports["preferences.experimental"];
var search = require("../c9.ide.navigate/search");
var Tree = require("ace_tree/tree");
var TreeData = require("./managerdp");
var join = require("path").join;
var basename = require("path").basename;
var dirname = require("path").dirname;
var staticPrefix = options.staticPrefix;
var architect;
var CORE = {
"c9.core": 1, "c9.fs": 1, "c9.ide.preferences": 1, "c9.ide.panels": 1,
"c9.ide.plugins": 1, "c9.ide.login": 1, "c9.vfs.client": 1,
"c9.ide.console": 1, "c9.ide.editors": 1, "c9.ide.dialog.common": 1,
"c9.ide.dialog.file": 1, "c9.ide.dialog.login": 1, "c9.ide.errorhandler": 1,
"c9.ide.help": 1, "c9.ide.keys": 1, "c9.ide.restore": 1, "c9.ide.watcher": 1,
"c9.ide.tree": 1, "c9.ide.info": 1,
"c9.ide.layout.classic": 1, "c9.ide.terminal": 1, "c9.ide.ace": 1,
"c9.ide.clipboard": 1, "c9.nodeapi": 1
var GROUPS = {
"custom": "Installed Plugins",
"pre": "Pre-installed plugins",
"core": "Core Plugins",
"runtime": "Plugins created runtime"
"plugin.simple": "Empty Plugin",
"plugin.default": "Full Plugin",
"plugin.installer": "Installer Plugin",
"plugin.bundle": "Cloud9 Bundle"
// @TODO add sorting
/***** Initialization *****/
var ENABLED = c9.location.indexOf("debug=2") > -1
|| experimental.addExperiment(
"SDK/Plugin Manager"
var plugin = new PreferencePanel("Ajax.org", main.consumes, {
caption: "Plugin Manager",
className: "plugins",
form: false,
noscroll: true,
index: 200,
visible: ENABLED,
// var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var model, datagrid, filterbox;
var btnUninstall, btnReport, btnReadme, btnCloud9, btnReload;
var loaded = false;
function load() {
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
if (!ENABLED) return;
// @TODO enable/disable plugins -> move to ext
// settings.on("read", function(e) {
// updateCommandsFromSettings();
// }, plugin);
// commands.on("update", function(){
// changed = true;
// updateCommandsFromSettings();
// }, plugin);
if (options.devel) {
name: "reloadLastPlugin",
bindKey: { mac: "F4", win: "F4" },
hint: "reload plugin last reloaded in plugin manager",
exec: function() {
var name = getLastReloaded();
if (!name)
return commands.exec("reloadPlugin", null, { panel: plugin });
}, plugin);
name: "reloadPlugin",
group: "Plugins",
exec: function() {
commands.exec("openpreferences", null, { panel: plugin });
}, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Tools/~", new ui.divider(), 100000, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Tools/Developer", null, 100100, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Tools/Developer/Reload Built-in Plugin...", new ui.item({
command: "reloadPlugin"
}), 1100, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("Tools/Developer/Reload Last Plugin", new ui.item({
command: "reloadLastPlugin",
isAvailable: getLastReloaded
}), 1200, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("File/New Plugin", null, 210, plugin);
Object.keys(TEMPLATES).forEach(function(name) {
menus.addItemByPath("File/New Plugin/" + TEMPLATES[name], new ui.item({
onclick: function() {
}), 210, plugin);
ext.on("register", function() {
var drawn;
function draw(e) {
if (drawn) return;
drawn = true;
model = new TreeData();
model.emptyMessage = "No plugins found";
model.columns = [{
caption: "Name",
value: "name",
// getText: function(p){
// return p.name + " (" + p.items.length + ")";
// },
width: "250",
type: "tree"
}, {
caption: "Version",
// value: "version",
getText: function(p) {
return p.version ||
? p.items.length && p.items[0].version || ""
: "");
width: "100"
}, {
caption: "Startup Time",
// value: "time",
width: "100",
getText: function(p) {
if (p.time !== undefined)
return (p.time || 0) + "ms";
var total = 0;
if (p.isPackage || p.name == "runtime") {
p.items.forEach(function(item) { total += item.time || 0; });
else {
p.items.forEach(function(p) {
p.items && p.items.forEach(function(item) { total += item.time || 0; });
return (p.time = total) + "ms";
}, {
caption: "Enabled",
value: "enabled",
width: "100"
// }, {
// caption: "Package",
// value: "package", // @todo make a link
// width: "100%"
}, {
caption: "Developer",
// value: "developer",
getText: function(p) {
return p.developer ||
? p.items.length && p.items[0].developer || ""
: "");
width: "150"
layout.on("eachTheme", function(e) {
var height = parseInt(ui.getStyleRule(".bar-preferences .blackdg .tree-row", "height"), 10) || 24;
model.rowHeightInner = height;
model.rowHeight = height;
if (e.changed) datagrid.resize(true);
// type: "custom",
// title: "Introduction",
// position: 1,
// node: intro = new ui.bar({
// height: 149,
// "class" : "intro",
// style: "padding:12px;position:relative;"
// })
// intro.$int.innerHTML =
// '<h1>Keybindings</h1><p>Change these settings to configure '
// + 'how Cloud9 responds to your keyboard commands.</p>'
// + '<p>You can also manually edit <a href="javascript:void(0)" '
// + '>your keymap file</a>.</p>'
// + '<p class="hint">Hint: Double click on the keystroke cell in the table below to change the keybinding.</p>';
// intro.$int.querySelector("a").onclick = function(){ editUserKeys(); };
var hbox = new ui.hbox({
htmlNode: e.html,
padding: 5,
edge: "10 10 0 10",
childNodes: [
filterbox = new apf.codebox({
realtime: true,
skin: "codebox",
"class": "dark",
clearbutton: true,
focusselect: true,
height: 27,
width: 250,
singleline: true,
"initial-message": "Search installed plugins"
new ui.filler({}),
btnUninstall = new ui.button({
skin: "btn-default-css3",
caption: "Uninstall",
class: "btn-red",
onclick: function() {
var item = datagrid.selection.getCursor();
if (item.isPackage)
uninstall(item.name, function() {});
else if (item.enabled == "true")
disable(item.name, function() {});
enable(item.name, function() {});
btnReport = new ui.button({
skin: "btn-default-css3",
caption: "Report Issue"
btnReadme = new ui.button({
skin: "btn-default-css3",
caption: "Open README"
btnCloud9 = new ui.button({
skin: "btn-default-css3",
caption: "Open in Cloud9"
btnReload = new ui.button({
skin: "btn-default-css3",
caption: "Reload",
onclick: function() {
var item = datagrid.selection.getCursor();
if (item.enabled && item.name)
var div = e.html.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
div.style.position = "absolute";
div.style.left = "10px";
div.style.right = "10px";
div.style.bottom = "10px";
div.style.top = "50px";
datagrid = new Tree(div);
datagrid.setTheme({ cssClass: "blackdg" });
layout.on("resize", function() { datagrid.resize(); }, plugin);
function setTheme(e) {
e.theme.indexOf("dark") > -1 ? "dark" : "");
layout.on("themeChange", setTheme);
setTheme({ theme: settings.get("user/general/@skin") });
bindKey: "Enter",
exec: function() { }
}, {
bindKey: "Esc",
exec: function(ace) { ace.setValue(""); }
filterbox.ace.on("input", function(e) {
// when tab is restored datagrids size might be wrong
// todo: remove this when apf bug is fixed
datagrid.once("mousemove", function() {
datagrid.on("changeSelection", function(e) {
var item = datagrid.selection.getCursor();
if (item.isGroup) {
else {
if (item.isPackage) {
btnUninstall.setAttribute("class", "btn-red");
else {
btnUninstall.setCaption(item.enabled == "true" ? "Disable" : "Enable");
btnUninstall.setAttribute("class", item.enabled == "true" ? "btn-red" : "btn-green");
if (CORE[item.name] || item.parent.parent && item.parent.parent.isType == "core") {
} else {
if (item.isPackage || CORE[item.name] || item.parent.parent && item.parent.parent.isType == "core") {
} else {
/***** Methods *****/
function reloadModel() {
if (!model) return;
var groups = {};
var packages = {};
var root = [];
["custom", "pre", "core", "runtime"].forEach(function(name) {
root.push(groups[name] = {
items: [],
isOpen: name != "runtime",
className: "group",
isGroup: true,
isType: name,
noSelect: true,
name: GROUPS[name]
var lut = ext.named;
ext.plugins.forEach(function(plugin) {
var info = architect.pluginToPackage[plugin.name];
var packageName = info && info.package || "runtime";
var groupName;
if (CORE[packageName]) groupName = "core";
else if (info && info.isAdditionalMode) groupName = "custom";
else groupName = "pre";
var package;
if (packageName == "runtime") {
package = groups.runtime;
else {
package = packages[packageName];
if (!package)
groups[groupName].items.push(package = packages[packageName] = {
items: [],
isPackage: true,
className: "package",
parent: groups[groupName],
name: packageName
name: plugin.name,
enabled: lut[plugin.name].loaded ? "true" : "false",
time: plugin.time,
version: info && info.version || "N/A",
parent: package,
package: packageName,
developer: plugin.developer == "Ajax.org"
? "Cloud9"
: plugin.developer
model.cachedRoot = { items: root };
function applyFilter() {
model.keyword = filterbox && filterbox.getValue();
if (!model.keyword) {
model.reKeyword = null;
// model.isOpen = function(node){ return node.isOpen; }
else {
model.reKeyword = new RegExp("("
+ util.escapeRegExp(model.keyword) + ")", 'i');
var root = search.treeSearch(model.cachedRoot.items, model.keyword, true);
// model.isOpen = function(node){ return true; };
function uninstall(name) {
btnUninstall.setAttribute("caption", "...");
// @TODO first disable the plugin
proc.spawn("c9", { args: ["uninstall", name]}, function(err, p) {
p.stdout.on("data", function(c) {
p.stderr.on("data", function(c) {
p.on("exit", function(code) {
if (code) {
return alert("Could not uninstall plugin",
"Could not uninstall plugin",
"Could not uninstall plugin");
btnUninstall.setAttribute("caption", "Uninstall");
function enable(name) {
try { ext.enablePlugin(name); }
catch (e) {
alert("Could not disable plugin",
"Got an error when disabling plugin: " + name,
return false;
function disable(name, callback) {
var deps = ext.getDependencies(name);
var plugins = ext.named;
for (var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
ext.getDependencies(deps[i]).forEach(function(name) {
if (deps.indexOf(name) == -1)
if (deps.length) {
confirm("Found " + deps.length + " plugins that depend on this plugin.",
"Would you like to disable all the plugins that depend on '" + name + "'?",
"These plugins would also be disabled: " + deps.join(", "),
// Yes
function() {
if (deps.reverse().every(function(name) {
console.log("Disabling", name);
return !recurDisable(name);
})) {
// No
function() {
callback(new Error("User Cancelled"));
else {
var e = disable(name);
if (!e) reloadModel();
function recurDisable(name) {
var deps = ext.getDependencies(name);
if (deps.length) {
if (!deps.every(function(name) {
return !recurDisable(name);
})) return false;
return disable(name);
function disable(name) {
if (!plugins[name].loaded) return;
try { ext.disablePlugin(name); }
catch (e) {
alert("Could not disable plugin",
"Got an error when disabling plugin: " + name,
return e;
function createNewPlugin(template) {
if (!template)
template = "c9.ide.default";
var url = staticPrefix + "/" + join("templates", template + ".tar.gz");
if (!url.match(/^http/))
url = location.origin + url;
function getPath(callback, i) {
i = i || 0;
var path = join("~", ".c9/plugins/", template + (i ? "." + i : ""));
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (exists) return getPath(callback, i + 1);
callback(null, path);
function handleError(err) {
showError("Could not create plugin.");
getPath(function(err, path) {
if (err)
return handleError(err);
var pluginsDir = join("~", ".c9/plugins/_/");
var pluginsDirAbsolute = pluginsDir.replace(/^~/, c9.home);
var tarPath = join(pluginsDir, template + ".tar.gz");
var tarPathAbsolute = tarPath.replace(/^~/, c9.home);
// Download tar file with template for plugin
proc.execFile("bash", {
args: ["-c", [
// using mkdirp since "--create-dirs" is broken on windows
"mkdir", "-p", util.escapeShell(dirname(tarPathAbsolute)), ";",
"curl", "-L", util.escapeShell(url), "-o", util.escapeShell(tarPathAbsolute)].join(" ")
}, function(err, stderr, stdout) {
if (err)
return handleError(err);
// Untar tar file
proc.execFile("bash", {
args: ["-c", ["tar", "-zxvf", util.escapeShell(tarPath), "-C", util.escapeShell(pluginsDirAbsolute)].join(" ")]
}, function(err, stderr, stdout) {
if (err)
return handleError(err);
// Move template to the right folder
var dirPath = join(dirname(tarPath), template);
fs.rename(dirPath, path, function(err) {
if (err)
return handleError(err);
// Remove .tar.gz
fs.unlink(tarPath, function() {
// Add plugin to favorites
favs.addFavorite(dirname(pluginsDir), "plugins");
// Select and expand the folder of the plugin
function reload(name) {
var href = document.location.href.replace(/[?&]reload=[^&]+/, "");
href += (href.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + "reload=" + name;
window.history.replaceState(window.history.state, null, href);
for (var plugin in architect.lut) {
if (architect.lut[plugin].provides.indexOf(name) < 0)
function showReloadTip(name) {
if (options.devel) {
var key = commands.getHotkey("reloadLastPlugin");
if (commands.platform == "mac")
key = apf.hotkeys.toMacNotation(key);
if (!getLastReloaded()) {
showInfo("Reloaded " + name + ". Press " + key + " to reload again.", 3000);
showInfo("Reloaded " + name + ".", 1000);
function getLastReloaded() {
return qs.parse(document.location.search.substr(1)).reload;
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
plugin.on("draw", function(e) {
plugin.on("activate", function(e) {
datagrid && datagrid.resize();
plugin.on("resize", function(e) {
datagrid && datagrid.resize();
plugin.on("enable", function() {
plugin.on("disable", function() {
plugin.on("unload", function() {
loaded = false;
drawn = false;
architect = null;
model = null;
datagrid = null;
filterbox = null;
btnUninstall = null;
btnReport = null;
btnReadme = null;
btnCloud9 = null;
btnReload = null;
/***** Register and define API *****/
get architect() { throw new Error(); },
set architect(v) {
architect = v;
architect.on("ready-additional", function() {
createNewPlugin: createNewPlugin,
uninstall: uninstall,
enable: enable,
disable: disable,
reload: reload
register(null, {
"plugin.manager": plugin