
2774 wiersze
118 KiB

define(function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
main.consumes = [
"Editor", "editors", "commands", "menus", "Menu", "MenuItem", "Divider",
"settings", "c9", "preferences", "ui", "tabManager", "layout", "util",
"threewaymerge", "error_handler"
main.provides = ["ace"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Editor = imports.Editor;
var editors = imports.editors;
var commands = imports.commands;
var menus = imports.menus;
var settings = imports.settings;
var layout = imports.layout;
var c9 = imports.c9;
var ui = imports.ui;
var util = imports.util;
var tabs = imports.tabManager;
var prefs = imports.preferences;
var Menu = imports.Menu;
var MenuItem = imports.MenuItem;
var Divider = imports.Divider;
var merge = imports.threewaymerge;
var errorHandler = imports.error_handler;
// Markup & Modes
var cssString = require("text!./style.less");
var themes = JSON.parse(require("text!./themes.json"));
var modes = require("./modes");
var extensions = Object.keys(modes.extensions);
// bearable scrollbars on windows
// Ace
var lang = require("ace/lib/lang");
var Range = require("ace/range").Range;
var config = require("ace/config");
var Document = require("ace/document").Document;
var AceEditor = require("ace/editor").Editor;
var EditSession = require("ace/edit_session").EditSession;
var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager;
var whitespaceUtil = require("ace/ext/whitespace");
var defaultCommands = require("ace/commands/default_commands").commands;
var VirtualRenderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer;
var multiSelectCommands = require("ace/multi_select").commands;
// enable multiselect
// and error marker
// preload html mode
// Needed to clear ace
var dummySession = new EditSession("");
// We don't use ace workers
config.setDefaultValue("session", "useWorker", false);
// experiment
config.setDefaultValue("editor", "fixedWidthGutter", true);
EditSession.prototype.diffAndReplace = function(range, text) {
var doc = this.doc;
var start = doc.positionToIndex(range.start);
var oldText = doc.getTextRange(range);
merge.patchAce(oldText, text, doc, {
offset: start,
method: "quick"
var dl = text.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, doc.getNewLineCharacter()).length;
return doc.indexToPosition(start + dl);
/***** Global API *****/
// Set up the generic handle
var handle = editors.register("ace", "Ace", Ace, extensions);
var handleEmit = handle.getEmitter();
var mnuAce, mnuGutter;
var isMinimal = options.minimal;
var themeLoaded = {};
var themeCounter = 100;
var lastTheme, grpSyntax, grpThemes;
var theme;
var skin = settings.get("user/general/@skin");
var defaultThemes = {
"light" : "ace/theme/cloud9_day",
"light-gray" : "ace/theme/cloud9_day",
"flat-light" : "ace/theme/cloud9_day",
"dark" : "ace/theme/cloud9_night_low_color",
"dark-gray" : "ace/theme/cloud9_night_low_color"
// Fix broken settings
if (!defaultThemes[skin]) {
settings.set("user/general/@skin", "dark");
skin = "dark";
if (isMinimal) {
defaultThemes[skin] = "ace/theme/textmate";
} else {
require([defaultThemes[skin]], function(){}); // Preload Themes
handle.__defineGetter__("theme", function(){ return theme; });
function addCorner(ace) {
if (isMinimal)
var shadow = document.createElement("div");
shadow.className = "scroll_shadow";
var corner = document.createElement("div");
corner.className = "ace_corner";
function addCornerStyles(theme) {
var sheet = document.getElementById(theme.cssClass).sheet;
"." + theme.cssClass + " .ace_corner" + "{"
+ "background: radial-gradient(at 5px 5px, "
+ (theme.isDark ? "rgba(0,0,0,0)" : "rgba(250,250,250,0)")
+ "5.5px," + theme.bg + "6px)"
+ "}",
function setTheme(path, isPreview, fromServer, $err) {
// Get Theme or wait for theme to load
theme = fromServer;
if (!theme) {
return $err || config.loadModule(path, function(m) {
setTheme(path, isPreview, m, true);
if (!isPreview) {
if (settings.get("user/ace/@theme") != path) {
settings.set("user/ace/@theme", path);
// Emit theme change event
var style = (theme.isDark ? "dark" : "light");
if (settings.get("user/general/@skin").indexOf(style) == -1)
layout.proposeLayoutChange(style, false, "ace");
if (lastTheme == theme)
if (isMinimal) {
if (!themeLoaded[path]) {
themeLoaded[path] = true;
handleEmit("themeInit", {theme: theme, path: path});
else {
if (!themeLoaded[path]) {
themeLoaded[path] = true;
var cssClass = theme.cssClass;
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = "<div class='ace_gutter'></div>";
div.className = cssClass;
theme.bg = ui.getStyle(div.firstChild, "backgroundColor");
theme.fg = ui.getStyle(div.firstChild, "color");
theme.path = path;
// Init Theme Event
handleEmit("themeInit", {theme: theme, path: path});
tabs.containers.forEach(function(container) {
if (theme.isDark)
ui.setStyleClass(container, "dark");
ui.setStyleClass(container, "", ["dark"]);
var lTheme = lastTheme;
lastTheme = theme;
handleEmit("themeChange", {
lastTheme: lTheme,
theme: theme,
path: path
// Theme passed in from the server
if (options.theme) {
ui.insertCss(options.theme.cssText, handle);
define(options.theme.path, [], options.theme);
// require([options.theme.path], function(){});
setTheme(options.theme.path, null, options.theme);
/***** Default Settings *****/
var BOOL = "getBool";
var STRING = "get";
var NUMBER = "getNumber";
// Name, Default Value, Type, Old Name, Store in Project Settings
var font = "Monaco, Menlo, Ubuntu Mono, Consolas, source-code-pro, monospace";
var aceSettings = [
// detected from document value
["newLineMode", "unix", STRING, "newlinemode", 1],
// Per document
["tabSize", "4", NUMBER, "tabsize", 1],
["useSoftTabs", "true", BOOL, "softtabs", 1],
["guessTabSize", "true", BOOL, "guesstabsize", 1],
["useWrapMode", "false", BOOL, "wrapmode"],
["wrapToView", "true", BOOL, "wrapmodeViewport"],
// Ace
["fontSize", "12", NUMBER, "fontsize"],
["fontFamily", font, STRING, "fontfamily"],
["antialiasedfonts", "false", BOOL],
["overwrite", "false", BOOL, "overwrite"],
["selectionStyle", "line", STRING, "selectstyle"],
["cursorStyle", "ace", STRING, "cursorstyle"],
["highlightActiveLine", "true", BOOL, "activeline"],
["highlightGutterLine", "true", BOOL, "gutterline"],
["showInvisibles", "false", BOOL, "showinvisibles"],
["showPrintMargin", "true", BOOL, "showprintmargin"],
["displayIndentGuides", "true", BOOL, "showindentguides"],
["printMarginColumn", "80", NUMBER, "printmargincolumn"],
["behavioursEnabled", "true", BOOL, "behaviors"],
["wrapBehavioursEnabled", "false", BOOL, "wrapbehaviors"],
["scrollSpeed", "2", NUMBER, "scrollspeed"],
["showGutter", "true", BOOL, "gutter"],
["showFoldWidgets", "true", BOOL, "folding"],
["fadeFoldWidgets", "true", BOOL, "fadefoldwidgets"],
["highlightSelectedWord", "true", BOOL, "highlightselectedword"],
["animatedScroll", "true", BOOL, "animatedscroll"],
["scrollPastEnd", "0.5", NUMBER],
["mergeUndoDeltas", "off", STRING],
["theme", defaultThemes[skin], STRING, "theme"]
var docSettings = aceSettings.slice(1, 6);
var editorSettings = aceSettings.slice(6);
var projectSettings = aceSettings.slice(0, 4);
var userSettings = aceSettings.slice(4);
var docLut = {}; docSettings.forEach(function(x){ docLut[x[0]] = x });
/***** Undo Manager *****/
function AceUndoManager(undoManager, session) {
var state = undoManager.getState();
this.$session = session;
this.$undo = undoManager;
this.$aceUndo = new UndoManager();
this.$aceUndo.c9UndoProxy = undoManager;
undoManager.$aceUndo = this.$aceUndo;
undoManager.add = this.add;
undoManager.addSelection = this.addSelection;
undoManager.undo = this.undo;
undoManager.redo = this.redo;
undoManager.reset = this.reset;
undoManager.canUndo = this.canUndo;
undoManager.canRedo = this.canRedo;
undoManager.getState = this.getState;
undoManager.setState = this.setState;
undoManager.bookmark = this.bookmarkPosition;
undoManager.isAtBookmark = this.isAtBookmark;
undoManager.__defineGetter__("position", this.getPosition);
undoManager.__defineGetter__("length", this.getLength);
undoManager._emit = this._emit = undoManager.getEmitter();
this.deleyedEmit = lang.delayedCall(this._emit.bind(null, "change"))
.schedule.bind(null, 0);
this.setState(state, true);
function updateDeltas(deltas) {
if (deltas[0] && deltas[0].deltas) {
var oldDeltas = deltas.slice();
deltas.length = 0;
oldDeltas.forEach(function(x) {
deltas.push.apply(deltas, x.deltas);
return deltas;
AceUndoManager.prototype = {
add: function(delta, doc) {
this.$aceUndo.add(delta, doc);
addSelection: function(range, rev) {
this.$aceUndo.addSelection(range, rev);
undo: function(dontSelect) {
redo: function(dontSelect) {
reset: function(){
canUndo: function() {
return this.$aceUndo.canUndo();
canRedo: function() {
return this.$aceUndo.canRedo();
clearUndo: function() {
this.$aceUndo.$undoStack = [];
clearRedo: function() {
this.$aceUndo.$redoStack = [];
startNewGroup: function() {
return this.$aceUndo.startNewGroup();
markIgnored: function(from, to) {
return this.$aceUndo.markIgnored(from, to);
getState: function() {
var aceUndo = this.$aceUndo;
var mark = -1;
var aceMark = aceUndo.mark;
var stack = [];
function transform(deltaSet) {
var newDelta = deltaSet.filter(function (d) {
if (d.id == aceMark) mark = stack.length;
return d.action == "insert" || d.action == "remove";
if (aceUndo.$redoStackBaseRev == aceUndo.$rev)
return {
stack: stack,
mark: mark,
position: aceUndo.$undoStack.length - 1
setState: function(e, silent) {
var aceUndo = this.$aceUndo;
var stack = e.stack || [];
var marked = stack[e.mark] && stack[e.mark][0];
var pos = e.position + 1;
var undo = stack.slice(0, pos);
var redo = stack.slice(pos);
aceUndo.$undoStack = undo.filter(function(x) {
return x.length;
aceUndo.$redoStack = redo.filter(function(x) {
return x.length;
stack = aceUndo.$undoStack;
var lastDeltaGroup = stack[stack.length - 1];
var lastRev = lastDeltaGroup && lastDeltaGroup[0].id || 0;
aceUndo.$rev = lastRev;
aceUndo.$redoStackBaseRev = aceUndo.$rev;
aceUndo.$maxRev = Math.max(aceUndo.$maxRev, lastRev);
var markedRev = marked && marked.id;
if (markedRev != null)
else if (e.mark == e.position)
silent || this._emit("change");
isAtBookmark: function() {
return this.$aceUndo.isAtBookmark();
bookmark: function(rev) {
bookmarkPosition: function(index) {
if (index > -1) {
var stack = this.$aceUndo.$undoStack;
if (index >= stack.length) {
index -= stack.length;
stack = this.$aceUndo.$redoStack;
index = stack.length - index;
var deltaSet = stack[index];
var rev = deltaSet && deltaSet[0] && deltaSet[0].id;
if (rev == null) rev = -1;
} else if (index == -1) {
} else {
addSession: function(session) {
getPosition: function() {
var aceUndo = this.$aceUndo;
return aceUndo.$undoStack.length - 1;
getLength: function() {
var aceUndo = this.$aceUndo;
return aceUndo.$undoStack.length + aceUndo.$redoStack.length;
/***** Generic Load *****/
handle.on("load", function(){
if (!isMinimal) {
// Preferences
// Menus
// State Management
c9.on("stateChange", function(e) {
if (e.state & c9.NETWORK)
}, handle);
// Commands
// Settings
var lastSettings = {};
function updateSettings(e, list, prefix) {
var options = {};
(list || aceSettings).forEach(function(setting) {
= settings[setting[2]](prefix + "/ace/@" + setting[0]);
// When loading from settings only set editor settings
docSettings.forEach(function(setting) {
var val = options[setting[0]];
if (val !== undefined) {
setting[1] = val;
delete options[setting[0]];
handleEmit("settingsUpdate", {
options: options
if (options.theme)
util.extend(lastSettings, options);
settings.on("read", function(e) {
settings.setDefaults("user/ace", userSettings);
settings.setDefaults("project/ace", projectSettings);
// pre load custom mime types
updateSettings(null, userSettings, "user");
updateSettings(null, projectSettings, "project");
}, handle);
// Listen to changes in the settings
settings.on("user/ace", function(e) {
var fstyle = settings.getBool("user/ace/@antialiasedfonts");
apf.isChrome ? "WebkitFontSmoothing" : "MozOSXFontSmoothing",
fstyle && (apf.isChrome ? "antialiased" : "grayscale") || "auto");
updateSettings(e, userSettings, "user");
}, handle);
settings.on("project/ace", function(e) {
updateSettings(e, projectSettings, "project");
}, handle);
handle.on("newListener", function(event, listener) {
if (event == "settingsUpdate")
listener({options: lastSettings});
layout.on("themeChange", function(e) {
if (e.type !== "ace"
&& settings.get("user/ace/@theme") != defaultThemes[e.oldTheme])
return false;
layout.on("themeDefaults", function(e) {
if (e.type != "ace")
}, handle);
// CSS
ui.insertCss(cssString, options.staticPrefix, handle);
handle.on("unload", function(){
drawn = false;
function setFontSmoothing(){
var fstyle = settings.getBool("user/ace/@antialiasedfonts");
apf.isChrome ? "WebkitFontSmoothing" : "MozOSXFontSmoothing",
fstyle && (apf.isChrome ? "antialiased" : "grayscale") || "auto");
var drawn;
function draw(){
if (drawn) return;
drawn = true;
mnuAce = new Menu({
id: "menu",
items: [
new MenuItem({ position: 10, command: "cut", caption: "Cut"}, handle),
new MenuItem({ position: 20, command: "copy", caption: "Copy" }, handle),
new MenuItem({ position: 30, command: "paste", caption: "Paste" }, handle),
new Divider({ position: 40 }, handle),
new MenuItem({ position: 50, command: "selectall", caption: "Select All" }, handle),
new Divider({ position: 60 }, handle)
}, handle);
mnuGutter = new Menu({ id: "menuGutter" }, handle);
mnuGutter.on("show", function(e) {
var ace = tabs.focussedTab.editor.ace;
var region = ace.renderer.$gutterLayer.getRegion(e);
var line = ace.renderer.screenToTextCoordinates(e.x, e.y).row;
var className = ace.session.getBreakpoints()[line] || "";
mnuGutter.meta.ace = ace;
mnuGutter.meta.line = line;
mnuGutter.meta.region = region;
mnuGutter.meta.className = className;
/***** Commands *****/
function setCommands() {
function isAce(editor, allowBlured) {
if (!editor || !editor.ace)
return false;
return allowBlured || editor.ace.isFocused();
function fnWrap(command) {
command.group = "Code Editor";
command.readOnly = command.readOnly || false;
command.focusContext = true;
var isAvailable = command.isAvailable;
command.isAvailable = function(editor, args, event) {
// checking editor.ace instead of editor.type == "ace" to make
// commands avaliable in editors inheriting from ace
if (event instanceof KeyboardEvent && !isAce(editor))
editor = apf.activeElement;
if (!isAce(editor, true))
return false;
if (!editor.ace.commands.byName[command.name] && !command.shared)
return false;
return isAvailable ? isAvailable(editor.ace) : true;
command.findEditor = function(editor) {
if (apf.activeElement && apf.activeElement.ace && apf.activeElement.ace.isFocused())
return apf.activeElement.ace;
return editor && editor.ace || editor;
return command;
if (!defaultCommands.wrapped) {
defaultCommands.push.apply(defaultCommands, whitespaceUtil.commands);
defaultCommands.forEach(fnWrap, defaultCommands);
Object.defineProperty(defaultCommands, "wrapped", {value: true, configurable: true});
if (!multiSelectCommands.wrapped) {
multiSelectCommands.forEach(fnWrap, multiSelectCommands);
Object.defineProperty(multiSelectCommands, "wrapped", {value: true, configurable: true});
commands.addCommands(defaultCommands, handle, true);
commands.addCommands(multiSelectCommands, handle, true);
// Override ACE key bindings (conflict with goto definition)
commands.commands.togglerecording.bindKey = {
mac: "Command-Shift-R",
win: "Alt-Shift-R"
commands.commands.replaymacro.bindKey = {
mac: "Command-Ctrl-R",
win: "Alt-R"
commands.commands["findnext"].hint =
"search for the next occurrence of the search query your entered last";
commands.commands["findnext"].msg = "Navigating to next match.";
commands.commands["findprevious"].hint =
"search for the previous occurrence of the search query your entered last";
commands.commands["findprevious"].msg = "Navigating to previous match.";
commands.addCommand(commands.commands.togglerecording, handle);
commands.addCommand(commands.commands.replaymacro, handle);
// when event for cmd-z in textarea is not canceled
// chrome tries to find another textarea with pending undo and focus it
// we do not want this to happen when ace instance is focused
name: "cancelBrowserUndoInAce",
bindKey: {
mac: "Cmd-Z|Cmd-Shift-Z|Cmd-Y",
win: "Ctrl-Z|Ctrl-Shift-Z|Ctrl-Y",
position: -10000
group: "ignore",
exec: function(e) {},
readOnly: true,
shared: true
}), handle);
function sharedCommand(command) {
command.isAvailable = function(editor) {
return editor && editor.type == "ace";
command.group = "Code Editor";
return command;
name: "syntax",
exec: function(_, syntax) {
if (typeof syntax == "object")
syntax = syntax.argv && syntax.argv[1] || "";
syntax = modes.caption[syntax]
|| modes.extensions[syntax] || syntax;
var tab = tabs.focussedTab;
tab && tab.editor.setOption("syntax", syntax);
commands: modes.caption
}), handle);
name: "largerfont",
bindKey: { mac : "Command-+|Command-=", win : "Ctrl-+|Ctrl-=" },
exec: function(e) {
var currSize = settings.get("user/ace/@fontSize");
settings.set("user/ace/@fontSize", ++currSize > 72 ? 72 : currSize);
}), handle);
name: "smallerfont",
bindKey: { mac : "Command--", win : "Ctrl--" },
exec: function(e) {
var currSize = settings.get("user/ace/@fontSize");
settings.set("user/ace/@fontSize", --currSize < 1 ? 1 : currSize);
}), handle);
name: "toggleWordWrap",
bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-Q", mac: "Ctrl-W"},
exec: function(editor) {
editor.setOption("wrap", editor.getOption("wrap") == "off");
}), handle);
/***** Preferences *****/
function setPreferences(){
"Project" : {
position: 10,
"Code Editor (Ace)" : {
position: 100,
"Soft Tabs" : {
type: "checked-spinner",
checkboxPath: "project/ace/@useSoftTabs",
path: "project/ace/@tabSize",
min: "1",
max: "64",
position: 100
"Autodetect Tab Size on Load" : {
type: "checkbox",
path: "project/ace/@guessTabSize",
position: 150
"New File Line Endings" : {
type: "dropdown",
path: "project/ace/@newLineMode",
width: 130,
items: [
{ caption : "Windows (CRLF)", value : "windows" },
{ caption : "Unix (LF)", value : "unix" }
// { caption : "Mac OS 9 (CR)", value : "macos9" }
position: 200
}, handle);
"Editors" : {
position: 400,
"Code Editor (Ace)" : {
position: 200,
"Auto-pair Brackets, Quotes, etc." : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 1000,
path: "user/ace/@behavioursEnabled"
"Wrap Selection with Brackets, Quotes, etc." : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 1001,
path: "user/ace/@wrapBehavioursEnabled"
"Code Folding" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 2000,
path: "user/ace/@showFoldWidgets"
"Fade Fold Widgets" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 2500,
path: "user/ace/@fadeFoldWidgets"
"Full Line Selection" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 3000,
path: "user/ace/@selectionStyle",
values: "line|text"
"Highlight Active Line" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 4000,
path: "user/ace/@highlightActiveLine"
"Highlight Gutter Line" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 4000,
path: "user/ace/@highlightGutterLine"
"Show Invisible Characters" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 5000,
path: "user/ace/@showInvisibles"
"Show Gutter" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 6000,
path: "user/ace/@showGutter"
"Show Indent Guides" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 6500,
path: "user/ace/@displayIndentGuides"
"Highlight Selected Word" : {
type: "checkbox",
position: 7000,
path: "user/ace/@highlightSelectedWord"
"Scroll Past the End of the Document" : {
type: "dropdown",
width: 150,
path: "user/ace/@scrollPastEnd",
items: [
{ caption : "Off", value : "0" },
{ caption : "Half Editor Height", value : "0.5" },
{ caption : "Full Editor Height", value : "1" }
position: 8000
"Animate Scrolling" : {
type: "checkbox",
path: "user/ace/@animatedScroll",
position: 9000
"Font Family" : {
type: "textbox",
path: "user/ace/@fontFamily",
position: 10000
"Font Size" : {
type: "spinner",
path: "user/ace/@fontSize",
min: "1",
max: "72",
position: 10500
"Antialiased Fonts" : {
type: "checkbox",
path: "user/ace/@antialiasedfonts",
position: 10600
"Show Print Margin" : {
type: "checked-spinner",
checkboxPath: "user/ace/@showPrintMargin",
path: "user/ace/@printMarginColumn",
min: "1",
max: "200",
position: 11000
"Mouse Scroll Speed" : {
type: "spinner",
path: "user/ace/@scrollSpeed",
min: "1",
max: "8",
position: 13000,
"Cursor Style" : {
type: "dropdown",
path: "user/ace/@cursorStyle",
items: [
{ caption : "Ace", value : "ace" },
{ caption : "Slim", value : "slim" },
{ caption : "Smooth", value : "smooth" },
{ caption : "Smooth And Slim", value : "smooth slim" },
{ caption : "Wide", value : "wide" },
position: 13500
"Merge Undo Deltas" : {
type: "dropdown",
path: "user/ace/@mergeUndoDeltas",
items: [
{ caption : "Always", value : "always" },
{ caption : "Never", value : "off" },
{ caption : "Timed", value : "true" }
position: 14000
}, handle);
/***** Menus *****/
function setMenus() {
function addEditorMenu(path, commandName) {
return menus.addItemByPath(path, new ui.item({
command: commandName
}), c += 100, handle);
var c = 20000;
addEditorMenu("Tools/Toggle Macro Recording", "togglerecording"); //@todo this needs some more work
addEditorMenu("Tools/Play Macro", "replaymacro"); //@todo this needs some more work
c = 600;
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/", null, c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Line/", null, c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Text/", null, c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Comment/", null, c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Code Folding/", null, c += 100, handle);
c = 0;
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Indent", "indent"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Outdent", "outdent"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Move Line Up", "movelinesup"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Move Line Down", "movelinesdown"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Line/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Copy Lines Up", "copylinesup"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Copy Lines Down", "copylinesdown"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Line/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Remove Line", "removeline"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Remove to Line End", "removetolineend"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Remove to Line Start", "removetolinestart"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Line/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Split Line", "splitline");
c = 0;
addEditorMenu("Edit/Comment/Toggle Comment", "togglecomment");
c = 0;
addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/Remove Word Right", "removewordright"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/Remove Word Left", "removewordleft"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Text/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/Align", "alignCursors");
addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/Transpose Letters", "transposeletters");
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Text/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/To Upper Case", "touppercase"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/To Lower Case", "tolowercase");
c = 0;
addEditorMenu("Edit/Code Folding/Fold", "fold"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Code Folding/Unfold", "unfold"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Code Folding/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Code Folding/Fold All", "foldall"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Code Folding/Unfold All", "unfoldall");
c = 0;
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select All", "selectall"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Split Into Lines", "splitIntoLines"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Single Selection", "singleSelection"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/", null, c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select Word Right", "selectwordright"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select Word Left", "selectwordleft"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select to Line End", "selecttolineend"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select to Line Start", "selecttolinestart"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select to Document End", "selecttoend");
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select to Document Start", "selecttostart");
c = 0;
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Add Cursor Up", "addCursorAbove"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Add Cursor Down", "addCursorBelow"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Move Active Cursor Up", "addCursorAboveSkipCurrent"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Move Active Cursor Down", "addCursorBelowSkipCurrent"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Add Next Selection Match", "selectMoreAfter"),
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Add Previous Selection Match", "selectMoreBefore"),
menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Merge Selection Range", "splitIntoLines");
/**** View ****/
menus.addItemByPath("View/~", new ui.divider(), 290000, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("View/Font Size/", null, 290001, handle);
c = 0;
addEditorMenu("View/Font Size/Increase Font Size", "largerfont");
addEditorMenu("View/Font Size/Decrease Font Size", "smallerfont");
menus.addItemByPath("View/Gutter", new ui.item({
type: "check",
checked: "user/ace/@showGutter"
}), 500, handle);
var grpNewline = new ui.group();
menus.addItemByPath("File/~", new ui.divider(), 1400, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("File/Line Endings/", new ui.menu({
"onprop.visible" : function(e) {
if (e.value) {
var tab = tabs.focussedTab;
var ace = tab && tab.editor && tab.editor.ace;
if (ace && tab.editor.type == "ace") {
var mode = ace.session.doc.getNewLineMode();
} else {
"onitemclick" : function(e) {
var tab = tabs.focussedTab;
var ace = tab && tab.editor && tab.editor.ace;
if (ace && tab.editor.type == "ace") {
}), 1500, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("File/Line Endings/Windows (CRLF)", new ui.item({
type: "radio",
value: "windows",
group: grpNewline
}), 200, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("File/Line Endings/Unix (LF)", new ui.item({
type: "radio",
value: "unix",
group: grpNewline
}), 300, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/", new ui.menu({
"onprop.visible" : function(e) {
if (e.value) {
if (!this.childNodes.length)
var tab = tabs.focussedTab;
var c9Session = tab && tab.editor && tab.document.getSession();
if (!c9Session || !c9Session.session) {
} else {
var val = c9Session.session.syntax || c9Session.session.customSyntax || "auto";
this.select(grpSyntax, val);
"onitemclick" : function(e) {
var tab = tabs.focussedTab;
if (tab) {
var session = tab.document.getSession();
setSyntax(session, e.value);
}), 300000, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("View/~", new ui.divider(), 400000, handle);
var wrapToggle = function(e) {
var tab = tabs.focussedTab;
var editor = tab && tab.editor;
var mnuWrap = handle.getElement("mnuWrap");
var mnuWrapPM = handle.getElement("mnuWrapPrintMargin");
mnuWrapPM.setAttribute("disabled", !mnuWrap.checked);
var wrap = mnuWrap.checked;
if (mnuWrapPM.checked && (wrap || e.currentTarget == mnuWrapPM))
wrap = "printMargin";
editor.setOption("wrap", wrap);
menus.addItemByPath("View/Wrap Lines", new ui.item({
id: "mnuWrap",
type: "check",
onclick: wrapToggle,
isAvailable: function(editor) {
if (!editor || editor.type != "ace")
return false;
var mnuWrap = handle.getElement("mnuWrap");
var mnuWrapPrintMargin = handle.getElement("mnuWrapPrintMargin");
var wrap = editor.getOption("wrap");
mnuWrap.setAttribute("checked", !ui.isFalse(wrap));
mnuWrapPrintMargin.setAttribute("checked", wrap == "printMargin");
return true;
}), 500000, handle),
menus.addItemByPath("View/Wrap To Print Margin", new ui.item({
id: "mnuWrapPrintMargin",
type: "check",
onclick: wrapToggle,
isAvailable: function(editor) {
return editor && editor.type == "ace";
}), 600000, handle);
c = 0;
/**** Goto ****/
menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c = 399, handle);
addEditorMenu("Goto/Next Error", "goToNextError");
addEditorMenu("Goto/Previous Error", "goToPreviousError");
menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c += 200, handle);
addEditorMenu("Goto/Word Right", "gotowordright");
addEditorMenu("Goto/Word Left", "gotowordleft");
menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Goto/Line End", "gotolineend");
addEditorMenu("Goto/Line Start", "gotolinestart");
menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Goto/Jump to Matching Brace", "jumptomatching");
menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
addEditorMenu("Goto/Scroll to Selection", "centerselection");
tabs.on("focus", function(e) {
var action = e.tab.editor.type != "ace" ? "disable" : "enable";
["Edit/Comment", "Edit/Text", "Edit/Code Folding",
"Edit/Convert Case", "Edit/Line", "Edit/Selection",
"View/Syntax", "View/Font Size",
"View/Syntax/Other", "View/Syntax",
"File/Line Endings"
].forEach(function(path) {
var menu = menus.get(path).menu;
if (menu) menu[action]();
/**** Themes ****/
grpThemes = new ui.group();
menus.addItemByPath("View/Themes/", new ui.menu({
"onprop.visible" : function(e) {
if (e.value)
}), 350000, handle);
// Create Theme Menus
for (var name in themes) {
if (themes[name] instanceof Array) {
// Add Menu Item (for submenu)
menus.addItemByPath("View/Themes/" + name + "/", null, themeCounter++, handle);
themes[name].forEach(function (n) {
// Add Menu Item
var themeprop = Object.keys(n)[0];
addThemeMenu(name + "/" + themeprop, n[themeprop], -1);
else {
// Add Menu Item
addThemeMenu(name, null, themeCounter++);
/**** Syntax ****/
grpSyntax = new ui.group();
handle.addElement(grpNewline, grpSyntax, grpThemes);
var preview;
var setMenuThemeDelayed = lang.delayedCall(function(){
setMenuTheme(preview, true);
}, 150);
function setMenuTheme(path, isPreview) {
setTheme(path || settings.get("user/ace/@theme"), isPreview);
function addThemeMenu(name, path, index, plugin) {
menus.addItemByPath("View/Themes/" + name, new ui.item({
type: "radio",
value: path || themes[name],
group: grpThemes,
onmouseover: function(e) {
preview = this.value;
onmouseout: function(e) {
preview = null;
onclick: function(e) {
}), index == -1 ? undefined : index || themeCounter++, plugin || handle);
function addTheme(css, plugin){
var theme = { cssText: css };
var firstLine = css.split("\n", 1)[0].replace(/\/\*|\*\//g, "").trim();
if (!n) return;
var info = n.split(":");
theme[info[0].trim()] = info[1].trim();
theme.isDark = theme.isDark == "true";
themes[theme.name] = theme;
ui.insertCss(exports.cssText, plugin);
addThemeMenu(theme.name, theme, null, plugin);
delete themes[theme.name];
function rebuildSyntaxMenu() {
var c = 0;
menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/Auto-Select", new ui.item({
type: "radio",
value: "auto",
group: grpSyntax
}), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/Plain Text", new ui.item({
type: "radio",
value: "text",
group: grpSyntax
}), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
var modeList = Object.keys(modes.byName).map(function(x) {
return modes.byName[x];
}).sort(function(m1, m2) {
return m2.order - m1.order || m1.caption.localeCompare(m2.caption);
var groupNum = modeList[0] && modeList[0].order;
for (var i = 0; i < modeList.length; i++) {
var mode = modeList[i];
if (mode.order < 0)
if (mode.order < groupNum) {
groupNum = Math.min(mode.order, groupNum / 1000);
menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle);
menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/" + mode.caption, new ui.item({
type: "radio",
value: mode.name,
group: grpSyntax,
}), c += 100, handle);
var updateSyntaxMenu = lang.delayedCall(function() {
tabs.getTabs().forEach(function(tab) {
if (tab.editorType == "ace") {
var c9Session = tab.document.getSession();
if (c9Session && c9Session.session) {
var syntax = getSyntax(c9Session, tab.path);
if (syntax)
c9Session.setOption("syntax", syntax);
}, 50);
/***** Syntax *****/
function defineSyntax(opts) {
if (!opts.name || !opts.caption)
throw new Error("malformed syntax definition");
var name = opts.name;
modes.byCaption[opts.caption] = opts;
modes.byName[name] = opts;
opts.order = opts.order || 0;
if (!opts.extensions)
opts.extensions = "";
opts.extensions.split("|").forEach(function(ext) {
modes.extensions[ext] = name;
function getExtOrName(path) {
var fileName = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var extPos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1;
if (extPos)
return fileName.substr(extPos).toLowerCase();
// special case for new files
if (/^Untitled\d+$/.test(fileName))
fileName = fileName.replace(/\d+/, "");
return "^" + fileName;
function getSyntaxForPath(path) {
var ext = getExtOrName(path);
var modeName = modes.customExtensions[ext] || modes.extensions[ext];
return modes.byName[modeName] ? modeName : "";
function setSyntaxForPath(path, syntax, noOverwrite) {
if (!path)
return false;
syntax = modes.byName[syntax] ? syntax : "";
var ext = getExtOrName(path);
var changed;
if (syntax) {
if (!modes.extensions[ext] || !noOverwrite) {
modes.customExtensions[ext] = syntax;
changed = true;
} else if (modes.customExtensions[ext]) {
delete modes.customExtensions[ext];
changed = true;
if (changed)
settings.setJson("user/ace/custom-types", modes.customExtensions);
return changed;
function getMode(syntax) {
syntax = (syntax || "text").toLowerCase();
if (syntax.indexOf("/") == -1)
syntax = "ace/mode/" + syntax;
return syntax;
function loadCustomExtensions() {
var custom = settings.getJson("user/ace/custom-types");
if (!custom) return;
Object.keys(custom).forEach(function(ext) {
var mode = custom[ext];
if (modes.byName[mode])
modes.customExtensions[ext] = mode;
function detectSyntax(c9Session, path) {
if (!c9Session.session || !c9Session.session.getLine)
// todo move this into ace mode util
var firstLine = c9Session.session.getLine(0);
var syntax = "";
if (!firstLine) {
else if (/^#!/.test(firstLine)) {
var match = firstLine.match(/\b(node|bash|sh)\b/);
switch (match && match[1]) {
case "node": syntax = "javascript"; break;
case "sh": // fallthrough
case "bash": syntax = "sh"; break;
default: syntax = ""; break;
else if (/<\?xml/.test(firstLine)) {
syntax = "xml";
else if (/^{/.test(firstLine)) {
syntax = "json";
else if (/\.(bashrc|inputrc)$/.test(path)) {
syntax = "sh";
else if (/\.(git(attributes|config|ignore)|npmrc)$/.test(path)) {
syntax = "ini";
return syntax;
function getSyntax(c9Session, path) {
var syntax = c9Session.session.customSyntax
|| path && getSyntaxForPath(path)
|| detectSyntax(c9Session, path);
return modes.byName[syntax] ? syntax : "";
function setSyntax(c9Session, syntax, forThisOnly) {
var c9doc = c9Session.session.c9doc;
syntax = modes.byName[syntax] ? syntax : "";
var path = c9doc.tab.path;
if (!forThisOnly && !setSyntaxForPath(path, syntax, true))
c9Session.session.customSyntax = syntax;
c9doc.editor.setOption("syntax", syntax || getSyntax(c9Session, path), c9Session);
function cloneSession(session, undoManager) {
var s = new EditSession(session.getDocument(), session.getMode());
if (!undoManager)
undoManager = session.getUndoManager();
if (undoManager) {
// Overwrite the default $informUndoManager function such that new deltas
// aren't added to the undo manager from the new and the old session.
s.$informUndoManager = lang.delayedCall(function() { s.$deltas = []; });
// Copy over 'settings' from the session.
s.$foldData = session.$cloneFoldData();
var ignore = false;
var changeAnnotation = function(){
if (ignore) return;
ignore = true;
ignore = false;
var changeMode = function(e) {
var changeBreakpoint = function(){
s.$breakpoints = session.$breakpoints;
s._emit("changeBreakpoint", {});
var setWrap = function(e) {
s.setOption("wrap", e.value);
session.on("changeAnnotation", changeAnnotation)();
session.on("changeMode", changeMode);
session.on("changeBreakpoint", changeBreakpoint)();
session.on("setWrap", setWrap);
s.on("changeAnnotation", function(){
if (ignore) return;
ignore = true;
ignore = false;
s.cleanup = function(){
session.removeListener("changeAnnotation", changeAnnotation);
session.removeListener("changeMode", changeMode);
session.removeListener("changeBreakpoint", changeBreakpoint);
session.removeListener("setWrap", setWrap);
s.c9doc = session.c9doc;
s.cloned = true;
return s;
* The ace handle, responsible for events that involve all ace
* instances. This is the object you get when you request the ace
* service in your plugin.
* Example:
* define(function(require, exports, module) {
* main.consumes = ["ace"];
* main.provides = ["myplugin"];
* return main;
* function main(options, imports, register) {
* var aceHandle = imports.ace;
* aceHandle.on("create", function(e) {
* // This is an ace editor instance
* var ace = e.editor;
* })
* });
* });
* @class ace
* @extends Plugin
* @singleton
* The context menu that is displayed when right clicked in the ace
* editing area.
* @property {Menu} contextMenu
* @readonly
get contextMenu(){ draw(); return mnuAce },
* The context menu that is displayed when right clicked in the ace
* gutter area.
* @property {Menu} gutterContextMenu
* @readonly
get gutterContextMenu(){ draw(); return mnuGutter },
* Ace Themes
* @property {Object} themese
themes: themes,
_events: [
* Fires once for each ace instance that is instantiated.
* Note that this event does not only fire for each ace instance
* that is created, but it also fires for all ace instances that
* have been created and are still around.
* @event create
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Editor} e.editor
* Fires when a new theme is initialized.
* @event themeInit
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Object} e.theme Describes the theme that is initialized.
* @param {String} e.theme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme.
* @param {String} e.theme.bg The background color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.theme.fg The foreground color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.theme.path The path of this theme.
* @param {Boolean} e.theme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme.
* @param {String} e.path The path of the theme.
* Fires when the current theme changes to another theme.
* See also {@link ace#setTheme}.
* @event themeChange
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Object} e.theme Describes the theme that is initialized.
* @param {String} e.theme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme.
* @param {String} e.theme.bg The background color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.theme.fg The foreground color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.theme.path The path of this theme.
* @param {Boolean} e.theme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme.
* @param {Object} e.lastTheme Describes the theme that is initialized.
* @param {String} e.lastTheme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme.
* @param {String} e.lastTheme.bg The background color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.lastTheme.fg The foreground color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.lastTheme.path The path of this theme.
* @param {Boolean} e.lastTheme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme.
* @param {String} e.path The path of the theme.
* Fires when an ace's EditSession is inited for the Cloud9 document
* the ace's EditSession can be get using:
* doc.getSession().session
* @event initAceSession
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Object} e.doc The document with the EditSession created
* Fires when the ace context menus are drawn
* @event draw
* Set the theme for ace.
* Here's a list of default themes:
* * ace/theme/ambiance
* * ace/theme/chrome
* * ace/theme/clouds
* * ace/theme/clouds_midnight
* * ace/theme/cobalt
* * ace/theme/crimson_editor
* * ace/theme/dawn
* * ace/theme/dreamweaver
* * ace/theme/eclipse
* * ace/theme/github
* * ace/theme/idle_fingers
* * ace/theme/kr_theme
* * ace/theme/merbivore
* * ace/theme/merbivore_soft
* * ace/theme/mono_industrial
* * ace/theme/monokai
* * ace/theme/pastel_on_dark
* * ace/theme/solarized_dark
* * ace/theme/solarized_light
* * ace/theme/textmate
* * ace/theme/tomorrow
* * ace/theme/tomorrow_night
* * ace/theme/tomorrow_night_blue
* * ace/theme/tomorrow_night_bright
* * ace/theme/tomorrow_night_eighties
* * ace/theme/twilight
* * ace/theme/vibrant_ink
* * ace/theme/xcod
* @method setTheme
* @param {String} path The path of the theme file.
* @fires themeInit
* @fires themeChange
setTheme: setTheme,
* Add new syntax to the menu
* See also {@link ace#setSyntax}.
* @param {Object} syntax
* @param {Object} syntax.caption Caption to display in the menu
* @param {Number} syntax.order order in the menu
* @param {String} syntax.name The path to corresponding ace language mode. (if doesn't contain "/" assumed to be from "ace/mode/<name>")
* @param {String} syntax.extensions file extensions in the form "ext1|ext2|^filename". this is case-insensitive
defineSyntax: defineSyntax,
* @ignore this is used by statusbar
getSyntaxCaption: function(syntax) {
var mode = modes.byName[syntax];
return mode && mode.caption || "Text";
* Adds a menu item for a new theme
* @param {String} css
* @param {Plugin} plugin
addTheme: addTheme,
* @ignore
draw: draw,
* @ignore
cloneSession: cloneSession
/***** Initialization *****/
function Ace(isBaseclass, exts) {
if ( !exts) exts = [];
var plugin = new Editor("Ajax.org", main.consumes,
exts && exts.concat(extensions) || extensions);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
if (isBaseclass) plugin.freezePublicAPI.baseclass();
var ace, currentSession, currentDocument, container, progress;
var immutableSkin;
plugin.on("draw", function(e) {
// Create Ace
container = e.htmlNode.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
container.className = "codeditorHolder";
container.style.position = "absolute";
container.style.left = "0px";
container.style.right = "0px";
container.style.top = ui.getStyle(e.htmlNode, "paddingTop");
container.style.bottom = "0px";
// Create Ace editor instance
var theme = settings.get("user/ace/@theme");
ace = new AceEditor(new VirtualRenderer(container, theme), null);
// temporary workaround for apf focus bugs
// only blur is needed sinse the rest is handled by tabManager
// todo remove this when there is proper focus manager
e.tab.$blur = function(e) {
var ace = plugin.ace; // can be null when called for destroyed tab
if (!ace || !e || !e.toElement || e.toElement.tagName == "menu")
if (!ace.isFocused())
ace.on("focus", function() {
var page = apf.findHost(container);
if (apf.activeElement != page)
// Create Menu
var tab = e.tab;
tab.on("contextmenu", function(e) {
var target = e.htmlEvent.target;
var gutter = plugin.ace.container.querySelector(".ace_gutter");
// Set Gutter Context Menu
if (ui.isChildOf(gutter, target, true)) {
mnuGutter.show(e.x, e.y);
// Set main Ace Context Menu
else {
mnuAce.show(e.x, e.y);
return false;
plugin.on("createAce", function(ace) {
if (c9.readonly)
// Route gutter events
ace.on("gutterclick", function(e){ emit("guttermousedown", e); });
ace.on("gutterdblclick", function(e){ emit("gutterdblclick", e); });
// use global commandKeyBinding
// ace.commands.commandKeyBinding = {};
handle.on("settingsUpdate", function(e) {
}, plugin);
handle.on("themeChange", function(e) {
emit("themeChange", e);
}, plugin);
if (handle.theme)
plugin.on("newListener", function(event, listener) {
if (event == "createAce" && ace)
/***** Methods *****/
function addEditor(ace) {
emit("createAce", ace);
function focus(){
if (container) {
ui.addClass(container, "aceFocus");
function blur(){
if (container) {
ui.removeClass(container, "aceFocus");
var afterAnim;
function resize(e) {
var renderer = ace && ace.renderer;
if (!renderer || !currentDocument) return;
if (e.type == "anim") {
var htmlNode = ace.container;
if (!htmlNode)
if (e.vertical) {
var size = e.current === 0
? Math.abs(e.delta) - 5
- currentDocument.tab.pane.aml.$buttons.offsetHeight
: htmlNode.offsetHeight + e.delta;
renderer.onResize(true, null, null, size);
else {
renderer.onResize(true, null,
htmlNode.offsetWidth + e.delta);
afterAnim = true;
else if (e.type == "afteranim" && afterAnim) {
afterAnim = false;
} else {
afterAnim = false;
function getState(doc, state, filter) {
if (filter) return;
var session = doc.getSession().session;
if (!session) return;
// Folds
state.folds = session.getAllFolds().map(function(fold) {
return {
start: fold.start,
end: fold.end,
placeholder: fold.placeholder
// Per document options
var options = {};
docSettings.forEach(function(setting) {
var name = setting[0];
options[name] = getOption(name, {session: session});
if (options.guessTabSize) {
delete options.tabSize;
delete options.useSoftTabs;
// Custom Type
if (session.customSyntax)
state.customSyntax = session.customSyntax;
// Scroll state
state.scrolltop = session.getScrollTop();
state.scrollleft = session.getScrollLeft();
// Selection & options
state.selection = session.selection.toJSON();
state.options = options;
var row = doc.editor.ace
? doc.editor.ace.renderer.getFirstVisibleRow()
: 0;
state.firstLineState = row && session.bgTokenizer && {
row: row - 1,
state: session.bgTokenizer.states[row - 1],
mode: session.$mode.$id
function setState(doc, state) {
var c9Session = doc.getSession();
var session = c9Session.session;
if (!session) return; // Happens when called after tab is closed
if (state.cleansed)
state.firstLineState = state.folds = null;
// Set customSyntax
if (state.customSyntax) {
session.customSyntax = state.customSyntax;
setSyntax(c9Session, session.customSyntax);
// Set folds
if (state.folds) {
try {
state.folds.forEach(function(fold) {
Range.fromPoints(fold.start, fold.end));
} catch (e) {
state.folds = null;
if (state.firstLineState && session.bgTokenizer) {
var firstLineState = state.firstLineState;
var updateFirstLineState = function() {
= firstLineState.state;
if (session.$mode.$id == state.firstLineState.mode) {
} else
session.once("changeMode", updateFirstLineState);
function updateSession(){
if (state.options && state.options.guessTabSize) {
delete state.options.tabSize;
delete state.options.useSoftTabs;
// Set per document options
setOptions(state.options, c9Session);
// Jump to
if (state.jump) {
var row = state.jump.row;
var column = state.jump.column;
if (typeof row === "number") {
scrollTo(row, column, state.jump.select, session);
state.scrolltop = state.scrollleft = undefined;
// Set selection
else if (state.selection)
// Set scroll state
if (state.scrolltop)
if (state.scrollleft)
if (ace.session == session)
else {
var clean = function(){
ace.off("changeSession", listen);
session.off("unload", clean);
var listen = function(e) {
if (e.session == session) {
ace.on("changeSession", listen);
session.on("unload", clean);
function scrollTo(row, column, select, session) {
if (row === undefined)
(currentSession && currentSession.session || session)
.unfold({row: row, column: column || 0});
ace.moveCursorTo(row, column || 0);
if (select)
var range = ace.selection.getRange();
var initialScroll = ace.renderer.scrollTop;
ace.renderer.scrollSelectionIntoView(range.start, range.end, 0.5);
function changeTheme(){
if (immutableSkin || !currentSession)
var theme = handle.theme;
if (handle.theme && currentSession.cssClass != theme.cssClass) {
var tab = currentDocument.tab;
var html = plugin.aml.$int;
if (theme.isDark) {
html.style.boxShadow = "";
else {
html.style.boxShadow = skin.indexOf("flat") == -1
"0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, .3) inset"
html.style.backgroundColor = theme.bg;
tab.backgroundColor = theme.bg;
// tab.foregroundColor = theme.fg;
currentSession.isDark = theme.isDark;
function getOption(name, c9Session) {
var session = (c9Session || currentSession).session;
if (name == "synax")
return session && session.syntax;
else if (name == "useWrapMode")
return session && session.getOption("wrap") !== "off";
else if (name == "wrapToView")
return session && session.getOption("wrap") !== "printMargin";
else if (name == "guessTabSize")
return session && session.$guessTabSize;
return (session.$options[name] ? session : ace).getOption(name);
function setOptions(options, c9Session) {
for (var prop in options) {
setOption(prop, options[prop], c9Session);
function setOption(name, value, c9Session) {
if (!c9Session)
c9Session = currentSession;
var session = (c9Session || {}).session;
if (docLut[name] && c9Session)
c9Session.options[name] = value;
if (ui.isFalse(value))
value = false;
// Own Implementations
switch(name) {
case "theme":
case "syntax":
if (session) {
var mode = getMode(value);
session.syntax = value;
case "antialiasedfonts":
case "useWrapMode":
case "wrapToView":
var useWrapMode, wrapToView;
if (!session) return;
if (name != "useWrapMode") {
wrapToView = value;
useWrapMode = session.getOption("wrap") != "off";
else {
useWrapMode = value;
wrapToView = session.getOption("wrap") == "free";
value = (useWrapMode ? wrapToView || "printMargin" : false);
/* falls through */
case "wrap":
session._emit("setWrap", { value: value });
session.setOption("wrap", value);
case "guessTabSize":
if (session)
session.$guessTabSize = value;
case "tabSize": /* fallThrough */
case "useSoftTabs":
if (session)
session.$guessTabSize = false;
if (session && docLut[name]) // this can be called for session different than current ace session
session.setOption(name, value);
else // TODO when called with session this can refer to a wrong ace
ace.setOption(name, value);
function createProgressIndicator(parent) {
var background = parent.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
background.style.cssText = "background: inherit;"
+ "position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;";
background.style.zIndex = 20000;
background.style.transitionProperty = "opacity";
background.style.display = "none";
progress = background.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
progress.className = "ace_progress";
progress.innerHTML = "<div></div>";
progress.background = background;
function hideProgress(){
if (!ace) return; // ace was destroyed during timeout
var style = progress.background.style;
function hide() {
style.display = "none";
style.transitionDuration = 0;
progress.firstChild.style.width = "0%";
if (ace.renderer.$frozen && ace.renderer.$changes) {
ace.renderer.once("afterRender", hide);
} else {
style.transitionDelay = 0;
style.opacity = 0;
function showProgress(value, upload, t) {
if (!upload)
var growT = 200;
if (progress.t && t && progress.t - t) {
var vTotal = value / t;
var vLast = progress.value / progress.t;
var v = 0.6 * vTotal + 0.4 * vLast;
growT = Math.max((value - progress.value) / v, 0) || 200;
if (upload) {
if (value === 0) {
progress.start = t;
else if (t - progress.start < 100)
if (value === undefined) value = 0;
progress.value = value;
progress.t = t;
progress.firstChild.style.width = value + "%";
progress.firstChild.style.transition = "width " + growT + "ms";
progress.className = "ace_progress" + (upload ? " upload" : "");
// todo should we use this instead of forcing transition with clientHeight ?
// var fadeIn = function() {
// setTimeout(function () {
// if (bgStyle.display === "block") {
// bgStyle.opacity = 1;
// }
// });
// };
var bgStyle = progress.background.style;
if (progress.noFadeIn || upload) {
bgStyle.display = "block";
bgStyle.opacity = 1;
else if (bgStyle.display !== "block") {
bgStyle.display = "block";
bgStyle.transitionDuration = Math.max(150 - (t || 0), 0) + "ms";
bgStyle.transitionDelay = Math.max(100 - (t || 0), 0) + "ms";
progress.forcedTransition = progress.background.clientHeight;
bgStyle.opacity = 1;
bgStyle.bottom = upload ? "" : 0;
function detectSettingsOnLoad(c9Session, doc) {
var session = c9Session.session;
if (settings.get("project/ace/@guessTabSize"))
if (!session.syntax) {
var syntax = detectSyntax(c9Session, doc && doc.tab && doc.tab.path);
if (syntax)
setSyntax(c9Session, syntax, true);
var newLineMode = session.doc.getNewLineMode();
if (newLineMode === "auto") {
var autoNewLine = session.doc.$autoNewLine;
if (autoNewLine == "\r\n") {
newLineMode = "windows";
} else if (autoNewLine == "\n") {
newLineMode = "unix";
} else {
newLineMode = settings.get("project/ace/@newLineMode");
/***** Lifecycle *****/
// @todo set selection, scroll and file in header
plugin.on("load", function(){
plugin.on("documentLoad", function(e) {
var doc = e.doc;
var c9Session = doc.getSession();
// if load starts from another editor type
// tabmanager will show us instantly
// so we need to show progress bar instantly
progress.noFadeIn = !currentDocument || !currentDocument.tab.active;
// Value Retrieval
doc.on("getValue", function get(e) {
var session = c9Session.session;
return session
? session.doc.getValue(session.doc.$fsNewLine)
: e.value;
}, c9Session);
// Value setting
doc.on("setValue", function set(e) {
var aceSession = c9Session.session;
if (!aceSession)
return; // This is probably a deconstructed document
// The first value that is set should clear the undo stack
// additional times setting the value should keep it.
if (aceSession.c9doc.hasValue()) {
merge.patchAce(e.value || "", aceSession.doc);
// aceSession.doc.setValue(e.value || "");
} else {
aceSession.setValue(e.value || "");
detectSettingsOnLoad(c9Session, doc);
if (e.state) // There is nowhere where e.state is set. Dead code?
setState(doc, e.state);
if (currentDocument === doc)
}, c9Session);
doc.on("mergeState", function() {
return false;
}, c9Session);
doc.on("progress", function(e) {
if (e.complete) {
c9Session.progress = 0;
else {
var progress = ((e.loaded / e.total) * 100) || 0;
if (progress >= (c9Session.progress || 0) || (c9Session.progress == 100 && !progress)) {
c9Session.progress = progress;
} else if (c9Session.progress && e.upload) {
// see https://github.com/c9/newclient/issues/3682
// disabled warning for download since this happens very often with collab,
// because socket is not able to keep up with the load
// todo reenable when collab issue is fixed
errorHandler.reportError("Weird progress value", {
newValue: progress,
oldValue: c9Session.progress,
upload: e.upload
c9Session.upload = e.upload;
if (currentSession != c9Session)
if (e.complete)
doc.hasValue() && setTimeout(hideProgress, 0);
showProgress(c9Session.progress, c9Session.upload, e.dt);
}, c9Session);
doc.on("clone", function(e){
var newsession = e.doc.getSession("ace");
// var newundo = new AceUndoManager(doc.undoManager, c9Session);
newsession.session = cloneSession(c9Session.session); //, newundo);
newsession.undoManager = newsession.session.$undoManager;
}, c9Session);
// Title & Tooltip
function setTitle(e) {
var path = doc.tab.path;
if (!path) return;
// Caption is the filename
doc.title = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
// Tooltip is the full path
doc.tooltip = path;
setTitle({path: doc.tab.path || ""});
// Update mode when the filename changes
doc.tab.on("setPath", function(e) {
// This event is triggered also when closing files,
// so session may be gone already.
if (c9Session.session) {
var syntax = getSyntax(c9Session, doc.tab.path);
setOption("syntax", syntax, c9Session);
}, c9Session);
// Prevent existing session from being reset
if (c9Session.inited)
// Create an ace session
var aceSession = e.state && e.state.session || c9Session.session;
if (!aceSession) {
var acedoc = new Document(doc.value || "");
aceSession = e.state.session || new EditSession(acedoc);
c9Session.session = aceSession;
c9Session.session.c9doc = doc;
c9Session.options = {};
c9Session.setOption = function(name, value) {
setOption(name, value, this);
c9Session.inited = true;
if (!e.state || !e.state.options)
docSettings.forEach(function(setting) {
var name = setting[0];
setOption(name, setting[1], c9Session);
if (e.state && e.state.customSyntax)
c9Session.session.customSyntax = e.state.customSyntax;
var syntax = getSyntax(c9Session, doc.tab.path);
setOption("syntax", syntax, c9Session);
if (e.state)
setState(doc, e.state);
if (doc.meta.newfile) {
detectSettingsOnLoad(c9Session, doc);
aceSession.on("change", function detectIndentation() {
if (aceSession.$guessTabSize) {
if (aceSession.getLength() <= 2) return;
if (doc.editor && doc.editor.ace)
aceSession.off("change", detectIndentation);
} else if (doc.hasValue()) {
detectSettingsOnLoad(c9Session, doc);
// Create the ace like undo manager that proxies to
// the Cloud9 undo manager
if (!c9Session.undoManager) {
= new AceUndoManager(doc.undoManager, c9Session);
// Attach the ace undo manager to the current session
handleEmit("initAceSession", { doc: doc });
c9Session.getEmitter().sticky("init", {
doc: doc,
session: c9Session.session
doc.on("unload", function(){
setTimeout(function() { //@todo is this still needed?
var session = c9Session.session;
if (!session)
if (session.cloned) {
else {
var doc = session.doc;
if (doc) {
doc.$lines = [];
doc._eventRegistry = null;
doc._defaultHandlers = null;
session.bgTokenizer = null;
session.$rowCache = null;
session._eventRegistry = session.$mode = null;
session.$breakpoints = null;
session.$annotations = null;
session.languageAnnos = null;
session.c9doc = null;
c9Session.session = null;
c9Session = null;
plugin.on("documentActivate", function(e) {
//editor.value = e.doc.value;
currentDocument = e.doc;
currentSession = e.doc.getSession();
var options = currentSession.options;
docSettings.forEach(function(setting) {
if (options[setting[2]])
setOption(setting[0], options[setting[2]]);
if (currentSession.session)
// if (!currentSession.progress && !e.doc.hasValue())
// console.warn("broken session progress state on documentActivate see #1144", e.doc);
if (currentSession.progress || !e.doc.hasValue())
showProgress(currentSession.progress, currentSession.upload);
// Theme support
plugin.on("documentUnload", function(e) {
var session = e.doc.getSession();
// Clear current session
if (currentSession == session) {
currentSession = null;
currentDocument = null;
if (ace) {
plugin.on("resize", function(e) {
plugin.on("getState", function(e) {
getState(e.doc, e.state, e.filter);
plugin.on("setState", function(e) {
setState(e.doc, e.state);
plugin.on("clear", function(){
if (currentSession)
plugin.on("cut", function(e) {
if (e.native) return; // Ace handles this herself
var data = ace.getCopyText();
e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", data);
plugin.on("copy", function(e) {
if (e.native) return; // Ace handles this herself
var data = ace.getCopyText();
e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", data);
plugin.on("paste", function(e) {
if (e.native) return; // Ace handles this herself
var data = e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
if (data !== false)
plugin.on("blur", function(){
plugin.on("focus", function(e) {
if (e.lost) blur();
else focus();
plugin.on("enable", function(){
ui.removeClass(container, "aceDisabled");
plugin.on("disable", function(){
ui.addClass(container, "aceDisabled");
plugin.on("unload", function(){
container.innerHTML = "";
ace = null;
container = null;
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Ace Editor for Cloud9. Ace is the high performance code
* editor for the web, build and maintained by Cloud9.
* It is the main editor for code files and offers syntax
* highlighting for over 100 languages and formats.
* For more information see [ace's website](http://ace.c9.io).
* The editor exposes the [ace editor object](http://ace.c9.io/#nav=api&api=editor)
* which in turn exposes many APIs that allow you to manipulate
* the editor and it's contents.
* Example of instantiating a new terminal:
* tabManager.openFile("/file.js", true, function(err, tab) {
* if (err) throw err;
* var ace = tab.editor;
* ace.setOption("tabSize", 8);
* });
* @class ace.Ace
* @extends Editor
* The type of editor. Use this to create ace using
* {@link tabManager#openEditor} or {@link editors#createEditor}.
* @property {"ace"} type
* @readonly
* Retrieves the state of a document in relation to this editor
* @param {Document} doc The document for which to return the state
* @method getState
* @return {Object}
* @return {String} return.customSyntax The language mode for this document (if the default mode has been overridden).
* @return {Number} return.scrolltop The amount of pixels scrolled from the top.
* @return {Number} return.scrollleft The amount of pixels scrolled from the left.
* @return {Array} return.folds Describing the current state
* of the folded code in the document.
* @return {Object} return.selection Describing the current state
* of the selection. This can become a complex object when
* there are multiple selections.
* @return {Object} return.options
* @return {String} return.options.newLineMode One of three values: "windows", "unix", "auto".
* @return {Number} return.options.tabSize The number of spaces that is used to render a tab.
* @return {Boolean} return.options.useSoftTabs When set to true the tab button inserts spaces.
* @return {Boolean} return.options.useWrapMode Specifies whether the text is wrapped
* @return {Boolean} return.options.wrapToView Specifies whether the text is wrapped to the viewport, or to the print margin.
* @return {Boolean} return.options.wrapBehavioursEnabled Specifies whether selection wraps with Brackets, Quotes, etc.
* Sets the state of a document in relation to this editor
* @method setState
* @param {Document} doc The document for which to set the state
* @param {Object} state The state to set
* @param {String} [state.customSyntax] The language mode for this document (if the default mode has been overridden).
* @param {Number} [state.scrolltop] The amount of pixels scrolled from the top.
* @param {Number} [state.scrollleft] The amount of pixels scrolled from the left.
* @param {Array} [state.folds] Describing the current state
* of the folded code in the document.
* @param {Object} [state.selection] Describing the current state
* of the selection. This can become a complex object when
* there are multiple selections.
* @param {Object} [state.options]
* @param {String} [state.options.newLineMode] One of three values: "windows", "unix", "auto".
* @param {Number} [state.options.tabSize] The number of spaces that is used to render a tab.
* @param {Boolean} [state.options.useSoftTabs] When set to true the tab button inserts spaces.
* @param {Boolean} [state.options.useWrapMode] Specifies whether the text is wrapped
* @param {Boolean} [state.options.wrapToView] Specifies whether the text is wrapped to the viewport, or to the print margin.
* @param {Boolean} [state.options.wrapBehavioursEnabled] Specifies whether selection wraps with Brackets, Quotes, etc.
* @param {Object} [state.jump] Scrolls the document (with an animation) to the specified location (and optionally selection).
* @param {Number} [state.jump.row] The row to jump to (0 based)
* @param {Number} [state.jump.column] The column to jump to (0 based)
* @param {Object} [state.jump.select]
* @param {Number} [state.jump.select.row] The row to select to (0 based)
* @param {Number} [state.jump.select.column] The column to select to (0 based)
* @ignore
addEditor: addEditor,
* Reference to the ace editor object as described
* [here](http://ace.c9.io/#nav=api&api=editor)
* @property {Ace.Editor} ace
* @readonly
get ace(){ return emit("getAce") || ace; },
* The theme object currently used in this ace instance
* @property {Object} theme Describes the theme that is initialized.
* @property {String} theme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme.
* @property {String} theme.bg The background color for this theme.
* @property {String} theme.fg The foreground color for this theme.
* @property {String} theme.path The path of this theme.
* @property {Boolean} theme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme.
* @readonly
get theme(){
if (!ace) return "";
if (immutableSkin) {
var path = ace.getTheme();
try { var theme = require(path); } catch (e) {}
return theme || "";
else {
return handle.theme;
return theme;
_events: [
* Fires when a users clicks on the gutter.
* The gutter is the area that contains the line numbers.
* @event guttermousedown
* @param {Object} e information on the mouse event
* Fires when a users clicks twice in fast succession on
* the gutter. The gutter is the area that contains the
* line numbers.
* @event gutterdblclick
* @param {Object} e information on the mouse event
* Fires when the current theme changes to another theme.
* See also {@link ace#setTheme}.
* @event themeChange
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Object} e.theme Describes the theme that is initialized.
* @param {String} e.theme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme.
* @param {String} e.theme.bg The background color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.theme.fg The foreground color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.theme.path The path of this theme.
* @param {Boolean} e.theme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme.
* @param {Object} e.lastTheme Describes the theme that is initialized.
* @param {String} e.lastTheme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme.
* @param {String} e.lastTheme.bg The background color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.lastTheme.fg The foreground color for this theme.
* @param {String} e.lastTheme.path The path of this theme.
* @param {Boolean} e.lastTheme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme.
* @param {String} e.path The path of the theme.
* @ignore This is here to overwrite default behavior
isClipboardAvailable: function(e) { return !e.fromKeyboard },
* Retrieves the value of one of the ace options.
* See {@link #setOption} for an overview of the options that can be retrieved.
* @param {String} option The option to retrieve
getOption: getOption,
* Sets the value of one of the ace options.
* <table>
* <tr><td>Option Name</td><td> Possible Values</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"theme"</td><td> The path to the new theme.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"syntax"</td><td> The path to the ace mode (e.g. ace/mode/javascript).</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"newLineMode"</td><td> One of the following values: "windows", "unix", "auto".</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"tabSize"</td><td> Number specifying the amount of spaces that represent a tab.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"useSoftTabs"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to insert spaces when pressing the tab key.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"useWrapMode"</td><td> Specifies whether the text is wrapped</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"wrapToView"</td><td> Specifies whether the text is wrapped to the viewport, or to the print margin.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"wrapBehavioursEnabled"</td><td> Specifies whether selection wraps with Brackets, Quotes, etc.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"fontSize"</td><td> Number specifying the font size in px.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"fontFamily"</td><td> String specifying the font family in css syntax.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"overwrite"</td><td> Boolean toggling overwrite mode.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"selectionStyle"</td><td> One of the following values: "line" (select the entire line), "text" (only select the text).</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"cursorStyle"</td><td> One of the following values: "ace", "slim", "smooth", "wide"</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"highlightActiveLine"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to show highlighting of the line where the cursor is at.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"highlightGutterLine"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to show highlighting in the gutter of the line where the cursor is at.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"showInvisibles"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to show the invisible characters such as space, tab, newline.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"printMarginColumn"</td><td> Number specifying where the print margin will be in number of characters from the gutter.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"showPrintMargin"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to show the print margin line (usually 80 chars)</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"displayIndentGuides"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to show the lines at each indentation mark</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"behavioursEnabled"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether brackets are auto-paired.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"scrollSpeed"</td><td> Number specifying the number of rows that are scrolled when using the scrollwheel.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"showGutter"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to show the gutter.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"showFoldWidgets"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to show the fold widgets.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"fadeFoldWidgets"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to fade the fold widgets into view on hover.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"highlightSelectedWord"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to highlight words where the cursor is on.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"animatedScroll"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether scrolling is animated.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"scrollPastEnd"</td><td> Number specifying how far the user can scroll past the end. There are 3 possible values: 0, 0.5, 1.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"mergeUndoDeltas"</td><td> Boolean specifying whether to combine multiple operations as one on the undo stack.</td></tr>
* </table>
* @param {String} option The option to set
* @param {String} value The value of the option
setOption: setOption,
* Set multiple options by passing a multi-dimensional array
* with key/value pairs.
* See also {@link #setOption}
* @param {Array} options The options to set.
setOptions: setOptions,
* Scrolls the currently active document to the specified row
* and column and places the cursor there and optionally
* select a piece of text.
* @param {Number} row The row to jump to (0 based)
* @param {Number} column The column to jump to (0 based)
* @param {Object} [select]
* @param {Number} [select.row] The row to select to (0 based)
* @param {Number} [select.column] The column to select to (0 based)
scrollTo: scrollTo
// Emit create event on handle
if (plugin.loaded) {
handleEmit.sticky("create", { editor: plugin }, plugin);
plugin.load(null, "ace");
return plugin;
register(null, {
ace: handle