
470 wiersze
15 KiB

var async = require("async");
var fs = require("fs");
var mkdirp = require("mkdirp");
var moduleDeps = require("./module-deps");
var path = require("path");
function build(config, opts, callback) {
if (opts.compileLess && opts.sources)
return compileLess(opts, opts.sources, callback);
if (!opts.configFile) {
opts.configFile = "\nrequire.plugins = "
+ JSON.stringify(config, null, 4)
+ ";\n";
// Load all architect modules as main files
var mains = [], options = {};
if (typeof pkg == "string") {
else if (pkg.packagePath) {
id: pkg.packagePath,
parent: {id: "#root"},
plugin: pkg
options[pkg.packagePath] = pkg;
// Add additional packages
(opts.additional || []).forEach(function(relPath, i){
mains.unshift(typeof relPath === "object" ? relPath : {
id : null,
path : path.resolve(__dirname + "/" + relPath),
order : -i,
literal : true
if (!mains.length)
return callback(new Error("Config contains no packages"));
// Add RequireJS
if (opts.withRequire) {
id: null,
path: path.resolve(__dirname + "/build_support/" + (opts.node ? "node" : "mini") + "_require.js"),
order: -1000,
noRequire: true,
mini_require: true
if (opts.moduleLoadUrl) {
opts.transforms = opts.transforms || [];
opts.transforms.push(function(module) {
if (module.mini_require) {
module.source = module.source.replace(/^\s*var\s+MODULE_LOAD_URL\s*=\s*["'].*["']/m, 'var MODULE_LOAD_URL = "' + opts.moduleLoadUrl + '"');
// Find their deps
var stream = moduleDeps(mains, opts);
stream.on("end", function() {
// sort modules
var sources = [];
var modules = opts.modules;
var added = Object.create(null);
function addModule(id) {
var pkg = modules[id] || {};
if (added[pkg.id])
added[pkg.id] = true;
if (pkg.source == null)
if (pkg.deps)
pkg.pkgIndex = sources.length;
added[pkg.id] = true;
// Filter sources
(opts.filter || []).forEach(function(filter){
sources = sources.filter(function(pkg){
return pkg.id.indexOf(filter) !== 0;
sources.sort(function(a, b) {
return ((a.order|0) - (b.order|0)) || (a.pkgIndex - b.pkgIndex);
if (opts.compileLess)
return compileLess(opts, sources, callback);
if (opts.stripLess)
var afterRead = typeof opts.afterRead == "function"
? [opts.afterRead]
: opts.afterRead || [];
afterRead.forEach(function(f) {
sources = f(sources, opts) || sources;
// Include the architect config at the end in the same way as the tests
if (opts.autoload)
includeAutoload(opts, sources);
else if (!opts.noArchitect)
includeArchitect(opts, sources);
opts.quiet || console.log("Processing " + sources.length + " files.");
opts.quiet || console.log("Compressing: ", opts.compress);
// Concatenate all files using uglify2 with source maps
var result;
if (opts.compress)
result = require("./compress").withCache(sources, opts);
else {
result = {
code : sources.map(function(src){ return src.source.trim(); }).join("\n\n") + "\n",
map : ""
result.sources = sources;
if (opts.beforeWrite) {
opts.beforeWrite.forEach(function(f) {
f(result, opts) || sources;
if (typeof opts.outputFolder == "string") {
writeToFile(result, opts, callback);
else {
callback(null, result);
stream.on("error", function(e) {
function createOutputFolder(opts, cb) {
var output = (opts.outputFolder || ".") + "/" + (opts.outputFile || "");
output = path.dirname(output);
mkdirp(output, cb);
function compileLess(opts, sources, callback) {
var libs = opts.lessLibs;
var less = stripLess(sources);
var cssCode = [];
var code = [];
var cache = opts.cache;
if (cache && !cache.less)
cache.less = Object.create(null);
if (cache && !cache.images)
cache.images = Object.create(null);
function readLibs(cb) {
async.forEach(Object.keys(libs), function(key, next) {
var lib = libs[key];
if (typeof lib !== "string")
return next();
var path = moduleDeps.resolveModulePath(lib, opts.pathConfig.pathMap);
fs.readFile(path, "utf8", function(e, code) {
libs[key] = { code: code || "", id: lib };
}, function() {
function expandVariables(code, variables, plugin) {
variables["base-path"] = (plugin && plugin.staticPrefix || opts.staticPrefix);
variables["icon-path"] = variables["base-path"] + "/icons";
variables["image-path"] = variables["base-path"] + "/images";
variables["plugin-path"] = plugin
? "/static/" + path.dirname(plugin.packagePath)
: "plugin-path";
return code.replace(/@({([\w-]+)}|[\w-]+)/g, function(_, m, m1) {
var name = m1 || m;
return variables[name] || _;
function preprocess() {
less.forEach(function(file) {
var plugin = file.pkg.parent.plugin;
var id = file.pkg.id.replace(/^[^!]+!/, "");
"/* @file " + id + " */\nß{"
+ expandVariables(file.code, Object.create(null), plugin)
+ "}"
code = code.join("\n")
+ expandVariables(libs.map(function(l) {
return l.code ? "/* @file " + l.id + " */\n" + l.code : "";
}).join("\n"), Object.create(null));
function compile() {
var ctx = {
paths: ["/"],
filename: opts.basepath + '/unknown.less',
compress: !!opts.compress
var lessParser = require("less");
return lessParser.parse(code, ctx, function(err, tree, imports, options) {
if (err) return callback(err);
toCss(tree, imports, options, function(err, css) {
if (err) return callback(err);
css = css.replace(/ß /g, "").replace(/^ +/gm, "\t");
css = checkImages(css, opts, cache);
css = addCssPrefixes(css);
callback(null, { code: css });
readLibs(function() {
function checkImages(css, opts, cache) {
var images = cache && cache.images || Object.create(null);
var t = Date.now();
var file;
var count = 0;
var missingCount = 0;
css = css.replace(/(url\(['"]?)(?!https?:)(?:\/static\/)?([^"')]+)|@file (\S+)/g, function(_, prefix, imagePath, fileId) {
if (fileId) {
file = fileId;
return _;
if (/^data:|^#/.test(imagePath))
return _;
if (/^(images|icons)/.test(imagePath))
imagePath = opts.staticPrefix + "/" + imagePath;
var dir = path.dirname(imagePath);
var name = path.basename(imagePath);
try {
if (!images[dir]) {
var absPath = moduleDeps.resolveModulePath(dir, opts.pathConfig.pathMap);
images[dir] = fs.readdirSync(absPath);
} catch (e) {
images[dir] = [];
var nameNx = name.replace("@1x", "");
var name1x = nameNx.replace(/\.\w+$/, "@1x$&");
var name2x = nameNx.replace(/\.\w+$/, "@2x$&");
var hasNx = images[dir].indexOf(nameNx) != -1;
var has1x = images[dir].indexOf(name1x) != -1;
var has2x = images[dir].indexOf(name2x) != -1;
if (hasNx) {
name = nameNx;
} else if (has1x) {
name = name1x;
if (!has2x)
reportError(imagePath + " 2x");
else {
// todo check image sizes
return prefix + "/static/" + dir + "/" + name;
function reportError(imagePath) {
console.log("" + missingCount + " missing image: " + imagePath, "from /" + file);
console.log("checked " + count + " images in " + (t - Date.now()) + "ms");
return css;
function addCssPrefixes(css) {
return css.replace(/\b(user-select|font-smoothing)\b([^;}\n]+);?/g, function(_, prop, value, index, string) {
if (prop[0] == "u" && string[index - 1] != "-") {
return "-webkit-" + prop + value + "; -moz-" + prop + value + "; -ms-" + prop + value + "; " + _;
else if (prop[0] == "f") {
if (/true/.test(value))
return "-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;";
if (/false/.test(value))
return "-webkit-font-smoothing: auto;-moz-osx-font-smoothing: auto;";
return _;
return _;
function toCss(tree, imports, options, callback) {
var less = require("less");
var parseTree = new less.ParseTree(tree, imports);
var css;
try {
css = parseTree.toCSS(options).css;
catch (err) {
return callback(err);
callback(null, css);
function stripLess(sources) {
var less = [];
function addLessFile(pkg, code, file) {
pkg.cssSource = code;
pkg: pkg,
code: code,
path: file
sources.forEach(function(pkg) {
if (pkg.cssSource != null) {
addLessFile(pkg, pkg.cssSource);
else if (pkg.id && (pkg.id.indexOf("text!") > -1) && pkg.id.match(/text\!.*\.(less|css)$/)) {
var source = pkg.source;
pkg.source = "";
// ignore certain less files
if (pkg.id.match(/(default-dark|default-white|lesshat|compile_dark|compile_.*?)\.(less|css)/))
// console.log("dropping less", pkg.id);
addLessFile(pkg, source, pkg.file);
else if (pkg.id && pkg.id.match(/^text\!.*\.xml$/) && pkg.source.match(/<a:skin.*?\s+xmlns:a="http:\/\/ajax.org\/2005\/aml"/m)) {
var style = "";
pkg.source = pkg.source.replace(/(<a:style><\!\[CDATA\[)([\s\S]*?)(\]\]>)/g, function(m, open, css, close) {
style += css + "\n";
// console.log("dropping css in skin", pkg.id);
return open + close;
if (style)
addLessFile(pkg, style);
return less;
// Rewrite all the defines to include the id as first arg
function rewriteDefines(sources, opts){
var keepDeps = opts && opts.keepDepArrays;
if (!pkg.source && !pkg.id)
if (!pkg.id) {
// include literal
else if (pkg.id.indexOf("text!") > -1) {
var source = pkg.source.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\r?\n/g, "\\n").replace(/"/g, '\\"');
pkg.source = 'define("' + pkg.id + '",[],"'
+ source
+ '");';
else if (pkg.id.indexOf("vfs!") > -1) {
pkg.source = 'define("' + pkg.id + '",[],' + function(require, exports,module) {
var path = module.id.slice(4);
return {
srcUrl: requirejs.MODULE_LOAD_URL + "/~node/" + path,
path: path,
} + ');';
else {
var deps = [];
if (keepDeps) {
deps.push("require", "exports", "module");
if (keepDeps == "all")
deps = deps.concat(pkg.deps);
pkg.source = pkg.source.replace(/define\(\s*(?:(\[[^\]]*\]),\s*)?(f)/, function(_, depArray, code) {
return 'define(\"' + pkg.id + '\",' + (depArray || JSON.stringify(deps)) + ', ' + code;
function includeArchitect(opts, sources) {
var source;
if (opts.includeConfig) {
source = opts.configFile + ";";
else {
source = 'require(["architect", "./architect-config"], function (architect, plugins) {\n'
+ ' architect.resolveConfig(plugins, function (err, config) {\n'
+ ' if (err) throw err;\n'
+ ' architect.createApp(config);\n'
+ ' });\n'
+ '});\n';
id: "bootstrap",
file: "bootstrap",
source: source
function includeAutoload(opts, sources) {
var source = 'require("' + opts.autoload + '");\n';
id: "bootstrap",
file: "bootstrap",
source: source
function writeToFile(result, opts, callback) {
// Write output code
createOutputFolder(opts, function() {
var output = (opts.outputFolder || ".") + "/" + (opts.outputFile || "build.js");
fs.writeFile(output, result.code, function(err){
if (err) return callback(err);
if (!opts.quiet)
console.log("Written output in '" + output + "'");
callback(err, result);
// Write map file
if (opts.mapFile && result.map) {
output = (opts.outputFolder || ".") + "/" + opts.mapFile;
fs.writeFile(output, result.map, function(err){
if (err) return callback(err);
if (!opts.quiet)
console.log("Written map file in '" + output + "'");
module.exports = build;
build.writeToFile = writeToFile;