
269 wiersze
11 KiB

define(function(require, module, exports) {
"use strict";
var XHR = XMLHttpRequest; // Grab constructor early so it can't be spoofed
main.consumes = ["Plugin"];
main.provides = ["http"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var URL = require("url");
var qs = require("querystring");
var plugin = new imports.Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var debug = options.debug !== false;
function request(url, options, callback) {
if (!callback)
return request(url, {}, options);
if (typeof options == "string")
return request(url, {method: options}, callback);
var method = options.method || "GET";
var headers = options.headers || {};
var body = options.body || "";
var contentType = options.contentType
|| "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
var timeout = options.hasOwnProperty("timeout") ? options.timeout : 10000;
var async = options.sync !== true;
var parsedUrl = parseUrl(url, options.query);
if (contentType === "application/json")
headers.Accept = headers.Accept || "application/json";
if (options.username) {
headers.Authorization = "Basic " + btoa(options.username + ":" + options.password);
var xhr = new XHR();
if (options.overrideMimeType)
xhr.overrideMimeType = options.overrideMimeType;
// From MDN: Note: You need to add the event listeners before
// calling open() on the request. Otherwise the progress events
// will not fire.
if (options.progress) {
var obj = method == "PUT" ? xhr.upload : xhr;
obj.onprogress = function(e) {
if (e.lengthComputable)
options.progress(e.loaded, e.total);
xhr.open(method, URL.format(parsedUrl), async);
headers["Content-Type"] = contentType;
for (var header in headers)
xhr.setRequestHeader(header, headers[header]);
// encode body
if (typeof body == "object") {
if (contentType.indexOf("application/json") === 0) {
try {
body = JSON.stringify(body);
} catch (e) {
return done(new Error("Could not serialize body as json"));
else if (contentType.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") === 0) {
body = qs.stringify(body);
else if (["[object File]", "[object Blob]"].indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(body)) > -1) {
// pass as is
xhr.overrideMimeType = body.type;
else {
body = body.toString();
var timer;
var timedout = false;
if (timeout) {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
timedout = true;
var err = new Error("Timeout");
err.code = "ETIMEOUT";
}, timeout);
xhr.send(body || "");
var abort = xhr.abort;
xhr.abort = function(){
xhr.onload = function(e) {
var res = {
body: xhr.responseText,
status: xhr.status,
headers: parseHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()),
$reqHeaders: headers // TODO remove when bug in readFileWithMetadata is fixed
var data = xhr.responseText;
var contentType = options.overrideMimeType || res.headers["content-type"] || "";
if (contentType.indexOf("application/json") === 0) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
return done(e);
if (this.status > 299) {
var err = new Error(xhr.responseText);
err.code = xhr.status;
if (debug)
console.error("HTTP error " + this.status + ": " + xhr.responseText);
return done(err, data, res);
done(null, data, res);
xhr.onerror = function(e) {
if (typeof XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent == "function" && e instanceof XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent) {
// No useful information in this object.
// Possibly CORS error if code was 0.
var err = new Error("Failed to retrieve resource from " + parsedUrl.host);
err.cause = e;
err.code = e.target.status;
return done(err);
e.code = e.target.status;
var called = false;
function done(err, data, res) {
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
if (called) return;
called = true;
callback(err, data, res);
return xhr;
var callbackId = 1;
function jsonP(url, options, callback) {
if (!callback) return jsonP(url, {}, options);
var cbName = "__josnpcallback" + callbackId++;
var callbackParam = options.callbackParam || "callback";
var parsedUrl = parseUrl(url, options.query);
parsedUrl.query[callbackParam] = cbName;
window[cbName] = function(json) {
delete window.cbName;
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement;
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = URL.format(parsedUrl);
s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function(_, isAbort) {
if (isAbort || !s.readyState || s.readyState == "loaded" || s.readyState == "complete") {
s = s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = null;
function parseUrl(url, query) {
query = query || {};
var parsedUrl = URL.parse(url, true);
for (var key in query)
parsedUrl.query[key] = query[key];
delete parsedUrl.search;
return parsedUrl;
function parseHeaders(headerString) {
return headerString
.reduce(function(headers, headerPair) {
var index = headerPair.indexOf('\u003a\u0020');
if (index > 0) {
var key = headerPair.substring(0, index).toLowerCase();
var val = headerPair.substring(index + 2);
headers[key] = val;
return headers;
}, {});
* Simple API for performing HTTP requests.
* Example:
* http.request("http://www.c9.io", function(err, data) {
* if (err) throw err;
* console.log(data);
* });
* @singleton
* Performs an HTTP request
* @param {String} url Target URL for the HTTP request
* @param {Object} [options] Request options
* @param {String} [options.method] HTTP method (default=GET)
* @param {Object} [options.query] URL query parameters as an object
* @param {String|Object} [options.body] HTTP body for PUT and POST
* @param {Object} [options.headers] Request headers
* @param {Object} [options.username] Basic auth username
* @param {Object} [options.password] Basic auth password
* @param {Number} [options.timeout] Timeout in ms (default=10000)
* @param {String} [options.contentType='application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'] Content type of sent data
* @param {String} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server
* @param {Function} [options.progress] Progress event handler
* @param {Function} [options.progress.loaded] The amount of bytes downloaded/uploaded.
* @param {Function} [options.progress.total] The total amount of bytes to download/upload.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the request returns.
* @param {Error} callback.err Error object if an error occured.
* @param {String} callback.data The data received.
* @param {Object} callback.res
* @param {String} callback.res.body The body of the response message.
* @param {Number} callback.res.status The status of the response message.
* @param {Object} callback.res.headers The headers of the response message.
request: request,
* Performs a JSONP request
* @param {String} url Target URL for the JSONP request
* @param {Object} [options] Request options
* @param {String} [options.callbackParam="callback"] name of the callback query parameter
* @param {Object} [options.query] URL query parameters as an object
* @param {Function} callback Called when the request returns.
* @param {Error} callback.err Error object if an error occured.
* @param {String} callback.data The data received.
* @param {Object} callback.res
* @param {String} callback.res.body The body of the response message.
* @param {Number} callback.res.status The status of the response message.
jsonP: jsonP
register(null, {
http: plugin