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* Terminal Module for the Cloud9
* @copyright 2013, Ajax.org B.V.
define(function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
module.exports = function(c9) {
var prefix = '<strong>Cloud9 Help</strong> ';
var wrongPortIP = "You may be using the wrong PORT & IP for your server application.";
var messages = {
generic: {
wrongPortIP: prefix + wrongPortIP + "Try passing $PORT and $IP to properly launch your application. You can find more information <a href='https://docs.c9.io/running_and_debugging_code.html' target='_blank'>in our docs</a>.",
appRunning: prefix + "Your code is running at <a href='https://" + c9.hostname + "' target='_blank'>https://" + c9.hostname + "</a>",
appRunningOpenInPreview: prefix + "Your code is running at <a href='javascript://' data-type='preview'>https://" + c9.hostname + "</a>",
bindToInternalIP: prefix + wrongPortIP + "Only binding to the internal IP configured in $IP is supported.",
noLiveReload: prefix + "We currently only support listening on one port. Opening up a second port for live-reloading is currently not possible.",
addressInUse: prefix + "There are issues starting your app. Please make sure you are using the correct $IP and $PORT, run as the correct user or kill any processes which might be conflicting. You can find more information <a href='https://docs.c9.io/common_errors.html' target='_blank'>in our docs</a>.",
debuggerPortInUse: prefix + "A process is listening on the port specified. Please try and kill that process and restart the app. You can find more information <a href='https://docs.c9.io/common_errors.html' target='_blank'>in our docs</a>"
rails: {
wrongPortIP: prefix + wrongPortIP + "For rails, use: 'rails s -p $PORT -b $IP'. For Sinatra, use: ruby app.rb -p $PORT -o $IP'."
node: {
wrongPortIP: prefix + wrongPortIP + " Use 'process.env.PORT' as the port and 'process.env.IP' as the host in your scripts or <a href='https://docs.c9.io/running_and_debugging_code.html' target='_blank'>refer to the documentation for more information</a>."
django: {
wrongPortIP: prefix + wrongPortIP + " Use './manage.py runserver $IP:$PORT' to run your Django application."
google: {
wrongPortIP: prefix + wrongPortIP + " Use 'mvn gcloud:run -Dgcloud.host=$IP:$PORT' to run your application.",
appDeployed: prefix + "Your app has been deployed to <a href='javascript://' data-type='preview'>{1}</a>",
var matchers = [
// Generic
pattern: /^(?!reload )server(?: is | )(?:listening|running) (?:at|on)((?!0\.0\.0\.0:8080).)*$/i,
message: messages.generic.wrongPortIP
// Generic correct port
pattern: /^(?!reload )server(?: is | )(?:listening|running) (?:at|on).*?(?=0\.0\.0\.0:8080)/i,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// grunt-serve correct port
pattern: /Server is running on port (?!8080)/i,
message: messages.generic.wrongPortIP
// grunt-serve correct port
pattern: /Server is running on port 8080/i,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// grunt-reload
pattern: /^Proxying http:\/\/(?!0\.0\.0\.0:8080)/i,
message: messages.generic.wrongPortIP
// grunt-reload
pattern: /^Proxying http:\/\/(?=0\.0\.0\.0:8080)/i,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// grunt no support for live-reload
pattern: /^reload server running at http:\/\/.*?:\d{4,5}/i,
message: messages.generic.noLiveReload
// Meteor wrong port
pattern: /(App running at:)((?!0\.0\.0\.0:8080).)*$/,
message: messages.generic.wrongPortIP
// Meteor correct port
pattern: /(App running at:).*?(?=0\.0\.0\.0:8080)/,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// Ionic wrong port
pattern: /(Running dev server:)((?!\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:8080).)*$/,
message: messages.generic.wrongPortIP
// Ionic correct port
pattern: /(Running dev server:).*?(?=\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:8080)/,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// WEBrick correct port
pattern: /INFO\ \ WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=\d+ port=8080/,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// WEBrick wrong port
pattern: /INFO\ \ WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=\d+ port=(?!8080)/,
message: messages.rails.wrongPortIP
// Rails or Sinatra
pattern: /WARN {1,2}TCPServer Error: (?:Address already in use|Permission denied) - bind\(2\)/,
message: messages.rails.wrongPortIP
// Node app
pattern: /Error: listen (?:EACCES|EADDRNOTAVAIL)/,
message: messages.generic.addressInUse
// Node address in use
pattern: /Error: listen EADDRINUSE/,
message: messages.generic.addressInUse,
action: {
cmd: "kill -9 $(lsof -i:$PORT -t)",
label: "Kill processes"
// Django correct port
pattern: /Starting development server at.*?(?=0\.0\.0\.0:8080)/i,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// Django app wrong port
pattern: /Error: You don't have permission to access that port./,
message: messages.django.wrongPortIP
pattern: /Failed to open socket on port 15454/,
message: messages.generic.debuggerPortInUse,
action: {
cmd: "kill -9 $(lsof -i:15454 -t)",
label: "Kill processes"
pattern: /Failed to listen on \(reason: Address already in use\)/,
message: messages.generic.debuggerPortInUse,
action: {
cmd: "kill -9 $(lsof -i:8080 -t)",
label: "Kill processes"
// Django app wrong port
pattern: /Error: That port is already in use/,
message: messages.generic.addressInUse,
action: {
cmd: "kill -9 $(lsof -i:$PORT -t)",
label: "Kill processes"
// Jekyll
pattern: /Server address: http:\/\/(?=0\.0\.0\.0:8080)/,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// Jekyll
pattern: /Server address: http:\/\/(?!0\.0\.0\.0:8080)/,
message: messages.generic.wrongPortIP
// Gradle
pattern: /Tomcat started on port\(s\): 8080/,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// Spring
pattern: /::\s+Spring Boot\s+::\s+\(v\d.\d.\d.RELEASE\)/,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// Google App Engine: Java Managed VM
pattern: /Starting module "\w+" running at: http:\/\/(?=0\.0\.0\.0:8080)/,
message: messages.generic.appRunningOpenInPreview
// Google App Engine: Java Managed VM - Wrong IP/PORT
pattern: /Starting module "\w+" running at: http:\/\/(?!0\.0\.0\.0:8080)/,
message: messages.google.wrongPortIP
pattern: /New instance for module "default" serving on:/i,
onMatch: "reloadPreview"
// Google App Engine: Deployment
pattern: /Deployed module \[\w+\] to \[(https:\/\/[a-z0-9\-]+\.appspot\.com)\]/,
message: messages.google.appDeployed
// web.py / lpthw.web correct port
pattern: /^http:\/\/0\.0\.0\.0:8080/i,
message: messages.generic.appRunning
// newclient proxy + homepage
pattern: /Server homepage.* is UP/,
message: messages.generic.appRunning,
return {
matchers: matchers,
messages: messages