
507 wiersze
18 KiB

define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [
"DebugPanel", "settings", "ui", "util", "debugger", "ace", "commands",
"menus", "Menu", "MenuItem", "Divider", "panels", "layout"
main.provides = ["watches"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var DebugPanel = imports.DebugPanel;
var settings = imports.settings;
var ui = imports.ui;
var debug = imports.debugger;
var util = imports.util;
var layout = imports.layout;
var menus = imports.menus;
var commands = imports.commands;
var ace = imports.ace;
var Menu = imports.Menu;
var MenuItem = imports.MenuItem;
var Divider = imports.Divider;
var panels = imports.panels;
var keys = require("ace/lib/keys");
var markup = require("text!./watches.xml");
var Variable = require("./data/variable");
var Tree = require("ace_tree/tree");
var TreeData = require("./variablesdp");
var TreeEditor = require("ace_tree/edit");
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new DebugPanel("Ajax.org", main.consumes, {
caption: "Watch Expressions",
index: 100
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var count = 0;
var watches = [];
var dirty = false;
var dbg, model, datagrid, errorWatch;
var loaded = false;
function load() {
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
model = new TreeData();
model.emptyMessage = "Type an expression here...";
model.$sortNodes = false;
model.loadChildren = function(node, callback) {
if (node.isNew)
return callback(true);
emit("expand", {
variable: node,
expand: callback
model.columns = [{
caption: "Expression",
match: "name",
value: "name",
width: "60%",
icon: true,
type: "tree",
editor: "textbox"
}, {
caption: "Value",
value: "value",
width: "40%",
editor: "textbox"
}, {
caption: "Type",
value: "type",
width: "55"
// Set and clear the dbg variable
debug.on("attach", function(e) {
dbg = e.implementation;
debug.on("detach", function(e) {
dbg = null;
debug.on("stateChange", function(e) {
if (errorWatch)
if (e.action == "enable")
debug.on("framesLoad", function(e) {
// Update Watchers
debug.on("exception", function(e) {
if (errorWatch)
errorWatch = e.exception;
plugin.on("expand", function(e) {
if (e.variable.parent == model.root)
return e.expand && e.expand(e.variable.error);
dbg.getProperties(e.variable, function(err, properties) {
updateVariable(e.variable, properties);
e.expand && e.expand();
// Add Watch hook into ace
name: "addwatchfromselection",
bindKey: { mac: "Command-Shift-C", win: "Ctrl-Shift-C" },
hint: "Add the selection as a watch expression",
isAvailable: function(editor) {
var ace = dbg && editor && editor.ace;
return ace && !ace.selection.isEmpty();
exec: function(editor) {
if (!editor.ace.selection.isEmpty())
}, plugin);
// right click context item in ace
ace.getElement("menu", function(menu) {
menus.addItemToMenu(menu, new ui.item({
caption: "Add As Watch Expression",
command: "addwatchfromselection"
}), 600, plugin);
// restore the variables from the IDE settings
settings.on("read", function (e) {
(settings.getJson("state/watches") || []).forEach(function(name) {
watches.push(new Variable({
name: name,
ref: "fromsettings" + count++
if (dbg)
settings.on("write", function (e) {
if (dirty) {
settings.setJson("state/watches", watches.filter(function(w) {
return w !== errorWatch;
}).map(function(w) {
return w.name;
dirty = false;
var drawn;
function draw(options) {
if (drawn) return;
drawn = true;
// Create UI elements
ui.insertMarkup(options.aml, markup, plugin);
var datagridEl = plugin.getElement("datagrid");
datagrid = new Tree(datagridEl.$ext);
datagrid.setTheme({ cssClass: "blackdg" });
datagrid.setOption("maxLines", 200);
layout.on("eachTheme", function(e) {
var height = parseInt(ui.getStyleRule(".blackdg .row", "height"), 10) || 24;
// model.rowHeightInner = height - 1;
model.rowHeight = height;
if (e.changed) datagrid.resize(true);
datagrid.edit = new TreeEditor(datagrid);
panels.on("afterAnimate", function(e) {
if (panels.isActive("debugger"))
datagrid && datagrid.resize();
var contextMenu = new Menu({
items: [
new MenuItem({ value: "edit1", caption: "Edit Watch Expression" }),
new MenuItem({ value: "edit2", caption: "Edit Watch Value" }),
new Divider(),
new MenuItem({ value: "remove", caption: "Remove Watch Expression" }),
}, plugin);
contextMenu.on("itemclick", function(e) {
if (e.value == "edit1")
datagrid.edit.startRename(null, 0);
else if (e.value == "edit2")
datagrid.edit.startRename(null, 1);
else if (e.value == "remove")
contextMenu.on("show", function(e) {
var selected = datagrid.selection.getCursor();
var isNew = selected && selected.isNew;
var isProp = selected.parent != model.root;
contextMenu.items[0].disabled = !selected || isProp;
contextMenu.items[1].disabled = !selected || !!isNew;
contextMenu.items[3].disabled = !selected || !!isNew || isProp;
datagridEl.setAttribute("contextmenu", contextMenu.aml);
datagrid.on("delete", function(e) {
var nodes = datagrid.selection.getSelectedNodes();
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
var idx = watches.indexOf(node);
if (idx != -1) {
model._signal("remove", node);
watches.splice(idx, 1);
dirty = true;
var justEdited = false;
datagrid.on("rename", function(e) {
var node = e.node;
var name = e.value;
var value = node.value;
var isNew = node.isNew;
var column = e.column;
var parents = [];
var variable, oldValue;
// Delete a watch by removing the expression
if (!name) {
// If we've filled a new watch remove the new attribute
if (isNew) {
variable = new Variable({
name: name,
value: value,
ref: node.ref
else {
// variable = node;
if (watches.indexOf(node) != -1)
variable = node;
else if (node.ref)
variable = findVariable(node.ref, parents);
if (column.value == "value") {
oldValue = variable.value;
value = variable.value = name;
else {
variable.name = name;
isNew = true;
if (variable.error) {
isNew = true;
variable.ref = null;
dirty = true;
setWatch(variable, value, isNew, oldValue, node, parents);
datagrid.on("beforeRename", function(e) {
// Don't allow setting the value of new variables
if (e.column.caption == "Value"
&& (e.node.ref + "").substr(0, 3) == "new") {
datagrid.edit.startRename(null, 0);
return e.preventDefault();
// When editing a property name, always force editing the value
if (e.column.caption == "Expression"
&& e.node.parent != model.root) {
datagrid.edit.startRename(null, 1);
return e.preventDefault();
if (e.column.caption != "Expression"
&& dbg && !dbg.features.updateWatchedVariables)
return e.preventDefault();
datagrid.on("rename", function(e) {
justEdited = true;
setTimeout(function() { justEdited = false; }, 500);
datagrid.textInput.getElement().addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
var cursor = datagrid.selection.getCursor();
var key = keys[e.keyCode] || "";
if (key.length == 1 || key.substr(0, 3) == "num" && cursor && !justEdited)
datagrid.edit.startRename(cursor, 0);
}, true);
datagrid.textInput.getElement().addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
var cursor = datagrid.selection.getCursor();
if (e.keyCode == 13 && cursor && !justEdited)
datagrid.edit.startRename(cursor, 0);
}, true);
/***** Methods *****/
function addWatch(expression) {
var variable;
if (expression instanceof Variable) {
variable = expression;
else {
variable = new Variable({
name: expression,
value: "",
ref: ""
setWatch(variable, null, true, null, {}, []);
dirty = true;
function removeWatch(variable) {
watches.splice(watches.indexOf(variable), 1);
dirty = true;
function setWatch(variable, value, isNew, oldValue, node, parents) {
if (!dbg)
return; // We've apparently already disconnected.
variable.status = "pending";
// Editing watches in the current or global frame
// Execute expression
if (isNew) {
dbg.evaluate(variable.name, debug.activeFrame,
!debug.activeFrame, true, function(err, serverVariable) {
if (err) {
variable.json = {
name: variable.name,
value: err.message,
error: true
updateVariable(variable, [], node, true);
variable.json = serverVariable.json;
variable.properties || [], node);
// Set new value of a property
else {
dbg.setVariable(variable, value, debug.activeFrame, function(err) {
if (err) {
variable.value = oldValue;
updateVariable(variable, [], node, true);
// Reload properties of the variable
dbg.getProperties(variable, function(err, properties) {
updateVariable(variable, properties, node);
emit("setWatch", {
name: node.name,
value: value,
node: node,
isNew: isNew,
variable: variable,
parents: parents
function updateAll() {
watches.forEach(function(variable) {
setWatch(variable, undefined, true, null, variable, []);
function findVariable(ref, parents) {
if (typeof ref == "object")
ref = ref.getAttribute("ref");
var result;
for (var i = 0, l = watches.length; i < l; i++) {
if (watches[i].ref == ref)
return watches[i];
result = watches[i].findVariable(ref, null, parents);
if (result) return result;
function updateVariable(variable, properties, node, error) {
// Pass node for recursive trees
variable.error = error;
if (!variable.parent || variable.parent == model.root)
function reloadModel() {
model.newWatchNode = model.newWatchNode || {
name: model.emptyMessage,
className: "newwatch",
fullWidth: true,
isNew: true,
items: [].concat(watches, model.newWatchNode),
$sorted: true
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
plugin.once("draw", draw);
plugin.on("enable", function() {
plugin.on("disable", function() {
plugin.on("unload", function() {
loaded = false;
drawn = false;
/***** Register and define API *****/
* The watch expression panel for the {@link debugger Cloud9 debugger}.
* This panel allows a user to add small expressions that are evaluated
* continuously, displaying the result of the expression in the UI. This
* allows a user to monitor what is going on while stepping through the
* code.
* @singleton
* @extends DebugPanel
* A list of variables that are watched.
* @param {debugger.Variable[]} watches The list of variables watched.
get watches() { return watches; },
* Re-evaluate all watch expressions.
updateAll: updateAll
register(null, {
watches: plugin