
827 wiersze
31 KiB

define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = ["Plugin", "c9", "debugger"];
main.provides = ["debugger.xdebug"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var c9 = imports.c9;
var debug = imports["debugger"];
var Frame = debug.Frame;
var Source = debug.Source;
var Breakpoint = debug.Breakpoint;
var Variable = debug.Variable;
var Scope = debug.Scope;
var url = require("url");
var path = require("path");
var DbgpClient = require("./lib/DbgpClient");
var base64Decode = require("./lib/util").base64Decode;
/***** Initialization *****/
var TYPE = "xdebug";
var PROXY = require("text!./netproxy.js");
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
// emit.setMaxListeners(1000);
"Locals": "Locals",
"Superglobals": "Globals",
"User defined constants": "Contants",
var socket, client, session;
var attached = false;
var state = null;
var breakOnExceptions = false;
var breakOnUncaughtExceptions = false;
/***** Event Handlers *****/
function load() {
debug.registerDebugger(TYPE, plugin);
function unload() {
socket = client = session = state = null;
attached = false;
breakOnExceptions = false;
breakOnUncaughtExceptions = false;
debug.unregisterDebugger(TYPE, plugin);
function onBreak() {
plugin.getFrames(function(err, frames) {
emit("frameActivate", { frame: frames[0] });
emit("break", { frame: frames[0], frames: frames });
function onStatus(status) {
switch (status) {
case "starting":
case "stopping":
case "stopped":
case "running":
case "break":
// handled by onBreak
throw new TypeError("Unknown debugger status: " + status);
/***** Helper Functions *****/
function formatType(property) {
if (property["@type"] === "uninitialized") {
return null;
if (property["@type"] === "object" && property["@classname"] === "Closure") {
return "callable";
return property["@type"];
function formatValue(property, value) {
if (property["@encoding"] === "base64") {
value = base64Decode(value);
switch (property["@type"]) {
case "null":
return property["@type"];
case "array":
return "array(" + property["@numchildren"] + ")";
case "bool":
return (value ? "true" : "false");
case "int":
return parseInt(value, 10) + "";
case "float":
return parseFloat(value) + "";
case "string":
return JSON.stringify(value);
case "object":
if (property["@classname"] === "Closure") {
return "callable";
return property["@classname"];
return value;
function createVariable(property) {
var children = property["property"];
if (children && !Array.isArray(children))
children = [children];
return new Variable({
name: property["@name"],
value: formatValue(property, property["$"]),
type: formatType(property),
ref: property["@fullname"],
children: !!property["@children"],
properties: children && children.map(function(child) {
return createVariable(child);
function findScope(variable) {
if (variable.scope)
return variable.scope;
else if (variable.parent)
return findScope(variable.parent);
throw new Error("Could not find scope in variable or parents");
function setState(state_) {
if (state === state_)
// console.info(state_);
state = state_;
emit("stateChange", { state: state });
function filesystemPath(workspacePath) {
return path.join(c9.workspaceDir, path.relative("/", workspacePath));
function workspacePath(filesystemPath) {
return path.resolve("/", path.relative(c9.workspaceDir, filesystemPath));
/***** Methods *****/
function attach(socket_, reconnect, callback) {
socket = socket_;
client = new DbgpClient();
client.on("session", function(session_) {
session = session_;
session.setFeature("max_depth", 0);
session.setFeature("max_data", 1024);
session.setFeature("max_children", 150);
session.on("status", onStatus);
session.on("break", onBreak);
setBreakpoints(emit("getBreakpoints"), function(breakpoints) {
if (!attached) {
attached = true;
emit("attach", { breakpoints: breakpoints });
client.on("error", function(err) {
emit("error", err);
}, plugin);
client.once("listening", function() {
}, plugin);
socket.on("end", function() {
socket.on("connect", function() {
if (client && !client.listening)
function detach() {
if (session) session.stop();
if (client) client.close();
if (socket) socket.close();
emit("frameActivate", { frame: null });
socket = null;
client = null;
session = null;
attached = false;
function getSources(callback) {
callback && callback(new Error("Not implemented"));
function getSource(source, callback) {
session.getSource(source.id, callback);
function getFrames(callback, silent) {
session.getStackFrames(null, function(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
var frames = data.map(function(frame) {
var scriptURI = frame["@filename"]
, parts = url.parse(scriptURI);
var scriptPath
, scriptName;
if (parts.protocol === "file:") {
// resolve absolute file path to workspace path
scriptPath = workspacePath(parts.pathname);
scriptName = path.basename(scriptPath);
} else {
// FIXME: causes metadata errors
scriptPath = scriptURI;
scriptName = scriptURI;
// TODO: push "fake" sources to avoid metadata error
//var sources = [
//new Source({
//id: scriptURI,
//name: parts.protocol + path.basename(parts.pathname),
////path: parts.protocol + path.basename(parts.pathname),
//debug: true
//emit("sources", { sources: sources });
var level = frame["@level"];
var line = frame["@lineno"] - 1;
return new Frame({
index: level,
name: frame["@where"],
line: line,
column: 0, // TODO: cmdbegin = line:col
id: null,
script: scriptName,
path: scriptPath,
sourceId: scriptURI,
scopes: [
new Scope({ index: 0, type: "Locals", frameIndex: level }),
new Scope({ index: 1, type: "Superglobals", frameIndex: level }),
/* FIXME: Xdebug 2.3.0+ only */
// new Scope({ index: 2, type: "Contants", frameIndex: level })
variables: [],
istop: (level === 0)
emit("getFrames", { frames: frames });
callback(null, frames);
function getScope(frame, scope, callback) {
session.getContextProperties(frame.index, scope.index, function(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
var variables = data.map(function(prop) {
var result = createVariable(prop);
result.scope = scope;
return result;
scope.variables = variables;
callback(null, variables, scope, frame);
function getProperties(variable, callback) {
var scope = findScope(variable);
session.getPropertyChildren(variable.ref, scope.frameIndex, scope.index, function(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
var properties = data.map(function(prop) {
var result = createVariable(prop);
result.parent = variable;
return result;
variable.properties = properties;
callback(null, properties, variable);
function stepInto(callback) {
function stepOver(callback) {
function stepOut(callback) {
function resume(callback) {
function suspend(callback) {
callback && callback(new Error("FIXME: command 'break' is not supported by PHP Xdebug"));
function evaluate(expression, frame, global, disableBreak, callback) {
expression = expression.trim();
if (state !== "stopped")
return callback(null, new Variable({ name: expression }));
session.eval(expression, function(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
var variable = createVariable(data);
variable.name = expression;
variable.ref = expression;
variable.scope = frame.scopes[0];
callback(null, variable);
function setBreakpoint(bp, callback) {
if (!bp.path) return; // this can happen for serverOnly breakpoints
var path = filesystemPath(bp.path);
var options = {
line: (bp.line + 1),
enabled: bp.enabled,
condition: bp.condition,
ignoreCount: bp.ignoreCount
session.setBreakpoint(path, options, function(err, breakpointId) {
if (!err) bp.id = breakpointId;
callback && callback(err, bp);
function changeBreakpoint(bp, callback) {
var options = {
line: (bp.line + 1),
enabled: bp.enabled,
condition: bp.condition,
ignoreCount: bp.ignoreCount,
session.updateBreakpoint(bp.id, options, function(err) {
callback && callback(err, bp);
function clearBreakpoint(bp, callback) {
session.removeBreakpoint(bp.id, function(err) {
callback && callback(err, bp);
function listBreakpoints(callback) {
// normally we'd send breakpoint_list, but since breakpoint state
// is entirely dependent on UI, we'll manage it globally
callback(null, emit("getBreakpoints"));
function setVariable(variable, value, frame, callback) {
var scope = findScope(variable);
session.setPropertyValue(variable.ref, frame.index, scope.index, value, function(err) {
if (err) return callback(err);
session.getProperty(variable.ref, frame.index, scope.index, function(err, property) {
if (err) return callback(err);
variable.type = formatType(property);
variable.value = formatValue(property, property["$"]);
variable.children = !!property["@children"];
variable.properties = undefined;
variable.status = "pending"; // force a refresh of tree view
callback(null, variable);
function getProxySource(process) {
var socketPath = c9.home + "/.c9/xdebug.sock";
if (c9.platform == "win32")
socketPath = "\\\\.\\pipe\\" + socketPath.replace(/\//g, "\\");
return {
source: PROXY
.replace(/^\s*\/\/.*/gm, "")
.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "")
.replace(/\{HOST\}/, process.runner.debughost || "")
.replace(/\{PORT\}/, process.runner.debugport),
port: socketPath
function setBreakpoints(breakpoints, callback) {
function _setBPs(breakpoints, callback, i) {
// run callback once we've exhausted setting breakpoints
if (i == breakpoints.length) {
var bp = breakpoints[i];
plugin.setBreakpoint(bp, function() {
_setBPs(breakpoints, callback, i + 1);
_setBPs(breakpoints, callback, 0);
function setBreakBehavior(type, enabled, callback) {
breakOnExceptions = enabled ? type == "all" : false;
breakOnUncaughtExceptions = enabled ? type == "uncaught" : false;
// session.sendCommand("breakpoint_set", { t: "exception", x: "*", s: "enabled" }, null, function(err, args, data, raw) {
// TODO: store args.id and use it to toggle exception bp on/off
// callback && callback();
// });
/***** Register and define API *****/
plugin.on("load", load);
plugin.on("unload", unload);
* Xdebug (DBGP) debugger implementation for Cloud9. This debugger
* implements the DBGP protocol, which can be used with several
* different language engines, such as PHP, or Python.
* @class debugger.xdebug
* @extends debugger.implementation
* Specifies the features that this debugger implementation supports
* @property {Object} features
* @property {Boolean} features.scripts Able to download code (disable the scripts button)
* @property {Boolean} features.conditionalBreakpoints Able to have conditional breakpoints (disable menu item)
* @property {Boolean} features.liveUpdate Able to update code live (don't do anything when saving)
* @property {Boolean} features.updateWatchedVariables Able to edit variables in watches (don't show editor)
* @property {Boolean} features.updateScopeVariables Able to edit variables in variables panel (don't show editor)
* @property {Boolean} features.setBreakBehavior Able to configure break behavior (disable break behavior button)
* @property {Boolean} features.executeCode Able to execute code (disable REPL)
features: {
scripts: false,
conditionalBreakpoints: true,
liveUpdate: false,
updateWatchedVariables: true,
updateScopeVariables: true,
setBreakBehavior: false,
executeCode: true,
listeningDebugger: true
// TODO: flag to disable "suspend" command
* The type of the debugger implementation. This is the identifier
* with which the runner selects the debugger implementation.
* @property {String} type
* @readonly
type: TYPE,
* @property {null|"running"|"stopped"} state The state of the debugger process
* <table>
* <tr><td>Value</td><td> Description</td></tr>
* <tr><td>null</td><td> process doesn't exist</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"stopped"</td><td> paused on breakpoint</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"running"</td><td> process is running</td></tr>
* </table>
* @readonly
get state() { return state; },
get attached() { return attached; },
* Whether the debugger will break when it encounters any exception.
* This includes exceptions in try/catch blocks.
* @property {Boolean} breakOnExceptions
* @readonly
get breakOnExceptions() { return breakOnExceptions; },
* Whether the debugger will break when it encounters an uncaught
* exception.
* @property {Boolean} breakOnUncaughtExceptions
* @readonly
get breakOnUncaughtExceptions() { return breakOnUncaughtExceptions; },
_events: [
* Fires when the debugger hits a breakpoint.
* @event break
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame} e.frame The frame where the debugger has breaked at.
* @param {debugger.Frame[]} [e.frames] The callstack frames.
* Fires when the {@link #state} property changes
* @event stateChange
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame} e.state The new value of the state property.
* Fires when the debugger hits an exception.
* @event exception
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame} e.frame The frame where the debugger has breaked at.
* @param {Error} e.exception The exception that the debugger breaked at.
* Fires when a frame becomes active. This happens when the debugger
* hits a breakpoint, or when it starts running again.
* @event frameActivate
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame/null} e.frame The current frame or null if there is no active frame.
* Fires when the result of the {@link #method-getFrames} call comes in.
* @event getFrames
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Frame[]} e.frames The frames that were retrieved.
* Fires when the result of the {@link #getSources} call comes in.
* @event sources
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Source[]} e.sources The sources that were retrieved.
* Fires when a source file is (re-)compiled. In your event
* handler, make sure you check against the sources you already
* have collected to see if you need to update or add your source.
* @event sourcesCompile
* @param {Object} e
* @param {debugger.Source} e.file the source file that is compiled.
* Attaches the debugger to the started process.
* @param {Object} runner A runner as specified by {@link run#run}.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint[]} breakpoints The set of breakpoints that should be set from the start
attach: attach,
* Detaches the debugger from the started process.
detach: detach,
* Loads all the active sources from the process
* @param {Function} callback Called when the sources are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {debugger.Source[]} callback.sources A list of the active sources.
* @fires sources
getSources: getSources,
* Retrieves the contents of a source file
* @param {debugger.Source} source The source to retrieve the contents for
* @param {Function} callback Called when the contents is retrieved
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {String} callback.contents The contents of the source file
getSource: getSource,
* Retrieves the current stack of frames (aka "the call stack")
* from the debugger.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the frame are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {debugger.Frame[]} callback.frames A list of frames, where index 0 is the frame where the debugger has breaked in.
* @fires getFrames
getFrames: getFrames,
* Retrieves the variables from a scope.
* @param {debugger.Frame} frame The frame to which the scope is related.
* @param {debugger.Scope} scope The scope from which to load the variables.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the variables are loaded
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {debugger.Variable[]} callback.variables A list of variables defined in the `scope`.
* @param {debugger.Scope} callback.scope The scope to which these variables belong
* @param {debugger.Frame} callback.frame The frame related to the scope.
getScope: getScope,
* Retrieves and sets the properties of a variable.
* @param {debugger.Variable} variable The variable for which to retrieve the properties.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the properties are loaded
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {debugger.Variable[]} callback.properties A list of properties of the variable.
* @param {debugger.Variable} callback.variable The variable to which the properties belong.
getProperties: getProperties,
* Step into the next statement.
stepInto: stepInto,
* Step over the next statement.
stepOver: stepOver,
* Step out of the current statement.
stepOut: stepOut,
* Continues execution of a process after it has hit a breakpoint.
resume: resume,
* Pauses the execution of a process at the next statement.
suspend: suspend,
* Evaluates an expression in a frame or in global space.
* @param {String} expression The expression.
* @param {debugger.Frame} frame The stack frame which serves as the contenxt of the expression.
* @param {Boolean} global Specifies whether to execute the expression in global space.
* @param {Boolean} disableBreak Specifies whether to disabled breaking when executing this expression.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Variable} callback.variable The result of the expression.
evaluate: evaluate,
* Change a live running source to the latest code state
* @param {debugger.Source} source The source file to update.
* @param {String} value The new contents of the source file.
* @param {Boolean} previewOnly
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
// setScriptSource: setScriptSource,
* Adds a breakpoint to a line in a source file.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} breakpoint The breakpoint to add.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} callback.breakpoint The added breakpoint
* @param {Object} callback.data Additional debugger specific information.
setBreakpoint: setBreakpoint,
* Updates properties of a breakpoint
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} breakpoint The breakpoint to update.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} callback.breakpoint The updated breakpoint
changeBreakpoint: changeBreakpoint,
* Removes a breakpoint from a line in a source file.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} breakpoint The breakpoint to remove.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} callback.breakpoint The removed breakpoint
clearBreakpoint: clearBreakpoint,
* Retrieves a list of all the breakpoints that are set in the
* debugger.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the breakpoints are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint[]} callback.breakpoints A list of breakpoints
listBreakpoints: listBreakpoints,
* Sets the value of a variable.
* @param {debugger.Variable} variable The variable to set the value of.
* @param {Mixed} value The new value of the variable.
* @param {debugger.Frame} frame The frame to which the variable belongs.
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Function} callback Called when the breakpoints are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {Object} callback.data Additional debugger specific information.
setVariable: setVariable,
// restartFrame: restartFrame,
// serializeVariable: serializeVariable,
* Defines how the debugger deals with exceptions.
* @param {"all"/"uncaught"} type Specifies which errors to break on.
* @param {Boolean} enabled Specifies whether to enable breaking on exceptions.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the setting is changed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
setBreakBehavior: setBreakBehavior,
* Returns the source of the proxy
getProxySource: getProxySource
register(null, {
"debugger.xdebug": plugin