
797 wiersze
31 KiB

* This file is part of IKPdb Cloud9 debugger plugin.
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Cyril MORISSE, Audaxis
* Licence MIT. See LICENCE at repository root
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [
"Plugin", "c9", "util", "debugger", "dialog.error",
main.provides = ["ikpdb"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
/****( IDE connection )*****/
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var util = imports.util;
var debug = imports["debugger"];
var showError = imports["dialog.error"].show;
var bubble = imports["notification.bubble"];
var panels = imports.panels;
var settings = imports.settings;
var Frame = debug.Frame;
var Source = debug.Source;
var Breakpoint = debug.Breakpoint;
var Variable = debug.Variable;
var Scope = debug.Scope;
/***** Other dependencies *****/
var IKPdbService = require("./lib/IKPdbService");
/***** Initialization *****/
var TYPE = "pythondebug";
var PROXY = require("text!./netproxy.js");
var plugin = new Plugin("Cyril Morisse,Audaxis", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
// TODO: emit.setMaxListeners(1000);
* State variables
var attached = false,
state = null,
stack = null,
ikpdbs = null;
var debugger_socket = null;
var SCOPES = ["Parameters", "Locals"];
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
debug.registerDebugger(TYPE, plugin);
plugin.on("unload", function() {
debug.unregisterDebugger(TYPE, plugin);
attached = false;
stack = null;
ikpdbs = null;
state = null;
debugger_socket = null;
/*****(Event handlers and Methods )*****/
function sendCommand(command, args, callback) {
ikpdbs.sendCommand(command, args, function(err, reply) {
* Process the messages IKPdb could send
* Note that error messages ar only displayed if IKPdb returned
* an error.
if (reply) {
// Display info and warning messages
reply.info_messages.forEach(function (iMessage) {
reply.warning_messages.forEach(function (wMessage) {
bubble.popup(wMessage, false);
if (err) {
// Display errors
var errMessage;
if (reply) {
errMessage = reply.error_messages.join(" ");
showError(errMessage, 10000);
return callback && callback(err);
if (reply.result.executionStatus)
callback && callback(err, reply);
/* Called by Cloud9 when user start execution */
function runScript(callback) {
sendCommand("runScript", {}, callback);
/* Called by Cloud9 when user clic on the Step over / F10 button */
function stepOver(callback) {
sendCommand("stepOver", {}, callback);
/* Called by Cloud9 when user clic on the Step over / F10 button */
function stepInto(callback) {
sendCommand("stepInto", {}, callback);
/* Called by Cloud9 when user clic on the Step over / F10 button */
function stepOut(callback) {
sendCommand("stepOut", {}, callback);
/* Called by Cloud9 when user clic on the Resume / F8 button */
function resume(callback) {
sendCommand("resume", {}, callback);
/* Called by Cloud9 when user clic on Suspend */
function suspend(callback) {
sendCommand("suspend", {}, callback);
* Build individual variable objects from IKPdb output
function buildVariable(variable, scope) {
if (variable == null) return;
return new Variable({
// ref: (variable.objname) ? variable.objname : variable.name,
ref: variable.id,
// name: (variable.exp) ? variable.exp : variable.name,
name: variable.name,
value: variable.value,
type: variable.type,
//children: (variable.numchild && variable.numchild > 0),
children: variable.children_count,
properties: null,
scope: scope
* Create a scope and variables from data received from IKPdb
function buildScopeVariables(frame_vars, scope_index, frame_index, vars) {
var scope = new Scope({
index: scope_index,
type: SCOPES[scope_index],
frameIndex: frame_index
for (var i = 0, j = vars.length; i < j; i++) {
frame_vars.push(buildVariable(vars[i], scope));
function buildFrame(thread_id, frame, i) {
var variables = [];
// build scopes and variables for this frame
* Right now Cloud9 does not allow to diplay parameter appart from
* local vars
* TODO: Discuss with Cloud9 how to render parameters appart from locals in Debugger panels
//buildScopeVariables(variables, 0, i, frame.f_locals);
if (typeof frame.f_locals !== "undefined") {
buildScopeVariables(variables, 1, i, frame.f_locals);
// parse file from path
return new Frame({
index: i,
name: frame.name,
column: 0,
id: frame.id,
line: parseInt(frame.line_number, 10) - 1, // IKPdb lines are 1 based
path: util.normalizePath("/" + frame.file_path),
sourceId: frame.file_path,
thread: thread_id,
istop: (i === 0),
variables: variables
* Process asynchonous messags received from remote debugger
* like breakpoint hit or program termination
function programBreak(message) {
if (message.command === 'programEnd') {
return detach(); // detach() update state
// no error, only frames
stack = [];
// process frames
var frames = message.frames;
for (var i = 0, j = frames.length; i < j; i++) {
stack.push(buildFrame(frames[i].thread, frames[i], i));
emit("frameActivate", { frame: stack[0] });
* Process the 3 levels of messags IKPdb can send.
message.info_messages.forEach(function (iMessage) {
message.warning_messages.forEach(function (wMessage) {
bubble.popup(wMessage, false);
message.error_messages.forEach(function (eMessage) {
showError(eMessage, 10000);
* Exceptions handling
* We build a variable describing the exception
* that c9 will inject into "Watch Expressions".
if (message.exception) {
showError("IKpdb has detected an unmanaged exception \"" +
message.exception.type + "\":" + message.exception.info +
". Execution has stopped!",
var exception = new Variable({
ref: null,
name: message.exception.type,
value: message.exception.info,
type: "Exception",
children: false,
properties: null,
scope: "Locals"
emit("exception", { frame: stack[0], frames: stack, exception: exception });
debug.getElement("btnSuspend").setAttribute("disabled", true);
debug.getElement("btnStepOut").setAttribute("disabled", true);
debug.getElement("btnStepInto").setAttribute("disabled", true);
debug.getElement("btnStepOver").setAttribute("disabled", true);
} else {
emit("break", { frame: stack[0], frames: stack });
if (stack.length == 1)
debug.getElement("btnStepOut").setAttribute("disabled", true);
* Set the debugger state and emit state change
function setState(_state) {
if (state === _state) return;
state = _state;
emit("stateChange", { state: state });
* we can't use this since breakpoints function are called by cloud9
* not by user
* TODO: check with cloud9 a way to intercept user actions
function breakpointManagementWarning(commandSpecificMessage) {
if (state == "running") {
var msg = "IKPdpb Error: You can't manage breakpoints while" +
" program is running. Breakpoints can be manipulated " +
"before debugger launch or when program is stopped. " +
showError(msg, 10000);
bubble.popup(commandSpecificMessage, false);
function setBreakpoint(bp, callback) {
// TODO: Check with c9 how we can prevent user to set breakpoint
breakpointManagementWarning("Breakpoint creation request will be send to debugger at next programm break !.");
bp.data.file_name = bp.data.path.substring(1); // IKPdb expects a filename so we remove leading /
bp.data.line_number = bp.data.line + 1; // IKPdb expects 1 based lines
sendCommand("setBreakpoint", bp.data, function(err, reply) {
if (err)
return callback && callback(err);
if (reply.commandExecStatus == "error")
return callback && callback(new Error("Can't set breakpoint"));
bp.id = reply.result.breakpoint_number;
callback && callback(null, bp, {});
* Called by c9 when user clic on enable / disable breakpoints
function changeBreakpoint(bp, callback) {
// TODO: Check with c9 how we can prevent user to set breakpoint
breakpointManagementWarning("Breakpoint modification request will be send to debugger at next programm break !.");
if (!bp.data) {
console.error("Missing bp.data in changeBreakpoint(", bp, ") ");
bp.data.breakpoint_number = bp.id;
sendCommand("changeBreakpointState", bp.data, function(err) {
callback && callback(err, bp);
* Called by c9 when user remove an existing breakpoint.
function clearBreakpoint(bp, callback) {
// TODO: Check with c9 how we can prevent user to set breakpoint
breakpointManagementWarning("Breakpoint removal request will be send to debugger at next programm break !.");
bp.data.breakpoint_number = bp.id;
sendCommand("clearBreakpoint", bp.data, function(err) {
callback && callback(err, bp);
* send breakpoints to debugger and attach when done
function manyBreakpoints(breakpoints, command, callback) {
function _setBPs(breakpoints, failed, callback, i) {
// run callback once we've exhausted setting breakpoints
if (i == breakpoints.length) {
callback(breakpoints, failed);
command(breakpoints[i], function(err, bp) {
if (err) {
// breakpoint failure, remove it before going on
failed.push(breakpoints.splice(i, 1));
_setBPs(breakpoints, failed, callback, i);
else {
breakpoints[i].id = bp.id;
_setBPs(breakpoints, failed, callback, i + 1);
_setBPs(breakpoints, [], callback, 0);
function sync(begin, callback) {
// send breakpoints to ikpdb and attach when done
var localBkpts = emit("getBreakpoints");
listBreakpoints(function(err, remoteBkpts) {
if (err) return callback(err);
/* There exist two sets of breakpoints. One local as shown
* in the GUI, L, and one "remote" that already exists in
* IKPdb's state, R.
* Syncing L and R must prioritize L's elements. We'll
* create three sets:
* to_remove = R\L (or {x∈R|x∉L})
* BPs present in R but not in L, must be removed from R
* to_add = L/R (or {x∈L|x∉R})
* BPs present in L but not in R, must be added to R
* synced = L∩R
* BPs already in both.
var to_add = [];
var synced = [];
// compare the GUI breakpoints to those already created
for (var i = 0, j = localBkpts.length; i < j; i++) {
var bp = localBkpts[i];
var missing = true;
// test for membership of bp in remoteBkpts
for (var x = 0, y = remoteBkpts.length; x < y; x++) {
var rbp = remoteBkpts[x];
if (bp.path == rbp.path && bp.line == rbp.line &&
bp.condition == rbp.condition) {
// make sure synced BP has correct id
bp.id = rbp.id;
// track necessary removals by removing used BPs
remoteBkpts.splice(x, 1);
missing = false;
if (missing)
// notify IKPDb of new breakpoints
manyBreakpoints(to_add, setBreakpoint, function(added, fail) {
// successfully created BPs are now synced
synced = synced.concat(added);
// now remove extraneous BPs
manyBreakpoints(remoteBkpts, clearBreakpoint, function(cleared, clrfail) {
// BPs that failed to remove need to be present locally
synced = synced.concat(clrfail);
attached = true;
emit("attach", { breakpoints: synced });
if (begin)
sendCommand("getStatus", {}, callback);
* Called by Cloud9 to retreive value of "Watch Expressions" and
* results of expressions types in "Immediate (Debuger)"" panel
* WARNING: Right now only expressions are supported ; user
* can't type a statement in immediate panel
function evaluate(expression, frame, global, disableBreak, callback) {
var args = {
"expression": expression,
"frame": (frame && frame.id) || null,
"thread": (frame && frame.thread) || null,
"global": global,
"disableBreak": disableBreak
sendCommand("evaluate", args, function(err, reply) {
if (err) {
return callback(new Error("No value"));
/* TODO: remove if unneeded
else if (reply.commandExecutionStatus == "error")
return callback(new Error(reply.messages.msg));
callback(null, new Variable({
name: expression,
value: reply.result.value,
type: reply.result.type,
children: false
function setVariable(variable, value, frame, callback) {
var args = {
"frame": frame.id,
"name": variable.name,
"value": value
sendCommand("setVariable", args, function(err, reply) {
if (err)
return callback && callback(err);
callback && callback(null, variable);
* properly handle reconnect
function reconnectSync(callback) {
if (!callback)
callback = function() {};
sendCommand("reconnect", {}, function(err, reply) {
var restart = !err && reply.executionStatus == "running";
sync(restart, callback);
function attach(_socket, reconnect, callback) {
//console.debug("Entering IKPdb Plugin attach(_socket", _socket, "reconnect=", reconnect," ,callback=", callback,")");
debugger_socket = _socket;
// The back event is fired when the socket reconnects
debugger_socket.on("back", function() {
}, plugin);
// The error event is fired when the socket fails to connect
debugger_socket.on("error", function(err) {
console.error("IKPb debugger socket error !", err);
emit("error", err);
}, plugin);
ikpdbs = new IKPdbService(debugger_socket, programBreak);
ikpdbs.attach(function() {
// if we're reconnecting, check IKPdb's state
if (reconnect)
sync(true, callback);
// Update GUI
emit("frameActivate", { frame: null });
* Clean up the debugger connection
function detach() {
// console.log("entering detach()");
if (ikpdbs)
emit("frameActivate", { frame: null });
debugger_socket = null;
attached = false;
ikpdbs = null;
function getProxySource(process) {
return PROXY.replace(/\/\/.*/g, "")
.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "")
.replace(/\{DEBUGGED_PROCESS_PORT\}/, process.runner.debugport)
.replace(/\{DEBUGGED_PROCESS_HOST\}/, process.runner.debughost || "");
/* Not applicable */
function getSources(callback) {
var sources = [new Source()];
callback(null, sources);
emit("sources", { sources: sources });
/* Not applicable */
function getSource(source, callback) {
callback(null, new Source());
function getFrames(callback, silent) {
var frames = [];
emit("getFrames", { frames: frames });
callback(null, frames);
function getScope(frame, scope, callback) {
callback(null, scope.variables, scope, frame);
/* called by cloud9 when user request to expand variable's children */
function getProperties(variable, callback) {
// request children of a variable
var args = { id: variable.ref, name: variable.name };
sendCommand("getProperties", args, function(err, reply) {
if (err)
return callback && callback(err);
else if (reply.result.properties.length === 0)
return callback && callback(new Error("No children"));
var children = [];
reply.result.properties.forEach(function (child) {
children.push(buildVariable(child, variable.scope));
variable.properties = children;
callback && callback(null, children, variable);
* Retrieves a list of all the breakpoints that are set in the debugger.
function listBreakpoints(callback) {
sendCommand("getBreakpoints", {}, function(err, reply) {
if (err) {
console.error("getBreakpoints() error with response=", reply);
return callback && callback(err, reply);
// we reprocess breakpoints list to adjust line numbers and file paths
reply.result.forEach(function(bp) {
bp.line = bp.line_number - 1;
bp.id = bp.breakpoint_number;
bp.path = util.normalizePath(bp.file_name);
var breakpointList = reply.result;
callback(null, breakpointList);
/***** Register and define API *****/
* TODO: comment
* @singleton
* Specifies the features that this debugger implementation supports
* @property {Object} features
* @property {Boolean} features.scripts Able to download code (disable the scripts button)
* @property {Boolean} features.conditionalBreakpoints Able to have conditional breakpoints (disable menu item)
* @property {Boolean} features.liveUpdate Able to update code live (don't do anything when saving)
* @property {Boolean} features.updateWatchedVariables Able to edit variables in watches (don't show editor)
* @property {Boolean} features.updateScopeVariables Able to edit variables in variables panel (don't show editor)
* @property {Boolean} features.setBreakBehavior Able to configure break behavior (disable break behavior button)
* @property {Boolean} features.executeCode Able to execute code (disable REPL)
features: {
scripts: false,
conditionalBreakpoints: true,
liveUpdate: false,
updateWatchedVariables: false,
updateScopeVariables: true,
setBreakBehavior: false,
executeCode: true
* The type of the debugger implementation. This is the identifier
* with which the runner selects the debugger implementation.
* @property {String} type
* @readonly
type: TYPE,
* Besides features and type, there are only four properties for
* which we should define property getters.
* These are state, attached, breakOnExceptions
* and breakOnUncaughtExceptions.
* @property {null|"running"|"stopped"} state The state of the debugger process
* <table>
* <tr><td>Value</td><td> Description</td></tr>
* <tr><td>null</td><td> process doesn't exist</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"stopped"</td><td> paused on breakpoint</td></tr>
* <tr><td>"running"</td><td> process is running</td></tr>
* </table>
* @readonly
get state() { return state; },
get attached() { return attached; },
* Whether the debugger will break when it encounters any exception.
* This includes exceptions in try/catch blocks.
* @property {Boolean} breakOnExceptions
* @readonly
get breakOnExceptions() { return false; },
* Whether the debugger will break when it encounters an uncaught
* exception.
* @property {Boolean} breakOnUncaughtExceptions
* @readonly
get breakOnUncaughtExceptions() { return true; },
_events: [
* Fires when the current list of breakpoints is needed
* @event getBreakpoints
* Attaches the debugger to the started process.
* @param {Object} runner A runner as specified by {@link run#run}.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint[]} breakpoints The set of breakpoints that should be set from the start
attach: attach,
detach: detach,
resume: resume,
suspend: suspend,
stepOver: stepOver,
* Retrieves and sets the properties of a variable.
* @param {debugger.Variable} variable The variable for which to retrieve the properties.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the properties are loaded
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object if an error occured.
* @param {debugger.Variable[]} callback.properties A list of properties of the variable.
* @param {debugger.Variable} callback.variable The variable to which the properties belong.
getProperties: getProperties,
stepInto: stepInto,
stepOut: stepOut,
getProxySource: getProxySource,
* Adds a breakpoint to a line in a source file.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} breakpoint The breakpoint to add.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} callback.breakpoint The added breakpoint
* @param {Object} callback.data Additional debugger specific information.
setBreakpoint: setBreakpoint,
clearBreakpoint: clearBreakpoint,
* Evaluates an expression in a frame or in global space.
* @param {String} expression The expression.
* @param {debugger.Frame} frame The stack frame which serves as the contenxt of the expression.
* @param {Boolean} global Specifies whether to execute the expression in global space.
* @param {Boolean} disableBreak Specifies whether to disabled breaking when executing this expression.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Variable} callback.variable The result of the expression.
evaluate: evaluate,
* Defines how the debugger deals with exceptions.
* @param {"all"/"uncaught"} type Specifies which errors to break on.
* @param {Boolean} enabled Specifies whether to enable breaking on exceptions.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the setting is changed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
setBreakBehavior: function() {},
* Updates properties of a breakpoint
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} breakpoint The breakpoint to update.
* @param {Function} callback Called after the expression has executed.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint} callback.breakpoint The updated breakpoint
changeBreakpoint: changeBreakpoint,
* Retrieves a list of all the breakpoints that are set in the
* debugger.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the breakpoints are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {debugger.Breakpoint[]} callback.breakpoints A list of breakpoints
listBreakpoints: listBreakpoints,
* Sets the value of a variable.
* @param {debugger.Variable} variable The variable to set the value of.
* @param {Mixed} value The new value of the variable.
* @param {debugger.Frame} frame The frame to which the variable belongs.
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Function} callback Called when the breakpoints are retrieved.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error if any error occured.
* @param {Object} callback.data Additional debugger specific information.
setVariable: setVariable,
register(null, {
"ikpdb": plugin