
251 wiersze
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define(function(require, exports, module) {
require("treehugger/traverse"); // add traversal functions to trees
var baseLanguageHandler = require('plugins/c9.ide.language/base_handler');
var outlineHandler = module.exports = Object.create(baseLanguageHandler);
var ID_REGEX = /[a-zA-Z_0-9\$\_]/;
var EVENT_REGEX = /[a-zA-Z_0-9\$\_\ \(\)\[\]\/@]/;
addMarker: true,
traverseUp: true,
traverse: true,
topdown: true,
traverseTopDown: true,
rewrite: true,
traverseAll: true
outlineHandler.handlesLanguage = function(language) {
// Note: until we have a proper jsx parser,
// we'll let jsonalyzer's outline handle jsx files
return language === "javascript";
outlineHandler.outline = function(doc, ast, callback) {
if (!ast)
return callback();
callback({ items: outlineSync(doc, ast) });
function fargsToString(fargs) {
var str = '(';
for (var i = 0; i < fargs.length; i++) {
str += fargs[i][0].value + ', ';
if (fargs.length > 0)
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 2);
str += ')';
return str;
function expressionToName(node) {
var name;
'Var(x)', function(b) { name = b.x.value; },
'PropAccess(e, x)', function(b) { name = (b.e.cons === "Var" ? b.e[0].value + "." : "") + b.x.value; },
'Index(e, x)', function(b) {
var parent = (b.e[1] || b.e[0]).value || "";
if (b.x[0])
name = parent + "[" + b.x[0].value + "]";
return name;
// This is where the fun stuff happens
var outlineSync = outlineHandler.outlineSync = function(doc, node, includeProps) {
var results = [];
// e.x = function(...) { ... } -> name is x
'Assign(e, Function(name, fargs, body))', function(b) {
var name = expressionToName(b.e);
if (!name) return false;
icon: 'method',
name: name + fargsToString(b.fargs),
pos: this[1].getPos(),
displayPos: (b.e[1] || b.e[0] || b.e).getPos(),
items: outlineSync(doc, b.body, includeProps)
return this;
'VarDeclInit(x, Function(name, fargs, body))', 'ConstDeclInit(x, Function(name, fargs, body))',
function(b) {
icon: 'method',
name: b.x.value + fargsToString(b.fargs),
pos: this[1].getPos(),
displayPos: b.x.getPos(),
items: outlineSync(doc, b.body, includeProps)
return this;
// x : function(...) { ... } -> name is x
'PropertyInit(x, Function(name, fargs, body))', 'Method(x, Function(name, fargs, body))', function(b) {
icon: 'method',
name: b.x.value + fargsToString(b.fargs),
pos: this[1].getPos(),
displayPos: b.x.getPos(),
items: outlineSync(doc, b.body, includeProps)
return this;
'VarDeclInit(x, e)', 'ConstDeclInit(x, e)', function(b) {
var items = outlineSync(doc, b.e, includeProps);
if (items.length === 0)
return this;
icon: 'property',
name: b.x.value,
pos: this[1].getPos(),
displayPos: b.x.getPos(),
items: items
return this;
'PropertyInit(x, e)', function(b) {
var items = outlineSync(doc, b.e, includeProps);
if (items.length === 0 && !includeProps)
return this;
icon: 'property',
name: b.x.value,
pos: items.length ? this[1].getPos() : this.getPos(),
displayPos: b.x.getPos(),
items: items
return this;
'Assign(x, e)', function(b) {
var name = expressionToName(b.x);
if (!name)
return false;
var items = outlineSync(doc, b.e, includeProps);
if (items.length === 0)
return this;
icon: 'property',
name: name,
pos: this[1].getPos(),
displayPos: (b.x[1] || b.x[0] || b.x).getPos(),
items: items
return this;
// e.on("listen", function(...) { ... }) -> name is listen
'Call(e, args)', function(b) {
var eventHandler = tryExtractEventHandler(this);
if (!eventHandler)
return false;
var object = b.e.rewrite("PropAccess(Var(x), _)", function(b) { return b.x.value; });
icon: 'event',
name: (object ? object + "." : "") + eventHandler.s[0].value,
pos: this.getPos(),
displayPos: eventHandler.s.getPos(),
items: eventHandler.body && outlineSync(doc, eventHandler.body, includeProps)
return this;
'Class(x, y, body)', function(b) {
icon: 'event',
name: b.x.value + (b.y.value ? " extends " + b.y.value : ""),
pos: this.getPos(),
displayPos: b.x.getPos(),
items: b.body && outlineSync(doc, b.body, includeProps)
return this;
/* UNDONE: callbacks in outline
// intelligently name callback functions for method calls
// setTimeout(function() { ... }, 200) -> name is setTimeout [callback]
'Call(e, args)', function(b) {
var name = expressionToName(b.e);
if (!name) return false;
var foundFunction = false;
'Function(name, fargs, body)', function(b) {
if (b.name.value)
icon: 'method',
name: name + '[callback]' + fargsToString(b.fargs),
pos: this.getPos(),
items: outlineSync(doc, b.body, includeProps)
foundFunction = true;
return foundFunction ? this : false;
'Function(name, fargs, body)', function(b) {
if (!b.name.value)
return false;
icon: 'method',
name: b.name.value + fargsToString(b.fargs),
pos: this.getPos(),
displayPos: b.name.getPos(),
items: outlineSync(doc, b.body, includeProps)
return this;
return results;
var tryExtractEventHandler = outlineHandler.tryExtractEventHandler = function(node, ignoreBind) {
var result;
node.rewrite('Call(e, args)', function(b) {
var name = expressionToName(b.e);
if (!name || b.args.length < 2 || NOT_EVENT_HANDLERS[name])
return false;
// Require handler at first or second position
var s;
var fun;
if (b.args[0] && b.args[0].cons === 'String' && isCallbackArg(b.args[1], ignoreBind)) {
s = b.args[0];
fun = b.args[1];
else if (b.args[1] && b.args[1].cons === 'String' && isCallbackArg(b.args[2], ignoreBind)) {
s = b.args[1];
fun = b.args[2];
else {
return false;
if (!s[0].value.match(EVENT_REGEX))
return false;
// Ignore if more handler-like arguments exist
if (b.args.length >= 4 && b.args[2].cons === 'String' && b.args[3].cons === 'Function')
return false;
result = {
s: s,
fargs: fun[1],
body: fun[2]
return result;
var isCallbackArg = function(node, ignoreBind) {
if (!node)
return false;
var result;
'Function(_, _, _)', function() { result = true; },
'Call(PropAccess(_, "bind"), [_])', function() { result = !ignoreBind; }
return result;