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define(function(require, module, exports) {
main.consumes = ["Plugin", "immediate"];
main.provides = ["Evaluator"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var immediate = imports.immediate;
function Evaluator(developer, deps, options) {
var plugin = new Plugin(developer, deps);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var caption = options.caption;
var id = options.id;
var mode = options.mode;
var message = options.message;
/***** Methods *****/
function evaluate(expression, cell, cb) {
return emit("evaluate", {
expression: expression,
cell: cell,
callback: cb
function canEvaluate(expression) {
return emit("canEvaluate", {
expression: expression
function draw(parent) {
return emit("draw", {
aml: parent,
html: parent.$int
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
immediate.addEvaluator(caption, id, plugin, plugin);
plugin.on("enable", function() {
plugin.on("disable", function() {
plugin.on("unload", function() {
/***** Register and define API *****/
* A cell in the immediate REPL. Each section in which a user can write
* a (multi-line) expression is called a cell. A cell can have one
* or more 'widgets' that display HTML or plain text, which are usually
* the result of executing the expression.
* @class immediate.Cell
* @extends Object
* The ace session that the cell belongs to.
* @property {ace.Session} session
* @readonly
* Adds an HTML based widget to the cell. Note that the cell height is
* always N x the line height of ace.
* @method addWidget
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} [options.html] An html string that is inserted as the widget of this cell.
* @param {HTMLElement} [options.el] A reference to an html element that will be appended to this cell as it's widget.
* @param {Boolean} [options.coverLine] Specifies whether the widget should cover the line before it.
* @param {Boolean} [options.coverGutter] Specifies whether the widget should draw over the gutter.
* @param {Number} [options.pixelHeight] The height of the widget in pixels.
* @param {Number} [options.rowCount] The height of the widget in number of rows.
* @param {Number} [options.row] The row at which to insert the widget, defaults to the row after the cell.
* @param {Boolean} [options.fixedWidth] Whether the widget has a fixed width.
* Adds a string as plain text to the cell
* @method insert
* @param {Object} [pos] The position to insert the text at.
* @param {Number} [pos.column] The column (0 based)
* @param {Number} [pos.row] The row (0 based)
* @param {String} text The value to insert
* Toggle the visibility of the loading indicator of the cell.
* @method setWaiting
* @param {Boolean} Turns the loading indicator in the gutter of the
* cell on/off.
* Set the contents of this cell. This method removes any widget that is
* attache to this cell.
* @method setValue
* @param {String} value The new value of this cell.
* @param {1/-1} selection Where to place the cursor. `1` for the
* end of the contents and `-1` for the beginning.
* Retrieve the contents of this cell.
* @method getValue
* @return {String}
* Retrieve a range object poining to the contents of this cell.
* @method getRange
* @return {ace.Range}
* Remove the widget from this cell
* @method removeWidget
* Remove this cell from the session.
* @method remove
* Evaluates expressions from the {@link immediate immediate pane} REPL.
* This documentation doesn't describe an implementation, instead these
* docs provide you a guide on how to write your own evaluator.
* The following example shows a simple evaluator that evaluates
* javascript in an iframe:
* var evaluator = {
* mode : "ace/mode/javascript",
* message : "",
* canEvaluate : function(str) { return str.trim() ? true : false; },
* evaluate : function(expression, cell, done) {
* var win = iframe.contentWindow;
* win.eval("try{window.result = " + expression
* + "}catch(e){window.result = e}");
* var result = JSON.serialize(win.result);
* cell.addWidget({
* html : "<div class='result'>" + result + "</div>",
* coverLine : true,
* fixedWidth : true
* });
* cell.setWaiting(false);
* }
* };
* @class Evaluator
* @extends Object
* @singleton
* @constructor
* Creates a new Evaluator instance.
* @param {String} developer The name of the developer of the plugin
* @param {String[]} deps A list of dependencies for this
* plugin. In most cases it's a reference to `main.consumes`.
* @param {Object} options The options for the debug panel
* @param {String} options.caption
* @param {String} options.id
* @param {String} options.name
* @param {String} options.mode
* @param {String} options.message
* The language mode that is used to provide syntax highlighting. Any
* ace mode is supported (e.g. "ace/mode/javascript", "ace/mode/html", etc).
* @property {String} mode
get mode() { return mode; },
* A message displayed at the top of the REPL. Leave this empty to not
* show a message.
* @property {String} message
get message() { return message; },
* The caption of this evaluator
* @property {String} caption
get caption() { return caption; },
_events: [
* Evaluates an expression. Both synchronous and asynchronous evaluators
* are supported.
* Example of a sync evaluator:
* var evaluator = {
* mode : "ace/mode/javascript",
* message : "",
* canEvaluate : function(str) { return str.trim() ? true : false; },
* evaluate : function(expression, cell, done) {
* var win = iframe.contentWindow;
* win.eval("try{window.result = " + expression
* + "}catch(e){window.result = e}");
* var result = JSON.serialize(win.result);
* cell.addWidget({
* html : "<div class='result'>" + result + "</div>",
* coverLine : true,
* fixedWidth : true
* });
* cell.setWaiting(false);
* }
* };
* Example of an async evaluator:
* var evaluator = {
* mode : "ace/mode/text",
* message : "",
* canEvaluate : function(str) { return str.trim() ? true : false; },
* evaluate : function(expression, cell, done) {
* executeCommand(expression, function(err, result) {
* if (err)
* done("Error: " + err);
* else {
* cell.addWidget({
* html : "<div class='result'>"
* + result + "</div>",
* coverLine : true,
* fixedWidth : true
* });
* done();
* }
* });
* }
* };
* @method evaluate
* @param {String} expression The expression to evaluate.
* @param {immediate.cell} cell The cell (each REPL section is a cell) that the expression was typed in.
* @param {Function} done Call this function when the evaluation is async and the execution is completed.
* @param {String} [done.message] The message to print below the cell in plain text.
evaluate: evaluate,
* Determines whether the expression is valid and can be executed.
* @method canEvaluate
* @param {String} expression The expression to inspect.
* @return {Boolean}
canEvaluate: canEvaluate,
draw: draw
return plugin;
/***** Register and define API *****/
register(null, {
Evaluator: Evaluator