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define(function(require, module, exports) {
main.consumes = ["Dialog", "util"];
main.provides = ["dialog.filechange"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Dialog = imports.Dialog;
var util = imports.util;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Dialog("Ajax.org", main.consumes, {
name: "dialog.filechange",
title: "File changed",
body: "<p>You or a collaborator has changed this file.</p>"
+ "Which version would you like to use?",
allowClose: false,
modal: false,
width: 600,
elements: [
{ type: "checkbox", id: "applyall", caption: "Apply to all changed files" },
{ type: "filler" },
{ type: "button", id: "keepmine", caption: "Keep Mine", color: "blue" },
{ type: "button", id: "useremote", caption: "Use Remote", color: "blue" },
{ type: "button", id: "mergeboth", caption: "Merge Both", color: "green", "default": true },
/***** Methods *****/
function show(title, header, body, onlocal, onremote, onmerge, options) {
options = options || {};
return plugin.queue(function() {
plugin.title = title;
plugin.heading = util.escapeXml(header);
if (body) plugin.body = util.escapeXml(body);
var cb = plugin.getElement("applyall");
cb.setAttribute("visible", options.all !== false);
if (options.merge) {
var mergeBoth = plugin.getElement("mergeboth");
if (options.merge.caption) mergeBoth.setAttribute("caption", options.merge.caption);
{ id: "keepmine", onclick: function() { plugin.hide(); onlocal(cb.value); } },
{ id: "useremote", onclick: function() { plugin.hide(); onremote(cb.value); } },
{ id: "mergeboth", visible: !!options.merge, onclick: function() { plugin.hide(); onmerge(cb.value); } }
/***** Register *****/
set all(value) {
{ id: "applyall", visible: value }
show: show
register("", {
"dialog.filechange": plugin,