
2258 wiersze
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define(function(require, module, exports) {
main.consumes = [];
main.provides = ["aml"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
// AMLElement
* Base class for all Cloud9 UI Elements (aka AMLElements). This
* base class exposes an API similar to the HTML DOM.
* Here's a basic window using AML syntax:
* <a:window id="winExample" title="Example" visible="true">
* <a:button id="tstButton" />
* </a:window>
* Here's an example of using some of the DOM APIs:
* var winExample = plugin.getElement("winExample");
* winExample.setAttribute("title", "Example");
* winExample.setAttribute("icon", "icoFolder.gif");
* winExample.setAttribute("left", "100");
* var tstButton = plugin.getElement("tstButton");
* tstButton.setAttribute("caption", "Click me");
* tstButton.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
* alert(1);
* });
* @class AMLElement
* @extends Object
* Retrieves all the child nodes of this element.
* @property {Array} childNodes
* The name of the element (i.e. "window" or "button").
* @property {String} localName
* The element that has an index, one higher than this element in the
* list of child elements to this parent.
* @property {String} nextSibling
* The element that has an index, one lower than this element in the
* list of child elements to this parent.
* @property {String} previousSibling
* The identifier of this element. This id is used to retrieve a
* reference to this element in your code.
* Lets say this is our aml (in markup.xml):
* <a:bar id="barExample" />
* You can load markup.xml in your plugin like this:
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml"), plugin);
* And then access the elements using:
* var barExample = plugin.getElement("barExample");
* alert(barExample);
* @property {String} id
* Sets an attribute on this element.
* @method setAttribute
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute to which the value is set
* @param {String} value The new value of the attribute.
* @param {Boolean} [noTrigger] If specified, does not emit events
* {@link #DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument} and {@link #DOMNodeInserted}.
* Removes an attribute from this element.
* @method removeAttribute
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute to remove.
* @return {AMLElement} The modified element.
* Retrieves the value of an attribute of this element.
* @method getAttribute
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute for which to return the value.
* @param {Boolean} [inherited] if specified, takes into consideration that the attribute is inherited
* @return {String} The value of the attribute, or `null` if none was found with the name specified.
* Serializes the node reference and optionally it's children to markup.
* @method serialize
* @param {Boolean} shallow When set to true the markup will only
* contain the element itself.
* @return {String}
* Fires when a DOM node is inserted.
* @event DOMNodeInserted
* @param {Object} e
* @param {AMLElement} e.currentTarget The element that is being inserted.
* Fires when a DOM node is inserted into the document.
* @event DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument
* @param {Object} e
* @param {AMLElement} e.currentTarget The element that is being inserted.
* Fires when a DOM node is removed.
* @event DOMNodeRemoved
* @param {Object} e
* @param {AMLElement} e.currentTarget The element that is being removed.
* Fires when a DOM node is removed from a document.
* @event DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
* @param {Object} e
* @param {AMLElement} e.currentTarget The element that is being removed.
* Inserts an element before another element in the list of children of this
* element. If the element was already a child of another element it is
* removed from that parent before adding it this element.
* @method insertBefore
* @param {AMLElement} AMLElement The element to insert as child of this element.
* @param {AMLElement} beforeNode The element which determines the insertion position of the element.
* @return {AMLElement} The inserted node
* Appends an element in the list of children of this
* element. If the element was already a child of another element it is
* removed from that parent before adding it this element.
* @method appendChild
* @param {AMLElement} AMLElement The element to insert as child of this element.
* @return {AMLElement} The inserted node
* Removes this element from the document hierarchy. Call-chaining is
* supported.
* @method removeNode
* Removes a child from the node list of this element. Call-chaining is
* supported.
* @method removeChild
* @param {AMLElement} childNode The child node to remove
* Clones this element, creating an exact copy of it--but does not insert
* it in the document hierarchy.
* @method cloneNode
* @param {Boolean} deep Specifies whether the elements are cloned recursively.
* @return {AMLElement} The cloned element.
* @cfg {Mixed} left
* Sets or retrieves the left position of this element. Depending
* on the choosen layout method the unit can be pixels, a percentage or an
* expression.
* @cfg {Mixed} top
* Sets or retrieves the top position of this element. Depending
* on the choosen layout method the unit can be pixels, a percentage or an
* expression.
* @cfg {Mixed} right
* Sets or retrieves the right position of this element. Depending
* on the choosen layout method the unit can be pixels, a percentage or an
* expression.
* @cfg {Mixed} bottom
* Sets or retrieves the bottom position of this element. Depending
* on the choosen layout method the unit can be pixels, a percentage or an
* expression.
* @cfg {Mixed} width
* Sets or retrieves the different between the left edge and the
* right edge of this element. Depending on the choosen layout method the
* unit can be pixels, a percentage or an expression.
* #### Remarks
* When used as a child of a grid element the width can also be set as '*'.
* This will fill the rest space.
* @cfg {Mixed} height
* Sets or retrieves the different between the top edge and the
* bottom edge of this element. Depending on the choosen layout method the
* unit can be pixels, a percentage or an expression.
* #### Remarks
* When used as a child of a grid element the height can also be set as '*'.
* This will fill the rest space.
* @event resize Fires when the element changes width or height.
* @event contextmenu Fires when the user requests a context menu, either
* using the keyboard or mouse.
* @bubbles
* @cancellable Prevents the default context menu from appearing.
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Number} e.x The x coordinate where the contextmenu is requested on
* @param {Number} e.y The y coordinate where the contextmenu is requested on
* @param {Event} e.htmlEvent The HTML event object that triggered this event from being called
* @event focus Fires when this element receives focus.
* @event blur Fires when this element loses focus.
* @event keydown Fires when this element has focus and the user presses a key on the keyboard.
* @bubbles
* @cancellable Prevents the default key action.
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Boolean} e.ctrlKey Specifies whether the [[keys: Ctrl]] key was pressed
* @param {Boolean} e.shiftKey Specifies whether the [[keys: Shift]] key was pressed
* @param {Boolean} e.altKey Specifies whether the [[keys: Alt ]] key was pressed
* @param {Number} e.keyCode Indicates which key was pressed. This is an ascii number
* @param {Event} e.htmlEvent the HTML event object that triggered this event from being called
* @cfg {Boolean} draggable
* If true, the element can be dragged around the screen.
* @cfg {Boolean} resizable
* If true, the element can by resized by the user.
* @cfg {Number} minwidth
* Sets or retrieves the minimum width for this element.
* @cfg {Number} maxwidth
* Sets or retrieves the maximum width for this element.
* @cfg {Number} minheight
* Sets or retrieves the minimum height for this element.
* @cfg {Number} maxheight
* Sets or retrieves the maximum height for this element.
* @cfg {Boolean} focussable
* Sets or retrieves whether this element can receive the focus.
* The focused element receives keyboard event.
* @cfg {Number} tabindex
* Sets or retrieves the tab index for this element.
* @cfg {Number} zindex
* Sets or retrieves the z ordered layer in which this element is
* drawn.
* @cfg {Boolean} visible
* Sets or retrieves whether this element is shown.
* @cfg {Boolean} disabled
* Sets or retrieves whether this element's functions are active.
* For elements that can contain other `apf.NODE_VISIBLE` elements, this
* attribute applies to all its children.
* @cfg {String} tooltip
* Sets or retrieves the text displayed when a user hovers with
* the mouse over the element.
* @cfg {String} contextmenu
* Sets or retrieves the name of the menu element that will
* be shown when the user right clicks or uses the context menu keyboard
* shortcut.
* Example:
* <a:menu id="mnuExample">
* <a:item>test</a:item>
* <a:item>test2</a:item>
* </a:menu>
* <a:list
* contextmenu = "mnuExample"
* width = "200"
* height = "150" />
* <a:bar
* contextmenu = "mnuExample"
* width = "200"
* height = "150" />
* @cfg {String} skin
* Sets or retrieves the name of the skin in the skinset that defines
* how this element is rendered. When a skin is changed, the full state of the
* element is kept, including all the
* AML attributes, loaded data, and focus and disabled states.
* Example using AML:
* <a:button id="btn" skin="ui-button" />
* Example using JavaScript:
* var btn = plugin.getElement("btn");
* btn.setAttribute("skin", "toolbarbutton");
* @cfg {String} skinset
* Sets or retrieves the skinset for
* this element. When not not defined, the default skinset
* is used.
* Example:
* <a:button skinset="perspex" />
* @cfg {String} style
* Sets or retrieves the CSS style applied to the this element. This can be a string containing one or more CSS rules.
* @cfg {String/Number} border
* Sets or retrieves border values. Set these sizes as a quarter of strings, in the usual top, right, bottom, left sequence, or pass an empty string to turn off borders.
* @cfg {String/Number} margin
* Sets or retrieves margin values. Set these sizes as a quarter of strings, in the usual top, right, bottom, left sequence, or pass an empty string to turn off margins.
* @cfg {String} class
* Sets or retrieves the name of the CSS style class applied to this element.
// ui.button
* A basic Button implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:button id="btnDelete" width="100" class="ui-btn-red">Delete</a:button>
* Example:
* var button = new ui.button({
* id : "btnDelete",
* width : 100,
* "class" : "ui-btn-red"
* caption : "Delete"
* });
* plugin.addElement(button);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.button
* @extends AMLElement
* @cfg {String} icon
* Sets or retrieves the url from which the icon image is loaded.
* @cfg {Boolean} state
* Sets or retrieves whether this boolean is a multi state button.
* @cfg {String} value
* Sets or retrieves the initial value of a state button.
* @cfg {String} caption
* Sets or retrieves the text displayed on this element indicating the action when the button is pressed.
* @cfg {Number} default
* Sets or retrieves the search depth for which this button is the default action. `1` specifies the direct parent, `2` specifies the parent of this parent, _.e.t.c._
* @cfg {String} submenu
* Sets or retrieves the name of the contextmenu to display when the button is pressed.
* @cfg {String} command
* @cfg {String} skin
* Sets or retrieves the name of the skin in the skinset that defines
* how this element is rendered. When a skin is changed, the full state of the
* element is kept, including all the
* AML attributes, loaded data, and focus and disabled states.
* Example using AML:
* <a:button id="btn" skin="ui-button" />
* Example using JavaScript:
* var btn = plugin.getElement("btn");
* btn.setAttribute("skin", "toolbarbutton");
* <table>
* <tr><td>Name</td><td> Description</td></tr>
* <tr><td valign="top">"button" (Default)</td><td>
* Use the following class names (class="name") to alter the appearance
* of the default button skin:
* <ul>
* <li>ui-btn-darkgreen</li>
* <li>ui-btn-greenfont</li>
* <li>ui-btn-green</li>
* <li>smallbtn</li>
* <li>ui-btn-red</li>
* <li>ui-btn-blue</li>
* <li>ui-btn-blue2</li>
* <li>ui-btn-blue3</li>
* <li>ui-btn-orange</li>
* <li>ui-btn-yellow</li>
* </ul>
* </td></tr>
* <tr><td>"btn_console_open"</td><td></td></tr>
* <tr><td>"btn_icon_only"</td><td></td></tr>
* <tr><td>"toolbarbutton"</td><td></td></tr>
* <tr><td>"c9-menu-btn"</td><td></td></tr>
* <tr><td>"c9-simple-btn"</td><td></td></tr>
* <tr><td>"c9-toolbarbutton-light"</td><td></td></tr>
* <tr><td>"c9-toolbarbutton"</td><td></td></tr>
* <tr><td>"c9-toolbarbutton-glossy"</td><td></td></tr>
* <tr><td valign="top">"btn-default-css3"</td><td>
* Use the following class names (class="name") to alter the appearance
* of the default button skin:
* <ul>
* <li>btn-green</li>
* <li>btn-red</li>
* </ul>
* </td></tr>
* <tr><td>"blackbutton"</td><td></td></tr>
* </table>
* If this button is a submenu, this method shows it.
* @method showMenu
* If this button is a submenu, this method hides it.
* @method hideMenu
// ui.menu
* A menu implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* *N.B. In almost all cases you should use the {@link Menu} class
* to create menus. Internally, that class uses ui.item,
* but it offers a more convenient API.*
* Example:
* <a:menu id="menu1">
* <a:item>Tutorials</a:item>
* <a:item icon="email.png">Contact</a:item>
* <a:divider />
* <a:item
* icon = "application_view_icons.png"
* onclick = "alert('You did it')">
* Tutorials</a:item>
* <a:divider />
* <a:item disabled="true">Visit http://www.c9.io</a:item>
* <a:item>Exit</a:item>
* </a:menu>
* Example:
* var button = new ui.button({
* id : "btnDelete",
* width : 100,
* "class" : "ui-btn-red"
* caption : "Delete"
* });
* plugin.addElement(button);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.menu
* @extends AMLElement
* Fires when the contextmenu is shown.
* @event display
* Fires when a user presses the mouse button while over a child of this element.
* @event itemclick
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String} e.value the value of the clicked element.
// ui.item
* A menu item implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* *N.B. In almost all cases you should use the {@link MenuItem} class
* to create menu items. Internally, that class uses ui.item,
* but it offers a more convenient API.*
* Example:
* <a:menu>
* <a:item type="check">Status Bar</a:button>
* </a:menu>
* Example:
* var item = new ui.item({
* type : "check",
* label : "Status Bar"
* });
* menu.appendChild(item);
* plugin.addElement(item);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.item
* @extends AMLElement
* Fires when a user presses the mouse button while over this element.
* @event click
* @param {Object} e
* @param {AMLElement} e.opener The element that was clicked upon when showing the context menu.
* @cfg {String} submenu
* Sets or retrieves the id of the menu that is shown
* when the user hovers over this menu item.
* Example:
* <a:menu id="msub">
* <a:item icon="tbicons:12">test</a:item>
* <a:item icon="tbicons:14">test2</a:item>
* </a:menu>
* <a:menu id="mmain">
* <a:item submenu="msub">Sub menu</a:item>
* </a:menu>
* <a:toolbar>
* <a:menubar>
* <a:button submenu="mmain">File</a:button>
* </a:menubar>
* </a:toolbar>
* @cfg {String} value
* Sets or retrieves the value of this element.
* @cfg {String} [group]
* Sets or retrieves the name of the group this item belongs
* to.
* Example:
* <a:menu>
* <a:item type="radio" group="example">item 1</a:item>
* <a:item type="radio" group="example">item 2</a:item>
* <a:item type="radio" group="example">item 3</a:item>
* <a:item type="radio" group="example">item 4</a:item>
* </a:menu>
* @cfg {String} icon
* Sets or retrieves the URL of the image used as an icon or
* a reference to an iconmap.
* @cfg {String} command
* @cfg {String} caption
* Sets or retrieves the text displayed on the item.
* @cfg {String} type
* Sets or retrieves the function of this item.
* Possible values include:
* - `"item"`
* - `"check"`
* - `"radio"`
* @cfg {Boolean} checked
* Sets or retrieves whether the item is checked.
* @cfg {Boolean} selected
* Sets or retrieves whether the item is selected.
// ui.bar
* Draws a rectangle in the UI that can contain other AML and HTML elements.
* Example:
* <a:bar width="100" height="100">
* Hello World!
* </a:bar>
* Example:
* var bar = new ui.bar({
* width : 100,
* height : 100
* });
* plugin.addElement(bar);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.bar
* @extends AMLElement
// ui.divider
* A divider implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* *N.B. In almost all cases you should use the {@link Divider} class
* to create menu dividers. Internally, that class uses ui.divider,
* but it offers a more convenient API.*
* Example:
* <a:menu>
* <a:item type="check">Status Bar</a:button>
* <a:divider />
* <a:item command="run">Run...</a:button>
* </a:menu>
* Example:
* var div = new ui.divider();
* menu.appendChild(div);
* plugin.addElement(div);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.divider
* @extends AMLElement
// ui.toolbar
* A toolbar implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:toolbar>
* <a:button>Preview</a:button>
* <a:button>Save</a:button>
* </a:toolbar>
* Example:
* var tb = new ui.toolbar();
* tb.appendChild(new ui.button({ caption: "Preview" }));
* tb.appendChild(new ui.button({ caption: "Save" }));
* plugin.addElement(tb);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.toolbar
* @extends AMLElement
// ui.tab
* A tab pane implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:tab id="tab" width="300" height="100">
* <a:page caption="General">
* <a:checkbox>Example</a:checkbox>
* <a:button>Example</a:button>
* </a:page>
* <a:page caption="Advanced">
* <a:checkbox>Test checkbox</a:checkbox>
* <a:checkbox>Test checkbox</a:checkbox>
* <a:checkbox>Test checkbox</a:checkbox>
* </a:page>
* </a:tab>
* Example:
* var tab = new ui.tab({
* id : "tab",
* width : 300,
* height : 100
* });
* tab.appendChild(new ui.page({ caption: "General" });
* tab.appendChild(new ui.page({ caption: "Advanced" });
* plugin.addElement(tab);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.tab
* @extends AMLElement
* Fires before this element switches to another page.
* @event beforeswitch
* @cancellable Prevents the page to become active.
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String/Number} e.previous The name or number of the current page.
* @param {Number} e.previousId The number of the current page.
* @param {page} e.previousPage The current page.
* @param {String/Number} e.next The name or number of the page the will become active.
* @param {Number} e.nextId The number of the page the will become active.
* @param {page} e.nextPage The page the will become active.
* Fires after this element has switched to another page.
* @event afterswitch
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String/Number} e.previous The name or number of the previous page.
* @param {Number} e.previousId The number of the previous page.
* @param {page} e.previousPage The previous page.
* @param {String/Number} e.next The name or number of the current page.
* @param {Number} e.nextId The number of the the current page.
* @param {page} e.nextPage The the current page.
* Sets the current page of this element.
* @param {String/Number} page The name or number of the page which is made active.
* @param {Function} callback The function called after setting the page. Especially handy when using the `src` attribute.
* @method set
* @cfg {String} activepage
* Sets or retrieves the name of the active page.
* Example:
* <a:tab activepage="general" width="250" height="100">
* <a:page id="home" caption="Home">
* </a:page>
* <a:page id="advanced" caption="Advanced">
* </a:page>
* <a:page id="general" caption="General">
* </a:page>
* </a:tab>
* @cfg {String} buttons
* Sets or retrieves the modifier for tab page buttons, seperated by a `|` character
* Possible values include:
* - `close`: The button has a close button inside it
* - `scale`: The buttons are scaled to make room for more buttons
* - `scroll`: When the buttons take too much space, scroll buttons are displayed
* Retrieves an array of all the page elements of this element.
* @returns {ui.page[]} An array of all the {@link ui.page page} elements
* @method getPages
* Retrieves a page element by its name or child number.
* @param {String/Number} nameOrId The name or child number of the page element to retrieve.
* @method getPage
* @return {ui.page} The found page element.
// ui.page
* A tab page implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:tab anchors="10 10 10 10">
* <a:page caption="General">
* <a:checkbox>Example</a:checkbox>
* <a:button>Example</a:button>
* </a:page>
* <a:page caption="Advanced">
* <a:checkbox>Test checkbox</a:checkbox>
* <a:checkbox>Test checkbox</a:checkbox>
* <a:checkbox>Test checkbox</a:checkbox>
* </a:page>
* <a:page caption="Ajax.org">
* <a:checkbox>This ok?</a:checkbox>
* <a:checkbox>This better?</a:checkbox>
* </a:page>
* </a:tab>
* Example:
* var page = new ui.page({
* caption: "General"
* });
* tab.appendChild(page);
* plugin.addElement(page);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.page
* @extends AMLElement
* @cfg {Boolean} closebtn
* Sets or retrieves whether this page's button shows a close button inside it.
* @cfg {String} tooltip
* Sets or retrieves the text displayed when hovering over the button of this element.
* @cfg {String} caption
* Sets or retrieves the text displayed on the button of this element.
// ui.textbox
* A textbox implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:textbox id="name" width="100" />
* Example:
* var textbox = new ui.textbox({
* id : "name",
* width : 100
* });
* plugin.addElement(textbox);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.textbox
* @extends AMLElement
* Fires when the user clicks on this element
* @event click
* Fires when the user lets go of a mousebutton while over this element.
* @event mouseup
* Fires when the user presses a mousebutton while over this element.
* @event mousedown
* Fires when the user lets go of a keyboard button while this element is focussed.
* @event keyup
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Number} e.keyCode Specifies which key was pressed, expressed as an ascii number.
* Fires when the content of this element is cleared.
* @event clear
* @cfg {String} value
* Sets or retrieves the text of this element
* @cfg {String} initial-message
* Sets or retrieves the message displayed by this element
* when it doesn't have a value set.
* @cfg {Boolean} focusselect
* Sets or retrieves whether the text in this element is
* selected when this element receives focus.
// ui.password
* A password input implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:password id="txtPassword" />
* Example:
* var password = new ui.password({
* id: "txtPassword"
* });
* plugin.addElement(password);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.password
* @extends AMLElement
* Fires when the user clicks on this element
* @event click
* Fires when the user lets go of a mousebutton while over this element.
* @event mouseup
* Fires when the user presses a mousebutton while over this element.
* @event mousedown
* Fires when the user lets go of a keyboard button while this element is focussed.
* @event keyup
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Number} e.keyCode Specifies which key was pressed, expressed as an ascii number.
* Fires when the content of this element is cleared.
* @event clear
* @cfg {String} value
* Sets or retrieves the text of this element
* @cfg {String} initial-message
* Sets or retrieves the message displayed by this element
* when it doesn't have a value set.
* @cfg {Boolean} focusselect
* Sets or retrieves whether the text in this element is
* selected when this element receives focus.
// ui.textarea
* A textarea implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:textarea id="comments" rows="20" cols="10" />
* Example:
* var textbox = new ui.textarea({
* id : "comments",
* rows : 20,
* cols : 10
* });
* plugin.addElement(textbox);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.textarea
* @extends AMLElement
* @cfg {Number} rows
* Sets or retrieves the row length for a text area.
* @cfg {Number} cols
* Sets or retrieves the column height for a text area.
* Fires when the user clicks on this element
* @event click
* Fires when the user lets go of a mousebutton while over this element.
* @event mouseup
* Fires when the user presses a mousebutton while over this element.
* @event mousedown
* Fires when the user lets go of a keyboard button while this element is focussed.
* @event keyup
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Number} e.keyCode Specifies which key was pressed, expressed as an ascii number.
* Fires when the content of this element is cleared.
* @event clear
* @cfg {String} value
* Sets or retrieves the text of this element
* @cfg {String} initial-message
* Sets or retrieves the message displayed by this element
* when it doesn't have a value set.
* @cfg {Boolean} focusselect
* Sets or retrieves whether the text in this element is
* selected when this element receives focus.
// ui.radiobutton
* A radiobutton implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:radiobutton group="lineend" value="win">Window</a:radiobutton>
* <a:radiobutton group="lineend" value="unix">Unix</a:radiobutton>
* <a:radiobutton group="lineend" value="auto">Auto</a:radiobutton>
* Example:
* var rb1 = new ui.radiobutton({
* group : "lineend"
* value : "win"
* });
* var rb2 = new ui.radiobutton({
* group : "lineend"
* value : "unix"
* });
* var rb3 = new ui.radiobutton({
* group : "lineend"
* value : "auto"
* });
* plugin.addElement(rb1, rb2, rb3);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.radiobutton
* @extends AMLElement
* Fires when the user clicks on this element.
* @event click
* @cfg {String} group
* Sets or retrieves the name of the group to which this radio
* button belongs. Only one item in the group can be selected at the same
* time.
* When no group is specified the parent container functions as the
* group; only one radiobutton within that parent can be selected.
* @cfg {String} tooltip
* Sets or retrieves the tooltip of this radio button.
* @cfg {String} icon
* Sets or retrieves the icon for this radiobutton
* @cfg {String} label
* Sets or retrieves the label for this radiobutton
* @cfg {Boolean} selected
* Sets or retrieves whether this radiobutton is the selected one in
* the group it belongs to.
// ui.checkbox
* A checkbox implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:checkbox id="btnAllow">Allow users to edit this</a:button>
* Example:
* var button = new ui.button({
* id : "btnAllow",
* label : "Allow users to edit this"
* });
* plugin.addElement(button);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.checkbox
* @extends AMLElement
* @cfg {String} value
* Sets or gets the value of this element.
* @cfg {Boolean} checked
* Sets or gets whether the element is in the checked state.
* @cfg {String} label
* Sets or gets the caption of the label explaining what
* the meaning of the checked state of this element is.
* @cfg {String} values
* Sets or gets a pipe seperated list of two values which
* correspond to the two states of the checkbox. The first for the checked
* state, the second for the unchecked state. The default is "true|false".
* Sets the checked state (and related value).
* @method check
* Sets the unchecked state (and related value).
* @method uncheck
// ui.hsplitbox
* Splits a rectangular area in two horizontal parts. This element
* can have none, one or two child elements.
* Example:
* <a:hsplitbox edge="10">
* <a:bar width="60%" />
* <a:bar />
* </a:hsplitbox>
* Example:
* var hsplitbox = new ui.hsplitbox({
* edge : "10",
* childNodes : [
* new ui.bar({ width: "60%" }),
* new ui.bar()
* ]
* });
* plugin.addElement(hsplitbox);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.hsplitbox
* @extends AMLElement
* @cfg {String} [padding="2"]
* Sets or retrieves the space between each element.
* @cfg {String} [edge="5 5 5 5"]
* Sets or retrieves the space between the container and the elements,
* space seperated in pixels for each side. Similar to CSS in the
* sequence of `top right bottom left`.
* @cfg {String} [splitter=false]
* Sets or retrieves whether there is a splitter bar between the two
* child elements.
// ui.vsplitbox
* Splits a rectangular area in two vertical parts. This element
* can have none, one or two child elements.
* Example:
* <a:vsplitbox edge="10">
* <a:bar height="60%" />
* <a:bar />
* </a:vsplitbox>
* Example:
* var vsplitbox = new ui.vsplitbox({
* edge : "10",
* childNodes : [
* new ui.bar({ height: "60%" }),
* new ui.bar()
* ]
* });
* plugin.addElement(vsplitbox);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.vsplitbox
* @extends AMLElement
* @cfg {String} [padding="2"]
* Sets or retrieves the space between each element.
* @cfg {String} [edge="5 5 5 5"]
* Sets or retrieves the space between the container and the elements,
* space seperated in pixels for each side. Similar to CSS in the
* sequence of `top right bottom left`.
* @cfg {String} [splitter=false]
* Sets or retrieves whether there is a splitter bar between the two
* child elements.
// ui.label
* A label implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:label width="100">Name: </a:label>
* Example:
* var label = new ui.label({
* width : 100,
* caption : "Name: "
* });
* plugin.addElement(label);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.label
* @extends AMLElement
* @cfg {String} caption
* Sets or retrieves the text displayed in the area defined by this
* element. Using the value attribute provides an alternative to using
* the text using a text node.
* @cfg {String} for
* Sets or retrieves the id of the element that receives the focus
* when the label is clicked on.
* @cfg {String} textalign
* Sets or retrieves the text alignment value for the label.
// ui.spinner
* A spinner implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:spinner value="5" min="1" max="10" />
* Example:
* var spinner = new ui.spinner({
* value : 5,
* min : 1,
* max : 10
* });
* plugin.addElement(spinner);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.spinner
* @extends AMLElement
* Fires when the user presses a mousebutton while over this element and then lets the mousebutton go.
* @event click
* Fires when the user lets go of a mousebutton while over this element.
* @event mouseup
* Fires when the user presses a mousebutton while over this element.
* @event mousedown
* @cfg {Number} [max=64000]
* Sets or retrieves the maximum allowed value
* @cfg {Number} [min=-64000]
* Sets or retrieves the minimal allowed value
* @cfg {Number} value
* Sets or retrieves the actual value displayed in component
* Increments the spinner by one.
* @method increment
* Decrements the spinner by one.
* @method decrement
// ui.dropdown
* A dropdown implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:dropdown id="ddCountries">
* <a:item>United States of America</a:item>
* <a:item>The Netherlands</a:item>
* <a:item>France</a:item>
* <a:item>China</a:item>
* </a:dropdown>
* Example:
* var dropdown = new ui.dropdown({
* id : "ddCountries",
* childNodes : [
* new ui.item({ caption: "United States of America" }),
* new ui.item({ caption: "The Netherlands" }),
* new ui.item({ caption: "France" }),
* new ui.item({ caption: "China" })
* ]
* });
* plugin.addElement(dropdown);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.dropdown
* @extends AMLElement
* @event slidedown Fires when the dropdown slides open.
* @cancellable Prevents the dropdown from sliding open
* @event slideup Fires when the dropdown slides up.
* @cancellable Prevents the dropdown from sliding up
* @cfg {String} initial-message
* Sets or retrieves the message displayed by this element
* when it doesn't have a value set. This property is inherited from parent
* nodes. When none is found it is looked for on the appsettings element.
* @cfg {Number} maxitems
* Sets or retrieves the number of items that are shown at the
* same time in the container.
* @cfg {String} fill
* Sets or retrieves the set of items that should be loaded into this
* element. Items are seperated by a comma (`,`). Ranges are specified
* by a start and end value seperated by a dash (`-`).
* Example:
* This example loads a list with items starting at 1980 and ending at
* 2050. It also loads several other items and ranges.
* <a:dropdown fill="1980-2050" />
* <a:dropdown fill="red,green,blue,white" />
* <a:dropdown fill="None,100-110,1000-1100" /> <!-- 101, 102...110, 1000,1001, e.t.c. -->
* <a:dropdown fill="01-10" /> <!-- 01, 02, 03, 04, e.t.c. -->
* <a:dropdown fill="1-10" /> <!-- // 1 2 3 4 e.t.c. -->
// ui.colorbox
* A form element that allows a user to choose a color.
* Example:
* <a:colorbox value="#FF00FF" />
* Example:
* var colorbox = new ui.colorbox({
* value : "#FF00FF"
* });
* plugin.addElement(colorbox);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.colorbox
* @extends AMLElement
// ui.frame
* A frame implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:frame caption="General">
* <!-- child elements -->
* </a:frame>
* Example:
* var frame = new ui.frame({
* caption : "General"
* });
* plugin.addElement(frame);
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.frame
* @extends AMLElement
* @cfg {String} caption
* Sets or retrieves the caption text.
* @cfg {String} icon
* Sets or retrieves the location of the icon.
// ui.window
* A window implementation for use in the Cloud9 UI.
* Example:
* <a:window id="winExample" title="Example" visible="true">
* <a:button id="tstButton" />
* </a:window>
* Example:
* var winExample = plugin.getElement("winExample");
* winExample.setAttribute("title", "Example");
* winExample.setAttribute("icon", "icoFolder.gif");
* winExample.setAttribute("left", "100");
* var tstButton = plugin.getElement("tstButton");
* tstButton.setAttribute("caption", "Click me");
* tstButton.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
* alert(1);
* });
* #### About AML elements
* The Cloud9 UI consists of a set of elements that you can combine to
* create your UI. You can build a UI via a javascript API or using
* markup.
* UI Elements are generally created in a private draw function in the
* plugin. See the {@link Template} source code for a full example.
* var drawn = false;
* function draw(){
* if (drawn) return;
* drawn = true;
* // Import Skin
* ui.insertSkin({
* name : "myplugin",
* data : require("text!./skin.xml"),
* "media-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/images/",
* "icon-path" : options.staticPrefix + "/icons/"
* }, plugin);
* // Create UI elements
* ui.insertMarkup(null, require("text!./markup.xml", plugin);
* var button = plugin.getElement("btnDelete");
* button.addEventListener("click", someAction);
* emit("draw");
* }
* See {@link ui#insertMarkup} for more information on how to
* load your markup into your plugin.
* @class ui.window
* @extends AMLElement
* @event show Fires when the window is opened.
* @event close Fires when the window is closed.
* @event statechange Fires after the state of this window changed.
* @param e {Object} The standard event object. The following properties are available:
* - `minimized` ([[Boolean]]): Specifies whether the window is minimized.
* - `maximized` ([[Boolean]]): Specifies whether the window is maximized.
* - `normal` ([[Boolean]]): Specifies whether the window has it's normal size and position.
* - `edit` ([[Boolean]]): Specifies whether the window is in the edit state.
* - `closed` ([[Boolean]]): Specifies whether the window is closed.
* @cfs {Boolean} modal Specifies whether the window prevents access to the
* layout below it.
* @cfs {Boolean} center Centers the window relative to its parent's
* containing rect when shown.
* @cfs {String} title Specifies the text of the title.
* @cfs {String} icon Specifies the location of the image.
* Close the window. It can be reopened by using {@link AMLElement#visible}
* @method close
* @chainable
* Minimize the window. The window will become the height of the title of
* the parent window.
* @method minimize
* @chainable
* Maximize the window. The window will become the width and height of the
* browser window.
* @method maxmimize
* @chainable
* Restore the size of the window. The window will become the width and
* height it had before it was minimized or maximized.
* @method restore
* @chainable
* @cfs {String} state Sets or gets the state of the window. The state can be a
* combination of multiple states, seperated by a pipe (`'|'`) character.
* The possible values include:
* `"normal"`: The window has its normal size and position. This is the default value.
* `"minimized"`: The window is minimized.
* `"maximized"`: The window is maximized.
* `"edit"`: The window is in the edit state.
* `"closed"`: The window is closed.
* @cfs {String} buttons Sets or gets the buttons that the window displays. This
* can be multiple values seperated by a pipe (`'|'`) character.
* The possible values include:
* `"min"`: The button that minimizes the window.
* `"max"`: The button that maximizes the window.
* `"close"`: The button that closes the window.
* `"edit"`: The button that puts the window into the edit state.