
888 wiersze
34 KiB

define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = [
"Plugin", "c9", "fs", "layout", "commands", "menus", "settings", "ui",
"tabManager", "dialog.question", "dialog.file",
"dialog.fileoverwrite", "dialog.error", "error_handler", "vfs.log"
main.provides = ["save"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var c9 = imports.c9;
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var settings = imports.settings;
var ui = imports.ui;
var commands = imports.commands;
var menus = imports.menus;
var fs = imports.fs;
var layout = imports.layout;
var tabManager = imports.tabManager;
var question = imports["dialog.question"].show;
var showSaveAs = imports["dialog.file"].show;
var showError = imports["dialog.error"].show;
var logger = imports["vfs.log"];
var dirname = require("path").dirname;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var btnSave, saveStatus;
var SAVING = 0;
var SAVED = 1;
var OFFLINE = 2;
var YESTOALL = -2;
var NOTOALL = -1;
var YES = 2;
var NO = 1;
var CANCEL = 0;
var CAPTION_SAVED = "All changes saved";
var DELAY_ALREADY_SAVING = 120 * 1000;
var loaded = false;
function load() {
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
function available(editor) {
return !!editor && (c9.status & c9.STORAGE)
&& (!tabManager.focussedTab
|| typeof tabManager.focussedTab.path == "string");
name: "save",
hint: "save the currently active file to disk",
bindKey: { mac: "Command-S", win: "Ctrl-S" },
isAvailable: available,
exec: function () {
save(null, null, function() {});
}, plugin);
name: "saveas",
hint: "save the file to disk with a different filename",
bindKey: { mac: "Command-Shift-S", win: "Ctrl-Shift-S" },
isAvailable: available,
exec: function () {
saveAs(null, function() {});
}, plugin);
name: "saveall",
hint: "save all unsaved files",
isAvailable: available,
exec: function () {
saveAll(function() {});
}, plugin);
name: "reverttosaved",
hint: "downgrade the currently active file to the last saved version",
bindKey: { mac: "Ctrl-Shift-Q", win: "Ctrl-Shift-Q" },
isAvailable: available,
exec: function () {
revertToSaved(null, function() {});
}, plugin);
name: "reverttosavedall",
hint: "downgrade the all open tabs to the last saved version",
bindKey: { mac: "Option-Shift-Q", win: "Alt-Shift-Q" },
exec: function () {
}, plugin);
tabManager.on("tabBeforeClose", function(e) {
var tab = e.tab;
var undoManager = tab.document.undoManager;
// Won't save documents that don't support paths
// Use path = "" to trigger Save As Dialog
if (typeof tab.path !== "string")
// There's nothing to save
if (undoManager.isAtBookmark())
// Still no changes
if (!tab.document.changed)
// Don't check cloned tabs
if (tab.document.meta.cloned)
// Already checked, now just closing - volatile attribute
if (tab.document.meta.$ignoreSave)
// Custom tab no-prompt-saving - persistent attribute
if (tab.document.meta.ignoreSave)
// Won't save new file that is empty
if (tab.document.meta.newfile && !tab.document.value)
// For autosave and other plugins
if (emit("beforeWarn", { tab: tab }) === false)
// If currently saving, lets see if that succeeds
if (tab.document.meta.$saveBuffer) {
plugin.on("afterSave", function monitor(e) {
if (e.document == tab.document) {
if (tab.loaded)
plugin.off("afterSave", monitor);
return false;
// Activate tab to be warned for
function close(err) {
if (!err || err.code != "EUSERCANCEL") {
// Close file without a check
tab.document.meta.$ignoreSave = true;
// Remove the flag for the case that the doc is restored
delete tab.document.meta.$ignoreSave;
emit("dialogClose", { tab: tab });
"Would you like to save this file?",
"Save " + ui.escapeXML(tab.path) + "?",
"This file has unsaved changes. Your changes will be lost "
+ "if you don't save them.",
function(all, tab) { // Yes
save(tab, { silentsave: true }, close);
function(all, cancel, tab) { // No
if (cancel) {
emit("dialogCancel", { tab: tab });
else {
{ cancel: true, metadata: tab, yes: "Save", no: "Don't save" }
return false;
}, plugin);
saveStatus = document.getElementById("saveStatus");
var toolbar = layout.findParent({ name: "save" });
btnSave = ui.insertByIndex(toolbar, new ui.button({
id: "btnSave",
"class": "btnSave",
caption: "Save",
tooltip: "Save",
disabled: "true",
visible: false,
skin: "c9-toolbarbutton-glossy",
command: "save"
}), 1000, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("File/~", new ui.divider(), 600, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("File/Save", new ui.item({
command: "save"
}), 700, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("File/Save As...", new ui.item({
command: "saveas"
}), 800, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("File/Save All", new ui.item({
command: "saveall"
}), 900, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("File/Revert to Saved", new ui.item({
command: "reverttosaved"
}), 1000, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("File/Revert All to Saved", new ui.item({
command: "reverttosavedall"
}), 1100, plugin);
tabManager.on("focus", function(e) {
btnSave.setAttribute("disabled", !available(true));
tabManager.on("tabDestroy", function(e) {
if (e.last)
btnSave.setAttribute("disabled", true);
c9.on("stateChange", function(e) {
if (e.state & c9.STORAGE)
/***** Methods *****/
function revertToSaved(tab, callback) {
tabManager.reload(tab, callback);
function revertToSavedAll() {
tabManager.getTabs().forEach(function(tab) {
if (tab.path)
tabManager.reload(tab, function() {});
function saveAll(options, callback) {
if (!callback) {
callback = options;
options = {};
var count = 0;
tabManager.getTabs().forEach(function (tab) {
if (typeof tab.path != "string")
if (tab.document.undoManager.isAtBookmark()
|| tab.document.meta.newfile && (tab.path.charAt(0).match(/[^\/~]/) || options.skipNewFiles)
|| tab.document.meta.preview || tab.document.meta.ignoreSave)
save(tab, null, function(err) {
if (--count === 0 || err) {
count = 0;
if (!count) callback();
function saveAllInteractive(tabs, callback) {
var state = NO;
var counter = tabs.length;
tabs = tabs.filter(function(tab) {
return !tab.document.undoManager.isAtBookmark();
ui.asyncForEach(tabs, function(tab, next) {
// Yes to all saves all files
if (state == YESTOALL) {
save(tab, null, function() {});
return next();
if (state === NOTOALL) {
tab.document.meta.ignoreSave = true;
return next();
// Activate tab
"Would you like to save this file?",
"Save " + ui.escapeXML(tab.path) + "?",
"This file has unsaved changes. Your changes will be lost "
+ "if you don't save them.",
function(all, tab) { // Yes
state = all ? YESTOALL : YES;
save(tab, null, function() {});
function(all, cancel, tab) { // No
if (cancel)
return callback(state);
state = all ? NOTOALL : NO;
tab.document.meta.ignoreSave = true;
{ all: counter >= 1, cancel: true, metadata: tab, yes: "Save", no: "Don't save", yestoall: "Save all", notoall: "Save none" }
function() {
function ideIsOfflineMessage() {
showError("Failed to save file. Please check your connection. "
+ "When your connection has been restored you can try to save the file again.");
// `silentsave` indicates whether the saving of the file is forced by the user or not.
// callback is optional and is not called if saving is canceled
function save(tab, options, callback) {
if (!tab && !(tab = tabManager.focussedTab)) {
// Optional callback, against code, but allowing for now
if (!options)
options = {};
var doc = tab.document;
var path = options.path || tab.path;
// If document is unloaded return
if (!doc.loaded) {
var value = options.value || doc.value;
if ((!value || !value.length) && !doc.ready) {
console.log("[save] Document has zero length and is not ready, aborting save.");
var doSave = emit("beforeSave", {
path: path,
document: doc,
tab: tab,
value: value,
options: options
if (doSave === false) {
// Saving may be disabled when e.g. viewing history
console.log("[save] Saving not allowed by beforeSave event.");
if (!doSave) {
// No custom saver; use default save function
// (note that Collab intercepts beforeWriteFile)
doSave = fs.writeFile;
if (tab.classList.contains("conflict")) {
console.log("[save] Tab is in conflict mode which needs to be resolved, aborting save.");
// Use the save as flow for files that don't have a path yet
if (!options.path && (doc.meta.newfile || !tab.path)) {
saveAs(tab, callback);
// IF we're offline show a message notifying the user
if (!c9.has(c9.STORAGE)) {
return ideIsOfflineMessage();
// Check if we're already saving!
if (!options.force) {
if (doc.meta.$saveBuffer) {
if (Date.now() - doc.meta.$saveBuffer[3] > DELAY_ALREADY_SAVING) {
doc.meta.$saveBuffer = true;
else {
console.log("[save] Save cancelled, already saving");
doc.meta.$saveBuffer = [tab, options, callback,
doc.meta.$saveBuffer[3] || Date.now()];
doc.meta.$saveBuffer = true;
setSavingState(tab, "saving", null, options.noUi);
var bookmark = doc.undoManager.position;
var loadStartT = Date.now();
function fnProgress(loaded, total, complete) {
loaded: loaded,
total: total,
upload: true,
complete: complete,
dt: Date.now() - loadStartT
if (!complete)
doc.meta.$saving = Date.now();
fnProgress(0, 1, 0);
logger.log("User saving " + path);
doSave(path, value, function(err) {
if (err) {
if (!options.silentsave) {
showError("Failed to save document. "
+ "Please see if your internet connection is available and try again. "
+ err.message
setSavingState(tab, "offline");
logger.log("Failed to save " + path);
else {
delete doc.meta.newfile;
doc.meta.timestamp = Date.now() - settings.timeOffset;
if (options.path)
tab.path = options.path;
setSavingState(tab, "saved", options.timeout, options.noUi);
logger.log("Successfully saved " + path);
emit("afterSave", {
path: path,
value: value,
document: doc,
tab: tab,
err: err,
options: options,
callback && callback(err);
}, fnProgress);
return false;
// TODO remove saveBuffer once there is a way to cancel fs.writeFile
function checkBuffer(doc) {
if (doc.meta.$saveBuffer) {
var next = doc.meta.$saveBuffer;
delete doc.meta.$saveBuffer;
// isAtBookmark checks if anything has changed since the last save. If nothing has changed we don't need to save again.
if (next !== true && !doc.undoManager.isAtBookmark()) {
(next[1] || (next[1] = {})).force = true;
save.apply(window, next);
function saveAs(tab, callback) {
if (!tab && !(tab = tabManager.focussedTab))
if (typeof tab.path != "string")
function onCancel() {
var err = new Error("User Cancelled Save");
err.code = "EUSERCANCEL";
err.tab = tab;
showSaveAs("Save As", tab.path,
function(path, exists, done) {
var oldPath = tab.path;
function doSave() {
save(tab, { path: path }, function() {
callback.apply(this, arguments);
emit("saveAs", {
oldPath: oldPath,
path: path,
document: tab.document
if (path == oldPath || !exists)
return doSave();
"Save As",
"A file with the same name already exists in '"
+ dirname(path) + "'.\n Do you want to overwrite it?",
function() {
{ queue: false });
function getSavingState(tab) {
return tab.classList.names.filter(function(c) {
return ["saving", "saved", "changed", "offline", "error"].indexOf(c) > -1;
})[0] || "saved";
var stateTimer = null, pageTimers = {};
function setSavingState(tab, state, timeout, silent) {
tab.classList.remove("saving", "saved", "error");
var doc = tab.document;
if (state == "saving")
doc.meta.$saving = Date.now();
delete doc.meta.$saving;
if (!silent)
emit("tabSavingState", { tab: tab });
function updateSavingUi(tab, state, timeout) {
if (state == "saving") {
ui.setStyleClass(btnSave.$ext, "saving", ["saved", "error"]);
ui.setStyleClass(saveStatus, "saving", ["saved", "error"]);
saveStatus.style.display = "block";
btnSave.currentState = SAVING;
// Error if file isn't saved after 40 seconds and no progress
// event happened
(function testSaveTimeout() {
doc.meta.$saveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
if (!doc.meta.$saving) return;
// If we haven't seen any activity in the last 40secs
// lets call for a timeout
if (Date.now() - doc.meta.$saving > 40000) {
setSavingState(tab, "offline");
// Else wait another 30 secs
}, 30000);
else if (state == "saved") {
// Remove possible error state on a succesful save
delete tab.document.meta.error;
ui.setStyleClass(btnSave.$ext, "saved", ["saving", "error"]);
ui.setStyleClass(saveStatus, "saved", ["saving", "error"]);
saveStatus.style.display = "block";
btnSave.currentState = SAVED;
stateTimer = setTimeout(function() {
if (btnSave.currentState === SAVED && btnSave.caption === CAPTION_SAVED)
}, 4000);
pageTimers[tab.name] = setTimeout(function() {
if (btnSave.currentState === SAVED) {
saveStatus.style.display = "none";
emit("tabSavingState", { tab: tab });
}, timeout || 500);
else if (state == "offline") {
// don't blink!
ui.setStyleClass(btnSave.$ext, "saved");
ui.setStyleClass(btnSave.$ext, "error", ["saving"]);
ui.setStyleClass(saveStatus, "error", ["saving"]);
saveStatus.style.display = "block";
btnSave.currentState = OFFLINE;
btnSave.setCaption("Not saved");
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function() {
plugin.on("enable", function() {
btnSave && btnSave.enable();
plugin.on("disable", function() {
btnSave && btnSave.disable();
tabManager.getTabs().forEach(function(tab) {
if (tab.document.meta.$saveBuffer) {
// Set tab in error state
setSavingState(tab, "offline");
// Call callback
var item = tab.document.meta.$saveBuffer;
if (item[2])
item[2](new Error("Disabled Save Plugin"));
delete tab.document.meta.$saveBuffer;
plugin.on("unload", function() {
loaded = false;
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Saving of files to disk. This plugin provides a simple way to save
* files to the workspace. It also provides a save as dialog as well as
* menu items, commands and a button in the toolbar.
* @singleton
* @command save
* @command saveas
* @command saveall
* @command reverttosaved
* @property {-2} YESTOALL The state when the user clicked the "Yes To All" button.
* @property {-1} NOTOALL The state when the user clicked the "No To All" button.
* @property {2} YES The state when the user clicked the "Yes" button.
* @property {1} NO The state when the user clicked the "No" button.
* @property {0} CANCEL The state when the user clicked the "Cancel" button.
set CAPTION_SAVED(value) { CAPTION_SAVED = value; },
_events: [
* Fires before the file is being saved
* @event beforeSave
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String} e.path The path of the file to be saved.
* @param {Document} e.document The document object that contains the file contents.
* @param {String} e.value The value of the document that is to be saved.
* @param {Object} e.options The options passed to the {@link #save} method.
* @cancellable
* Fires after a file is saved or had an error
* @event afterSave
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String} e.path The path of the file to be saved.
* @param {Error} e.err An error object if an error occured during saving.
* @param {Document} e.document The document object that contains the file contents.
* @param {Object} e.options The options passed to the {@link #save} method.
* Fires after a file is saved at a new path
* @event saveAs
* @param {Object} e
* @param {String} e.path The path of the file to be saved.
* @param {String} e.oldPath The path of the file before it was saved.
* @param {Document} e.document The document object that contains the file contents.
* Fires before the save warning is shown. The save
* warning occurs when the document of a tab is in the changed
* state and the tab is being closed. You can test for the
* changed state using `tab.document.changed`.
* @event beforeWarn
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab
* @cancellable
* Fires when the save confirmation dialog (when closing an
* unsaved tab) is closed and not cancelled.
* @event dialogClose
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab
* Fires when the save confirmation dialog (when closing an
* unsaved tab) is closed by clicking the cancel or X button.
* @event dialogCancel
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab
* Fires when the save as dialog is drawn.
* @event drawSaveas
* Fires when the save state of a tab changes.
* @event tabSavingState
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab
* Saves the contents of a tab to disk using `fs.writeFile`
* @param {Tab} tab The tab to save
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} [options.path] The new path of the file (otherwise tab.path is used)
* @param {Boolean} [options.force] Species whether to save no matter what conditions
* @param {Boolean} [options.silentsave] Species whether to show an error message in the UI when a save fails
* @param {Number} [options.timeout] the time any success state is shown in the UI
* @param {Function} callback Called after the file is saved or had an error
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object, if an error occured during saving.
* @fires beforeSave
* @fires afterSave
save: save,
* Saves a file and allows the user to choose the path
* @param {Tab} tab The tab to save
* @param {Function} callback Called after the file is saved or had an error
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object, if an error occured during saving.
saveAs: saveAs,
* Reverts the value of a tab / document back to the value that is on disk
* @param {Tab} tab the tab to save
revertToSaved: revertToSaved,
* Saves all changed pages
* @param {Function} callback called after the files are saved or had an error
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object, if an error occured during saving.
saveAll: saveAll,
* Saves a set of pages by asking the user for confirmation
* @param {Tab[]} tabs The tabs to save
* @param {Function} callback Called each time the user
* clicks a button in the confirm dialog.
* @param {Error} callback.err The error object, if an error occured during saving.
* @param {Number} callback.result Specifies which button the
* user has clicked. This corresponds to one of the following
* constants:
* <table>
* <tr><td>Constant</td><td> Description</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link save#YESTOALL save.YESTOALL}</td><td> The user saved all remaining tabs.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link save#NOTOALL save.NOTOALL}</td><td> The user saved none of the remaining tabs.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link save#YES save.YES}</td><td> The user saved the last tab in the list.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link save#NO save.NO}</td><td> The user did not save the last tab in the list.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@link save#CANCEL save.CANCEL}</td><td> The user cancelled the saving of the tabs.</td></tr>
* </table>
saveAllInteractive: saveAllInteractive,
* Sets the saving state of a tab
* @param {Tab} tab The tab to set the state of.
* @param {String} state The saving state. This argument has four
* possible values: "saving", "saved", "changed", "offline"
setSavingState: setSavingState,
* Gets the saving state of a tab
* @param {Tab} tab The tab to set the state of.
* @return {String} state The saving state. This argument has four
* possible values: "saving", "saved", "changed", "offline"
getSavingState: getSavingState,
* Hide the global saving caption UI.
hideCaption: function() {
* Get the value of the global saving caption UI.
* @return {String} the current caption or undefined if no caption
* or when showing "All changes saved".
getCaption: function() {
if (btnSave.caption == CAPTION_SAVED)
return; // irrelevant; this will automatically disappear
return btnSave.visible && btnSave.caption;
* Set the value of the global saving caption UI.
* @param {String} value
setCaption: function(value) {
ui.setStyleClass(btnSave.$ext, "saving", ["saved", "error"]);
register(null, {
save: plugin