
1974 wiersze
75 KiB

define(function(require, module, exports) {
main.consumes = [
"Plugin", "menus", "settings", "layout", "ui", "commands", "fs",
"Tab", "editors", "Pane", "watcher", "c9", "dialog.alert",
"focusManager", "util"
main.provides = ["tabManager"];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var Tab = imports.Tab;
var Pane = imports.Pane;
var ui = imports.ui;
var fs = imports.fs;
var c9 = imports.c9;
var settings = imports.settings;
var util = imports.util;
var menus = imports.menus;
var editors = imports.editors;
var commands = imports.commands;
var layout = imports.layout;
var watcher = imports.watcher;
var focusManager = imports.focusManager;
var alert = imports["dialog.alert"].show;
var basename = require("path").basename;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var loadFilesAtInit = options.loadFilesAtInit;
var ideProviderName = options.ideProviderName || "Cloud9";
var PREFIX = "/////";
var XPREVIEW = /\.(gz|tar|tgz|zip|rar|jar|exe|pyc|pdf)$/;
var unfocussed = true;
var showTabs = true;
var panes = []; // aml pane elements
var tabs = {}; // Tab objects (non-aml)
var containers = [];
var counter = 1;
var focussedTab, previewTab, previewTimeout;
var container, mnuEditors, collapsedMenu, isReady;
// Ref to focusManager - this will be changed later
focusManager.tabManager = plugin;
var loaded = false, changed = false;
function load(){
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
// Commands & Menus
name: "toggleButtons",
group: "Tabs",
exec: function(e) {
}, plugin);
// commands.addCommand({
// name : "newfile",
// group : "Tabs",
// exec : function(e) {
// plusNewFile({}, true);
// }
// }, plugin);
function getEditor(){
var editor = focussedTab && focussedTab.editor;
var subeditor = editor && editor.focussedWidget;
return subeditor && subeditor.editor || editor;
commands.on("getEditor", getEditor, plugin);
menus.on("getEditor", getEditor, plugin);
menus.addItemByPath("View/Tab Buttons", new apf.item({
type: "check",
checked: "user/tabs/@show",
command: "toggleButtons"
}), 300, plugin);
menus.on("focusEditor", function(){
focussedTab && focussedTab.editor.focus();
}, plugin);
// Filesystem hooks
fs.on("beforeRename", function(e) {
var oldPath = e.args[0];
var newPath = e.args[1];
var changed = [];
Object.keys(tabs).forEach(function(id) {
var tab = tabs[id];
if (tab.path && tab.path.indexOf(oldPath) === 0) {
var char = tab.path.charAt(oldPath.length);
// Make sure that a path like /Untitled1 is not matched
// by a path like /Untitled, which are clearly different
// files with no relation to each other
if (!char || char == "/") {
tab.path = tab.path.replace(oldPath, newPath);
if (changed.length) {
e.revert = function(){
changed.forEach(function(tab) {
// TODO store id instead of tab
// var tab = pages[id];
tab.path = tab.path.replace(newPath, oldPath);
fs.on("afterRename", function(e) {
if (e.error && e.revert)
function removeTab(e) {
if (!e.error) {
var tab = findTab(e.path);
if (tab) {
tab.document.meta.$ignoreSave = true;
delete tab.document.meta.$ignoreSave;
fs.on("afterUnlink", removeTab);
fs.on("afterRmfile", removeTab);
fs.on("afterRmdir", function(e) {
var path = e.path;
Object.keys(tabs).forEach(function(id) {
var tab = tabs[id];
if (tab.path && tab.path.indexOf(path) === 0) {
// Close a pane when it doesn't open
// @todo this should probably be interactive (unless during init)
// @todo move this to tabbehaviours?
fs.on("error", function(e) {
if (e.name == "readFile") {
var tab = findTab(e.path);
if (tab)
}, plugin);
// Disconnect handler
var disconnected;
c9.on("disconnect", function(e) {
disconnected = true;
c9.on("connect", function(e) {
if (disconnected)
disconnected = false;
// Editors menu handling
editors.on("menuClick", function(e) {
if (!editors.findEditor(e.value).fileExtensions.length)
openEditor(e.value, true, function(){});
else if (focussedTab)
focussedTab.switchEditor(e.value, function(){});
editors.on("menuShow", function(e) {
var group, editor = focussedTab && focussedTab.editor;
e.menu.childNodes.forEach(function(node) {
group = node.group;
var path = focussedTab && focussedTab.path || "";
var ext = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
var type = node.value;
var extensions = editors.findEditor(type).fileExtensions;
var isAvailable = editors.defaultEditor == type
|| extensions.indexOf(ext.toLowerCase()) > -1
|| !extensions.length;
node.setAttribute("disabled", !isAvailable);
if (editor && group)
// Settings
settings.on("read", function(e) {
// Defaults
settings.setDefaults("user/tabs", [
["show", "true"],
["title", "false"],
["asterisk", "false"]
settings.setDefaults("state/tabs", []);
// Corner Handling
collapsedMenu = settings.getBool("state/menus/@minimized");
if (e.reset) {
// Create new tabs
var state = settings.getJson("state/tabs");
if (!state) {
state = {
type: "pane",
nodes: []
setTimeout(function() {
// Only set the state if we're not testing something else
if (options.testing != 2 && !isReady) {
setState(state, !isReady, function(){
isReady = true;
showTabs = settings.getBool("user/tabs/@show");
}, 0);
if (settings.getBool("user/tabs/@asterisk"))
ui.setStyleClass(container, "asterisk");
changed = false;
}, plugin);
settings.on("write", function(e) {
if (!changed && !e.unload)
// When testing another component, don't save state
if (options.testing != 2) {
var state = getState(null, true);
settings.setJson("state/tabs", state);
changed = false;
}, plugin);
settings.on("user/tabs/@asterisk", function(value) {
containers.forEach(function(container) {
if (value)
ui.setStyleClass(container, "asterisk");
ui.setStyleClass(container, "", ["asterisk"]);
// Top Right Corner Handling
var CSS1 = ".editor_tab.morepadding .btnsesssioncontainer";
var CSS2 = ".editor_tab .btnsesssioncontainer";
var clearAnim = function(prop){
ui.setStyleRule(prop, "transition-duration", "0");
}, 200);
menus.on("minimize", function(){
collapsedMenu = true;
ui.setStyleRule(CSS1, "transition-duration", ".2s");
menus.on("restore", function(){
collapsedMenu = false;
if (lastCorner) {
ui.setStyleRule(CSS2, "transition-duration", ".2s");
ui.setStyleClass(lastCorner.$ext, "", ["morepadding"]);
lastCorner = null;
// Focus Handling
apf.addEventListener("movefocus", function(e) {
var iter = e.toElement, list = [], c = 0;
if (iter && iter.localName == "menu")
while (iter && containers.indexOf(iter) == -1)
iter = (list[c++] = iter).parentNode;
if (!iter) {
// Editor can be unset during unload of tabs
if (!unfocussed && focussedTab && focussedTab.editor) {
focussedTab.editor.focus(false, true);
unfocussed = true;
for (var pane, i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((pane = list[i]).localName == "tab") {
if (pane.getPages().length < 1
|| !pane.cloud9pane.visible)
var newFocus = pane.getPage().cloud9tab;
if (newFocus != focussedTab || unfocussed) {
var soft = e.toElement != newFocus.aml ? 2 : 0;
focusTab(newFocus, soft);
unfocussed = false;
iter.$activePaneName = pane.cloud9pane.name;
focusTab(); // Blur
// Title
if (!c9.local) {
plugin.on("focusSync", function(e){ updateTitle(e.tab) });
plugin.on("tabDestroy", function(e){ if (e.last) updateTitle(); });
settings.on("user/tabs", function(){ updateTitle(focussedTab); });
var drawn = false;
function draw(){
if (drawn) return;
drawn = true;
// Don't draw Tabs if we're testing something that just depends
// on this plugin
if (options.testing != 2) {
container = layout.findParent(plugin).appendChild(new ui.bar({
"class" : "codeditorHolder",
"style" : "height:100%"
//style : "position:absolute;"
mnuEditors = apf.document.documentElement.appendChild(new ui.menu({
id: "mnuEditors",
style: "margin: 0px 0 0 4px",
"onprop.visible" : function(e) {
if (e.value)
mnuEditors.pane = this.opener.parentNode.cloud9pane;
new ui.item({
caption: "New File",
hotkey: "{commands.commandManager.newfile}",
onclick: function(e) {
e.pane = this.parentNode.pane;
plusNewFile(e, true);
enabled: !c9.readonly
}), 100, plugin);
function plusNewFile(e, force) {
if (force || emit("plusClick", e) !== false) {
var name;
do{ name = "/Untitled" + counter++; } while (findTab(name));
path: name,
active: true,
pane: e.pane,
value: "",
document: {
meta: {
newfile: true
}, function(){});
function createPane(state) {
state.createPane = createPane;
state.container = container;
var pane = new Pane(state);
pane.on("beforeSwitch", onbeforeswitch);
pane.on("afterSwitch", onafterswitch);
var btnPlus = pane.getElement("btnPlus");
btnPlus.setAttribute("submenu", mnuEditors);
pane.on("beforeClose", function(e) {
return emit("tabBeforeClose", e);
pane.on("afterClose", function(e) {
return emit("tabAfterClose", e);
pane.on("tabOrder", function(e) {
changed = true;
return emit("tabOrder", e);
pane.on("unload", function(){
if (focussedTab && !focussedTab.isActive()) {
if (!panes.length) {
focussedTab = null;
unfocussed = true;
focusTab(panes[0].getTab(), true);
emit("paneDestroy", { pane: pane });
changed = true;
pane.aml.once("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", function(){
emit.sticky("paneCreate", { pane: pane }, pane);
if (!settings.getBool("user/tabs/@show"))
ui.setStyleClass(pane.aml.$ext, "notabs", ["notabs"]);
changed = true;
return pane;
function updateTitle(tab) {
document.title = tab && settings.getBool("user/tabs/@title") && tab.title
? tab.title + " - " + ideProviderName
: c9.projectName + " - " + ideProviderName;
var lastCorner;
function setCornerPadding(){
if (!collapsedMenu || c9.local) return;
var tab = (function recur(node){
if (!node)
return false;
else if (node.localName == "tab")
return node;
else if (node.$vbox)
return recur(node.getFirstChild());
return recur(node.getSecondChild() || node.getFirstChild());
if (!tab || tab == lastCorner)
if (lastCorner)
ui.setStyleClass(lastCorner.$ext, "", ["morepadding"]);
ui.setStyleClass(tab.$ext, "morepadding");
lastCorner = tab;
function createTab(state){
if (!state.pane) {
if (focussedTab && ui.isChildOf(container, focussedTab.aml)) {
state.pane = focussedTab.pane;
if (!state.pane) {
var i = 0;
while (panes[i] && !ui.isChildOf(container, panes[i].aml)) { i++ }
state.pane = panes[i];
if (!state.pane) {
throw new Error("Called open too early. Please wait until "
+ "a pane is available. Use the ready event.");
var tab = new Tab(state);
var id = !tab.document.meta.cloned && tab.path
? tab.path
: PREFIX + tab.name;
tabs[id] = tab;
tab.on("close", function(e) {
var id = !tab.document.meta.cloned && tab.path
? tab.path
: PREFIX + tab.name;
delete tabs[id];
if (tab.path)
if (!(function(){for (var p in tabs){return true;}})()) {
focussedTab = null;
unfocussed = true;
else if (!tab.pane.getTabs().length) {
if (panes.every(function(pane) {
if (pane.activeTab && pane.visible) {
return false;
return true;
})) focusTab(); // blur
if (tab.document.canUnload() !== false)
emit("tabDestroy", {
tab: tab,
last: e.last,
htmlEvent: e.htmlEvent
changed = true;
tab.on("setPath", function(e) {
var meta = tab.document.meta;
if (!meta.preview && !meta.ignoreState && !meta.cloned) {
if (!meta.cloned) {
if (tabs[PREFIX + tab.name])
delete tabs[PREFIX + tab.name];
delete tabs[e.oldpath];
tabs[e.path] = tab;
changed = true;
tab.on("beforeReparent", function(e) {
e.tab = tab;
return emit("tabBeforeReparent", e);
tab.on("afterReparent", function(e) {
e.tab = tab;
emit("tabAfterReparent", e);
// Only watch pages with paths. Newfiles first need to be saved
if (tab.path) {
var meta = tab.document.meta;
if (meta.newfile) {
fs.on("afterWriteFile", function startWatch(e) {
if (e.path == tab.path) {
fs.off("afterWriteFile", startWatch);
}, tab); // Only exists for the lifetime of the tab
else {
// Previewed files shouldn't be watched
if (!meta.preview && !meta.ignoreState && !meta.nofs && !meta.cloned)
console.warn("[watchers] ignoring preview/ignoreState tab " + tab.path);
emit.sticky("tabCreate", { tab: tab }, tab);
changed = true;
return tab;
/* Event Handlers */
function onbeforeswitch(e) {
var amlPane = e.pane.aml;
var tab = e.tab;
var editorTab = amlPane.getPage(tab.aml.type);
if (!editorTab) return;
if (emit("tabBeforeActivate", {
tab: tab
}) === false)
return false;
function onafterswitch(e) {
var tab = e.tab;
if (!loaded || tab.document.meta.preview)
var lastTab = focussedTab;
if (!focussedTab || focussedTab.pane == tab.pane && focussedTab != tab)
focusTab(tab, true, true);
// Undocumented
emit("tabAfterActivateSync", {
lastTab: lastTab,
tab: tab
emit("tabAfterActivate", {
lastTab: lastTab,
tab: tab
changed = true;
}, 500);
/***** Methods *****/
function getState(subcontainer, filter) {
var state = (function recur(node) {
if (!node) return;
var name = node.localName;
var isPane = name == "tab";
if (isPane) name = "pane";
var state = {
type: name,
name: isPane ? node.cloud9pane.name : undefined,
nodes: node.childNodes
.filter(function(child) {
if (isPane
&& (child.localName != "page" || !child.visible)
|| child.localName == "splitter")
return false;
// Exclude previewing pages;
var tab = child.cloud9tab;
return !tab || !tab.document.meta.preview
&& !tab.document.meta.ignoreState;
.map(function(child) {
return isPane
? child.cloud9tab.getState(filter)
: recur(child);
if (node.width) state.width = node.width;
if (node.height) state.height = node.height;
if (node.skin) state.skin = node.skin;
if (node.skinset) state.skinset = node.skinset;
if (isPane && node.cloud9pane.meta) {
var meta = node.cloud9pane.meta;
for (var prop in meta) {
if (prop.charAt(0) != "$") {
if (!state.meta)
state.meta = {};
state.meta[prop] = meta[prop] && meta[prop].toJson
? meta[prop].toJson() : meta[prop];
return state;
})(subcontainer || container.firstChild);
if (state)
state.focus = focussedTab
&& (focussedTab.path || focussedTab.name);
return state;
function setState(state, init, callback) {
if (typeof init == "function") {
callback = init;
init = false;
// Remove all existing tabs
if (!init && !options.testing)
var count = 0;
// Load State
(function recur(parent, list) {
list.forEach(function(state) {
var p;
if (state.type == "pane") {
state.preventAutoActivate = state.nodes.length > 0;
p = createPane(state).aml;
else if (state.type == "hsplitbox" || state.type == "vsplitbox") {
p = parent.appendChild(new ui[state.type]({
splitter: true,
padding: 1,
width: state.width,
height: state.height
else if (state.type == "tab") {
var tab = findTab(state.id);
if (!tab) {
state.pane = parent.cloud9pane;
state.init = init;
open(state, function(err, tab) {
if (!--count)
else {
recur(p, state.nodes);
// If somehow we didn't record an active tab,
// set the first tab as active.
if (state.type == "pane") {
var pane = p.cloud9pane;
if (!pane.activeTab) {
var next = pane.getTabs()[0];
next && next.activate();
})(state.container || container, [state]);
// Set Focus
if (state.focus)
if (!count)
function clear(soft, clearTabs /* For testing only */){
var list = getPanes(container);
for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var pane = list[i], nodes = pane.getTabs();
for (var j = nodes.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
var tab = nodes[j];
if (!soft) tab.unload();
else {
tab.pane = null;
// if (i > 0)
if (!soft || clearTabs) tabs = [];
panes = [];
function toggleButtons(to) {
showTabs = to !== undefined ? to : !showTabs;
settings.set("user/tabs/@show", showTabs);
emit("visible", {value: showTabs});
getPanes(container).forEach(function(pane) {
ui.setStyleClass(pane.aml.$ext, showTabs ? "" : "notabs", ["notabs"]);
var closeTimer;
function resizePanes(cancel) {
if (cancel)
closeTimer = setTimeout(function(){
panes.forEach(function(pane) {
pane.aml.$waitForMouseOut = false;
pane.aml.$scaleinit(null, "sync");
}, 500);
function activateTab(tab) {
if (typeof tab == "string")
tab = findTab(tab);
return tab;
function focusTab(tab, soft, async) {
if (typeof tab == "string")
tab = findTab(tab);
if (previewTab && tab != previewTab)
preview({ cancel: true });
// do not focus a tab during close animation
if (tab && tab.meta && tab.meta.$closing) {
// Focus
if (focussedTab && (!soft || soft !== 2 && !unfocussed) && focussedTab.editor) {
unfocussed = false;
return tab;
if (focussedTab != tab) {
// Blur
if (focussedTab) {
var blurTab = focussedTab;
var blur = function (){
emit("blur", { tab: blurTab });
// During destroy of the pane the editor can
// not exist for a tab
if (blurTab.editor && focussedTab
&& blurTab.editor != focussedTab.editor)
if (!tab) {
focussedTab = null;
unfocussed = true;
// Change focussedTab
focussedTab = tab;
// Focus
if ((!soft || soft !== 2 && !unfocussed) && focussedTab.editor) {
unfocussed = false;
focussedTab && focussedTab.classList.add("focus");
else {
if (!focussedTab)
if ((!soft || soft !== 2 && !unfocussed) && focussedTab.editor) {
unfocussed = false;
return tab;
emit("focusSync", { tab : tab });
if (async) {
emit("focus", { tab : tab });
}, 500);
emit("focus", { tab : tab });
return tab;
function findTab(path) {
return tabs[PREFIX + path] || tabs[util.normalizePath(path)];
function getTabs(container) {
var result = Object.keys(tabs).map(function(path) {
return tabs[PREFIX + path] || tabs[path];
if (!container)
return result;
return result.filter(function(tab) {
return ui.isChildOf(container, tab.aml);
function findPane(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) {
if (panes[i].name == name)
return panes[i];
function getPanes(container) {
return !container
? panes.slice()
: panes.filter(function(pane) {
return ui.isChildOf(container, pane.aml);
/**** Main entry point for opening tabs ****/
// Handler to show loading indicator
function setLoading(tab) {
// TODO this gets called for things that have nothing to do
// with filesystem :(
if (!tab.path)
var loadStartT = Date.now();
fs.on("downloadProgress", function progress(e) {
if (e.path == tab.path) {
e.dt = Date.now() - loadStartT;
if (e.complete)
fs.off("downloadProgress", progress);
// TODO move to fs
// tab.document.progress({dt: 0, loaded: 0, total: 1});
function openFile(path, active, callback) {
if (typeof active == "function")
callback = active, active = false;
return open({path: path, active: active}, callback);
function openEditor(type, active, callback) {
if (typeof active == "function")
callback = active, active = false;
return open({editorType: type, active: active}, callback);
function open(options, callback) {
var path = options.path = util.normalizePath(options.path);
var type = options.editorType;
var editor;
// If a tab for this file already exist, activate it
var id = !options.forceNew && !options.init && path || options.name;
var tab = options.tab || (id
? findTab(id)
: options.demandExisting
&& getTabs().filter(function(t) {
return t.editorType === options.editorType
&& (!options.title || (t.document
&& t.document.title === options.title));
// prevent opening of same tab twice in non cloned mode
// TODO move cloning into ace?
if (!tab)
tab = findTab(path);
// Clone Tab
if (((options.document || 0).meta || 0).cloned) {
if (!tab) {
if (options.init) {
plugin.on("open", function wait(e){
if (e.tab.path == path) {
plugin.off("open", wait);
options.tab = e.tab;
open(options, callback);
}, plugin);
else {
throw new Error("Missing tab when cloning");
options.path = path = tab.path;
options.editorType = tab.editorType;
options.document = tab.document.clone();
// Tab variable will be overwritten below
tab.on("unload", function(){ tab.unload(); }, tab.document);
// Process Existing Tab
else if (tab) {
if (tab.document.meta.preview)
if (options.active)
if (options.focus)
focusTab(tab, options.focus !== true);
if (options.document)
callback && callback(null, tab, null, true);
return tab;
// Find editor
if (!type) {
editor = path && editors.findEditorByFilename(path)
|| editors.findEditor(editors.defaultEditor);
type = editor && editor.type || editors.defaultEditor;
else {
editor = editors.findEditor(type);
// Set sensible defaults
if (typeof path != "string")
options.path = null;
if (!options.document)
options.document = {};
if (path && !options.document.title) {
options.document.title = basename(path);
options.document.tooltip = path;
if (typeof options.value == "string")
options.document.value = options.value;
// if (options.document.filter === undefined)
// options.document.filter = true;
options.editorType = type;
// Create the tab
tab = createTab(options);
// Focus
if (options.focus)
focusTab(tab, options.focus !== true);
var doc = options.document;
var loadFromDisk = path
&& (!doc || doc.value === undefined)
&& options.value === undefined
// autoload to false prevents loading data, used by image editor
&& (!editor || editor.autoload !== false);
// Handler to be used after content and state is loaded
function done(err, value) {
if (err && options.newOnError) {
tab.document.meta.newfile = true;
value = options.value || "";
else if (err) {
tab.document.meta.error = true;
alert("Error opening file",
"Could not open file: " + tab.path,
err.code == "ENOENT"
? "The file could not be found on the file system."
: "Unknown error: " + (err.message || err.code || err),
callback && callback(err);
var doc = tab.document;
if (typeof value == "string")
doc.value = value;
// Set timestamp to now() to indicate that the file has been
// loaded from disk without any changes
if (!doc.meta.timestamp)
doc.meta.timestamp = Date.now() - settings.timeOffset;
doc.ready = true;
emit("open", { tab: tab, options: options });
callback && callback(null, tab);
if (loadFilesAtInit === false && options.init
&& emit.listeners("beforeOpen").length === 0)
return tab;
// Hooks for plugins that want to override value and state loading
var event = {
options: options,
tab: tab,
loadFromDisk: loadFromDisk,
setLoading: setLoading,
callback: done
if (emit("beforeOpen", event) === false)
return tab;
// todo why metadata does this?
loadFromDisk = event.options.loadFromDisk = loadFromDisk
&& !tab.document.meta.newfile
&& !tab.document.meta.nofs;
// If no value is specified, lets load it from storage
// todo metadata doesn't check for this! should we?
if (options.value === -1) {
callback(null, tab, function(){
emit("open", { tab: tab, options: options });
else if (loadFromDisk) {
var xhr = fs.readFile(path, "utf8", done);
// Cancel file opening when tab is closed
var abort = function(){
xhr && xhr.abort();
tab.on("close", abort);
plugin.on("open", function(e) {
if (e.tab == tab)
tab.off("close", abort);
else {
// done has to be called asynchronously
setTimeout(function() {
done(null, null);
return tab;
function clone(tab, pane, callback){
pane: pane,
tab: tab,
focus: true,
document: {
meta: { cloned: true }
}, function(err, tab){
if (tab)
tab.document.progress({ complete: true });
callback(err, tab);
function reload(tab, callback) {
if (!tab) tab = focussedTab;
if (!tab || !tab.path)
return callback();
if (tab.editor.autoload === false) {
delete tab.document.meta.error;
emit("reload", { tab: tab });
return callback();
fs.readFile(tab.path, "utf8", function(err, data) {
if (err) {
tab.document.meta.error = true;
// Update val
tab.document.meta.timestamp = Date.now() - settings.timeOffset;
// Make sure the newfile flag is gone
delete tab.document.meta.newfile;
// Remove the error flag
delete tab.document.meta.error;
emit("reload", { tab: tab });
function checkAllTabs() {
getTabs().forEach(function(tab) {
var meta = tab.document.meta;
if (tab.path && !meta.newfile && !meta.preview && !meta.ignoreState && !meta.nofs)
watcher.check(tab.path, meta.timestamp);
var lastPreviewTab;
function preview(options, callback) {
var pane;
// Cancel previewing and show focussedTab again
if (options.cancel)
return cancelPreview(options.keep);
// Exclude certain extensions from being previewed
if (XPREVIEW.test(options.path))
if (previewTab && previewTab.path === options.path) {
// keepPreview();
return previewTab;
// Remove existing preview pane if it's there
else if (previewTab) {
pane = previewTab.pane;
if (previewTab.document.meta.existing) {
delete previewTab.document.meta.preview;
delete previewTab.document.meta.existing;
// Or keep tab until the new one is loaded
else {
if (!options.path)
throw new Error("No path specified for preview");
return createPreview(options, pane, callback);
function createPreview(options, pane, callback) {
var path = options.path;
// Check if pane is already loaded
var tab = findTab(path);
if (tab) {
// tab.document.meta.preview = true;
// tab.document.meta.existing = true;
callback(null, null);
// Else create preview pane
else if (!previewTimeout || options.immediate) {
previewTab = open({
path: path,
active: true,
pane: pane,
noanim: true,
document: {
meta: {
readonly: true,
preview: true
}, function(err, tab) {
// Previewing has already been cancelled
if (err || !tab.loaded)
return callback(new Error("Preview was cancelled"));
// Activate previewTab showing content
// Open actual tab when the user starts editing
// @TODO cleanup
tab.document.undoManager.on("change", function(){
if (tab.document.undoManager.position > -1)
callback(null, tab);
} else {
previewTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
previewTimeout = null;
path: options.path,
immediate: true
}, pane, callback);
}, 200);
return previewTab;
function cancelPreview(keep) {
// Unload last preview tab
if (lastPreviewTab) {
lastPreviewTab = null;
if (!previewTab)
return false;
if (keep)
return keepPreview();
if (previewTab.document.meta.existing) {
delete previewTab.document.meta.preview;
delete previewTab.document.meta.existing;
else {
previewTab = null;
focussedTab && focussedTab.activate();
return false;
// Open actual tab
function keepPreview(){
if (!previewTab) return;
if (previewTimeout) {
previewTimeout = null;
if (!previewTab.loaded) {
previewTab = null;
return false;
if (previewTab.document.meta.existing) {
delete previewTab.document.meta.existing;
delete previewTab.document.meta.preview;
else {
delete previewTab.document.meta.readonly;
delete previewTab.document.meta.preview;
previewTab.document.undoManager.off("change", keepPreview);
emit("open", { tab: previewTab });
previewTab = null;
return true;
/**** Support for state preservation ****/
function pauseTabResize(){
panes.forEach(function(pane) {
pane.setAttribute("buttons", "close,order");
function continueTabResize(){
panes.forEach(function(pane) {
pane.setAttribute("buttons", "close,scale,order");
pane.$waitForMouseOut = false;
pane.$scaleinit(null, "sync");
}, 300);
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function(){
plugin.on("enable", function(){
plugin.on("disable", function(){
plugin.on("unload", function(){
panes = [];
tabs = [];
loaded = false;
drawn = false;
lastPreviewTab = null;
/***** Register and define API *****/
* Manages all tabs in all panes of Cloud9. This includes the panes
* in the console. Use this plugin to open files and editors, to change
* the focus of a tab, or to fetch panes and tabs.
* The tabManager manages the whole of panes and tabs that are organized
* as follows:
* * {@link Pane} - Represent a single pane, housing multiple tabs
* * {@link Tab} - A single tab (button) in a pane
* * {@link Editor} - The editor responsible for displaying the file in the tab
* * {@link Document} - The representation of a file in the tab
* * {@link Session} - The session information of the editor
* * {@link UndoManager} - The object that manages the undo stack for this document
* Panes can live in certain areas of Cloud9. By default these areas are:
* * {@link panes} - The main area where editor panes are displayed
* * {@link console} - The console in the bottom of the screen
* This is the default way to open a new file in an editor:
* tabManager.openFile("/file.js", true, function(err, tab) {
* var doc = tab.document;
* console.log("The value is: ", doc.value);
* });
* @class tabManager
* @alternateClassName panes
* @singleton
* The tab that currently has the focus. Multiple tabs can be
* active at the same time. However there can only be one tab
* that has the focus at one time. If there are no tabs this
* property is null.
* See also {@link tabManager#focusTab}
* @property {Tab} focussedTab
* @readonly
get focussedTab(){ return focussedTab || null; },
* Specifies whether the tabManager has focus. When a component
* outside of the editors has focus (such as the tree or a menu
* item), then this property is set to false. Otherwise it is set
* to true.
* @property {Boolean} focussed
* @readonly
get focussed(){ return !unfocussed; },
* The tab that is shown as a preview. This property is set to null
* if there is currently no preview being shown.
* @property {Tab} previewTab
* @readonly
get previewTab(){ return previewTab; },
* An Array of all the HTML Elements that act as containers for
* panes. Generally this is one for the main panes area and one for
* the console.
* @property {HTMLElement[]} containers
* @readonly
get containers(){ return containers; },
* The AMLElement for the main panes area.
* @property {AMLElement} container
* @readonly
get container(){ return container; },
_events: [
* Fires after a tab received focus. This event is fired
* when the focussedTab property is set. There is about 500ms
* delay between the user action and the firing of this event.
* This delay prevents the UI from getting stuck while plugins
* update their UIs. If you MUST have a sync event, check out
* {@link tabManager#focusSync}.
* @event focus
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that received focus
* Fires after a tab received focus. This event is fired
* when the focussedTab property is set. Do not use this event
* unless you ABSOLUTELY have to. Use {@link tabManager#focus}
* instead.
* @event focusSync
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that received focus
* Fires after a tab lost focus. This event is fired
* when the focussedTab property is changed to another tab.
* @event blur
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that lost focus
* @private
* Fires before a tab is activated. A tab becomes active when
* it is the selected tab (button) of the pane it belongs to.
* This is different from receiving the focus. A tab that has
* focus is always the active tab of it's parent pane. If a pane
* has at least one tab, it always has an active tab. You can
* cancel the activation of a tab by returning false in the
* event listener. This will prevent the tab from becoming
* active.
* See also {@link Pane#activeTab}.
* @event tabBeforeActivate
* @cancellable
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that will become active
* Fires after a tab is activated asynchronously. See
* {@link #tabAfterActivateSync} for the synchronous event.
* A tab becomes active when
* it is the selected tab (button) of the pane it belongs to.
* This is different from receiving the focus. A tab that has
* focus is always the active tab of it's parent pane. If a pane
* has at least one tab, it always has an active tab. You can
* cancel the activation of a tab by returning false in the
* event listener. This will prevent the tab from becoming
* active.
* See also {@link Pane#activeTab}.
* @event tabAfterActivate
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that has become active
* @param {Tab} e.lastTab the tab that is no longer active
* Fires after a tab is activated synchronously. See
* {@link #tabAfterActivate} for the asynchronous event.
* A tab becomes active when
* it is the selected tab (button) of the pane it belongs to.
* This is different from receiving the focus. A tab that has
* focus is always the active tab of it's parent pane. If a pane
* has at least one tab, it always has an active tab. You can
* cancel the activation of a tab by returning false in the
* event listener. This will prevent the tab from becoming
* active.
* See also {@link Pane#activeTab}.
* @event tabAfterActivateSync
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that has become active
* @param {Tab} e.lastTab the tab that is no longer active
* Fires prior to closing a tab. The default action of closing
* the tab can be cancelled by returning false.
* @event tabBeforeClose
* @cancellable
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Object} e.tab the tab that is to be closed
* Fires after a tab is closed, but not yet destroyed. Generally
* you want to use {@link tabManager#tabDestroy}.
* @event tabAfterClose
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that is to be closed
* Fires after a tab is newly created.
* @event tabCreate
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that is created
* Fires after a tab is destroyed
* @event tabDestroy
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that has been destroyed
* @param {Tab} e.last whether this was the last tab of a pane that was destroyed
* Fires when a tab is moved within a pane.
* @event tabOrder
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that has been moved
* @param {Tab} e.next the tab on the right of e.tab.
* Fires before a tab is moved to a different pane. This usually
* happens when a pane is split, or when a tab is dragged to a
* different pane.
* @event tabBeforeReparent
* @cancelable
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that is moved.
* @param {Tab} e.lastPane the previous pane that this tab was part of.
* @param {Pane} e.pane the pane that the tab is moved to.
* Fires after a tab is moved to a different pane. This usually
* happens when a pane is split, or when a tab is dragged to a
* different pane.
* @event tabAfterReparent
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab the tab that is moved.
* @param {Tab} e.lastPane the previous pane that this tab was part of.
* @param {Pane} e.pane the pane that the tab is moved to.
* Fires after a pane is newly created
* @event paneCreate
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Pane} e.pane the pane that is created
* Fires after a pane is destroyed
* @event paneDestroy
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Pane} e.pane the pane that is destroyed
* Fires after a tab is opened and before it's contents is
* loaded. This event can be cancelled by returning false.
* Cancelling this event will prevent the data from being
* loaded. It then becomes your reponsibility to load the
* contents and call e.callback(err, value) when done.
* This event is primarily used by the {@link metadata} plugin.
* @event beforeOpen
* @cancellable
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Object} e.options The options object that was passed to the {@link tabManager#method-open} method.
* @param {Tab} e.tab The created tab that will present the file contents to the user.
* @param {Boolean} e.loadFromDisk Specifies whether the file contents will be loaded from disk if the event is not cancelled.
* @param {Function} e.setLoading Call this function to set the tab into a loading state.
* @param {Tab} e.setLoading.tab Specify the tab to set in a loading state.
* @param {Function} e.callback Call this function when the content is loaded.
* @param {Error} e.callback.err Specify an error if loading the contents has failed.
* @param {String} e.callback.value Specify the value of the content that is loaded.
* Fires after a tab is opened and it's contents loaded
* @event open
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab The tab that has been opened
* @param {Object} e.options The options object that was passed to the {@link tabManager#method-open} method.
* Fires after the contents of a tab is reloaded
* @event reload
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.tab The tab for which the contents is reloaded
* Fires when the tab manager is ready to open tabs
* @event ready
* Fires when the user clicked on the + button in pane.
* @event plusClick
* @cancellable
* @param {Object} e
* @param {Tab} e.pane The pane to which the + button belongs to
* Fires after the panels container is drawn
* @event draw
* Prevent all pane buttons from resizing for all panes.
pauseTabResize: pauseTabResize,
* Re-enable pane button resizing for all panes.
continueTabResize: continueTabResize,
* Sets the tab as the active tab of it's pane element
* @param {Tab} tab The tab to activate
activateTab: activateTab,
* Gives the focus to the tab and it's editor and sets the tab as
* the the active tab of it's pane.
* @param {Tab} tab The tab to activate
* @fires focus
* @fires focusSync
* @fires blur
focusTab: focusTab,
* Retrieves the state of all panes, tabs and documents
* as a single serializable object.
* @param {HTMLElement} container One of the items from the
* {@link tabManager#containers} set, specifying which area it
* should serialize. Defaults to the container from the panels.
* @returns {Object}
getState: getState,
* Loads the state of all panes panes, tabs anddocuments from a
* simple object.
* @param {Object} state The state describing the pane layout.
* @param {Boolean} [init] When set to true, optimizes the state
* loading for initialization of Cloud9.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the state loading is completed.
setState: setState,
* Removes all panes, except one, and destroys all tabs, documents
* and editors.
* @param {Boolean} [soft=false] When set to true clear
* will not unload tabs. This can be useful when loading a new
* state with exactly the same tabs. WARNING: this can lead to
* leaking tabs/documents, etc. Use with caution! getTabs() will
* continue to return all the tabs. Even though they are no longer
* attached to a pane.
clear: clear,
* Toggle the tab buttons between visible and hidden state.
* @param {Number} [force] When set to 1 the buttons become visible,
* when set to 2 they become hidden.
toggleButtons: toggleButtons,
* Force a resize of all the tab buttons in all the panes.
resizePanes: resizePanes,
* Retrieves a tab based on a path or it's unique identifier.
* @param {String} path The path or id of the tab to retrieve.
findTab: findTab,
* Returns an array containing all the tabs.
getTabs: getTabs,
* @ignore
checkAllTabs: checkAllTabs,
* Retrieves a pane based on it's unique identifier.
* @param {String} name The name of the pane to retrieve.
findPane: findPane,
* Returns an array containing all the panes (in a container).
* @param {AMLElement} [container] The container in which the panes
* reside. If no container is specified all panes in all
* containers are returned.
getPanes: getPanes,
* Opens a new tab with an editor. If the tab with a specified
* path already exists, that tab is activated.
* (If no path was specified and option demandExisting is used,
* we look for a tab with the same editor type and title.)
* If state is given for a document, then that state is set prior
* to loading the tab. If a path is specified the file contents is
* loaded into the document. If no editorType is specified, the
* editor is determined based on the extension of the filename.
* @param options
* @param {String} [options.path] The path of the file to open
* @param {Pane} [options.pane] The pane to attach the new tab to
* @param {String} [options.editorType] The type of the editor for this tab
* @param {Boolean} [options.active=false] Whether this tab is set as active
* @param {Boolean} [options.focus=false] Whether this tab is set as focussed
* @param {Boolean} [options.forceNew=false] Always create a tab
* @param {Boolean} [options.demandExisting=false] Whether to try opening an
* existing tab even for tabs without a path.
* @param {Object} [options.document] Object describing the
* state of the document (see {@link Document#method-getState})
* @param {String} [options.value] The contents of the file
* @param {String} [options.title] The title of the tab
* @param {String} [options.tooltip] The tooltip at the button of the tab
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Error} callback.err An error that might
* occur during the load of the file contents.
* @param {Tab} callback.tab The created tab.
* @param {Function} callback.done Call this function
* when done retrieving the value. This is only relevant if
* -1 is passed to `value`. You are responsible for settings the
* document value yourself, like so: `tab.document.value = "value";`
* @returns {Tab} The created tab.
* @fires open
* @fires beforeOpen
open: open,
* Opens a new pane tab with the default editor and loads the file
* contents into the document. This is a convenience method. For
* the full method see {@link tabManager#method-open}.
* @param {String} path The path of the file to open.
* @param {Boolean} [active] When set to true the new tab will become active in it's pane.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the file contents is loaded.
* @param {Error} callback.err An error that might
* occur during the load of the file contents.
* @param {Tab} callback.tab The created tab.
* @returns {Tab} The created tab.
openFile: openFile,
* Opens a new tab with a specific editor
* @param {String} editorType The type of the editor for this tab.
* @param {Boolean} [active] When set to true the new tab will become active in it's pane.
* @param {Function} callback Called when the editor is loaded.
* @param {Error} callback.err An error that might
* occur during the load of the editor.
* @param {Tab} callback.tab The created tab.
* @returns {Tab} The created tab.
openEditor: openEditor,
* Reloads the file contents of a tab. The tab needs to have a
* path property set.
* @param {Tab} tab The tab to reload.
reload: reload,
* Opens a tab in preview mode, displaying the contents of a file with
* it's editor. The options passed can be the same as for the
* {@link tabManager#method-open}
* @param options
* @param {String} [options.path] The path of the file to open
* @param {Pane} [options.pane] The pane to attach the new tab to
* @param {String} [options.editorType] The type of the editor for this tab
* @param {Boolean} [options.active=false] Whether this tab is set as active
* @param {Object} [options.document] Object describing the
* state of the document (see {@link Document#method-getState})
* @param {String} [options.value] The contents of the file
* @param {String} [options.title] The title of the tab
* @param {String} [options.tooltip] The tooltip at the button of the tab
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Error} callback.err An error that might
* occur during the load of the file contents.
* @param {Tab} callback.tab The created tab.
* @param {Function} callback.done Call this function
* when done retrieving the value. This is only relevant if
* -1 is passed to `value`. You are responsible for settings the
* document value yourself, like so: `tab.document.value = "value";`
* @returns {Tab} The created tab.
* @fires open
* @fires beforeOpen
preview: preview,
clone: clone,
* @ignore
get isReady(){ return isReady; },
register(null, {
tabManager: plugin
// panes : plugin