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* File System Error Reporting Module for the Cloud9
* @copyright 2010, Ajax.org B.V.
* @license GPLv3 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt>
define(function(require, exports, module) {
main.consumes = ["fs", "dialog.error", "fs.cache", "Plugin"];
main.provides = [];
return main;
function main(options, imports, register) {
var Plugin = imports.Plugin;
var fs = imports.fs;
var showError = imports["dialog.error"].show;
var fsCache = imports["fs.cache"];
var basename = require("path").basename;
var uCaseFirst = require("c9/string").uCaseFirst;
/***** Initialization *****/
var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes);
// var emit = plugin.getEmitter();
var loaded = false;
function load(){
if (loaded) return false;
loaded = true;
/***** Methods *****/
// FS error reporting
var m = {
// "readFile" : "Failed to read from {filename}. {error}.",
"writeFile" : "Failed to write to {filename}. {error}.",
// "readdir" : "Failed to read directory {filename}. {error}.",
"rename" : "Failed to rename {type} {filename} to {to}. {error}.",
"mkdirP" : "Failed to create folder(s) {path}. {error}.",
"mkdir" : "Failed to create folder {filename}. {error}.",
"unlink" : "Failed to delete {type} {filename}. {error}.",
"rmfile" : "Failed to delete {type} {filename}. {error}.",
"rmdir" : "Failed to delete {type} {filename}. {error}.",
"copy" : "Failed to copy {type} {filename} to {to}. {error}.",
"symlink" : "Failed to create symlink {filename} to {to}. {error}."
var errcode = {
"ENOENT" : "File or folder {filename} does not exist",
"EISDIR" : "{Totype|type} {to|filename} is a directory",
"ENOTDIR" : "{Totype|type} {to|filename} is not a directory",
"EEXIST" : "{Totype|type} {to|filename} already exists",
"EACCES" : "Access denied acccessing this {type}",
"EDISCONNECT" : "The connection went away. Please try again.",
"ENOTCONNECTED" : "You are disconnected. "
+ "Please check your connection and try again"
var errmsg = {
"away re-connect attempts exceeded": "You are disconnected. "
+ "Please check your connection and try again"
function parse(msg, options) {
function replace(m, m1) {
var value = options[m1.toLowerCase()];
if (m1.charAt(0) != m1.charAt(0).toLowerCase())
value = uCaseFirst(value);
return value;
options["totype|type"] = options.totype || options.type; // Will generalize when needed
options["to|filename"] = options.to || options.filename; // Will generalize when needed
options.error = errcode[options.error.code]
? errcode[options.error.code].replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g, replace)
: (errmsg[options.error.message]
? errmsg[options.error.message].replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g, replace)
: options.error.message || options.error);
return msg && msg.replace && msg.replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g, replace) || "";
fs.on("userError", function(e) {
if (!m[e.name]) return;
var args = e.args;
var path = args[0];
var node = fsCache.findNode(path);
var type = node
? (node.link ? "symlink" : node.isFolder ? "folder" : "file")
: "file or folder";
var topath = typeof args[1] == "string" ? args[1] : null;
var tonode, totype;
if (topath) {
tonode = fsCache.findNode(topath);
totype = tonode
? (tonode.link ? "symlink" : tonode.isFolder ? "folder" : "file")
: "file or folder";
var message = parse(m[e.name], {
error: e.error,
type: type,
to: topath
? "'<span title='" + topath.replace(/'/g, "&apos;")
+ "'>" + basename(topath) + "</span>'"
: "",
totype: totype,
path: path,
filename: "'<span title='" + path.replace(/'/g, "&apos;")
+ "'>" + basename(path) + "</span>'"
showError({ html: message });
// console.error(message.replace(/<.*?>/g, ""));
/***** Lifecycle *****/
plugin.on("load", function(){
plugin.on("enable", function(){
plugin.on("disable", function(){
plugin.on("unload", function(){
loaded = false;
/***** Register and define API *****/
register(null, { });