
415 wiersze
13 KiB
Executable File

var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var util = require("util");
var cssParse = require("css-parse");
var cssStringify = require("css-stringify");
var parseString = require("plist").parseString;
function parseTheme(themeXml, callback) {
parseString(themeXml, function(_, theme) {
var unsupportedScopes = { };
var supportedScopes = {
"keyword": "keyword",
"keyword.operator": "keyword.operator",
"keyword.other.unit": "keyword.other.unit",
"constant": "constant",
"constant.language": "constant.language",
"constant.library": "constant.library",
"constant.numeric": "constant.numeric",
"constant.character" : "constant.character",
"constant.character.escape" : "constant.character.escape",
"constant.character.entity": "constant.character.entity",
"constant.other" : "constant.other",
"support": "support",
"support.function": "support.function",
"support.function.dom": "support.function.dom",
"support.function.firebug": "support.firebug",
"support.function.constant": "support.function.constant",
"support.constant": "support.constant",
"support.constant.property-value": "support.constant.property-value",
"support.class": "support.class",
"support.type": "support.type",
"support.other": "support.other",
"function": "function",
"function.buildin": "function.buildin",
"storage": "storage",
"storage.type": "storage.type",
"invalid": "invalid",
"invalid.illegal": "invalid.illegal",
"invalid.deprecated": "invalid.deprecated",
"string": "string",
"string.regexp": "string.regexp",
"comment": "comment",
"comment.documentation": "comment.doc",
"comment.documentation.tag": "comment.doc.tag",
"variable": "variable",
"variable.language": "variable.language",
"variable.parameter": "variable.parameter",
"meta": "meta",
"meta.tag.sgml.doctype": "xml-pe",
"meta.tag": "meta.tag",
"meta.selector": "meta.selector",
"entity.other.attribute-name": "entity.other.attribute-name",
"entity.name.function": "entity.name.function",
"entity.name": "entity.name",
"entity.name.tag": "entity.name.tag",
"markup.heading": "markup.heading",
"markup.heading.1": "markup.heading.1",
"markup.heading.2": "markup.heading.2",
"markup.heading.3": "markup.heading.3",
"markup.heading.4": "markup.heading.4",
"markup.heading.5": "markup.heading.5",
"markup.heading.6": "markup.heading.6",
"markup.list": "markup.list",
"collab.user1": "collab.user1"
var fallbackScopes = {
"keyword": "meta",
"support.type": "storage.type",
"variable": "entity.name.function"
function extractStyles(theme) {
var globalSettings = theme.settings[0].settings;
var colors = {
"printMargin": "#e8e8e8",
"background": parseColor(globalSettings.background),
"foreground": parseColor(globalSettings.foreground),
"gutter": "#e8e8e8",
"selection": parseColor(globalSettings.selection),
"step": "rgb(198, 219, 174)",
"bracket": parseColor(globalSettings.invisibles),
"active_line": parseColor(globalSettings.lineHighlight),
"cursor": parseColor(globalSettings.caret),
"invisible": "color: " + parseColor(globalSettings.invisibles) + ";"
for (var i=1; i<theme.settings.length; i++) {
var element = theme.settings[i];
if (!element.scope || !element.settings)
var scopes = element.scope.split(/\s*[|,]\s*/g);
for (var j = 0; j < scopes.length; j++) {
var scope = scopes[j];
var style = parseStyles(element.settings);
var aceScope = supportedScopes[scope];
if (aceScope) {
colors[aceScope] = style;
else if (style) {
unsupportedScopes[scope] = (unsupportedScopes[scope] || 0) + 1;
for (var i in fallbackScopes) {
if (!colors[i])
colors[i] = colors[fallbackScopes[i]];
if (!colors.fold) {
var foldSource = colors["entity.name.function"] || colors.keyword;
if (foldSource) {
colors.fold = foldSource.match(/\:([^;]+)/)[1];
colors.gutterBg = colors.background
colors.gutterFg = mix(colors.foreground, colors.background, 0.5)
if (!colors.selected_word_highlight)
colors.selected_word_highlight = "border: 1px solid " + colors.selection + ";";
colors.isDark = (luma(colors.background) < 0.5) + "";
return colors;
function mix(c1, c2, a1, a2) {
c1 = rgbColor(c1);
c2 = rgbColor(c2);
if (a2 === undefined)
a2 = 1 - a1
return "rgb(" + [
Math.round(a1*c1[0] + a2*c2[0]),
Math.round(a1*c1[1] + a2*c2[1]),
Math.round(a1*c1[2] + a2*c2[2])
].join(",") + ")";
function rgbColor(color) {
if (typeof color == "object")
return color;
if (color[0]=="#")
return color.match(/^#(..)(..)(..)/).slice(1).map(function(c) {
return parseInt(c, 16);
return color.match(/\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/).slice(1).map(function(c) {
return parseInt(c, 10);
function luma(color) {
var rgb = rgbColor(color);
return (0.21 * rgb[0] + 0.72 * rgb[1] + 0.07 * rgb[2]) / 255;
function parseColor(color) {
if (color[0] != "#" && color.match(/^[a-f\d]+$/i))
color = "#" + color;
if (color.length == 4)
color = color.replace(/[a-fA-F\d]/g, "$&$&");
if (color.length == 7)
return color;
else {
if (!color.match(/^#(..)(..)(..)(..)$/))
console.error("can't parse color", color);
var rgba = color.match(/^#(..)(..)(..)(..)$/).slice(1).map(function(c) {
return parseInt(c, 16);
rgba[3] = (rgba[3] / 0xFF).toPrecision(2);
return "rgba(" + rgba.join(", ") + ")";
function parseStyles(styles) {
var css = [];
var fontStyle = styles.fontStyle || "";
if (fontStyle.indexOf("underline") !== -1) {
if (fontStyle.indexOf("italic") !== -1) {
if (styles.foreground) {
css.push("color:" + parseColor(styles.foreground) + ";");
if (styles.background) {
css.push("background-color:" + parseColor(styles.background) + ";");
return css.join("\n");
function fillTemplate(template, replacements) {
return template.replace(/%(.+?)%/g, function(str, m) {
return replacements[m] || "";
function hyphenate(str) {
return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").replace(/_/g, "-").toLowerCase();
function quoteString(str) {
return '"' + str.replace(/\\/, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/\n/g, "\\\n") + '"';
var cssTemplate = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/templates/theme.css", "utf8");
var jsTemplate = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/templates/theme.js", "utf8");
function normalizeStylesheet(rules) {
for (var i = rules.length; i--; ) {
var s = JSON.stringify(rules[i].declarations);
for (var j = i; j --; ) {
if (s == JSON.stringify(rules[j].declarations)) {
console.log(rules[j].selectors, rules[i].selectors)
console.log(i, j)
rules[j].selectors = rules[i].selectors.concat(rules[j].selectors);
rules.splice(i, 1);
for (var i = rules.length; i--; ) {
var s = rules[i].selectors.sort();
rules[i].selectors = s.filter(function(x, i) {
return x && x != s[i + 1];
return rules;
var themes = {
//"chrome": "Chrome DevTools",
"clouds": "Clouds",
"clouds_midnight": "Clouds Midnight",
"cobalt": "Cobalt",
//"crimson_editor": "Crimson Editor",
"dawn": "Dawn",
//"dreamweaver": "Dreamweaver",
//"eclipse": "Eclipse",
//"github": "GitHub",
"idle_fingers": "idleFingers",
"kr_theme": "krTheme",
"merbivore": "Merbivore",
"merbivore_soft": "Merbivore Soft",
"mono_industrial": "monoindustrial",
"monokai": "Monokai",
"pastel_on_dark": "Pastels on Dark",
"solarized_dark": "Solarized-dark",
"solarized_light": "Solarized-light",
"katzenmilch": "Katzenmilch",
"kuroir": "Kuroir Theme",
//"textmate": "Textmate (Mac Classic)",
"tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
"tomorrow_night": "Tomorrow-Night",
"tomorrow_night_blue": "Tomorrow-Night-Blue",
"tomorrow_night_bright": "Tomorrow-Night-Bright",
"tomorrow_night_eighties": "Tomorrow-Night-Eighties",
"twilight": "Twilight",
"vibrant_ink": "Vibrant Ink",
"xcode": "Xcode_default"
function convertBuiltinTheme(name) {
return convertTheme(name, __dirname + "/tmthemes/" + themes[name] + ".tmTheme", __dirname + "/../lib/ace/theme");
function convertTheme(name, tmThemePath, outputDirectory) {
console.log("Converting " + name);
var tmTheme = fs.readFileSync(tmThemePath, "utf8");
parseTheme(tmTheme, function(theme) {
var styles = extractStyles(theme);
styles.cssClass = "ace-" + hyphenate(name);
styles.uuid = theme.uuid;
var css = fillTemplate(cssTemplate, styles);
css = css.replace(/[^\{\}]+{\s*}/g, "");
for (var i in supportedScopes) {
if (!styles[i])
css += "." + styles.cssClass + " " +
i.replace(/^|\./g, ".ace_") + "{" + styles[i] + "}";
// we're going to look for NEW rules in the parsed content only
// if such a rule exists, add it to the destination file
// this way, we preserve all hand-modified rules in the <theme>.css rules,
// (because some exist, for collab1 and ace_indentation_guide
try {
var outThemeCss = fs.readFileSync(outputDirectory + "/" + name + ".css");
var oldRules = cssParse(outThemeCss).stylesheet.rules;
var newRules = cssParse(css).stylesheet.rules;
for (var i = 0; i < newRules.length; i++) {
var newSelectors = newRules[i].selectors;
for (var j = 0; j < oldRules.length; j++) {
var oldSelectors = oldRules[j].selectors;
newSelectors = newSelectors.filter(function(s) {
return oldSelectors.indexOf(s) == -1;
if (!newSelectors.length)
if (newSelectors.length) {
newRules[i].selectors = newSelectors;
console.log("Adding NEW rule: ", newRules[i])
oldRules.splice(i, 0, newRules[i]);
oldRules = normalizeStylesheet(oldRules);
css = cssStringify({stylesheet: {rules: oldRules}}, { compress: false });
} catch(e) {
console.log("Creating new file: " + name + ".css")
css = cssStringify(cssParse(css), { compress: false });
var js = fillTemplate(jsTemplate, {
name: name,
css: 'require("../requirejs/text!./' + name + '.css")', // quoteString(css), //
cssClass: "ace-" + hyphenate(name),
isDark: styles.isDark
fs.writeFileSync(outputDirectory + "/" + name + ".js", js);
fs.writeFileSync(outputDirectory + "/" + name + ".css", css);
if (process.argv.length > 1) {
var args = process.argv.splice(2);
if (args.length < 3) {
console.error("Usage: node tmtheme.js [theme_name, path/to/theme.tmTheme path/to/output/directory]");
var name = args[0];
var themePath = args[1];
var outputDirectory = args[2];
convertTheme(name, themePath, outputDirectory);
} else {
for (var name in themes) {
var sortedUnsupportedScopes = {};
for (var u in unsupportedScopes) {
var value = unsupportedScopes[u];
if (sortedUnsupportedScopes[value] === undefined) {
sortedUnsupportedScopes[value] = [];
console.log("I found these unsupported scopes:");
console.log("It's safe to ignore these, but they may affect your syntax highlighting if your mode depends on any of these rules.");
console.log("Refer to the docs on ace.ajax.org for information on how to add a scope to the CSS generator.");
/*** TODO: generate images for indent guides in node
var indentGuideColor = "#2D2D2D"
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
canvas.width = 1; canvas.height = 2;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
imageData = ctx.getImageData(0,0,1,2)
function getColor(color) {
ctx.fillStyle = color;
return Array.slice(ctx.getImageData(0,0,1,2).data).slice(0,4)
bgColor = getComputedStyle(ace.renderer.scroller).backgroundColor
var a = [].concat(getColor(bgColor), getColor(indentGuideColor));
a.forEach(function(val,i){imageData.data[i] = val})
image = canvas.toDataURL("png")
var rule = "."+ace.renderer.$theme +" .ace_indent-guide {\n\
background: url(" + image +") right repeat-y;\n\