/*global describe, it, after */ "use client"; require(["lib/architect/architect", "lib/chai/chai"], function (architect, chai) { var expect = chai.expect; expect.setupArchitectTest([ "plugins/c9.ide.ui/lib_apf", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.ide.ui/ui", staticPrefix: "plugins/c9.ide.ui" }, "plugins/c9.core/ext", { packagePath: "plugins/c9.ide.dialog.common/error", staticPrefix: "plugins/c9.ide.layout.classic" }, // Mock plugins { consumes: [], provides: [ "util", "settings", "c9", "dialog.alert", "commands", "dialog.question" ], setup: expect.html.mocked }, { consumes: ["dialog.error"], provides: [], setup: main } ], architect); function main(options, imports, register) { var error = imports["dialog.error"]; describe('layout', function() { it('should show an error notification', function(done) { error.show("Test"); setTimeout(function(){ expect.html(document.querySelector(".errorlabel")).visible; expect.html(document.querySelector(".errorlabel")).text(/Test/); done(); }, 250); }); it('should hide the error notification', function(done) { error.hide(function(){ expect.html(document.querySelector(".errorlabel")).not.visible; done(); }); }); }); if (!onload.remain) { describe("unload()", function(){ it('should destroy all ui elements when it is unloaded', function() { error.unload(); }); }); //@todo Idea: show in the tabs whether the editor is running atm // @todo test fs integration after(function(done) { document.body.style.marginBottom = ""; done(); }); } onload && onload(); } });