define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; main.consumes = ["Plugin", "ui"]; main.provides = ["dialog.error"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var ui = imports.ui; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var topPx = 0; var lastCookie = 0; var offset = 0; var error, hideTimeout, disconnect; var DISCONNECTDELAY = 1000; function load() { ui.insertCss(require("text!./error.css"), options.staticPrefix, plugin); } function initDisconnectEvents(vfs){ var timer; vfs.once("connect", function(){ vfs.connection.on("reconnectDelay", function(e){ clearInterval(timer); var delay = e.delay; if (delay > 999) { timer = setInterval(function(){ if (vfs.connected) return clearInterval(timer); delay -= 1000; showDisconnect({ delay: delay }); if (delay <= 0) clearInterval(timer); }, 1000); } showDisconnect(e); }); }); vfs.on("away", function(){ }); vfs.on("back", function(){ hideDisconnect(); }); vfs.on("connect", function(){ hideDisconnect(); }); vfs.on("disconnect", function(){ // setTimeout(function(){ // showDisconnect(); // }, DISCONNECTDELAY); }); vfs.on("connecting", function(){ showDisconnect({ connecting: true }); }); plugin.on("retryConnect", function(){ vfs.connection.reconnect(0); }); } /***** Methods *****/ function getCenterX(){ var bartools = document.querySelector(".bartools"); if (!bartools) return 0; // For testing var b1 = bartools.getBoundingClientRect(); var b2 = bartools.nextSibling.getBoundingClientRect(); return b1.left + b1.width + ((b2.left - b1.left - b1.width)/2); } function show(message, timeout) { // Error message container if (!error) { error = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); error.className = "errorlabel"; error.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) { if ( == "U") hide(); }); } if (!message) { console.trace(); return console.error("empty error message", message); } console.error("Error:", message.stack || message.html || message.message || message); hide(function () { var messageString; if (typeof message == "string") { messageString = apf.escapeXML(message); } else { if (message.message) messageString = apf.escapeXML(message.message); else if (message.html) messageString = message.html; else messageString = "Error: " + message.toString(); } error.innerHTML = "
" + messageString + "
"; = 0; = "block"; = (offset - (error.offsetHeight - 10 + topPx)) + "px"; = Math.max(0, (getCenterX() - (error.firstChild.offsetWidth / 2))) + "px"; // Start anim setTimeout(function() { error.className = "errorlabel anim " + (offset > 0 ? "fade-in" : ""); = (offset + topPx) + "px"; = 1; }, 10); clearTimeout(hideTimeout); if (!(timeout < 0)) hideTimeout = setTimeout(hide, timeout || 15000); }); return ++lastCookie; } function hide(cookie, callback) { if (typeof cookie === "function") return hide(null, cookie); if (cookie && lastCookie !== cookie) return callback && callback(); if (!error || === "none") return callback && callback(); error.className = "errorlabel anim " + (offset > 0 ? "fade-in" : ""); if (offset > 0) = 0; else = (-1 * error.offsetHeight - 10 + topPx) + "px"; setTimeout(function() { = "none"; callback && callback(); }, 220); } function showDisconnect(options){ // Error message container if (!disconnect) { disconnect = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); disconnect.className = "disconnectlabel"; disconnect.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) { if ( == "U") emit("retryConnect"); }); } var message; if (!options || options.delay < 1000 || options.connecting) message = "Reconnecting..."; else if (options.delay) message = "Reconnecting in " + Math.ceil(options.delay/1000) + " seconds." + (options.delay < 2001 ? "" : " Retry Now."); else message = "Reconnecting..."; disconnect.innerHTML = "
" + message + "
"; = Math.max(0, (getCenterX() - 150)) + "px"; if ( == "block") return; = "block"; = (-1 * disconnect.offsetHeight - 10 + topPx) + "px"; // Start anim setTimeout(function() { disconnect.className = "disconnectlabel anim"; = (topPx) + "px"; }, 10); offset = 28; // document.querySelector(".c9-offline").addEventListener("click", function(){ // alert("Offline Notication", "You are currently offline.", // "This indicator notifies you that Cloud9 is unable to reach " // + "the server. This usually happens because you are offline. " // + "Some features will be disabled until the " // + "network connection becomes available again. " // + "This notication could also show when the server is " // + "unreachable due to other reasons. Sometimes a refresh of " // + "the tab will fix an issue. Please e-mail " // + " for further problem resolution."); // }, false); } function hideDisconnect(cookie, callback) { if (!disconnect || === "none") return callback && callback(); disconnect.className = "disconnectlabel anim"; = (-1 * disconnect.offsetHeight - 10 + topPx) + "px"; setTimeout(function() { = "none"; callback && callback(); }, 220); offset = 0; } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function() { load(); }); plugin.on("unload", function() { topPx = 0; lastCookie = 0; offset = 0; error = null; hideTimeout = null; disconnect = null; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Show error messages to the user * * This plugin provides a way to display error messages to the user. * * @singleton **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ get top(){ return topPx; }, set top(value){ topPx = value; }, get vfs(){ throw new Error("Permission Denied"); }, set vfs(v){ initDisconnectEvents(v); }, /** * */ showDisconnect: showDisconnect, /** * */ hideDisconnect: hideDisconnect, /** * Displays an error message in the main error reporting UI. * @param {String} message The message to display. */ show: show, /** * Hides the main error reporting UI. */ hide: hide, }); register(null, { "dialog.error" : plugin }); } });