define(function(require, module, exports) { main.consumes = ["Plugin", "ui", "commands", "focusManager"]; main.provides = ["Dialog"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var ui = imports.ui; var commands = imports.commands; var focusManager = imports.focusManager; var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter; Dialog.queue = []; Dialog.addToQueue = function(dialog, fn, force) { var emitter = new EventEmitter(); emitter.visible = undefined; function queueItem(){ fn(function(){ Dialog.queue.splice(Dialog.queue.indexOf(queueItem), 1); emitter.emit("hide"); emitter.visible = 0; if (Dialog.queue.length) Dialog.queue[0](); else { // Timeout to prevent the editor // from getting the key stroke setTimeout(function(){ // Return last focussed element focusManager.focus(Dialog.lastFocus); delete Dialog.lastFocus; }); } }); if (emitter.emit("show") === false) dialog.hide(); else emitter.visible = 1; } if (force) queueItem(); else { Dialog.queue.push(queueItem); // Save last focussed element if (!Dialog.lastFocus) Dialog.lastFocus = focusManager.activeElement; // Timeout to make sure events can be set on the emitter. if (Dialog.queue.length == 1) setTimeout(Dialog.queue[0]); } return emitter; }; function Dialog(developer, deps, options) { var plugin = new Plugin(developer, deps.concat(main.consumes)); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var name =; var left = options.left; var top =; var width = options.width || 512; var height = options.height; var title = options.title; var heading = options.heading; var body = options.body; var className = options.class; var modal = options.modal; var zindex = options.zindex; var allowClose = options.allowClose; var elements = options.elements || []; var resizable = false; var widths = options.widths || {}; var count = 0; var dialog, buttons, titles; var drawn = false; function draw(htmlNode) { if (drawn) return; drawn = true; // Create UI elements dialog = new ui.modalwindow({ id: "window", title: title, icon: "", center: "true", modal: modal, buttons: allowClose ? "close" : "", width: width, height: height, zindex: zindex || "", skin: "bk-window2", class: "dialog " + (height ? "" : "relative") + (options.dark ? " dark" : "") + (className ? " " + className : ""), childNodes: [ new ui.vbox({ id: "titles", padding: 10, edge: "15 20 25 20", }), new ui.hbox({ id: "buttons", class: "dialog-buttons", pack: "end", padding: "8", height: "46", edge: "11 10 10" }) ] }); apf.document.documentElement.appendChild(dialog); plugin.addElement(dialog); dialog.on("prop.visible", function(e) { if (e.value) emit("show"); else emit("hide"); }); dialog.on("keydown", function(e) { if (allowClose && e.keyCode == 27) dialog.hide(); }); dialog.on("resize", function(){ emit("resize"); }); commands.addCommand({ name:, bindKey: { mac: "ESC", win: "ESC" }, group: "ignore", isAvailable: function(){ return dialog.visible; }, exec: function(){ dialog.dispatchEvent("keydown", { keyCode : 27 }); } }, plugin); titles = plugin.getElement("titles"); buttons = plugin.getElement("buttons"); // Create dynamic UI elements if (elements.length) { elements.forEach(function(item) { createItem(null, null, item); }); } else { buttons.parentNode.removeChild(buttons); } emit.sticky("draw", { aml: titles, html: titles.$int }); if (options.resizable) plugin.resizable = options.resizable; } /***** Method *****/ function queue(implementation, force) { if (!plugin.loaded) return; return Dialog.addToQueue(dialog, function(next) { // Draw everything if needed draw(); // Call the show implementation implementation(); // Update UI var custom = options.custom || !(heading || body); if (!custom) { titles.$int.innerHTML = "

" + heading + "

" + body + "
"; } // allow selecting dialog message text var textselect = options.textselect; if (textselect == undefined) textselect = !custom; titles.textselect = textselect; // When the dialog closes the next dialog can appear plugin.once("hide", next); // Show UI; // Focus UI focusManager.focus(dialog, true); }, force); } function show() { return plugin.queue(function(){}, true); } function hide(){ dialog && dialog.hide(); } // @todo this looks very similar to forms.js. Perhaps able to merge? function update(items) { items.forEach(function(item) { if (!drawn) { elements.every(function(el) { if ( == { for (var prop in item) { el[prop] = item[prop]; } return false; } return true; }); return; } var el = plugin.getElement(; switch (el.type || el.tagName) { case "dropdown": var dropdown = el; var data = { return ""; }).join(""); if (data) dropdown.$model.load("" + data + ""); if (item.value) dropdown.setAttribute("value", item.value); break; default: // supported attributes var validAttributes = /^(value|visible|zindex|disabled|caption|tooltip|command|class|icon|src|submenu)$/; Object.keys(item).forEach(function(key) { // Check for onclick explictly if (key === "onclick") return el.onclick = item.onclick; // Check for attributes we know exist and will directly set if (validAttributes.test(key)) return el.setAttribute(key, item[key]); }); break; } }); } // @todo this looks very similar to forms.js. Perhaps able to merge? function createItem(heading, name, options) { var position = options.position || (count += 100); var node; switch(options.type) { case "checkbox": node = new ui.checkbox({ label: options.caption, value: options.defaultValue || "", values: options.values, skin: "checkbox_black", }); break; case "dropdown": var model = options.model || new ui.model(); var data = options.items && { return ""; }).join(""); if (data) model.load("" + data + ""); node = new ui.dropdown({ model: model, width: options.width || widths.dropdown, skin: "black_dropdown", value: options.defaultValue || "", each: options.each || "[item]", caption: options.caption || "[text()]", eachvalue: options.eachvalue || "[@value]", "empty-message" : options["empty-message"] }); break; case "textbox": node = new ui.textbox({ skin: "searchbox", "initial-message": options.message || "", width: options.width || widths.textbox, value: options.defaultValue || "", realtime: options.realtime || 1 }); break; case "button": node = new ui.button({ skin: || "btn-default-css3", "class" : options.color ? "btn-" + options.color : "", margin: options.margin, caption: options.caption || "", submenu: options.submenu && options.submenu.aml || options.submenu || "", width: options.width || widths.button, "default" : options["default"] ? "1" : "" }); break; case "label": node = new ui.label({ caption: options.caption, style:, width: options.width || "" }); break; case "image": node = new ui.img({ skin: "simpleimg", src: options.src, margin: options.margin, width: options.width, height: options.height }); break; case "divider": node = new ui.divider({ skin: "c9-divider-hor", margin: "5 0 5 0" }); break; case "filler": node = new ui.filler(); break; case "custom": node = options.node; break; default: throw new Error("Unknown form element type: " + options.type); } if ( || node.setAttribute("id", ||; if (options.visible !== undefined) node.setAttribute("visible", options.visible); if (options.onclick) node.onclick = options.onclick; if (options.hotkey) { dialog.on("keydown", function(e) { if (options.hotkey == "ESC" && e.keyCode == 27 || String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode) == options.hotkey) node.dispatchEvent("click"); }); } ui.insertByIndex(buttons, node, position, plugin); plugin.addElement(node); return node; } plugin.on("unload", function(){ drawn = false; resizable = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ plugin.freezePublicAPI.baseclass(); /** * Dialog Builder for Cloud9. Use this class to create dialogs. * * Example: * * var dialog = new Dialog("Developer Name", main.consumes, { * allowClose : true, * modal : false, * elements : [ * { type: "checkbox", caption: "Apply to all open files" }, * { type: "filler" }, * { type: "button", id: "keepmine", color: "blue", caption: "Keep Mine" }, * { type: "button", id: "useremote", color: "blue", caption: "User Remote" }, * { type: "button", id: "mergeboth", color: "green", caption: "Merge Both", "default": true } * ] * }); */ /** * @constructor * Creates a new Dialog instance based on an abstract definition of * the dialog elements. * * @param {Object} [options] The definition of the dialog. */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * The APF element that is the parent to all form elements. * @property {AMLElement} aml * @private * @readonly */ get aml(){ return dialog; }, /** * @property {Number} width */ get width(){ return width; }, set width(v) { width = v; dialog && dialog.setAttribute("width", width); }, /** * @property {Number} left */ get left(){ return left; }, set left(v) { left = v; dialog && dialog.setAttribute("left", left); }, /** * @property {Number} top */ get top(){ return top; }, set top(v) { top = v; dialog && dialog.setAttribute("top", top); }, /** * @property {Number} title */ get title(){ return title; }, set title(v) { title = v; dialog && dialog.setAttribute("title", title); }, /** * @property {Boolean} resizable */ get resizable(){ return resizable; }, set resizable(v) { if (v === resizable) return; resizable = v; if (!dialog) return; if (!height) dialog.setAttribute("height", v ? dialog.getHeight() : ""); if (!width) dialog.setAttribute("width", v ? dialog.getWidth() : ""); dialog.setAttribute("class", "dialog " + (v ? "" : "relative") + (options.dark ? " dark" : "") + (className ? " " + className : "")); // titles.setAttribute("anchors", v ? "0 0 46 0" : ""); // buttons.setAttribute("bottom", v ? "0" : ""); // buttons.setAttribute("left", v ? "0" : ""); // buttons.setAttribute("right", v ? "0" : ""); dialog.setAttribute("resizable", v); }, /** * @property {Number} heading */ get heading(){ return heading; }, set heading(v) { heading = v; }, /** * @property {Number} body */ get body(){ return body; }, set body(v) { body = v; }, /** * @property {Boolean} modal * @readonly */ get modal(){ return modal; }, /** * @property {Boolean} visible * @readonly */ get visible(){ return dialog && dialog.visible; }, /** * @property {Boolean} allowClose */ get allowClose(){ return allowClose; }, set allowClose(v) { allowClose = v; dialog && dialog.setAttribute("buttons", v ? "close" : ""); }, _events: [ /** * Fires when the form is drawn. * @event draw */ "draw", /** * Fires when the form becomes visible. This happens when * it's attached to an HTML element using the {@link #attachTo} * method, or by calling the {@link #method-show} method. * @event show */ "show", /** * Fires when the form becomes hidden. This happens when * it's detached from an HTML element using the {@link #detach} * method, or by calling the {@link #method-hide} method. * @event hide */ "hide" ], /** * */ createElement: function(options){ createItem(null, null, options); }, /** * Updates form elements with new values. This method currently * only supports updating the items of a dropdown element. * * Example: * * dialog.update([ * { id: "keepmine", onclick: function(){} }, * { id: "useremote", onclick: function(){} }, * { id: "mergeboth", onclick: function(){} } * ]); * * @param {Array} items */ update: update, /** * Show the dialog when no other dialogs are there. * @param {Function} callback * @fires show */ queue: queue, /** * Show the dialog. When using queing overwrite this method * with your own show function. * @fires show */ show: show, /** * Hide the dialog. * @fires hide */ hide: hide }); plugin.load(name, "dialog"); return plugin; } register("", { Dialog: Dialog }); } });