#!/bin/bash -e set -e has() { type "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 return $? } if has "curl"; then DOWNLOAD="curl -L " elif has "wget"; then DOWNLOAD="wget -O - " else echo "Error: you need curl or wget to proceed" >&2; exit 1 fi cd `dirname $0`/.. SOURCE=`pwd` uname="$(uname -a)" os= arch="$(uname -m)" case "$uname" in Linux\ *) os=linux ;; Darwin\ *) os=darwin ;; SunOS\ *) os=sunos ;; FreeBSD\ *) os=freebsd ;; CYGWIN*) os=windows ;; MINGW*) os=windows ;; MSYS_NT*) os=windows ;; esac case "$uname" in *x86_64*) arch=x64 ;; *i*86*) arch=x86 ;; *armv6l*) arch=arm-pi ;; *armv7l*) arch=arm-pi ;; esac red=$'\e[01;31m' green=$'\e[01;32m' yellow=$'\e[01;33m' blue=$'\e[01;34m' magenta=$'\e[01;35m' resetColor=$'\e[0m' NO_PULL= NO_GLOBAL_INSTALL= FORCE= updatePackage() { name=$1 REPO=https://github.com/c9/$name echo "${green}checking out ${resetColor}$REPO" if ! [[ -d ./plugins/$name ]]; then mkdir -p ./plugins/$name fi pushd ./plugins/$name if ! [[ -d .git ]]; then git init # git remote rm origin || true git remote add origin $REPO fi version=`"$NODE" -e 'console.log((require("../../package.json").c9plugins["'$name'"].substr(1) || "origin/master"))'`; rev=`git rev-parse --revs-only $version` if [ "$rev" == "" ]; then git fetch origin fi status=`git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no` if [ "$status" == "" ]; then git reset $version --hard else echo "${yellow}$name ${red}contains uncommited changes.${yellow} Skipping...${resetColor}" fi popd } updateAllPackages() { c9packages=(`"$NODE" -e 'console.log(Object.keys(require("./package.json").c9plugins).join(" "))'`) count=${#c9packages[@]} i=0 for m in ${c9packages[@]}; do echo $m; i=$(($i + 1)) echo "updating plugin ${blue}$i${resetColor} of ${blue}$count${resetColor}" updatePackage $m done } updateNodeModules() { echo "${magenta}--- Running npm install --------------------------------------------${resetColor}" safeInstall(){ deps=(`"$NODE" -e 'console.log(Object.keys(require("./package.json").dependencies).join(" "))'`) for m in $deps; do echo $m; "$NPM" install --loglevel warn $m || true done } "$NPM" install || safeInstall echo "${magenta}--------------------------------------------------------------------${resetColor}" } updateCore() { if [ "$NO_PULL" ]; then return 0; fi # without this git merge fails on windows mv ./scripts/install-sdk.sh ./scripts/.install-sdk-tmp.sh cp ./scripts/.install-sdk-tmp.sh ./scripts/install-sdk.sh git checkout -- ./scripts/install-sdk.sh git remote add c9 https://github.com/c9/core 2> /dev/null || true git fetch c9 git merge c9/master --ff-only || \ echo "${yellow}Couldn't automatically update sdk core ${resetColor}" ## TODO use fetched script? # oldScript="$(cat ./scripts/install-sdk.sh)" # newScript="$(cat ./scripts/install-sdk.sh)" # if ! [ "$oldScript" == "$newScript" ]; then # ./scripts/install-sdk.sh --no-pull # exit # fi } installGlobalDeps() { if ! [[ -f ~/.c9/installed ]]; then if [[ $os == "windows" ]]; then URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloud9ide/sdk-deps-win32 else URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/c9/install fi $DOWNLOAD $URL/master/install.sh | bash fi } ############################################################################ export C9_DIR="$HOME"/.c9 if [[ $os == "windows" ]]; then export PATH="$C9_DIR:$C9_DIR/node_modules/.bin:$PATH" else export PATH="$C9_DIR/node/bin:$C9_DIR/node_modules/.bin:$PATH" fi NPM=npm NODE=node # cleanup build cache since c9.static doesn't do this automatically yet rm -rf ./build/standalone # pull the latest version updateCore || true installGlobalDeps updateAllPackages updateNodeModules echo "Success!" echo "run '${yellow}node server.js --listen -p 8080 -a :${resetColor}' to launch Cloud9"