define(function(require, module, exports) { main.consumes = ["Plugin", "ui", "preferences", "anims", "Form", "settings"]; main.provides = ["PreferencePanel"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var ui = imports.ui; var anims = imports.anims; var settings = imports.settings; var Form = imports.Form; var prefs = imports.preferences; function PreferencePanel(developer, deps, options) { var plugin = new Plugin(developer, deps); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var caption = options.caption; var noscroll = options.noscroll; var className = options.className || ""; var index = options.index || 100; var headings = {}; var subHeadings = {}; var amlBar, navHtml, form, container, active, lastA; var drawn; function draw(){ if (drawn) return; drawn = true; amlBar ={ htmlNode: prefs.container, anchors: "0 0 0 0", "class" : "prefpanel " + className, visible: false }); plugin.addElement(amlBar); if (options.form) { form.draw(); amlBar.appendChild(container = form.aml); if (!noscroll) { // Set up scroll interaction for navigation container.$int.addEventListener("scroll", scroll); = (amlBar.$ext.parentNode.offsetHeight - 40) + "px"; } } emit.sticky("draw", { aml: amlBar, html: amlBar.$int, navHtml: navHtml }); } /***** Methods *****/ function scroll(){ var scrollTop = container.$int.scrollTop; var nodes = container.$int.childNodes; for (var node, i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if ((node = nodes[i]).nodeType != 1) continue; if (node.offsetTop <= scrollTop && node.offsetTop + node.offsetHeight > scrollTop) { var nodeTop = Math.max(node.offsetTop + node.offsetHeight - (0.3 * node.offsetHeight), 0); if (nodeTop < scrollTop) node = nodes[i + 1] || node; if (lastA) { ui.setStyleClass(lastA, "", ["current"]); } // If item is custom ignore. try { var nav = node.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild; if (nav) { var name = nav.nodeValue; lastA = subHeadings[name].navHtml ui.setStyleClass(lastA, "current"); } } catch (e) {}; } } } function show(noAnim) { draw(); if (active) return; active = true; navHtml.className += " active"; var bq = navHtml.lastChild if (bq.tagName == "BLOCKQUOTE") { = "block"; = noAnim ? "" : 0; if (!noAnim) { anims.animate(bq, { duration: 0.15, height: bq.scrollHeight + "px", timingFunction: "cubic-bezier(.30, .08, 0, 1)" }, function(){}); } }; if (!noAnim) { amlBar.$ = 0; amlBar.$ = 100; amlBar.$ = "block"; anims.animate(amlBar, { duration: 0.15, opacity: 1, timingFunction: "linear" }, function(){}); } if (options.form) scroll(); emit("activate"); } function hide(){ navHtml.className = navHtml.className.replace(/ active/g, ""); var bq = navHtml.lastChild; if (bq.tagName == "BLOCKQUOTE") { anims.animate(bq, { duration: 0.15, height: 0, timingFunction: "cubic-bezier(.30, .08, 0, 1)" }, function(){ // amlBar && amlBar.hide(); = "none"; }); } amlBar.$ = 99; setTimeout(function(){ amlBar.$ = 1; amlBar.$ = "none"; }, 250); active = false; emit("deactivate"); } function resize(){ if (form && drawn && !noscroll) = (amlBar.$ext.parentNode.offsetHeight - 40) + "px"; emit("resize"); } function add(state, foreign) { if (!foreign) throw new Error("Missing plugin parameter when calling preferences.add()"); if (!container) { plugin.once("draw", function(){ add(state, foreign); }); return; } // First Level for (var name in state) { var first = state[name]; var heading = getHeading(name, first.position, foreign); // Create Nav Elements for (var caption in first) { if (caption == "position") continue; var second = first[caption]; // Correct index if (second.position) second.position = heading.index + "" + second.position; getSubHeading(heading, caption, second.position, foreign); } // Create Form Elements form.add(first, foreign); } } function getHeading(caption, index, plugin) { if (!headings[caption]) { headings[caption] = { navHtml: prefs.addNavigation(caption, index, navHtml, plugin), index: index }; } return headings[caption]; } function getSubHeading(heading, caption, index, plugin) { if (!subHeadings[caption]) { var htmlNode = prefs .addNavigation(caption, index, heading.navHtml, plugin); subHeadings[caption] = { navHtml: htmlNode, index: index }; htmlNode.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){ apf.tween.single(container.$int, { type: "scrollTop", steps: 10, anim: apf.tween.easeInOutCubic, from: container.$int.scrollTop, to: form.headings[caption].container.$ext.offsetTop }) }); } return subHeadings[caption]; } /***** LifeCycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ navHtml = prefs.addNavigation(caption, index, null, plugin); navHtml.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){ prefs.activate(plugin); }); prefs.on("resize", function(){ resize(); }); if (options.form) { form = new Form({ className: "container", style: "overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0", skins: { "textbox": "tbsimple" }, colwidth: options.colwidth || "300", colmaxwidth: "300", widths: { "dropdown" : 120, "spinner" : 60, "textbox" : 200, "password" : 200, "colorbox" : 40, "button" : 200, "textarea" : 400, "checked-spinner" : 50 } }, plugin); } }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ drawn = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ plugin.freezePublicAPI.baseclass(); /** * Preference panel base class for the {@link preferences preference editor}. * * Implementing your own preference panel takes a new PreferencePanel() object * rather than a new Plugin() object. Here's a short example: * * var plugin = new PreferencePanel("(Company) Name", main.consumes, { * caption : "Advanced Settings", * index : 500, * form : true * }); * var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); * * plugin.on("load", function(e) { * plugin.add({ * "General" : { * position : 10, * "User Interface" : { * position : 20, * "Enable UI Animations" : { * type : "checkbox", * path : "user/general/@animateui", * position : 1000 * } * } * } * }, plugin); * }); * * plugin.freezePublicAPI({ * * }); * * @class PreferencePanel * @extends Plugin */ /** * @constructor * Creates a new PreferencePanel instance. * @param {String} developer The name of the developer of the plugin * @param {String[]} deps A list of dependencies for this * plugin. In most cases it's a reference to `main.consumes`. * @param {Object} options The options for the preference panel * @param {String} options.caption The caption of the navigation item. * @param {Number} options.index The position of the navigation item. * @param {Boolean} options.form Specifies whether to create a form for this panel. */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * The APF UI element that is presenting the pane in the UI. * This property is here for internal reasons only. *Do not * depend on this property in your plugin.* * @property {AMLElement} aml * @private * @readonly */ get aml(){ return amlBar; }, /** * The caption of the main navigation element of this panel. * @property {String} caption * @readonly */ get caption(){ return caption }, /** * The position of the navigation item * @property {Number} index * @readonly */ get index(){ return index }, /** * The form for this plugin if any is created * @property {Form} form * @readonly */ get form(){ return form }, /** * Whether this panel is active * @property {Boolean} active * @readonly */ get active(){ return amlBar.visible; }, _events: [ /** * Fired when the panel container is drawn. * @event draw * @param {Object} e * @param {HTMLElement} e.html The html container. * @param {AMLElement} e.aml The aml container. * @param {AMLElement} e.navHtml The html element that represents the navigation. */ "draw", /** * @event activate */ "activate", /** * @event deactivate */ "deactivate", /** * @event resize */ "resize" ], /** * @method add * @inheritdoc preferences.Preferences#add */ add: add, /** * Shows the panel. */ show: show, /** * Hides the panel. */ hide: hide, /** * Resizes the panel. */ resize: resize }); return plugin; } /***** Register and define API *****/ register(null, { PreferencePanel: PreferencePanel }) } });