define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = [ "Panel", "ui", "menus", "panels", "commands", "tabManager", "layout" ]; main.provides = ["commands.panel"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Panel = imports.Panel; var ui = imports.ui; var tabs = imports.tabManager; var menus = imports.menus; var panels = imports.panels; var layout = imports.layout; var commands = imports.commands; var markup = require("text!./panel.xml"); var search = require('../c9.ide.navigate/search'); var Tree = require("ace_tree/tree"); var ListData = require("./dataprovider"); /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Panel("", main.consumes, { index: options.index || 300, caption: "Commands", minWidth: 150, autohide: true, where: options.where || "left" }); // var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var winCommands, txtFilter, tree, ldSearch; var lastSearch; var loaded = false; function load(){ if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; plugin.setCommand({ name: "commands", hint: "search for a command and execute it", bindKey: { mac: "Command-.", win: "Ctrl-." } }); panels.on("afterAnimate", function(){ if (panels.isActive("commands.panel")) tree && tree.resize(); }); // Menus menus.addItemByPath("Goto/Goto Command...", new apf.item({ command: "commands" }), 250, plugin); } var drawn = false; function draw(options) { if (drawn) return; drawn = true; // Create UI elements ui.insertMarkup(options.aml, markup, plugin); // Import CSS ui.insertCss(require("text!./style.css"), plugin); var treeParent = plugin.getElement("commandsList"); txtFilter = plugin.getElement("txtFilter"); winCommands = options.aml; // Create the Ace Tree tree = new Tree(treeParent.$int); ldSearch = new ListData(commands, tabs); = search; tree.renderer.setScrollMargin(0, 10); // @TODO this is probably not sufficient layout.on("resize", function(){ tree.resize() }, plugin); tree.textInput = txtFilter.ace.textInput; txtFilter.ace.commands.addCommands([ { bindKey: "ESC", exec: function(){ plugin.hide(); } }, { bindKey: "Enter", exec: function(){ execCommand(true); } }, { bindKey: "Shift-Enter", exec: function(){ execCommand(false, true); } } ]); function forwardToTree() { tree.execCommand(; } txtFilter.ace.commands.addCommands([ "centerselection", "goToStart", "goToEnd", "pageup", "gotopageup", "scrollup", "scrolldown", "goUp", "goDown", "selectUp", "selectDown", "selectMoreUp", "selectMoreDown" ].map(function(name) { var command = tree.commands.byName[name]; return { name:, bindKey: command.editorKey || command.bindKey, exec: forwardToTree }; })); tree.on("click", function(ev) { var e = ev.domEvent; if (!e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) if (tree.selection.getSelectedNodes().length === 1) execCommand(true); }); txtFilter.ace.on("input", function(e) { var val = txtFilter.getValue(); filter(val); }); function onblur(e) { if (!winCommands.visible) return; var to = e.toElement; if (!to || apf.isChildOf(winCommands, to, true)) return; // TODO add better support for overlay panels setTimeout(function(){ plugin.hide() }, 10); } apf.addEventListener("movefocus", onblur); // Focus the input field setTimeout(function(){ txtFilter.focus(); }, 10); setTimeout(function(){ // Assign the dataprovider tree.setDataProvider(ldSearch); tree.selection.$wrapAround = true; }, 200); } /***** Methods *****/ /** * Searches through the dataset * */ function filter(keyword, nosel) { keyword = keyword.replace(/\*/g, ""); // Needed for highlighting ldSearch.keyword = keyword; var names = Object.keys(commands.commands); var searchResults; if (!keyword) { searchResults = names; } else { tree.provider.setScrollTop(0); searchResults = search.fileSearch(names, keyword); } lastSearch = keyword; if (searchResults) ldSearch.updateData(searchResults); if (nosel || !searchResults.length) return; // select the first item in the list; } function execCommand(noanim, nohide) { var nodes = tree.selection.getSelectedNodes(); // var cursor = tree.selection.getCursor(); nohide || plugin.hide(); for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { var name = nodes[i].id; commands.exec(name); } } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("draw", function(e) { draw(e); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("show", function(e) { txtFilter.focus();; }); plugin.on("hide", function(e) { // Cancel Preview tabs.preview({ cancel: true }); }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; drawn = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Commands panel. Allows a user to find and execute commands by searching * for a fuzzy string that matches the name of the command. * @singleton * @extends Panel **/ /** * @command commands */ /** * Fires when the commands panel shows * @event showPanelCommand.panel * @member panels */ /** * Fires when the commmands panel hides * @event hidePanelCommands.panel * @member panels */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * @property {Object} The tree implementation * @private */ get tree() { return tree; } }); register(null, { "commands.panel": plugin }); } });