define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; main.consumes = [ "Editor", "editors", "commands", "menus", "Menu", "MenuItem", "Divider", "settings", "c9", "preferences", "ui", "tabManager", "layout", "util", "threewaymerge", "error_handler" ]; main.provides = ["ace"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Editor = imports.Editor; var editors = imports.editors; var commands = imports.commands; var menus = imports.menus; var settings = imports.settings; var layout = imports.layout; var c9 = imports.c9; var ui = imports.ui; var util = imports.util; var tabs = imports.tabManager; var prefs = imports.preferences; var Menu = imports.Menu; var MenuItem = imports.MenuItem; var Divider = imports.Divider; var merge = imports.threewaymerge; var errorHandler = imports.error_handler; // Markup & Modes var cssString = require("text!./style.less"); var themes = JSON.parse(require("text!./themes.json")); var modes = require("./modes"); var extensions = Object.keys(modes.extensions); // bearable scrollbars on windows require("./scrollbar"); // Ace var lang = require("ace/lib/lang"); var Range = require("ace/range").Range; var config = require("ace/config"); var AceEditor = require("ace/editor").Editor; var Document = require("ace/document").Document; var EditSession = require("ace/edit_session").EditSession; var defaultCommands = require("ace/commands/default_commands").commands; var VirtualRenderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; var multiSelectCommands = require("ace/multi_select").commands; var whitespaceUtil = require("ace/ext/whitespace"); // enable multiselect require("ace/multi_select"); // and error marker require("ace/ext/error_marker"); // preload html mode require("ace/mode/html"); // Needed to clear ace var dummySession = new EditSession(""); // We don't use ace workers config.setDefaultValue("session", "useWorker", false); // experiment config.setDefaultValue("editor", "fixedWidthGutter", true); EditSession.prototype.diffAndReplace = function(range, text) { var doc = this.doc; var start = doc.positionToIndex(range.start); var oldText = doc.getTextRange(range); merge.patchAce(oldText, text, doc, { offset: start, method: "quick" }); var dl = text.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, doc.getNewLineCharacter()).length; return doc.indexToPosition(start + dl); }; require("ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers"); /***** Global API *****/ // Set up the generic handle var handle = editors.register("ace", "Ace", Ace, extensions); var handleEmit = handle.getEmitter(); handleEmit.setMaxListeners(1000); var mnuAce, mnuGutter; var isMinimal = options.minimal; var themeLoaded = {}; var themeCounter = 100; var lastTheme, grpSyntax, grpThemes; var theme; var skin = settings.get("user/general/@skin"); var defaultThemes = { "light" : "ace/theme/cloud9_day", "light-gray" : "ace/theme/cloud9_day", "flat-light" : "ace/theme/cloud9_day", "dark" : "ace/theme/cloud9_night_low_color", "dark-gray" : "ace/theme/cloud9_night_low_color" }; // Fix broken settings if (!defaultThemes[skin]) { settings.set("user/general/@skin", "dark"); skin = "dark"; } if (isMinimal) { defaultThemes[skin] = "ace/theme/textmate"; } else { require([defaultThemes[skin]], function(){}); // Preload Themes } handle.__defineGetter__("theme", function(){ return theme; }); function addCorner(ace) { if (isMinimal) return; var shadow = document.createElement("div"); shadow.className = "scroll_shadow"; var corner = document.createElement("div"); corner.className = "ace_corner"; shadow.appendChild(corner); ace.renderer.scroller.appendChild(shadow); } function addCornerStyles(theme) { var sheet = document.getElementById(theme.cssClass).sheet; sheet.insertRule( "." + theme.cssClass + " .ace_corner" + "{" + "background: radial-gradient(at 5px 5px, " + (theme.isDark ? "rgba(0,0,0,0)" : "rgba(250,250,250,0)") + "5.5px," + + "6px)" + "}", sheet.cssRules.length ); } function setTheme(path, isPreview, fromServer, $err) { // Get Theme or wait for theme to load try { theme = typeof path == "object" ? path : fromServer || require(path); // fixes a problem with Ace architect loading /lib/ace // creating a conflict with themes if (theme.isDark === undefined) throw new Error(); } catch (e) { // not checking this can create infinite loop in build $err || require([path], function(){ setTheme(path, isPreview, fromServer, true); }); return; } if (!isPreview) { if (settings.get("user/ace/@theme") != path) { settings.set("user/ace/@theme", path); // Emit theme change event var style = (theme.isDark ? "dark" : "light"); if (settings.get("user/general/@skin").indexOf(style) == -1) layout.proposeLayoutChange(style, false, "ace"); } } if (lastTheme == theme) return; if (isMinimal) { if (!themeLoaded[path]) { themeLoaded[path] = true; handleEmit("themeInit", {theme: theme, path: path}); } return; } else { if (!themeLoaded[path]) { themeLoaded[path] = true; var cssClass = theme.cssClass; var div = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(div); div.innerHTML = "
"; div.className = cssClass; = ui.getStyle(div.firstChild, "backgroundColor"); theme.fg = ui.getStyle(div.firstChild, "color"); theme.path = path; document.body.removeChild(div); addCornerStyles(theme); // Init Theme Event handleEmit("themeInit", {theme: theme, path: path}); } tabs.containers.forEach(function(container) { if (theme.isDark) ui.setStyleClass(container, "dark"); else ui.setStyleClass(container, "", ["dark"]); }); } var lTheme = lastTheme; lastTheme = theme; handleEmit("themeChange", { lastTheme: lTheme, theme: theme, path: path }); } // Theme passed in from the server if (options.theme) { ui.insertCss(options.theme.cssText, handle); define(options.theme.path, [], options.theme); // require([options.theme.path], function(){}); setTheme(options.theme.path, null, options.theme); } /***** Default Settings *****/ var BOOL = "getBool"; var STRING = "get"; var NUMBER = "getNumber"; // Name, Default Value, Type, Old Name, Store in Project Settings var font = "Monaco, Menlo, Ubuntu Mono, Consolas, source-code-pro, monospace"; var aceSettings = [ // detected from document value ["newLineMode", "unix", STRING, "newlinemode", 1], // Per document ["tabSize", "4", NUMBER, "tabsize", 1], ["useSoftTabs", "true", BOOL, "softtabs", 1], ["guessTabSize", "true", BOOL, "guesstabsize", 1], ["useWrapMode", "false", BOOL, "wrapmode"], ["wrapToView", "true", BOOL, "wrapmodeViewport"], // Ace ["fontSize", "12", NUMBER, "fontsize"], ["fontFamily", font, STRING, "fontfamily"], ["antialiasedfonts", "false", BOOL], ["overwrite", "false", BOOL, "overwrite"], ["selectionStyle", "line", STRING, "selectstyle"], ["cursorStyle", "ace", STRING, "cursorstyle"], ["highlightActiveLine", "true", BOOL, "activeline"], ["highlightGutterLine", "true", BOOL, "gutterline"], ["showInvisibles", "false", BOOL, "showinvisibles"], ["showPrintMargin", "true", BOOL, "showprintmargin"], ["displayIndentGuides", "true", BOOL, "showindentguides"], ["printMarginColumn", "80", NUMBER, "printmargincolumn"], ["behavioursEnabled", "true", BOOL, "behaviors"], ["wrapBehavioursEnabled", "false", BOOL, "wrapbehaviors"], ["scrollSpeed", "2", NUMBER, "scrollspeed"], ["showGutter", "true", BOOL, "gutter"], ["showFoldWidgets", "true", BOOL, "folding"], ["fadeFoldWidgets", "true", BOOL, "fadefoldwidgets"], ["highlightSelectedWord", "true", BOOL, "highlightselectedword"], ["animatedScroll", "true", BOOL, "animatedscroll"], ["scrollPastEnd", "0.5", NUMBER], ["mergeUndoDeltas", "off", STRING], ["theme", defaultThemes[skin], STRING, "theme"] ]; var docSettings = aceSettings.slice(1, 6); var editorSettings = aceSettings.slice(6); var projectSettings = aceSettings.slice(0, 4); var userSettings = aceSettings.slice(4); var docLut = {}; docSettings.forEach(function(x){ docLut[x[0]] = x }); /***** Undo Manager *****/ function AceUndoManager(undoManager, session) { this.$session = session; this.$undo = undoManager; var _self = this; var Item = this.Item; this.$undo.on("itemFind", function(e) { return Item(_self, e.state); }); } AceUndoManager.prototype = { Item: function(_self, deltas) { return { undo: function(){ _self.$session.session.undoChanges(deltas, _self.dontSelect); }, redo: function(){ _self.$session.session.redoChanges(deltas, _self.dontSelect); }, getState: function(){ return deltas.filter(function (d) { return != "fold"; }); } }; }, execute: function(options) { if (options.merge && this.lastDeltas) { this.lastDeltas.push.apply(this.lastDeltas, options.args[0]); } else { this.lastDeltas = options.args[0]; this.$undo.add(this.Item(this, this.lastDeltas)); } }, undo: function(dontSelect) { this.dontSelect = dontSelect; this.$undo.undo(); }, redo: function(dontSelect) { this.dontSelect = dontSelect; this.$undo.redo(); }, reset: function(){ this.$undo.reset(); }, hasUndo: function() { return this.$undo.length > this.$undo.position + 1; }, hasRedo: function() { return this.$undo.length <= this.$undo.position + 1; }, get $undoStack() { return this.$undo.stack.slice(0, this.$undo.position + 1) .map(function(e){ return e.getState ? e.getState() : e }); } }; function UndoManagerProxy(undoManager, session) { this.$u = undoManager; this.$doc = session; } (function() { this.execute = function(options) { this.$u.execute(options); }; this.undo = function() { var selectionRange = this.$u.undo(true); if (selectionRange) { this.$doc.selection.setSelectionRange(selectionRange); } }; this.redo = function() { var selectionRange = this.$u.redo(true); if (selectionRange) { this.$doc.selection.setSelectionRange(selectionRange); } }; this.reset = function() { this.$u.reset(); }; this.hasUndo = function() { return this.$u.hasUndo(); }; this.hasRedo = function() { return this.$u.hasRedo(); }; }).call(UndoManagerProxy.prototype); /***** Generic Load *****/ handle.on("load", function(){ if (!isMinimal) { // Preferences setPreferences(); // Menus setMenus(); // State Management c9.on("stateChange", function(e) { if (e.state & c9.NETWORK) menus.enableItem("View/Themes"); else menus.disableItem("View/Themes"); }, handle); } // Commands setCommands(); // Settings var lastSettings = {}; function updateSettings(e, list, prefix) { var options = {}; (list || aceSettings).forEach(function(setting) { options[setting[0]] = settings[setting[2]](prefix + "/ace/@" + setting[0]); }); // When loading from settings only set editor settings docSettings.forEach(function(setting) { var val = options[setting[0]]; if (val !== undefined) { setting[1] = val; delete options[setting[0]]; } }); handleEmit("settingsUpdate", { options: options }); if (options.theme) setTheme(options.theme); util.extend(lastSettings, options); } settings.on("read", function(e) { settings.setDefaults("user/ace", userSettings); settings.setDefaults("project/ace", projectSettings); // pre load custom mime types loadCustomExtensions(); setFontSmoothing(); updateSettings(null, userSettings, "user"); updateSettings(null, projectSettings, "project"); }, handle); // Listen to changes in the settings settings.on("user/ace", function(e) { var fstyle = settings.getBool("user/ace/@antialiasedfonts"); ui.setStyleRule(".ace_editor", apf.isChrome ? "WebkitFontSmoothing" : "MozOSXFontSmoothing", fstyle && (apf.isChrome ? "antialiased" : "grayscale") || "auto"); updateSettings(e, userSettings, "user"); }, handle); settings.on("project/ace", function(e) { updateSettings(e, projectSettings, "project"); }, handle); handle.on("newListener", function(event, listener) { if (event == "settingsUpdate") listener({options: lastSettings}); }); layout.on("themeChange", function(e) { setFontSmoothing(); if (e.type !== "ace" && settings.get("user/ace/@theme") != defaultThemes[e.oldTheme]) return false; }); layout.on("themeDefaults", function(e) { if (e.type != "ace") handle.setTheme(defaultThemes[e.theme]); }, handle); // CSS ui.insertCss(cssString, options.staticPrefix, handle); }); handle.on("unload", function(){ drawn = false; }); function setFontSmoothing(){ var fstyle = settings.getBool("user/ace/@antialiasedfonts"); ui.setStyleRule(".ace_editor", apf.isChrome ? "WebkitFontSmoothing" : "MozOSXFontSmoothing", fstyle && (apf.isChrome ? "antialiased" : "grayscale") || "auto"); } var drawn; function draw(){ if (drawn) return; drawn = true; mnuAce = new Menu({ id: "menu", items: [ new MenuItem({ position: 10, command: "cut", caption: "Cut"}, handle), new MenuItem({ position: 20, command: "copy", caption: "Copy" }, handle), new MenuItem({ position: 30, command: "paste", caption: "Paste" }, handle), new Divider({ position: 40 }, handle), new MenuItem({ position: 50, command: "selectall", caption: "Select All" }, handle), new Divider({ position: 60 }, handle) ] }, handle); mnuGutter = new Menu({ id: "menuGutter" }, handle); mnuGutter.on("show", function(e) { var ace = tabs.focussedTab.editor.ace; var region = ace.renderer.$gutterLayer.getRegion(e); var line = ace.renderer.screenToTextCoordinates(e.x, e.y).row; var className = ace.session.getBreakpoints()[line] || ""; mnuGutter.meta.ace = ace; mnuGutter.meta.line = line; mnuGutter.meta.region = region; mnuGutter.meta.className = className; }); handleEmit("draw"); } /***** Commands *****/ function setCommands() { function isAce(editor, allowBlured) { if (!editor || !editor.ace) return false; return allowBlured || editor.ace.isFocused(); } function fnWrap(command) { = "Code Editor"; command.readOnly = command.readOnly || false; command.focusContext = true; var isAvailable = command.isAvailable; command.isAvailable = function(editor, args, event) { // checking editor.ace instead of editor.type == "ace" to make // commands avaliable in editors inheriting from ace if (event instanceof KeyboardEvent && !isAce(editor)) editor = apf.activeElement; if (!isAce(editor, true)) return false; if (!editor.ace.commands.byName[] && !command.shared) return false; return isAvailable ? isAvailable(editor.ace) : true; }; command.findEditor = function(editor) { if (apf.activeElement && apf.activeElement.ace && apf.activeElement.ace.isFocused()) return apf.activeElement.ace; return editor && editor.ace || editor; }; return command; } if (!defaultCommands.wrapped) { defaultCommands.push.apply(defaultCommands, whitespaceUtil.commands); defaultCommands.forEach(fnWrap, defaultCommands); Object.defineProperty(defaultCommands, "wrapped", {value: true, configurable: true}); } if (!multiSelectCommands.wrapped) { multiSelectCommands.forEach(fnWrap, multiSelectCommands); Object.defineProperty(multiSelectCommands, "wrapped", {value: true, configurable: true}); } commands.addCommands(defaultCommands, handle, true); commands.addCommands(multiSelectCommands, handle, true); // Override ACE key bindings (conflict with goto definition) commands.commands.togglerecording.bindKey = { mac: "Command-Shift-R", win: "Alt-Shift-R" }; commands.commands.replaymacro.bindKey = { mac: "Command-Ctrl-R", win: "Alt-R" }; commands.commands["findnext"].hint = "search for the next occurrence of the search query your entered last"; commands.commands["findnext"].msg = "Navigating to next match."; commands.commands["findprevious"].hint = "search for the previous occurrence of the search query your entered last"; commands.commands["findprevious"].msg = "Navigating to previous match."; commands.addCommand(commands.commands.togglerecording, handle); commands.addCommand(commands.commands.replaymacro, handle); // when event for cmd-z in textarea is not canceled // chrome tries to find another textarea with pending undo and focus it // we do not want this to happen when ace instance is focused commands.addCommand(fnWrap({ name: "cancelBrowserUndoInAce", bindKey: { mac: "Cmd-Z|Cmd-Shift-Z|Cmd-Y", win: "Ctrl-Z|Ctrl-Shift-Z|Ctrl-Y", position: -10000 }, group: "ignore", exec: function(e) {}, readOnly: true, shared: true }), handle); function sharedCommand(command) { command.isAvailable = function(editor) { return editor && editor.type == "ace"; }; = "Code Editor"; return command; } commands.addCommand(sharedCommand({ name: "syntax", exec: function(_, syntax) { if (typeof syntax == "object") syntax = syntax.argv && syntax.argv[1] || ""; syntax = modes.caption[syntax] || modes.extensions[syntax] || syntax; var tab = tabs.focussedTab; tab && tab.editor.setOption("syntax", syntax); }, commands: modes.caption }), handle); commands.addCommand(sharedCommand({ name: "largerfont", bindKey: { mac : "Command-+|Command-=", win : "Ctrl-+|Ctrl-=" }, exec: function(e) { var currSize = settings.get("user/ace/@fontSize"); settings.set("user/ace/@fontSize", ++currSize > 72 ? 72 : currSize); } }), handle); commands.addCommand(sharedCommand({ name: "smallerfont", bindKey: { mac : "Command--", win : "Ctrl--" }, exec: function(e) { var currSize = settings.get("user/ace/@fontSize"); settings.set("user/ace/@fontSize", --currSize < 1 ? 1 : currSize); } }), handle); commands.addCommand(sharedCommand({ name: "toggleWordWrap", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-Q", mac: "Ctrl-W"}, exec: function(editor) { editor.setOption("wrap", editor.getOption("wrap") == "off"); } }), handle); } /***** Preferences *****/ function setPreferences(){ prefs.add({ "Project" : { position: 10, "Code Editor (Ace)" : { position: 100, "Soft Tabs" : { type: "checked-spinner", checkboxPath: "project/ace/@useSoftTabs", path: "project/ace/@tabSize", min: "1", max: "64", position: 100 }, "Autodetect Tab Size on Load" : { type: "checkbox", path: "project/ace/@guessTabSize", position: 150 }, "New File Line Endings" : { type: "dropdown", path: "project/ace/@newLineMode", width: 130, items: [ { caption : "Windows (CRLF)", value : "windows" }, { caption : "Unix (LF)", value : "unix" } // { caption : "Mac OS 9 (CR)", value : "macos9" } ], position: 200 } } } }, handle); prefs.add({ "Editors" : { position: 400, "Code Editor (Ace)" : { position: 200, "Auto-pair Brackets, Quotes, etc." : { type: "checkbox", position: 1000, path: "user/ace/@behavioursEnabled" }, "Wrap Selection with Brackets, Quotes, etc." : { type: "checkbox", position: 1001, path: "user/ace/@wrapBehavioursEnabled" }, "Code Folding" : { type: "checkbox", position: 2000, path: "user/ace/@showFoldWidgets" }, "Fade Fold Widgets" : { type: "checkbox", position: 2500, path: "user/ace/@fadeFoldWidgets" }, "Full Line Selection" : { type: "checkbox", position: 3000, path: "user/ace/@selectionStyle", values: "line|text" }, "Highlight Active Line" : { type: "checkbox", position: 4000, path: "user/ace/@highlightActiveLine" }, "Highlight Gutter Line" : { type: "checkbox", position: 4000, path: "user/ace/@highlightGutterLine" }, "Show Invisible Characters" : { type: "checkbox", position: 5000, path: "user/ace/@showInvisibles" }, "Show Gutter" : { type: "checkbox", position: 6000, path: "user/ace/@showGutter" }, "Show Indent Guides" : { type: "checkbox", position: 6500, path: "user/ace/@displayIndentGuides" }, "Highlight Selected Word" : { type: "checkbox", position: 7000, path: "user/ace/@highlightSelectedWord" }, "Scroll Past the End of the Document" : { type: "dropdown", width: 150, path: "user/ace/@scrollPastEnd", items: [ { caption : "Off", value : "0" }, { caption : "Half Editor Height", value : "0.5" }, { caption : "Full Editor Height", value : "1" } ], position: 8000 }, "Animate Scrolling" : { type: "checkbox", path: "user/ace/@animatedScroll", position: 9000 }, "Font Family" : { type: "textbox", path: "user/ace/@fontFamily", position: 10000 }, "Font Size" : { type: "spinner", path: "user/ace/@fontSize", min: "1", max: "72", position: 10500 }, "Antialiased Fonts" : { type: "checkbox", path: "user/ace/@antialiasedfonts", position: 10600 }, "Show Print Margin" : { type: "checked-spinner", checkboxPath: "user/ace/@showPrintMargin", path: "user/ace/@printMarginColumn", min: "1", max: "200", position: 11000 }, "Mouse Scroll Speed" : { type: "spinner", path: "user/ace/@scrollSpeed", min: "1", max: "8", position: 13000, }, "Cursor Style" : { type: "dropdown", path: "user/ace/@cursorStyle", items: [ { caption : "Ace", value : "ace" }, { caption : "Slim", value : "slim" }, { caption : "Smooth", value : "smooth" }, { caption : "Smooth And Slim", value : "smooth slim" }, { caption : "Wide", value : "wide" }, ], position: 13500 }, "Merge Undo Deltas" : { type: "dropdown", path: "user/ace/@mergeUndoDeltas", items: [ { caption : "Always", value : "always" }, { caption : "Never", value : "off" }, { caption : "Timed", value : "true" } ], position: 14000 } } } }, handle); } /***** Menus *****/ function setMenus() { function addEditorMenu(path, commandName) { return menus.addItemByPath(path, new ui.item({ command: commandName }), c += 100, handle); } var c = 20000; addEditorMenu("Tools/Toggle Macro Recording", "togglerecording"); //@todo this needs some more work addEditorMenu("Tools/Play Macro", "replaymacro"); //@todo this needs some more work c = 600; menus.addItemByPath("Edit/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/", null, c += 100, handle); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Line/", null, c += 100, handle); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Text/", null, c += 100, handle); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Comment/", null, c += 100, handle); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Code Folding/", null, c += 100, handle); c = 0; addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Indent", "indent"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Outdent", "outdent"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Move Line Up", "movelinesup"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Move Line Down", "movelinesdown"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Line/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Copy Lines Up", "copylinesup"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Copy Lines Down", "copylinesdown"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Line/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Remove Line", "removeline"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Remove to Line End", "removetolineend"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Remove to Line Start", "removetolinestart"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Line/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Line/Split Line", "splitline"); c = 0; addEditorMenu("Edit/Comment/Toggle Comment", "togglecomment"); c = 0; addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/Remove Word Right", "removewordright"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/Remove Word Left", "removewordleft"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Text/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/Align", "alignCursors"); addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/Transpose Letters", "transposeletters"); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Text/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/To Upper Case", "touppercase"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Text/To Lower Case", "tolowercase"); c = 0; addEditorMenu("Edit/Code Folding/Fold", "fold"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Code Folding/Unfold", "unfold"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Code Folding/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Code Folding/Fold All", "foldall"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Code Folding/Unfold All", "unfoldall"); c = 0; addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select All", "selectall"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Split Into Lines", "splitIntoLines"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Single Selection", "singleSelection"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/", null, c += 100, handle); menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select Word Right", "selectwordright"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select Word Left", "selectwordleft"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select to Line End", "selecttolineend"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select to Line Start", "selecttolinestart"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select to Document End", "selecttoend"); addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Select to Document Start", "selecttostart"); c = 0; addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Add Cursor Up", "addCursorAbove"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Add Cursor Down", "addCursorBelow"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Move Active Cursor Up", "addCursorAboveSkipCurrent"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Move Active Cursor Down", "addCursorBelowSkipCurrent"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Add Next Selection Match", "selectMoreAfter"), addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Add Previous Selection Match", "selectMoreBefore"), menus.addItemByPath("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Edit/Selection/Multiple Selections/Merge Selection Range", "splitIntoLines"); /**** View ****/ menus.addItemByPath("View/~", new ui.divider(), 290000, handle); menus.addItemByPath("View/Font Size/", null, 290001, handle); c = 0; addEditorMenu("View/Font Size/Increase Font Size", "largerfont"); addEditorMenu("View/Font Size/Decrease Font Size", "smallerfont"); menus.addItemByPath("View/Gutter", new ui.item({ type: "check", checked: "user/ace/@showGutter" }), 500, handle); var grpNewline = new; menus.addItemByPath("File/~", new ui.divider(), 1400, handle); menus.addItemByPath("File/Line Endings/", new{ "onprop.visible" : function(e) { if (e.value) { var tab = tabs.focussedTab; var ace = tab && tab.editor && tab.editor.ace; if (ace && tab.editor.type == "ace") { this.enable(); var mode = ace.session.doc.getNewLineMode(); grpNewline.setValue(mode); } else { this.disable(); } } }, "onitemclick" : function(e) { var tab = tabs.focussedTab; var ace = tab && tab.editor && tab.editor.ace; if (ace && tab.editor.type == "ace") { ace.session.doc.setNewLineMode(e.value); tab.document.undoManager.bookmark(-2); } } }), 1500, handle); menus.addItemByPath("File/Line Endings/Windows (CRLF)", new ui.item({ type: "radio", value: "windows", group: grpNewline }), 200, handle); menus.addItemByPath("File/Line Endings/Unix (LF)", new ui.item({ type: "radio", value: "unix", group: grpNewline }), 300, handle); menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/", new{ "onprop.visible" : function(e) { if (e.value) { if (!this.childNodes.length) rebuildSyntaxMenu(); this.$initChildren(); var tab = tabs.focussedTab; var c9Session = tab && tab.editor && tab.document.getSession(); if (!c9Session || !c9Session.session) { this.disable(); } else { this.enable(); var val = c9Session.session.syntax || c9Session.session.customSyntax || "auto";, val); } } }, "onitemclick" : function(e) { var tab = tabs.focussedTab; if (tab) { var session = tab.document.getSession(); setSyntax(session, e.value); } } }), 300000, handle); menus.addItemByPath("View/~", new ui.divider(), 400000, handle); var wrapToggle = function(e) { var tab = tabs.focussedTab; var editor = tab && tab.editor; var mnuWrap = handle.getElement("mnuWrap"); var mnuWrapPM = handle.getElement("mnuWrapPrintMargin"); mnuWrapPM.setAttribute("disabled", !mnuWrap.checked); var wrap = mnuWrap.checked; if (mnuWrapPM.checked && (wrap || e.currentTarget == mnuWrapPM)) wrap = "printMargin"; editor.setOption("wrap", wrap); }; menus.addItemByPath("View/Wrap Lines", new ui.item({ id: "mnuWrap", type: "check", onclick: wrapToggle, isAvailable: function(editor) { if (!editor || editor.type != "ace") return false; var mnuWrap = handle.getElement("mnuWrap"); var mnuWrapPrintMargin = handle.getElement("mnuWrapPrintMargin"); var wrap = editor.getOption("wrap"); mnuWrap.setAttribute("checked", !ui.isFalse(wrap)); mnuWrapPrintMargin.setAttribute("checked", wrap == "printMargin"); return true; } }), 500000, handle), menus.addItemByPath("View/Wrap To Print Margin", new ui.item({ id: "mnuWrapPrintMargin", type: "check", onclick: wrapToggle, isAvailable: function(editor) { return editor && editor.type == "ace"; } }), 600000, handle); c = 0; /**** Goto ****/ menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c = 399, handle); addEditorMenu("Goto/Next Error", "goToNextError"); addEditorMenu("Goto/Previous Error", "goToPreviousError"); menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c += 200, handle); addEditorMenu("Goto/Word Right", "gotowordright"); addEditorMenu("Goto/Word Left", "gotowordleft"); menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Goto/Line End", "gotolineend"); addEditorMenu("Goto/Line Start", "gotolinestart"); menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Goto/Jump to Matching Brace", "jumptomatching"); menus.addItemByPath("Goto/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); addEditorMenu("Goto/Scroll to Selection", "centerselection"); tabs.on("focus", function(e) { var action = != "ace" ? "disable" : "enable"; ["Edit/Comment", "Edit/Text", "Edit/Code Folding", "Edit/Convert Case", "Edit/Line", "Edit/Selection", "View/Syntax", "View/Font Size", "View/Syntax/Other", "View/Syntax", "File/Line Endings" ].forEach(function(path) { var menu = menus.get(path).menu; if (menu) menu[action](); }); }); /**** Themes ****/ grpThemes = new; menus.addItemByPath("View/Themes/", new{ "onprop.visible" : function(e) { if (e.value) grpThemes.setValue(settings.get("user/ace/@theme")); } }), 350000, handle); // Create Theme Menus for (var name in themes) { if (themes[name] instanceof Array) { // Add Menu Item (for submenu) menus.addItemByPath("View/Themes/" + name + "/", null, themeCounter++, handle); themes[name].forEach(function (n) { // Add Menu Item var themeprop = Object.keys(n)[0]; addThemeMenu(name + "/" + themeprop, n[themeprop], -1); }); } else { // Add Menu Item addThemeMenu(name, null, themeCounter++); } } /**** Syntax ****/ grpSyntax = new; handle.addElement(grpNewline, grpSyntax, grpThemes); } var preview; var setMenuThemeDelayed = lang.delayedCall(function(){ setMenuTheme(preview, true); }, 150); function setMenuTheme(path, isPreview) { setTheme(path || settings.get("user/ace/@theme"), isPreview); } function addThemeMenu(name, path, index, plugin) { menus.addItemByPath("View/Themes/" + name, new ui.item({ type: "radio", value: path || themes[name], group: grpThemes, onmouseover: function(e) { preview = this.value; setMenuThemeDelayed.schedule(); }, onmouseout: function(e) { preview = null; setMenuThemeDelayed.schedule(); }, onclick: function(e) { setMenuTheme(e.currentTarget.value); } }), index == -1 ? undefined : index || themeCounter++, plugin || handle); } function addTheme(css, plugin){ var theme = { cssText: css }; var firstLine = css.split("\n", 1)[0].replace(/\/\*|\*\//g, "").trim(); firstLine.split(";").forEach(function(n){ if (!n) return; var info = n.split(":"); theme[info[0].trim()] = info[1].trim(); }); theme.isDark = theme.isDark == "true"; themes[] = theme; ui.insertCss(exports.cssText, plugin); addThemeMenu(, theme, null, plugin); handleEmit("addTheme"); plugin.addOther(function(){ delete themes[]; handleEmit("removeTheme"); }); } function rebuildSyntaxMenu() { menus.remove("View/Syntax/"); var c = 0; menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/Auto-Select", new ui.item({ type: "radio", value: "auto", group: grpSyntax }), c += 100, handle); menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/Plain Text", new ui.item({ type: "radio", value: "text", group: grpSyntax }), c += 100, handle); menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); var modeList = Object.keys(modes.byName).map(function(x) { return modes.byName[x]; }).sort(function(m1, m2) { return m2.order - m1.order || m1.caption.localeCompare(m2.caption); }); var groupNum = modeList[0] && modeList[0].order; for (var i = 0; i < modeList.length; i++) { var mode = modeList[i]; if (mode.order < 0) break; if (mode.order < groupNum) { groupNum = Math.min(mode.order, groupNum / 1000); menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/~", new ui.divider(), c += 100, handle); } menus.addItemByPath("View/Syntax/" + mode.caption, new ui.item({ type: "radio", value:, group: grpSyntax, }), c += 100, handle); } } var updateSyntaxMenu = lang.delayedCall(function() { rebuildSyntaxMenu(); tabs.getTabs().forEach(function(tab) { if (tab.editorType == "ace") { var c9Session = tab.document.getSession(); if (c9Session && c9Session.session) { var syntax = getSyntax(c9Session, tab.path); if (syntax) c9Session.setOption("syntax", syntax); } } }); }, 50); /***** Syntax *****/ function defineSyntax(opts) { if (! || !opts.caption) throw new Error("malformed syntax definition"); var name =; modes.byCaption[opts.caption] = opts; modes.byName[name] = opts; opts.order = opts.order || 0; if (!opts.extensions) opts.extensions = ""; opts.extensions.split("|").forEach(function(ext) { modes.extensions[ext] = name; }); updateSyntaxMenu.schedule(); } function getExtOrName(path) { var fileName = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); var extPos = fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1; if (extPos) return fileName.substr(extPos).toLowerCase(); // special case for new files if (/^Untitled\d+$/.test(fileName)) fileName = fileName.replace(/\d+/, ""); return "^" + fileName; } function getSyntaxForPath(path) { var ext = getExtOrName(path); var modeName = modes.customExtensions[ext] || modes.extensions[ext]; return modes.byName[modeName] ? modeName : ""; } function setSyntaxForPath(path, syntax, noOverwrite) { if (!path) return false; syntax = modes.byName[syntax] ? syntax : ""; var ext = getExtOrName(path); var changed; if (syntax) { if (!modes.extensions[ext] || !noOverwrite) { modes.customExtensions[ext] = syntax; changed = true; } } else if (modes.customExtensions[ext]) { delete modes.customExtensions[ext]; changed = true; } if (changed) settings.setJson("user/ace/custom-types", modes.customExtensions); return changed; } function getMode(syntax) { syntax = (syntax || "text").toLowerCase(); if (syntax.indexOf("/") == -1) syntax = "ace/mode/" + syntax; return syntax; } function loadCustomExtensions() { var custom = settings.getJson("user/ace/custom-types"); if (!custom) return; Object.keys(custom).forEach(function(ext) { var mode = custom[ext]; if (modes.byName[mode]) modes.customExtensions[ext] = mode; }); } function detectSyntax(c9Session, path) { if (!c9Session.session || !c9Session.session.getLine) return; // todo move this into ace mode util var firstLine = c9Session.session.getLine(0); var syntax = ""; if (!firstLine) { return; } else if (/^#!/.test(firstLine)) { var match = firstLine.match(/\b(node|bash|sh)\b/); switch (match && match[1]) { case "node": syntax = "javascript"; break; case "sh": // fallthrough case "bash": syntax = "sh"; break; default: syntax = ""; break; } } else if (/<\?xml/.test(firstLine)) { syntax = "xml"; } else if (/^{/.test(firstLine)) { syntax = "json"; } else if (/\.(bashrc|inputrc)$/.test(path)) { syntax = "sh"; } else if (/\.(git(attributes|config|ignore)|npmrc)$/.test(path)) { syntax = "ini"; } return syntax; } function getSyntax(c9Session, path) { var syntax = c9Session.session.customSyntax || path && getSyntaxForPath(path) || detectSyntax(c9Session, path); return modes.byName[syntax] ? syntax : ""; } function setSyntax(c9Session, syntax, forThisOnly) { var c9doc = c9Session.session.c9doc; syntax = modes.byName[syntax] ? syntax : ""; var path =; if (!forThisOnly && !setSyntaxForPath(path, syntax, true)) c9Session.session.customSyntax = syntax; c9doc.editor.setOption("syntax", syntax || getSyntax(c9Session, path), c9Session); } function cloneSession(session, undoManager) { var s = new EditSession(session.getDocument(), session.getMode()); if (!undoManager) undoManager = session.getUndoManager(); if (undoManager) { var undoManagerProxy = new UndoManagerProxy(undoManager, s); s.setUndoManager(undoManagerProxy); } // Overwrite the default $informUndoManager function such that new deltas // aren't added to the undo manager from the new and the old session. s.$informUndoManager = lang.delayedCall(function() { s.$deltas = []; }); // Copy over 'settings' from the session. s.setOptions(session.getOptions()); s.$foldData = session.$cloneFoldData(); var ignore = false; var changeAnnotation = function(){ if (ignore) return; ignore = true; s.setAnnotations(session.getAnnotations()); ignore = false; }; var changeMode = function(e) { s.setMode(session.getMode()); }; var changeBreakpoint = function(){ s.$breakpoints = session.$breakpoints; s._emit("changeBreakpoint", {}); }; var setWrap = function(e) { s.setOption("wrap", e.value); }; session.on("changeAnnotation", changeAnnotation)(); session.on("changeMode", changeMode); session.on("changeBreakpoint", changeBreakpoint)(); session.on("setWrap", setWrap); s.on("changeAnnotation", function(){ if (ignore) return; ignore = true; session.setAnnotations(s.getAnnotations()); ignore = false; })(); s.cleanup = function(){ session.removeListener("changeAnnotation", changeAnnotation); session.removeListener("changeMode", changeMode); session.removeListener("changeBreakpoint", changeBreakpoint); session.removeListener("setWrap", setWrap); }; s.c9doc = session.c9doc; s.cloned = true; return s; } /** * The ace handle, responsible for events that involve all ace * instances. This is the object you get when you request the ace * service in your plugin. * * Example: * * define(function(require, exports, module) { * main.consumes = ["ace"]; * main.provides = ["myplugin"]; * return main; * * function main(options, imports, register) { * var aceHandle = imports.ace; * * aceHandle.on("create", function(e) { * // This is an ace editor instance * var ace = e.editor; * }) * }); * }); * * * @class ace * @extends Plugin * @singleton */ handle.freezePublicAPI({ /** * The context menu that is displayed when right clicked in the ace * editing area. * @property {Menu} contextMenu * @readonly */ get contextMenu(){ draw(); return mnuAce }, /** * The context menu that is displayed when right clicked in the ace * gutter area. * @property {Menu} gutterContextMenu * @readonly */ get gutterContextMenu(){ draw(); return mnuGutter }, /** * Ace Themes * @property {Object} themese */ themes: themes, _events: [ /** * Fires once for each ace instance that is instantiated. * * Note that this event does not only fire for each ace instance * that is created, but it also fires for all ace instances that * have been created and are still around. * * @event create * @param {Object} e * @param {Editor} e.editor */ "create", /** * Fires when a new theme is initialized. * @event themeInit * @param {Object} e * @param {Object} e.theme Describes the theme that is initialized. * @param {String} e.theme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme. * @param {String} The background color for this theme. * @param {String} e.theme.fg The foreground color for this theme. * @param {String} e.theme.path The path of this theme. * @param {Boolean} e.theme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme. * @param {String} e.path The path of the theme. */ "themeInit", /** * Fires when the current theme changes to another theme. * * See also {@link ace#setTheme}. * * @event themeChange * @param {Object} e * @param {Object} e.theme Describes the theme that is initialized. * @param {String} e.theme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme. * @param {String} The background color for this theme. * @param {String} e.theme.fg The foreground color for this theme. * @param {String} e.theme.path The path of this theme. * @param {Boolean} e.theme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme. * @param {Object} e.lastTheme Describes the theme that is initialized. * @param {String} e.lastTheme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme. * @param {String} The background color for this theme. * @param {String} e.lastTheme.fg The foreground color for this theme. * @param {String} e.lastTheme.path The path of this theme. * @param {Boolean} e.lastTheme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme. * @param {String} e.path The path of the theme. */ "themeChange", /** * Fires when an ace's EditSession is inited for the Cloud9 document * the ace's EditSession can be get using: * doc.getSession().session * * @event initAceSession * @param {Object} e * @param {Object} e.doc The document with the EditSession created */ "initAceSession", /** * Fires when the ace context menus are drawn * @event draw */ "draw" ], /** * Set the theme for ace. * * Here's a list of default themes: * * * ace/theme/ambiance * * ace/theme/chrome * * ace/theme/clouds * * ace/theme/clouds_midnight * * ace/theme/cobalt * * ace/theme/crimson_editor * * ace/theme/dawn * * ace/theme/dreamweaver * * ace/theme/eclipse * * ace/theme/github * * ace/theme/idle_fingers * * ace/theme/kr_theme * * ace/theme/merbivore * * ace/theme/merbivore_soft * * ace/theme/mono_industrial * * ace/theme/monokai * * ace/theme/pastel_on_dark * * ace/theme/solarized_dark * * ace/theme/solarized_light * * ace/theme/textmate * * ace/theme/tomorrow * * ace/theme/tomorrow_night * * ace/theme/tomorrow_night_blue * * ace/theme/tomorrow_night_bright * * ace/theme/tomorrow_night_eighties * * ace/theme/twilight * * ace/theme/vibrant_ink * * ace/theme/xcod * * @method setTheme * @param {String} path The path of the theme file. * @fires themeInit * @fires themeChange */ setTheme: setTheme, /** * Add new syntax to the menu * * See also {@link ace#setSyntax}. * * @param {Object} syntax * @param {Object} syntax.caption Caption to display in the menu * @param {Number} syntax.order order in the menu * @param {String} The path to corresponding ace language mode. (if doesn't contain "/" assumed to be from "ace/mode/") * @param {String} syntax.extensions file extensions in the form "ext1|ext2|^filename". this is case-insensitive */ defineSyntax: defineSyntax, /** * @ignore this is used by statusbar */ getSyntaxCaption: function(syntax) { var mode = modes.byName[syntax]; return mode && mode.caption || "Text"; }, /** * Adds a menu item for a new theme * @param {String} css * @param {Plugin} plugin */ addTheme: addTheme, /** * @ignore */ draw: draw, /** * @ignore */ cloneSession: cloneSession }); /***** Initialization *****/ function Ace(isBaseclass, exts) { if ( !exts) exts = []; var plugin = new Editor("", main.consumes, exts && exts.concat(extensions) || extensions); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); if (isBaseclass) plugin.freezePublicAPI.baseclass(); var ace, currentSession, currentDocument, container, progress; var immutableSkin; plugin.on("draw", function(e) { // Create Ace container = e.htmlNode.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); container.className = "codeditorHolder"; = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = ui.getStyle(e.htmlNode, "paddingTop"); = "0px"; // Create Ace editor instance var theme = settings.get("user/ace/@theme"); ace = new AceEditor(new VirtualRenderer(container, theme), null); // temporary workaround for apf focus bugs // only blur is needed sinse the rest is handled by tabManager // todo remove this when there is proper focus manager$blur = function(e) { var ace = plugin.ace; // can be null when called for destroyed tab if (!ace || !e || !e.toElement || e.toElement.tagName == "menu") return; if (!ace.isFocused()) ace.renderer.visualizeBlur(); else ace.textInput.blur(); }; ace.on("focus", function() { var page = apf.findHost(container); if (apf.activeElement != page) page.focus(); }); // Create Menu handle.draw(); createProgressIndicator(e.htmlNode); var tab =; tab.on("contextmenu", function(e) { var target =; var gutter = plugin.ace.container.querySelector(".ace_gutter"); // Set Gutter Context Menu if (ui.isChildOf(gutter, target, true)) {, e.y); } // Set main Ace Context Menu else {, e.y); } return false; }); addEditor(ace); }); plugin.on("createAce", function(ace) { if (c9.readonly) ace.setReadOnly(true); addCorner(ace); ace.keyBinding.setDefaultHandler(null); // Route gutter events ace.on("gutterclick", function(e){ emit("guttermousedown", e); }); ace.on("gutterdblclick", function(e){ emit("gutterdblclick", e); }); // use global commandKeyBinding // ace.commands.commandKeyBinding = {}; handle.on("settingsUpdate", function(e) { setOptions(e.options); }, plugin); handle.on("themeChange", function(e) { ace.setTheme(e.path); changeTheme(); emit("themeChange", e); }, plugin); if (handle.theme) ace.setTheme(handle.theme.path); }); plugin.on("newListener", function(event, listener) { if (event == "createAce" && ace) listener(ace); }); /***** Methods *****/ function addEditor(ace) { emit("createAce", ace); } function focus(){ if (container) { ui.addClass(container, "aceFocus"); plugin.ace.focus(); } } function blur(){ if (container) { ui.removeClass(container, "aceFocus"); ace.blur(); } } var afterAnim; function resize(e) { var renderer = ace && ace.renderer; if (!renderer || !currentDocument) return; if (e.type == "anim") { var htmlNode = ace.container; if (!htmlNode) return; if (e.vertical) { var size = e.current === 0 ? Math.abs( - 5 -$buttons.offsetHeight : htmlNode.offsetHeight +; renderer.onResize(true, null, null, size); } else { renderer.onResize(true, null, htmlNode.offsetWidth +; } afterAnim = true; } else if (e.type == "afteranim" && afterAnim) { afterAnim = false; } else { afterAnim = false; renderer.$updateSizeAsync(); } } function getState(doc, state, filter) { if (filter) return; var session = doc.getSession().session; if (!session) return; // Folds state.folds = session.getAllFolds().map(function(fold) { return { start: fold.start, end: fold.end, placeholder: fold.placeholder }; }); // Per document options var options = {}; docSettings.forEach(function(setting) { var name = setting[0]; options[name] = getOption(name, {session: session}); }); if (options.guessTabSize) { delete options.tabSize; delete options.useSoftTabs; } // Custom Type if (session.customSyntax) state.customSyntax = session.customSyntax; // Scroll state state.scrolltop = session.getScrollTop(); state.scrollleft = session.getScrollLeft(); // Selection & options state.selection = session.selection.toJSON(); state.options = options; var row = doc.editor.ace ? doc.editor.ace.renderer.getFirstVisibleRow() : 0; state.firstLineState = row && session.bgTokenizer && { row: row - 1, state: session.bgTokenizer.states[row - 1], mode: session.$mode.$id }; } function setState(doc, state) { var c9Session = doc.getSession(); var session = c9Session.session; if (!session) return; // Happens when called after tab is closed if (state.cleansed) state.firstLineState = state.folds = null; // Set customSyntax if (state.customSyntax) { session.customSyntax = state.customSyntax; setSyntax(c9Session, session.customSyntax); } // Set folds if (state.folds) { try { state.folds.forEach(function(fold) { session.addFold(fold.placeholder, Range.fromPoints(fold.start, fold.end)); }); } catch (e) { state.folds = null; } } if (state.firstLineState && session.bgTokenizer) { var firstLineState = state.firstLineState; var updateFirstLineState = function() { session.bgTokenizer.states[firstLineState.row] = firstLineState.state; }; if (session.$mode.$id == state.firstLineState.mode) { updateFirstLineState(); } else session.once("changeMode", updateFirstLineState); } function updateSession(){ if (state.options && state.options.guessTabSize) { delete state.options.tabSize; delete state.options.useSoftTabs; } // Set per document options setOptions(state.options, c9Session); // Jump to if (state.jump) { var row = state.jump.row; var column = state.jump.column; if (typeof row === "number") { scrollTo(row, column,, session); state.scrolltop = state.scrollleft = undefined; } } // Set selection else if (state.selection) session.selection.fromJSON(state.selection); // Set scroll state if (state.scrolltop) session.setScrollTop(state.scrolltop); if (state.scrollleft) session.setScrollLeft(state.scrollleft); } if (ace.session == session) updateSession(); else { var clean = function(){"changeSession", listen);"unload", clean); }; var listen = function(e) { if (e.session == session) { updateSession(); clean(); } }; ace.on("changeSession", listen); session.on("unload", clean); } } function scrollTo(row, column, select, session) { if (row === undefined) return; (currentSession && currentSession.session || session) .unfold({row: row, column: column || 0}); ace.selection.clearSelection(); ace.moveCursorTo(row, column || 0); if (select) session.getSelection().selectToPosition(select); var range = ace.selection.getRange(); var initialScroll = ace.renderer.scrollTop; ace.renderer.scrollSelectionIntoView(range.start, range.end, 0.5); ace.renderer.animateScrolling(initialScroll); } function changeTheme(){ if (immutableSkin || !currentSession) return; var theme = handle.theme; if (handle.theme && currentSession.cssClass != theme.cssClass) { var tab =; var html = plugin.aml.$int; if (theme.isDark) { tab.classList.add("dark"); = ""; } else { tab.classList.remove("dark"); = skin.indexOf("flat") == -1 "0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, .3) inset" ""; } =; tab.backgroundColor =; // tab.foregroundColor = theme.fg; currentSession.isDark = theme.isDark; } } function getOption(name, c9Session) { var session = (c9Session || currentSession).session; if (name == "synax") return session && session.syntax; else if (name == "useWrapMode") return session && session.getOption("wrap") !== "off"; else if (name == "wrapToView") return session && session.getOption("wrap") !== "printMargin"; else if (name == "guessTabSize") return session && session.$guessTabSize; return (session.$options[name] ? session : ace).getOption(name); } function setOptions(options, c9Session) { for (var prop in options) { setOption(prop, options[prop], c9Session); } } function setOption(name, value, c9Session) { if (!c9Session) c9Session = currentSession; var session = (c9Session || {}).session; if (docLut[name] && c9Session) c9Session.options[name] = value; if (ui.isFalse(value)) value = false; // Own Implementations switch(name) { case "theme": ace.setTheme(value); return; case "syntax": if (session) { var mode = getMode(value); session.syntax = value; session.setMode(mode); } return; case "antialiasedfonts": return; case "useWrapMode": case "wrapToView": var useWrapMode, wrapToView; if (!session) return; if (name != "useWrapMode") { wrapToView = value; useWrapMode = session.getOption("wrap") != "off"; } else { useWrapMode = value; wrapToView = session.getOption("wrap") == "free"; } value = (useWrapMode ? wrapToView || "printMargin" : false); /* falls through */ case "wrap": session._emit("setWrap", { value: value }); session.setOption("wrap", value); return; case "guessTabSize": if (session) session.$guessTabSize = value; return; case "tabSize": /* fallThrough */ case "useSoftTabs": if (session) session.$guessTabSize = false; break; } if (session && docLut[name]) // this can be called for session different than current ace session session.setOption(name, value); else // TODO when called with session this can refer to a wrong ace ace.setOption(name, value); } function createProgressIndicator(parent) { var background = parent.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); = "background: inherit;" + "position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;"; = 20000; = "opacity"; = "none"; progress = background.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); progress.className = "ace_progress"; progress.innerHTML = "
"; progress.background = background; } function hideProgress(){ if (!ace) return; // ace was destroyed during timeout var style =; function hide() { style.display = "none"; style.transitionDuration = 0; = "0%"; } if (ace.renderer.$frozen && ace.renderer.$changes) { ace.renderer.once("afterRender", hide); ace.renderer.$loop.schedule(ace.renderer.$changes); } else { hide(); } style.transitionDelay = 0; style.opacity = 0; ace.renderer.unfreeze(); } function showProgress(value, upload, t) { if (!upload) ace.renderer.freeze(); var growT = 200; if (progress.t && t && progress.t - t) { var vTotal = value / t; var vLast = progress.value / progress.t; var v = 0.6 * vTotal + 0.4 * vLast; growT = Math.max((value - progress.value) / v, 0) || 200; } if (upload) { if (value === 0) { progress.start = t; return; } else if (t - progress.start < 100) return; } if (value === undefined) value = 0; progress.value = value; progress.t = t; = value + "%"; = "width " + growT + "ms"; progress.className = "ace_progress" + (upload ? " upload" : ""); // todo should we use this instead of forcing transition with clientHeight ? // var fadeIn = function() { // setTimeout(function () { // if (bgStyle.display === "block") { // bgStyle.opacity = 1; // } // }); // }; var bgStyle =; if (progress.noFadeIn || upload) { bgStyle.display = "block"; bgStyle.opacity = 1; } else if (bgStyle.display !== "block") { bgStyle.display = "block"; bgStyle.transitionDuration = Math.max(150 - (t || 0), 0) + "ms"; bgStyle.transitionDelay = Math.max(100 - (t || 0), 0) + "ms"; progress.forcedTransition = progress.background.clientHeight; bgStyle.opacity = 1; } bgStyle.bottom = upload ? "" : 0; } function detectSettingsOnLoad(c9Session, doc) { var session = c9Session.session; if (settings.get("project/ace/@guessTabSize")) whitespaceUtil.detectIndentation(session); if (!session.syntax) { var syntax = detectSyntax(c9Session, doc && &&; if (syntax) setSyntax(c9Session, syntax, true); } var newLineMode = session.doc.getNewLineMode(); if (newLineMode === "auto") { var autoNewLine = session.doc.$autoNewLine; if (autoNewLine == "\r\n") { newLineMode = "windows"; } else if (autoNewLine == "\n") { newLineMode = "unix"; } else { newLineMode = settings.get("project/ace/@newLineMode"); } session.doc.setNewLineMode(newLineMode); } } /***** Lifecycle *****/ // @todo set selection, scroll and file in header plugin.on("load", function(){ }); plugin.on("documentLoad", function(e) { var doc = e.doc; var c9Session = doc.getSession(); // if load starts from another editor type // tabmanager will show as instantly // so we need to show progress bar instantly progress.noFadeIn = !currentDocument; // Value Retrieval doc.on("getValue", function get(e) { var session = c9Session.session; return session ? session.doc.getValue(session.doc.$fsNewLine) : e.value; }, c9Session); // Value setting doc.on("setValue", function set(e) { var aceSession = c9Session.session; if (!aceSession) return; // This is probably a deconstructed document // The first value that is set should clear the undo stack // additional times setting the value should keep it. if (aceSession.c9doc.hasValue()) { merge.patchAce(e.value || "", aceSession.doc); // aceSession.doc.setValue(e.value || ""); } else { aceSession.setValue(e.value || ""); detectSettingsOnLoad(c9Session, doc); hideProgress(); } if (e.state) // There is nowhere where e.state is set. Dead code? setState(doc, e.state); if (currentDocument === doc) ace.renderer.unfreeze(); }, c9Session); doc.on("mergeState", function() { return false; }, c9Session); doc.on("progress", function(e) { if (e.complete) { c9Session.progress = 0; } else { var progress = ((e.loaded / * 100) || 0; if (progress >= (c9Session.progress || 0) || (c9Session.progress == 100 && !progress)) { c9Session.progress = progress; } else if (c9Session.progress && e.upload) { // see // disabled warning for download since this happens very often with collab, // because socket is not able to keep up with the load // todo reenable when collab issue is fixed errorHandler.reportError("Weird progress value", { newValue: progress, oldValue: c9Session.progress, upload: e.upload }); } } c9Session.upload = e.upload; if (currentSession != c9Session) return; if (e.complete) doc.hasValue() && setTimeout(hideProgress, 0); else showProgress(c9Session.progress, c9Session.upload, e.dt); }, c9Session); doc.on("clone", function(e){ var newsession = e.doc.getSession("ace"); // var newundo = new AceUndoManager(doc.undoManager, c9Session); newsession.session = cloneSession(c9Session.session); //, newundo); newsession.undoManager = newsession.session.$undoManager; }, c9Session); // Title & Tooltip function setTitle(e) { var path =; if (!path) return; // Caption is the filename doc.title = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // Tooltip is the full path doc.tooltip = path; } setTitle({path: || ""}); // Update mode when the filename changes"setPath", function(e) { setTitle(e); // This event is triggered also when closing files, // so session may be gone already. if (c9Session.session) { var syntax = getSyntax(c9Session,; setOption("syntax", syntax, c9Session); } }, c9Session); // Prevent existing session from being reset if (c9Session.inited) return; // Create an ace session var aceSession = e.state && e.state.session || c9Session.session; if (!aceSession) { var acedoc = new Document(doc.value || ""); aceSession = e.state.session || new EditSession(acedoc); } c9Session.session = aceSession; c9Session.session.c9doc = doc; c9Session.options = {}; c9Session.setOption = function(name, value) { setOption(name, value, this); }; c9Session.inited = true; if (!e.state || !e.state.options) docSettings.forEach(function(setting) { var name = setting[0]; setOption(name, setting[1], c9Session); }); if (e.state && e.state.customSyntax) c9Session.session.customSyntax = e.state.customSyntax; var syntax = getSyntax(c9Session,; setOption("syntax", syntax, c9Session); if (e.state) setState(doc, e.state); if (doc.meta.newfile) { detectSettingsOnLoad(c9Session, doc); aceSession.on("change", function detectIndentation() { if (aceSession.$guessTabSize) { if (aceSession.getLength() <= 2) return; whitespaceUtil.detectIndentation(aceSession); if (doc.editor && doc.editor.ace) doc.editor.ace._signal("changeStatus"); }"change", detectIndentation); }); } else if (doc.hasValue()) { detectSettingsOnLoad(c9Session, doc); } // Create the ace like undo manager that proxies to // the Cloud9 undo manager if (!c9Session.undoManager) { c9Session.undoManager = new AceUndoManager(doc.undoManager, c9Session); // Attach the ace undo manager to the current session c9Session.session.setUndoManager(c9Session.undoManager); } handleEmit("initAceSession", { doc: doc }); c9Session.getEmitter().sticky("init", { doc: doc, session: c9Session.session }); doc.on("unload", function(){ setTimeout(function() { //@todo is this still needed? var session = c9Session.session; if (!session) return; if (session.cloned) { session.cleanup(); } else { var doc = session.doc; if (doc) { doc.$lines = []; doc._eventRegistry = null; doc._defaultHandlers = null; } session.destroy(); session.bgTokenizer = null; session.$rowCache = null; session._eventRegistry = session.$mode = null; session.$breakpoints = null; session.$annotations = null; session.languageAnnos = null; session.c9doc = null; } c9Session.session = null; c9Session = null; }); }); }); plugin.on("documentActivate", function(e) { //editor.value = e.doc.value; currentDocument = e.doc; currentSession = e.doc.getSession(); var options = currentSession.options; docSettings.forEach(function(setting) { if (options[setting[2]]) setOption(setting[0], options[setting[2]]); }); if (currentSession.session) ace.setSession(currentSession.session); // if (!currentSession.progress && !e.doc.hasValue()) // console.warn("broken session progress state on documentActivate see #1144", e.doc); if (currentSession.progress || !e.doc.hasValue()) showProgress(currentSession.progress, currentSession.upload); else hideProgress(); // Theme support changeTheme(); }); plugin.on("documentUnload", function(e) { var session = e.doc.getSession(); // Clear current session if (currentSession == session) { currentSession = null; currentDocument = null; if (ace) { ace.setSession(dummySession); ace.renderer.freeze(); } } }); plugin.on("resize", function(e) { resize(e); }); plugin.on("getState", function(e) { getState(e.doc, e.state, e.filter); }); plugin.on("setState", function(e) { setState(e.doc, e.state); }); plugin.on("clear", function(){ if (currentSession) currentSession.session.setValue(""); }); plugin.on("cut", function(e) { if (e.native) return; // Ace handles this herself var data = ace.getCopyText(); ace.onCut(); e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", data); }); plugin.on("copy", function(e) { if (e.native) return; // Ace handles this herself var data = ace.getCopyText(); e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", data); }); plugin.on("paste", function(e) { if (e.native) return; // Ace handles this herself var data = e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); if (data !== false) ace.onPaste(data); }); plugin.on("blur", function(){ blur(); }); plugin.on("focus", function(e) { if (e.lost) blur(); else focus(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ ui.removeClass(container, "aceDisabled"); }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ ui.addClass(container, "aceDisabled"); }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ ace.destroy(); container.innerHTML = ""; ace = null; container = null; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Ace Editor for Cloud9. Ace is the high performance code * editor for the web, build and maintained by Cloud9. * It is the main editor for code files and offers syntax * highlighting for over 100 languages and formats. * For more information see [ace's website]( * * The editor exposes the [ace editor object]( * which in turn exposes many APIs that allow you to manipulate * the editor and it's contents. * * Example of instantiating a new terminal: * * tabManager.openFile("/file.js", true, function(err, tab) { * if (err) throw err; * * var ace = tab.editor; * ace.setOption("tabSize", 8); * }); * * @class ace.Ace * @extends Editor */ /** * The type of editor. Use this to create ace using * {@link tabManager#openEditor} or {@link editors#createEditor}. * @property {"ace"} type * @readonly */ /** * Retrieves the state of a document in relation to this editor * @param {Document} doc The document for which to return the state * @method getState * @return {Object} * @return {String} return.customSyntax The language mode for this document (if the default mode has been overridden). * @return {Number} return.scrolltop The amount of pixels scrolled from the top. * @return {Number} return.scrollleft The amount of pixels scrolled from the left. * @return {Array} return.folds Describing the current state * of the folded code in the document. * @return {Object} return.selection Describing the current state * of the selection. This can become a complex object when * there are multiple selections. * @return {Object} return.options * @return {String} return.options.newLineMode One of three values: "windows", "unix", "auto". * @return {Number} return.options.tabSize The number of spaces that is used to render a tab. * @return {Boolean} return.options.useSoftTabs When set to true the tab button inserts spaces. * @return {Boolean} return.options.useWrapMode Specifies whether the text is wrapped * @return {Boolean} return.options.wrapToView Specifies whether the text is wrapped to the viewport, or to the print margin. * @return {Boolean} return.options.wrapBehavioursEnabled Specifies whether selection wraps with Brackets, Quotes, etc. */ /** * Sets the state of a document in relation to this editor * @method setState * @param {Document} doc The document for which to set the state * @param {Object} state The state to set * @param {String} [state.customSyntax] The language mode for this document (if the default mode has been overridden). * @param {Number} [state.scrolltop] The amount of pixels scrolled from the top. * @param {Number} [state.scrollleft] The amount of pixels scrolled from the left. * @param {Array} [state.folds] Describing the current state * of the folded code in the document. * @param {Object} [state.selection] Describing the current state * of the selection. This can become a complex object when * there are multiple selections. * @param {Object} [state.options] * @param {String} [state.options.newLineMode] One of three values: "windows", "unix", "auto". * @param {Number} [state.options.tabSize] The number of spaces that is used to render a tab. * @param {Boolean} [state.options.useSoftTabs] When set to true the tab button inserts spaces. * @param {Boolean} [state.options.useWrapMode] Specifies whether the text is wrapped * @param {Boolean} [state.options.wrapToView] Specifies whether the text is wrapped to the viewport, or to the print margin. * @param {Boolean} [state.options.wrapBehavioursEnabled] Specifies whether selection wraps with Brackets, Quotes, etc. * @param {Object} [state.jump] Scrolls the document (with an animation) to the specified location (and optionally selection). * @param {Number} [state.jump.row] The row to jump to (0 based) * @param {Number} [state.jump.column] The column to jump to (0 based) * @param {Object} [] * @param {Number} [] The row to select to (0 based) * @param {Number} [] The column to select to (0 based) */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * @ignore */ addEditor: addEditor, /** * Reference to the ace editor object as described * [here]( * @property {Ace.Editor} ace * @readonly */ get ace(){ return emit("getAce") || ace; }, /** * The theme object currently used in this ace instance * @property {Object} theme Describes the theme that is initialized. * @property {String} theme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme. * @property {String} The background color for this theme. * @property {String} theme.fg The foreground color for this theme. * @property {String} theme.path The path of this theme. * @property {Boolean} theme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme. * @readonly */ get theme(){ if (!ace) return ""; if (immutableSkin) { var path = ace.getTheme(); try { var theme = require(path); } catch (e) {} return theme || ""; } else { return handle.theme; } return theme; }, _events: [ /** * Fires when a users clicks on the gutter. * The gutter is the area that contains the line numbers. * @event guttermousedown * @param {Object} e information on the mouse event */ "guttermousedown", /** * Fires when a users clicks twice in fast succession on * the gutter. The gutter is the area that contains the * line numbers. * @event gutterdblclick * @param {Object} e information on the mouse event */ "gutterdblclick", /** * Fires when the current theme changes to another theme. * * See also {@link ace#setTheme}. * * @event themeChange * @param {Object} e * @param {Object} e.theme Describes the theme that is initialized. * @param {String} e.theme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme. * @param {String} The background color for this theme. * @param {String} e.theme.fg The foreground color for this theme. * @param {String} e.theme.path The path of this theme. * @param {Boolean} e.theme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme. * @param {Object} e.lastTheme Describes the theme that is initialized. * @param {String} e.lastTheme.cssClass The css class name related to the theme. * @param {String} The background color for this theme. * @param {String} e.lastTheme.fg The foreground color for this theme. * @param {String} e.lastTheme.path The path of this theme. * @param {Boolean} e.lastTheme.isDark Specifies whether this is a dark theme or a light theme. * @param {String} e.path The path of the theme. */ "themeChange" ], /** * @ignore This is here to overwrite default behavior */ isClipboardAvailable: function(e) { return !e.fromKeyboard }, /** * Retrieves the value of one of the ace options. * * See {@link #setOption} for an overview of the options that can be retrieved. * * @param {String} option The option to retrieve */ getOption: getOption, /** * Sets the value of one of the ace options. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Option Name Possible Values
"theme" The path to the new theme.
"syntax" The path to the ace mode (e.g. ace/mode/javascript).
"newLineMode" One of the following values: "windows", "unix", "auto".
"tabSize" Number specifying the amount of spaces that represent a tab.
"useSoftTabs" Boolean specifying whether to insert spaces when pressing the tab key.
"useWrapMode" Specifies whether the text is wrapped
"wrapToView" Specifies whether the text is wrapped to the viewport, or to the print margin.
"wrapBehavioursEnabled" Specifies whether selection wraps with Brackets, Quotes, etc.
"fontSize" Number specifying the font size in px.
"fontFamily" String specifying the font family in css syntax.
"overwrite" Boolean toggling overwrite mode.
"selectionStyle" One of the following values: "line" (select the entire line), "text" (only select the text).
"cursorStyle" One of the following values: "ace", "slim", "smooth", "wide"
"highlightActiveLine" Boolean specifying whether to show highlighting of the line where the cursor is at.
"highlightGutterLine" Boolean specifying whether to show highlighting in the gutter of the line where the cursor is at.
"showInvisibles" Boolean specifying whether to show the invisible characters such as space, tab, newline.
"printMarginColumn" Number specifying where the print margin will be in number of characters from the gutter.
"showPrintMargin" Boolean specifying whether to show the print margin line (usually 80 chars)
"displayIndentGuides" Boolean specifying whether to show the lines at each indentation mark
"behavioursEnabled" Boolean specifying whether brackets are auto-paired.
"scrollSpeed" Number specifying the number of rows that are scrolled when using the scrollwheel.
"showGutter" Boolean specifying whether to show the gutter.
"showFoldWidgets" Boolean specifying whether to show the fold widgets.
"fadeFoldWidgets" Boolean specifying whether to fade the fold widgets into view on hover.
"highlightSelectedWord" Boolean specifying whether to highlight words where the cursor is on.
"animatedScroll" Boolean specifying whether scrolling is animated.
"scrollPastEnd" Number specifying how far the user can scroll past the end. There are 3 possible values: 0, 0.5, 1.
"mergeUndoDeltas" Boolean specifying whether to combine multiple operations as one on the undo stack.
* * @param {String} option The option to set * @param {String} value The value of the option */ setOption: setOption, /** * Set multiple options by passing a multi-dimensional array * with key/value pairs. * * See also {@link #setOption} * * @param {Array} options The options to set. */ setOptions: setOptions, /** * Scrolls the currently active document to the specified row * and column and places the cursor there and optionally * select a piece of text. * * @param {Number} row The row to jump to (0 based) * @param {Number} column The column to jump to (0 based) * @param {Object} [select] * @param {Number} [select.row] The row to select to (0 based) * @param {Number} [select.column] The column to select to (0 based) */ scrollTo: scrollTo }); // Emit create event on handle setTimeout(function(){ if (plugin.loaded) { handleEmit.sticky("create", { editor: plugin }, plugin); } }); plugin.load(null, "ace"); return plugin; } register(null, { ace: handle }); } });