/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. * */ // #ifdef __AMLCODEEDITOR || __INC_ALL /** * Element allowing the user to type code. * * @constructor * @define codeeditor * @addnode elements * * @inherits apf.StandardBinding * * @author Ruben Daniels (ruben AT ajax DOT org) * @author Fabian Jakobs (fabian AT ajax DOT org) * @version %I%, %G% * @since 0.1 */ define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor; var VirtualRenderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager; var MultiSelect = require("ace/multi_select").MultiSelect; var dom = require("ace/lib/dom"); require("ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers"); function init(apf) { apf.codebox = function(struct, tagName) { this.$init(tagName || "codebox", apf.NODE_VISIBLE, struct); }; (function() { this.$isTextInput = function(e) { return true; }; this.$focussable = true; // This object can get the focus this.$childProperty = "value"; this.value = ""; this.$draw = function(){ // Build Main Skin this.$ext = this.$getExternal(); this.$input = this.$getLayoutNode("main", "input", this.$ext); this.$button = this.$getLayoutNode("main", "button", this.$ext); this.$inputInitFix = this.$getLayoutNode("main", "initialfix", this.$ext); this.addEventListener("resize", function(e) { this.ace.resize(); }); this.$input.style.textShadow = "none"; var ace = this.createSingleLineAceEditor(this.$input); // disable unneded commands ace.commands.removeCommands(["find", "replace", "replaceall", "gotoline", "findnext", "findprevious", "expandtoline"]); // todo is there a property for these? ace.commands.removeCommands(["indent", "outdent"]); ace.commands.commandKeyBinding = Object.create(null); ace.commands.addCommand(ace.commands.byName.undo); ace.commands.addCommand(ace.commands.byName.redo); this.$editor = this.ace = ace; ace.renderer.setPadding(2); this.ace.codebox = this; var checkInitial = function() { var value = ace.getValue(); if (value && ace.renderer.initialMessageNode) { ace.renderer.off("afterRender", checkInitial); dom.removeCssClass(ace.container, "ace_initialMsg"); ace.renderer.scroller.removeChild(ace.renderer.initialMessageNode); ace.renderer.initialMessageNode = null; } else if (!value && !ace.renderer.initialMessageNode) { ace.renderer.on("afterRender", checkInitial); dom.addCssClass(ace.container, "ace_initialMsg"); var el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "tb_textboxInitialMsg"; el.textContent = ace.codebox["initial-message"] || ""; ace.renderer.initialMessageNode = el; ace.renderer.scroller.appendChild(ace.renderer.initialMessageNode); } }; ace.on("input", checkInitial); setTimeout(checkInitial, 100); // todo should we do this here? // ace.on("resize", function(){apf.layout.forceResize();}); if (apf.isTrue(this.getAttribute("clearbutton"))) { var _self = this; var visible = false; ace.renderer.on("afterRender", function() { var show = !!ace.getValue() if (visible != show) { visible = show; _self.$button.style.display = visible ? "block" : ""; } }); this.$button.addEventListener("click", function() { ace.setValue(""); }, false) } this.$ext.addEventListener("mousedown", function() { ace.focus(); }, false); }; this.getValue = function() { return this.ace.getValue(); }; this.setValue = function(val) { return this.ace.setValue(val); }; this.select = function() { return this.ace.selectAll(); }; this.$focus = function(e) { if (!this.$ext || this.disabled) return; this.$setStyleClass(this.$ext, this.$baseCSSname + "Focus"); this.ace.focus(); }; this.$blur = function (){ if (!this.$ext) return; this.$setStyleClass(this.$ext, "", [this.$baseCSSname + "Focus"]); if (this.ace) this.ace.blur(); }; this.$enable = function(){ this.ace.setReadOnly(false); }; this.$disable = function(){ this.ace.setReadOnly(true); }; this.execCommand = function(command) { this.ace.commands.exec(command, this.ace); }; this.createSingleLineAceEditor = function(el) { var renderer = new VirtualRenderer(el); renderer.screenToTextCoordinates = function(x, y) { var pos = this.pixelToScreenCoordinates(x, y); return this.session.screenToDocumentPosition( Math.min(this.session.getScreenLength() - 1, Math.max(pos.row, 0)), Math.max(pos.column, 0) ); }; renderer.setOption("maxLines", 4); renderer.setStyle("ace_one-line"); var editor = new Editor(renderer); new MultiSelect(editor); editor.session.setUndoManager(new UndoManager()); editor.setOption("indentedSoftWrap", false); editor.setHighlightActiveLine(false); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); editor.renderer.setHighlightGutterLine(false); editor.$mouseHandler.$focusWaitTimout = 0; editor.setReadOnly = function(readOnly) { if (this.$readOnly != readOnly) { this.codebox.$ext.style.pointerEvents = readOnly ? "none" : ""; } this.setOption("readOnly", readOnly); }; return editor; }, this.$loadAml = function(){ if (typeof this["clearbutton"] == "undefined") this.$setInheritedAttribute("clearbutton"); if (typeof this["initial-message"] == "undefined") this.$setInheritedAttribute("initial-message"); if (apf.isTrue(this["singleline"])) { this.ace.on("paste", function(e) { e.text = e.text.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, " "); }); } }; }).call(apf.codebox.prototype = new apf.StandardBinding()); apf.aml.setElement("codebox", apf.codebox); } return init; }); // #endif