/** * Watcher * Watches files and folders for changes and notifies the rest of the system when they happen. **/ define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = ["c9", "Plugin", "fs"]; main.provides = ["watcher"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var fs = imports.fs; var c9 = imports.c9; var basename = require("path").basename; var dirname = require("path").dirname; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("Ajax.org", main.consumes); var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var WAIT_FOR_SIGNAL = false; //c9.platform == "darwin"; var IGNORE_TIMEOUT = WAIT_FOR_SIGNAL ? 60000 : 1000; var ignored = {}; var handlers = {}; var loaded = false; var cached; function load(){ if (loaded) return false; loaded = true; function ignoreHandler(e) { if (!options || !options.testing) ignore(e.path, 60000); } function doneHandler(e) { if (!options || !options.testing) { clearTimeout(ignored[e.path]); ignored[e.path] = setTimeout(function(){ unignore(e.path); }, IGNORE_TIMEOUT); } } fs.on("beforeWriteFile", ignoreHandler, plugin); fs.on("afterWriteFile", doneHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeRename", ignoreHandler, plugin); fs.on("afterRename", doneHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeMkdir", ignoreHandler, plugin); fs.on("afterMkdir", doneHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeMkdirP", ignoreHandler, plugin); fs.on("afterMkdirP", doneHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeUnlink", ignoreHandler, plugin); fs.on("afterUnlink", doneHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeRmfile", ignoreHandler, plugin); fs.on("afterRmfile", doneHandler, plugin); fs.on("beforeRmdir", ignoreHandler, plugin); fs.on("afterRmdir", doneHandler, plugin); c9.on("disconnect", function(){ if (!cached) cached = Object.keys(handlers); handlers = {}; }); c9.on("connect", function(){ if (cached) { handlers = {}; cached.forEach(function(path) { watch(path); }); cached = null; } }); } /***** Methods *****/ function handleError(err, path) { if (err.code === "EDISCONNECT") return false; // console.error("[watchers] error watching '" + path + "': " + JSON.stringify(err)); if (typeof handlers[path] === "function") fs.unwatch(path, handlers[path]); delete handlers[path]; emit("failed", { path : path }); return false; } function ignore(path, timeout, skipParent) { if (!timeout) timeout = IGNORE_TIMEOUT; if (ignored[path]) clearTimeout(ignored[path]); ignored[path] = setTimeout(function(){ unignore(path); }, timeout); if (skipParent) return; var parent = dirname(path); if (parent != path) ignore(parent, timeout, true); } function unignore(path) { var parent = dirname(path); clearTimeout(ignored[path]); clearTimeout(ignored[parent]); delete ignored[path]; delete ignored[parent]; } function watch(path, $refresh, $force) { // If we've started setting a watcher within the last minute, abort var handler = handlers[path]; if (!$force && handler && (!(handler instanceof Date) || handler.getTime() + 60000 > Date.now())) { // We already have a watcher for this file, or it's still initializing // let's just make sure no one tries to unwatch it right now handler.unwatchScheduled = false; return; } // console.log("[watchers] watching", path); if (!$force) { // Make sure a possible retry on this path is no longer used if (handler) clearTimeout(handler.timeout); handlers[path] = handler = new Date(); handlers[path].retries = 0; } fs.watch(path, function handler(err, event, filename, stat, files) { if (err) { if (err.code == "ENOENT" && handlers[path] && handlers[path].retries < 1) { handlers[path].retries++; handlers[path].timeout = setTimeout(function(){ watch(path, $refresh, true); }, 1000); return false; } return handleError(err, path); } // OSX sometimes doesn't know the filename if (!filename) filename = basename(path); if (event == "init") { if (handler.unwatchScheduled) { fs.unwatch(path, handler); emit("unwatch", { path: path }); } else { handlers[path] = handler; } if ($refresh) fs.readdir(path, function() {}); return; } if (ignored[path] || (!options.testing && stat.vfsWrite)) { if (WAIT_FOR_SIGNAL) ignore(path, 200); // console.warn("[watchers] ignored event for", path, stat.vfsWrite ? "(was vfsWrite)" : "(was on ignore list)"); fireWatcherEvent(".all"); } else { fireWatcherEvent(""); fireWatcherEvent(".all"); } function fireWatcherEvent(eventSuffix) { if (event == "error") { if (eventSuffix != ".all") return; // console.error("[watchers] received error for", path, err, stat); } else if (event == "delete") { fs.unwatch(path, handler); delete handlers[path]; // console.log("[watchers] received", event, "event for", path, stat); emit("delete" + eventSuffix, { path : path }); } else if (event == "directory") { emit("directory" + eventSuffix, { path: path, files: files, stat: stat }); } else { // console.log("[watchers] received", event, "event for", path, stat); emit("change" + eventSuffix, { type: event, // change || rename filename: filename, path: path, stat: stat }); } } }); } function unwatch(path) { if (handlers[path]) { // console.log("[watchers] stopped watching", path); if (typeof handlers[path] == "function") { fs.unwatch(path, handlers[path]); emit("unwatch", { path: path }); delete handlers[path]; } else { handlers[path].unwatchScheduled = true; } } } function check(path, timestamp) { fs.stat(path, function(err, stat) { if (err) { if (err.code == "EDISCONNECT") return; if (err.code == "ENOENT" || err.code == "EBADF") { console.log("[watcher] sending artificial check event for", path, "(deleted)", stat); emit("delete", { path : path }); } else { // console.error("[watchers] watcher.check received unknown error ", err); } } else if (timestamp < stat.mtime) { console.log("[watcher] sending artificial check event for", path, "(expected mtime " + timestamp + ")", stat); emit("change", { type: "change", filename: basename(path), path: path, stat: stat }); } }); } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Watches files and directories for changes * @singleton **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ _events: [ /** * @event change Fires when a file is changed * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path of the changed file * @param {String} e.type can take the value "change" or "rename". * @param {String} e.filename the filename of the file that is * changed (especially interesting when watcher a directory) * @param {Object} e.stat object containing information * about the path. See {@link fs#stat}. */ "change", /** * @event delete Fires when a file is removed * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path of the removed file * @param {Object} e.stat object containing information about * the path. See {@link fs#stat}. */ "delete", /** * @event directory Fires when a directory contents is changed * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path of the removed file * @param {Array} e.files list of stat objects representing * the new file listing of the directory. See {@link fs#stat}. * @param {Object} e.stat object containing information * about the path. See {@link fs#stat}. */ "directory", /** * @event failed Fires when a watcher fails to be set * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path */ "failed", /** * @event unwatch A watcher got removed for a path * @param {Object} e * @param {String} e.path the path */ "unwatch", ], /** * Set a watcher for a path * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to watch */ watch: watch, /** * Remove a watcher for a path * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to unwatch */ unwatch: unwatch, /** * Checks whether a file has changed or is deleted * @param {String} path the path of the file to check */ check: check, /** * Ignore watching a path for [timeout] milliseconds. This is useful * when the file operation occurs on this client. * @param {String} path the path of the file or directory to ignore * @param {Number} timeout the amount of milliseconds to ignore the path * @private */ ignore: ignore }); register(null, { watcher: plugin }); } });