define(function(require, exports, module) { main.consumes = ["Plugin", "cli_commands", "proc", "bridge.client"]; main.provides = ["open"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Plugin = imports.Plugin; var cmd = imports.cli_commands; var proc = imports.proc; var bridge = imports["bridge.client"]; var fs = require("fs"); var PATH = require("path"); /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Plugin("", main.consumes); // var emit = plugin.getEmitter(); var loaded; function load(){ if (loaded) return; loaded = true; cmd.addCommand({ name: "open", info: " Opens a file or directory.", usage: "[--wait] ", options: { "wait": { description: "Wait until the file(s) are closed", "default": false, "boolean": true } }, check: function(argv) { if (argv._.length < 2 && !argv["path"]) throw new Error("Missing path"); }, exec: function(argv) { open( argv._.slice(1), // Remove "open" from the paths argv.wait, function(){}); } }); } /***** Methods *****/ function open(paths, wait, callback) { try { paths = { var isDir = fs.existsSync(path) && fs.statSync(path).isDirectory(); path = PATH.resolve(path); if (path.substr(0, process.env.HOME.length) == process.env.HOME) path = "~" + path.substr(process.env.HOME.length); return { path: path, type: isDir ? "directory" : "file" }; }); } catch (e) { var msg = e.message.split(",")[1].trim(); console.error(msg.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + msg.substr(1)); return; } var last; paths.forEach(function(info) { var path = info.type == "directory" ? info.path : PATH.dirname(info.path); if (!last) { last = path; } else { var one = last.split(PATH.sep); var two = path.split(PATH.sep); for (var i = 0; i < one.length; i++) { if (one[i] != two[i]) { last = one.slice(0, i).join(PATH.sep); return; } } } }); // cwd = last || process.cwd(); // else if (workspace == ".") // cwd = process.cwd(); var message = { type: "open", workspace: "local", wait: wait, // cwd : cwd, paths: paths }; bridge.send(message, function cb(err, response) { if (err) { if (err.code == "ECONNREFUSED") { // Seems Cloud9 is not running, lets start it up startCloud9Local({}, function(success) { if (success) bridge.send(message, cb); else { console.log("Could not start Cloud9. " + "Please check your configuration."); callback(err); process.exit(40); // This appears to be needed; let's return something useful } }); return; } else console.log(err.message); } if (response !== true) console.log("Could not open ", paths); process.exit(); // I don't get why this is needed }); } function startCloud9Local(opts, callback) { if (options.platform == "darwin") { proc.spawn("open", { args: ["-b", "io.c9.desktop"], detached: true }, function(err, process) { if (err) return callback(false); // required so the parent can exit process.unref(); var timed =; (function retry(){ bridge.send({ type: "ping" }, function(err, message) { if (!err) return callback(true); if ( - timed > 10000) return callback(false); if (message !== true) return callback(false); setTimeout(retry, 100); }); })(); }); } else if (options.platform == "linux") { } else if (options.platform == "windows") { } else { callback(false); } } /***** Lifecycle *****/ plugin.on("load", function(){ load(); }); plugin.on("enable", function(){ }); plugin.on("disable", function(){ }); plugin.on("unload", function(){ loaded = false; }); /***** Register and define API *****/ /** * Finds or lists files and/or lines based on their filename or contents **/ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * */ open: open }); register(null, { open: plugin }); } });