/*global describe it before*/ "use client"; require(["lib/architect/architect", "lib/chai/chai"], function (architect, chai) { var expect = chai.expect; expect.setupArchitectTest([ { packagePath: "plugins/c9.core/c9", startdate: new Date(), debug: true, hosted: true, local: false }, "plugins/c9.core/http-xhr", "plugins/c9.core/ext", "plugins/c9.fs/proc", "plugins/c9.vfs.client/vfs_client", "plugins/c9.vfs.client/endpoint", "plugins/c9.ide.auth/auth", // Mock plugins { consumes: [], provides: ["auth.bootstrap", "info", "dialog.error"], setup: expect.html.mocked }, { consumes: ["proc"], provides: [], setup: main } ], architect); function main(options, imports, register) { var proc = imports.proc; describe('proc', function() { describe('spawn()', function() { this.timeout(4000); it("should spawn a child process", function(done) { var args = ["-e", "process.stdin.pipe(process.stdout);try{process.stdin.resume()}catch(e) {};"]; proc.spawn("node", { args: args }, function(err, child) { if (err) throw err.message; expect(child).ok; expect(child).property("stdout").ok; expect(child).property("stdin").ok; child.stderr.on("data", function(data) { throw new Error(data); }); child.stdin.on("data", function(data) { throw new Error(data); }); child.stdout.on("data", function(data) { expect(data).equal("echo me"); child.stdout.on("end", function() { done(); }); child.stdin.end(); }); child.stdin.write("echo me"); }); }); //should test the kill() method - which is broken now //Another test - see that cwd defaults to the root vfs dir when resolve is set to true }); describe('execFile()', function() { this.timeout(10000); it("should have environment variables from process, fsOptions, and call", function(done) { var args = ["-e", "console.log([process.env.SHELL, process.env.CUSTOM, process.env.LOCAL].join(','))"]; proc.spawn("node", { args: args, env: { LOCAL: 44 } }, function(err, child) { if (err) throw err.message; var stdout = []; child.stderr.on("data", function(data) { throw new Error(data); }); child.stdin.on("data", function(data) { throw new Error(data); }); child.stdout.on("data", function(data) { stdout.push(data); }); child.stdout.on("end", function() { stdout = stdout.join(""); expect(stdout).match(/[\/\w]+,43,44\n/); done(); }); }); }); //should test the kill() method - which is broken now //Another test - see that cwd defaults to the root vfs dir when resolve is set to true }); describe('pty()', function() { this.timeout(30000); it("Terminal Test", function(done) { var look = "--color=auto"; var args = ["-is"]; proc.pty("bash", { args: args, env: {}, cwd: "/" }, function(err, pty) { if (err) throw err.message; var stdout = []; pty.resize(80, 80); var hadRows = false; pty.on("data", function(data) { if (typeof data == "object" && data.rows) { expect(data).property("rows").is.equal(80); expect(data).property("cols").is.equal(80); hadRows = true; } else { stdout.push(data); if (hadRows && stdout.join("").indexOf(look) > -1) pty.kill(); } }); pty.on("exit", function() { done(); }); pty.write("ls --color=auto\n"); }); }); // Test resize(); }); }); onload && onload(); } });