define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("ace/lib/oop"); var Base = require("ace_tree/list_data"); var ListData = function(commands, tabManager) {; this.classes = {}; // todo compute these automatically this.innerRowHeight = 34; this.rowHeight = 42; this.commands = commands; this.tabManager = tabManager; this.updateData(); Object.defineProperty(this, "loaded", { get: function(){ return this.visibleItems.length; } }); }; oop.inherits(ListData, Base); (function() { var cache; this.updateData = function(subset) { this.visibleItems = subset || Object.keys(this.commands.commands); cache = {}; var tab = this.tabManager.focussedTab; var editor = tab && tab.editor; function sort(a, b) { var commands = this.commands.commands; var ca = commands[a]; var cb = commands[b]; if (!cache[a]) cache[a] = !ca.isAvailable || ca.isAvailable(editor, {}); if (!cache[b]) cache[b] = !cb.isAvailable || cb.isAvailable(editor, {}); if (cache[a] && !cache[b]) return -1; if (cache[b] && !cache[a]) return 1; var namea = ( || "General") + a; var nameb = ( || "General") + b; return (namea > nameb ? 1 : -1); } this.visibleItems.sort(sort.bind(this)); // @TODO Deal with selection this._signal("change"); }; this.getEmptyMessage = function(){ if (!this.keyword) return "Loading command list. One moment please..."; else return "No commands found that match '" + this.keyword + "'"; }; this.replaceStrong = function(value) { if (!value) return ""; var keyword = (this.keyword || "").replace(/\*/g, ""); var i; if ((i = value.lastIndexOf(keyword)) !== -1) return value.substring(0, i) + "" + keyword + "" + value.substring(i+keyword.length); var result =, keyword); if (!result.length) return value; result.forEach(function(part, i) { if (part.match) result[i] = "" + part.val + ""; else result[i] = part.val; }); return result.join(""); }; this.renderRow = function(row, html, config) { var key = this.visibleItems[row]; var command = this.commands.commands[key]; var name = command.displayName || key; var isSelected = this.isSelected(row); // disabled available check since it breaks most editor commands var available = true; // cache[key]; var keys = (command.bindKey || 0)[this.commands.platform] || ""; if (apf.isMac) keys = apf.hotkeys.toMacNotation(keys); html.push("
" + "" + keys + "" + "" + this.replaceStrong(( || "General") + ": " + name) + "" + (command.hint ? this.replaceStrong(command.hint) : "") + "
"); }; this.getText = function(node) { var command = this.commands.commands[]; if (!command) return ""; return ( || "General") + ": " + (command.displayName || || + (command.hint ? "\n" + command.hint : ""); }; this.getClassName = function(row) { return this.classes[row] || ""; }; this.setClass = function(node, className, include) { if (include) this.classes[node.index] = className; else delete this.classes[node.index]; this._signal("changeClass"); }; }).call(ListData.prototype); return ListData; });