var UglifyJS = require("uglify-js"); function compress(sources, opts) { if (!opts) opts = {}; if (typeof sources == "string") sources = [{source: sources, file: ""}]; var toplevel = null; var literals = []; sources.forEach(function(pkg){ if (/"disable compress"/.test(pkg.source)) { return literals.push(pkg.source); } if (pkg.file) console.log("Adding '" + pkg.file + "'."); toplevel = UglifyJS.parse(pkg.source, { filename: (pkg.file || RegExp("^" + opts.basepath + "/"), ""), //@todo remove prefix toplevel: toplevel }); }); if (!toplevel) { return { code: literals.join("\n"), map: null }; } /** * UglifyJS contains a scope analyzer that you need to call manually before * compressing or mangling. Basically it augments various nodes in the AST * with information about where is a name defined, how many times is a name * referenced, if it is a global or not, if a function is using eval or the * with statement etc. I will discuss this some place else, for now what's * important to know is that you need to call the following before doing * anything with the tree: */ toplevel.figure_out_scope(); var compressor = UglifyJS.Compressor({ warnings: !!opts.verbose, unsafe: false }); var compressed_ast = toplevel.transform(compressor); /** * After compression it is a good idea to call again figure_out_scope * (since the compressor might drop unused variables / unreachable code and * this might change the number of identifiers or their position). * Optionally, you can call a trick that helps after Gzip (counting * character frequency in non-mangleable words). */ compressed_ast.figure_out_scope(); compressed_ast.compute_char_frequency(); // Right now this breaks the LogicBlox workspace; needs further investigation if (opts.obfuscate) { compressed_ast.mangle_names({except: ["$", "require", "exports", "initBaseUrls", "initSender"]}); } var outputOptions = opts.oneLine ? {} : { quote_keys : false, // quote all keys in object literals? space_colon : false, // add a space after colon signs? ascii_only : false, // output ASCII-safe? (encodes Unicode characters as ASCII) inline_script : false, // escape "