define(function(require, module, exports) { main.consumes = ["Dialog", "util", "dialog.alert", "metrics"]; main.provides = ["dialog.alert_internal"]; return main; function main(options, imports, register) { var Dialog = imports.Dialog; var util = imports.util; var metrics = imports.metrics; var alertWrapper = imports["dialog.alert"]; /***** Initialization *****/ var plugin = new Dialog("", main.consumes, { name: "dialog.alert_internal", allowClose: true, modal: true, elements: [ { type: "checkbox", id: "dontshow", caption: "Don't show again", visible: false }, { type: "filler" }, { type: "button", id: "ok", caption: "OK", "default": true, onclick: function(){ plugin.hide() } } ] }); alertWrapper.alertInternal = plugin; /***** Methods *****/ function show(title, header, msg, onhide, options) { metrics.increment("dialog.error"); return plugin.queue(function(){ if (header === undefined) { plugin.title = "Notice"; header = title; msg = msg || ""; } else { plugin.title = title; } plugin.heading = util.escapeXml(header); plugin.body = options && options.isHTML ? msg : (util.escapeXml(msg) || "") .replace(/\n/g, "
") .replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\s]*\b)/g, "$1"); plugin.update([ { id: "dontshow", visible: options && options.showDontShow } ]); plugin.once("hide", function(){ onhide && onhide(); }); }); } /***** Register *****/ /** * @internal Use dialog.alert instead * @ignore */ plugin.freezePublicAPI({ /** * @readonly */ get dontShow(){ return plugin.getElement("dontshow").value; }, /** * Show an alert dialog. * * @param {String} [title] The title to display * @param {String} header The header to display * @param {String} [msg] The message to display * @param {Function} [onhide] The function to call after it's closed. */ show: show }); register("", { "dialog.alert_internal": plugin }); } });